Use of Name Likeness and Biography Contract Clauses (17)

Grouped Into 2 Collections of Similar Clauses From Business Contracts

This page contains Use of Name Likeness and Biography clauses in business contracts and legal agreements. We have organized these clauses into groups of similarly worded clauses.
Use of Name Likeness and Biography. The Company shall have the right (but not the obligation) to use, publish and broadcast, and to authorize others to do so, the name, approved likeness and approved biographical material of Executive to advertise, publicize and promote the business of the Company and its affiliates, but not for the purposes of direct endorsement without Executive's consent. This right shall terminate upon the termination of this Agreement. An "approved likeness" and "approved biographical material" shall be, resp...ectively, any photograph or other depiction of Executive, or any biographical information or life story concerning the professional career of Executive. View More
Use of Name Likeness and Biography. The Company shall have the right (but not the obligation) to use, publish and broadcast, and to authorize others to do so, the name, approved likeness and approved biographical material of Executive to advertise, publicize and promote the business of the Company and its affiliates, but not for the purposes of direct endorsement without Executive's consent. affiliates. This right shall terminate upon the termination of this Agreement. An "approved likeness" A "likeness" and "approved biographical... "biographical material" shall be, respectively, any photograph or other depiction of Executive, or any biographical information or life story concerning the professional career of Executive. View More
Use of Name Likeness and Biography. The Company shall have the right (but not the obligation) to use, publish and broadcast, and to authorize others to do so, the name, approved likeness and approved biographical material of Executive to advertise, publicize and promote the business of the Company and its affiliates, but not for the purposes of direct endorsement without Executive's consent. This right shall terminate upon the termination of this Agreement. An "approved likeness" and "approved biographical material" shall be, resp...ectively, any photograph or other depiction of Executive, or any biographical information or life story concerning the professional career of Executive. 13 18. Governing Law. THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE CONSTRUED, INTERPRETED AND GOVERNED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF TEXAS WITHOUT REFERENCE TO RULES RELATING TO CONFLICTS OF LAW. View More
Use of Name Likeness and Biography. The Company shall have the right (but not the obligation) to use, publish and broadcast, and to authorize others to do so, the name, approved likeness and approved biographical material of Executive to advertise, publicize and promote the business of the Company and its affiliates, but not for the purposes of direct endorsement without Executive's consent. affiliates. This right shall terminate upon the termination of this Agreement. An "approved likeness" A "likeness" and "approved biographical... "biographical material" shall be, respectively, any photograph or other depiction of Executive, or any biographical information or life story concerning the professional career of Executive. View More
View Variations (2)
Use of Name Likeness and Biography. The Company shall have the right (but not the obligation) to use, publish and broadcast, and to authorize others to do so, the name, approved likeness and approved biographical material of Executive to advertise, publicize and promote the business of Company and its Affiliates, but not for the purposes of direct endorsement without Executive's consent. This right shall terminate upon any termination of this Agreement. An "approved likeness" and "approved biographical material" shall be, respecti...vely, any photograph or other depiction of Executive, or any biographical information or life story concerning the professional career of Executive.12 21. Corporate Opportunities. Executive acknowledges that during the course of Executive's employment by Company, Executive may be offered or become aware of business or investment opportunities in aviation, aviation maintenance and service and aviation parts and accessories in which Company may or might have an interest (a "Company Opportunity") and that Executive has a duty to advise Company of any such Company Opportunities before acting upon them. Accordingly, Executive agrees: (a) that Executive will disclose to the CEO any Company Opportunity offered to Executive or of which Executive becomes aware, and (b) that Executive will not act upon any Company Opportunity for Executive's own benefit or for the benefit of any Person other than Company without first obtaining consent or approval of the CEO (whose consent or approval may be granted, denied, delayed or conditioned solely in the CEO's discretion). View More
Use of Name Likeness and Biography. The Company shall have the right (but not the obligation) to use, publish and broadcast, and to authorize others to do so, the name, approved likeness and approved biographical material of Executive to advertise, publicize and promote the business of Company and its Affiliates, affiliates, but not for the purposes of direct endorsement without Executive's consent. This right shall terminate upon any the termination of this Agreement. An "approved likeness" and "approved biographical material" sh...all be, respectively, any photograph or other depiction of Executive, or any biographical information or life story concerning the professional career of Executive.12 21. Executive. 12 of 18 20. Corporate Opportunities. Executive acknowledges that during the course of Executive's employment by Company, Executive may be offered or become aware of business or investment opportunities in aviation, aviation maintenance and service and aviation parts and accessories in which Company may or might have an interest (a "Company "Corporate Opportunity") and that Executive has a duty to advise Company of any such Company Corporate Opportunities before acting upon them. Accordingly, Executive agrees: (a) that Executive will disclose to the CEO Board any Company Corporate Opportunity offered to Executive or of which Executive becomes aware, and (b) that Executive will not act upon any Company Corporate Opportunity for Executive's own benefit or for the benefit of any Person other than Company without first obtaining consent or approval of the CEO Board (whose consent or approval may be granted, denied, delayed granted or conditioned denied solely in at the CEO's discretion). discretion of the Board; provided, that Executive, at Executive's election, may act upon any such Corporate Opportunity for Executive's benefit or the benefit of any other Person if the Board has not caused Company to act upon any such Corporate Opportunity within sixty (60) days after disclosure of such Corporate Opportunity to Company by Executive. View More
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