No Admission of Wrongdoing or Liability Contract Clauses (11)

Grouped Into 3 Collections of Similar Clauses From Business Contracts

This page contains No Admission of Wrongdoing or Liability clauses in business contracts and legal agreements. We have organized these clauses into groups of similarly worded clauses.
No Admission of Wrongdoing or Liability. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall constitute, or be construed as or is intended to be an admission or an acknowledgment by the Released Parties of any wrongdoing or liability, all such wrongdoing and liability being expressly denied. 6. Confidentiality. Executive agrees to maintain absolute confidentiality and secrecy concerning the terms of this Agreement and will not reveal, or disseminate by publication in any manner whatsoever this document or any matters pertaining to it to any othe...r person, including but not limited to any past or present executive, officer or director of the Company or any media representative except as required by legal process. This confidentiality provision does not apply to communications necessary between immediate family members or legal and financial planners or tax preparers who are also bound by this confidentiality provision. View More
No Admission of Wrongdoing or Liability. It is understood and agreed that this Agreement is in compromise of all existing, potential, or disputed claims. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall will constitute, or be construed as or is intended to be be, an admission or an acknowledgment by the Released Parties of any wrongdoing or liability, all such wrongdoing and liability being expressly denied. 6. Confidentiality. 3 7. Confidential Nature of This Agreement. Executive agrees to maintain absolute confidentiality and secrecy concer...ning the terms of this Agreement and will not reveal, or disseminate by publication in any manner whatsoever whatsoever, this document or any matters pertaining to it to any other person, person (in the broadest sense of the term), including but not limited to without limitation any past or present executive, officer employee, officer, or director of the Company or any media representative representative, except as required by legal process. This confidentiality provision does not apply to communications necessary between immediate family members or members, legal and financial planners planners, or tax preparers who are preparers. However, Executive shall ensure that such individuals also bound by uphold the confidentiality of this confidentiality provision. Agreement. View More
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No Admission of Wrongdoing or Liability. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall constitute, or be construed as or is intended to be an admission or an acknowledgment by the Releasees of any wrongdoing or liability, all such wrongdoing and liability being expressly denied. 6. Confidentiality. Executive agrees to maintain absolute confidentiality and secrecy concerning the terms of this Agreement and will not reveal, or disseminate by publication in any manner whatsoever this document or any matters pertaining to it to any other perso...n, including but not limited to any past or present executive, officer or director of the Company or any media representative except as required by legal process. This confidentiality provision does not apply to communications necessary between immediate family members or legal and financial planners or tax preparers who are also bound by this confidentiality provision.7. Cooperation. Executive acknowledges and warrants that Executive is not aware of, or that Executive has fully disclosed to the Company in writing, any matters for which Executive was responsible or which came to Executive's attention as an employee of the Company that might give rise to, evidence or support any claim of illegal or improper conduct, regulatory violation, unlawful discrimination, retaliation or other cause of action against Company or any other Releasee. The Executive shall cooperate with the Company and assist the Company on litigation matters following the date hereof, at the expense of the Company.8. Non-Disparagement. The Parties agree that they shall refrain from engaging in any conduct, verbal or otherwise, that would disparage, harm, or adversely affect the reputation of the other. Such conduct shall include, without limitation, any negative statements made verbally or in writing by either party about the other to any person or entity. This provision shall not be interpreted to prohibit either party from testifying truthfully in a legal proceeding if compelled to appear by a lawfully issued subpoena or court order. Further, nothing in this Agreement is intended to prohibit Executive from making accurate good faith reports to government agencies with oversight authority over the Company.9. Company Property. All records, files, lists, including computer generated lists, data, drawings, documents, equipment and similar items relating to the Company's business that Executive generated or received from the Company remains the Company's sole and exclusive property. Executive agrees to promptly return to the Company all property of the Company in her possession. Executive further represents that she has not copied or caused to be copied, printed out, or caused to be printed out any business documents or other business material originating with or belonging to the Company. Executive additionally represents that she will use her best efforts to not retain in her possession any such documents or other business materials, and if despite such efforts she in the future discovers such documents or business materials, she will destroy them.10. Restrictive Covenants. Executive acknowledges that she entered into restrictive covenants with the Company in Section IX of the Employment Agreement, and that in accordance with the terms of the Employment Agreement, she is subject to those obligations as they remain in full force and effect following separation of her employment with the Company according to their terms. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Executive and Company agree to limit the geographic scope of the Non-Competition Provisions to include only the Metropolitan Nashville area. All other restrictive covenants in Section IX of the Employment Agreement, including but not limited to, covenants regarding competition, confidentiality, non-hiring (without the consent of the Company), and non-solicitation (without the consent of the Company, it being noted that the Company consents to the solicitation and hiring of Gail Geisenhoff), remain in full force and effect. View More
No Admission of Wrongdoing or Liability. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall constitute, or be construed as or is intended to be an admission or an acknowledgment by the Releasees of any wrongdoing or liability, all such wrongdoing and liability being expressly denied. 6. Confidentiality. Executive agrees to maintain absolute confidentiality and secrecy concerning the terms of this Agreement and will not reveal, or disseminate by publication in any manner whatsoever this document or any matters pertaining to it to any other perso...n, including but not limited to any past or present executive, officer or director of the Company or any media representative except as required by legal process. This confidentiality provision does not apply to communications necessary between immediate family members or legal and financial planners or tax preparers who are also bound by this confidentiality provision.7. Cooperation. Executive acknowledges and warrants that Executive is not aware of, or that Executive has fully disclosed to the Company in writing, any matters for which Executive was responsible or which came to Executive's attention as an employee of the Company that might give rise to, evidence or support any claim of illegal or improper conduct, regulatory violation, unlawful discrimination, retaliation or other cause of action against Company or any other Releasee. The Executive shall cooperate with the Company and assist the Company on litigation matters following the date hereof, at the expense of the Company.8. Non-Disparagement. The Parties agree Executive agrees that they shall refrain from engaging in he will not make any conduct, verbal statements, publicly or otherwise, that would disparage, harm, orally or adversely affect in writing, disparaging the character, reputation or standing of the other. Such conduct shall include, without limitation, any negative statements made verbally or in writing by either party about the other to any person or entity. This Company. Executive acknowledges that no provision shall not be interpreted to prohibit either party from testifying truthfully in a legal proceeding if compelled to appear by a lawfully issued subpoena or court order. Further, nothing in of this Agreement is intended to prohibit prevent Executive from making accurate a truthful report in good faith reports to government agencies any governmental agency with oversight authority over the Company.9. Company Property. All records, files, lists, including computer generated lists, data, drawings, documents, equipment and similar items relating to the Company's business that Executive generated 3generated or received from the Company remains the Company's sole and exclusive property. Executive agrees to promptly return to the Company all property of the Company in her his possession. Executive further represents that she he has not copied or caused to be copied, printed out, or caused to be printed out any business documents or other business material originating with or belonging to the Company. Executive additionally represents that she he will use her best efforts to not retain in her his possession any such documents or other business materials, and if despite such efforts she in the future discovers such documents or business materials, she will destroy them.10. materials.10. Restrictive Covenants. Executive acknowledges that she he entered into restrictive covenants with the Company in Section IX of the Employment Agreement, and that in accordance with the terms of the Employment Agreement, she he is subject to those obligations as they remain in full force and effect following separation of her his employment with the Company according to their terms. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Executive and Company agree to limit the geographic scope of the Non-Competition Provisions to include only the Metropolitan Nashville area. All other restrictive covenants in Section IX of the Employment Agreement, including but not limited to, covenants regarding competition, confidentiality, non-hiring (without the consent of the Company), and non-solicitation (without the consent of the Company, it being noted that the Company consents to the solicitation and hiring of Gail Geisenhoff), remain in full force and effect. View More
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No Admission of Wrongdoing or Liability. Nothing contained in this Agreement constitutes, may be construed as, or is intended to be an admission or an acknowledgment by the Released Parties of any wrongdoing or liability, all such wrongdoing and liability being expressly denied.
No Admission of Wrongdoing or Liability. Nothing contained in this Agreement constitutes, may shall constitute, or be construed as, as or is intended to be an admission or an acknowledgment by Lantronix or the Released Parties of any wrongdoing or liability, all such wrongdoing and liability being expressly denied.
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