EX-10.5 10 dex105.htm ANNUAL INCENTIVE PLAN Annual Incentive Plan

Exhibit 10.5





This Zogenix, Inc. Annual Incentive Plan (the “Plan”) is intended to provide an incentive for eligible employees of Zogenix, Inc. (the “Company”) to perform to the best of their abilities, to further the growth, development and financial success of the Company, and to enable the Company to attract and retain highly qualified employees.



All employees of the Company and its subsidiaries meeting the eligibility requirements set forth in this Section 2 shall be eligible to receive a bonus award (an “Award”) hereunder (each such eligible employee, a “Participant”). To receive an Award under the Plan with respect to any Incentive Plan Year (as defined below), a Participant must:

(a) Be an “Active” employee as of the date of payment of his or her Award. For purposes of this Plan, “Active” shall mean an employee who is actively employed by the Company, including those employees on an approved leave of absence such as medical, personal or military leave, but not an employee who has been moved to “inactive” status pursuant to the Company’s employee handbook.

(b) Be a “Regular Full-Time Employee” at the end of the relevant Incentive Plan Year. For purposes of this Plan, “Regular Full-Time Employee” shall mean an employee who actually worked at least 1,560 regular hours during the relevant Incentive Plan Year (or the equivalent of 30 hours per week). The preceding hours requirement will be prorated for employees out on a medical leave of absence covered by the federal Family and Medical Leave Act or similar state law. Temporary or seasonal employees, interns, independent contractors and consultants are ineligible to participate in the Plan.

(c) Have been in an eligible position for at least three (3) consecutive months prior to the end of the relevant Incentive Plan Year.

(d) Be performing at a minimum level of “Needs Improvement” or higher at the time his or her Award is paid.

(e) Not engage in and/or be involuntarily terminated as a result of, serious misconduct (e.g., theft, dishonesty, workplace violence) or violation of Company policy during the Incentive Plan Year or prior to the payment of his or her Award, as determined by the Company.



The Plan shall be administered by a committee (the “Committee”) of the Board of Directors of the Company (the “Board”), which shall be appointed by the Board. Initially, the Compensation Committee of the Board shall constitute the Committee. The Committee shall have the discretion and authority to administer and interpret the Plan, including the authority to establish bonus programs under the Plan from time to time containing such terms and conditions as the Committee may determine or deem appropriate in its discretion.


The Plan is intended to provide incentive for the achievement of approved annual corporate and individual objectives (the “Performance Goals”) with respect to each calendar year during the term of the Plan (each an “Incentive Plan Year”).

(a) Corporate Performance Goals. Prior to or at the beginning of each Incentive Plan Year, the Committee shall select such objective corporate Performance Goals for such Incentive Plan Year as the Committee may determine in its sole discretion. It is intended that the corporate Performance Goals be objectively determinable and based upon financial metrics set forth in the Company’s annual business plan or strategic objectives consistent with the Company’s annual business plan, with the weighting of the various objectives to be approved by the Committee.

(b) Individual Performance Goals. All Participants in the Plan will work with their managers to develop a list of key individual Performance Goals, which individual Performance Goals will be subject to the approval of each Participant’s manager. The individual Performance Goals for the executive officers of the Company will be approved by the Chief Executive Officer of the Company.



Each Participant will be assigned a “Target Award Percentage” based on his or her job classification and responsibilities. A Participant’s Target Award Percentage for any given Incentive Plan Year will be based on his or her job classification as of December 31 of such Incentive Plan Year. The Target Award Percentages will be reviewed annually by the Committee and be adjusted, as necessary or appropriate. The initial Target Award Percentages for purposes of the Plan will be as follows:



   Target Award Percentage
(% of  base salary)

Chief Executive Officer






Vice Presidents


Senior Directors/Controller




Associate Directors




Administrative Staff


A “Target Award” for each Participant for each Incentive Plan Year will be determined by multiplying his or her “Target Award Percentage” by his or her base salary as of December 31 of such Incentive Plan Year.

If a Participant moves from one Target Award Percentage tier to another during an Incentive Plan Year, the Participant’s Award will be prorated according to the time in each position during the evaluation period. Proration for partial months will be calculated using the number of days in a given position for the partial month.




Other than the Chief Executive Officer of the Company, whose Award will be determined solely by reference to corporate Performance Goal achievement, a portion of each Participant’s Award will be based on corporate Performance Goal achievement and a portion will be based on individual Performance Goal achievement. The relative weight between these goals will vary based on levels within the organization. The weighting will be reviewed annually by the Committee and be adjusted, as necessary or appropriate.

The initial weightings for purposes of the Plan will be as follows:


     Corporate     Individual  

Chief Executive Officer

     100     0


     80     20


     60     40

Vice Presidents

     60     40

Senior Directors/Controller

     50     50


     40     60

Associate Directors

     35     65


     30     70

Administrative Staff

     20     80



Separate “Performance Factors” will be established for each of the corporate and individual Performance Goals applicable to each Award for each Incentive Plan Year.

(a) Corporate Performance Factor. The Chief Executive Officer of the Company will present to the Committee for its approval his assessment of the level of the Company’s achievement of its corporate Performance Goals, in its sole discretion. The corporate “Performance Factor” shall be expressed as a percentage within the range specified by the Committee with respect to each Incentive Plan Year, which percentage may exceed 100%. The same corporate “Performance Factor,” as approved by the Committee, shall be applied to each Participant’s overall Award and used for the corporate component of each Participant’s Award.

(b) Individual Performance Factor. A Participant’s achievement level relative to his or her individual Performance Goals will be used to calculate a Performance Factor for such Participant which shall be expressed as a percentage within the range specified by the Committee or its designee with respect to each Incentive Plan Year, which percentage may exceed 100%. While a Participant’s direct manager shall take a Participant’s achievement with respect to his or her individual Performance Goals for the Incentive Plan Year into account in determining the individual Performance Factor, any such determination remains in the sole discretion of the direct manager based on their subjective assessment of a Participant’s overall performance. The proposed individual Performance Factors for the executive officers of the Company will be presented by the Chief Executive Officer of the Company to the Committee for its approval, which shall retain the sole discretion to determine such executive individual Performance Factors based on its subjective assessment of an executive’s overall performance.




The actual Award for a Participant will be calculated by first multiplying the corporate Performance Factor by each Participant’s Target Award. The resulting amount for each Participant will then be allocated between the corporate and individual weightings for the relevant Incentive Plan Year, and then applying the corresponding Performance Factor to each such amount.

The example below shows a sample Award calculation under the Plan. First, a total Target Award is calculated by multiplying the Plan Participant’s base salary by the Target Award Percentage. This amount is then multiplied by the corporate Performance Factor. The resulting amount is then divided into its corporate component and its individual component, if any, based on the relative weightings for that Participant’s specific position. This calculation establishes specific dollar Target Award for the Plan year for each component of the Award.




   Senior Director

Base Salary:


Target Award Percentage:


Target Award (in dollars):


Assumed Performance Factors based on the following assessment of corporate and individual performance:


Corporate Performance Factor


Individual Performance Factor


Award Calculation:


Target Award Adjusted for


Corporate Performance

   ($60,000 x 90%)

Award components (based on weightings):


Corporate performance (50%):


Individual performance (50%):


Corporate component


Individual component

   $27,000 ($27,000 x 100%)
  Total Award:    $54,000

Award calculations will be based on a Participant’s base salary as of the last day of the applicable Plan year.

Participants who have been in an eligible position for less than a year, but who hold an eligible position for at least three months prior to the end of the Plan year and remain continuously employed through the end of the Plan year, will receive a pro-rata Award based on the portion of the Plan year they hold an eligible position. Award payments will also be prorated for any time during the year an employee is not classified as an Active employee or Regular Full-Time Employee. Proration for partial months will be calculated using the number of days as an Active employee for the partial months. Other than as stated above, Awards will not be prorated for partial year service.



The Committee may, in its discretion, reduce or eliminate an Award otherwise payable to any Participant. Any such reduction or elimination may be made based on such objective or subjective determinations as the Committee determines appropriate.



The payment of Awards under the Plan shall be made on any date or dates determined by the Committee during the calendar year following the Incentive Plan Year to which such Awards relate and shall be subject to such terms and conditions as may be determined by the Committee in its sole discretion. As provided in Section 2, a Participant must be an Active employee of the Company or its subsidiaries and in good standing as of the date on which the Award is paid in order to be entitled to receive such Award. If a Participant dies or a Participant’s employment is terminated for any reason prior to the payment of his or her Award, the payment of any Award (and in the case of death, the person or persons to whom such payment shall be made) shall be determined at the sole discretion of the Committee.

Any Award that becomes payable under the Plan may be paid in the form of cash, shares of the Company’s common stock or a combination of both, as determined by the Committee in its sole discretion. To the extent that the Committee determines to pay an Award in the form of shares of the Company’s common stock, such shares shall be awarded under the Company’s 2010 Equity Incentive Award Plan, as amended from time to time, and shall be subject to the terms and conditions thereof.



The Company may amend, suspend or terminate the Plan at any time in its sole discretion. Such discretion may be exercised any time before, during, and after the Plan year is completed. No Participant shall have any vested right to receive any payment until actual delivery of such compensation.



(a) The Company shall deduct all federal, state, and local taxes required by law or Company policy from any Award paid hereunder.

(b) In no event shall the Company be obligated to pay to any Participant an Award for any period by reason of the Company’s payment of an Award to such Participant in any other period, or by reason of the Company’s payment of an Award to any other Participant or Participants in such period or in any other period.

(c) This Plan does not, and Company policies and practices in administering this Plan do not, constitute an express or implied contract or other agreement concerning the payment of any Award or the duration of any Participant’s employment with the Company. The employment relationship of each Participant is “at will” and may be terminated at any time by the Company or by the Participant, with or without cause.

(d) The Plan shall be unfunded. Amounts payable under the Plan are not and will not be transferred into a trust or otherwise set aside. The Company shall not be required to establish any special or separate fund or to make any other segregation of assets to assure the payment of any Award under the Plan. Any accounts under the Plan are for bookkeeping purposes only and do not represent a claim against the specific assets of the Company.



(e) No rights of any Participant to payments of any amounts under the Plan may be sold, transferred, pledged, assigned, or otherwise alienated or hypothecated. All rights with respect to an Award granted to a Participant under the Plan shall be available during his or her lifetime only to the Participant.

(f) Any provision of the Plan that is prohibited or unenforceable shall be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or unenforceability without invalidating the remaining provisions of the Plan.

(g) The Plan shall be construed, interpreted and the rights of the parties determined in accordance with the laws of the State of California (without regard to principles of conflicts of law).

* * * * *

I hereby certify that the foregoing Plan was duly adopted by the Committee on May 24, 2011.


/s/ Ann D. Rhoads


  Ann D. Rhoads


  Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer and Secretary