3 Shenzhen LaborContract (h6( (Full-timeemployment) 3>@6 Preparedby Shenzhen Labor & Social Security Bureau
Exhibit 10-d
深 圳 市
Labor Contract
(Full-time employment)
Prepared by Shenzhen Labor & Social Security Bureau
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Party A (employer) | 乙方(员工)
Party B (Employee) | |
Name:Shenzhen Wonhe Technology Co., Ltd. | 姓名:童清
Name: Qing Tong | |
Address:Room 2505 from 2505 to 2511 of Commercial Building, (N23 Area) Xilongwan Garden, interchange between Haixiu Road and Jia’an Road, Xin'an Subdistrict, Baoan District, Shenzhen City.
| 性别: 男
Gender: Male
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Legal Representative | 身份证
ID Card | |
(Person chiefly in charge) ________________ | 号码 422427196804023216
Number 422427196804023216 | |
联系人 ____________/ ___________________
Contact_______________________ | 住址 __________ / _____
Address_____________________ | |
联系电话 _______________________________
Contract number _____ / ___________________ | 联系电话 ________ / ___________
Contract number_______________ |
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In accordance with the provisions of Labor Law of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as Labor Law), Labor Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as Labor Contract Law) and other relevant laws and regulations, on the principle of legitimacy, fairness, equality, consensus and good faith, Party A and Party B enter into this contract to abide the terms of this contract.
I. Term of Contract
(一)甲乙双方同意按以下第 1 种方式确定本合同期限。
Party A and Party B agree to ensure the term of contract as the first method below.
1、 有固定期限:从 2016 年 11 月 1日起至 2019年 10 月_31日止。
With fixed period: From November 1, 2016 to October 31, 2019.
2、无固定期限:从 __/___ 年 __ / ___ 月 __ / ___ 日起。
Without fixed period: Since _/__Year_/__Month_/__Date.
3、以完成一定工作任务为期限:从 __/____ 年 __/____ 月 __/____ 日起至_____
工 作 任 务 完 成 时 止 。 完 成 工 作 任 务 的 标 志
Period is confirmed by completing prescribed work: From _/__Year_/__Month_/___Date to to complete the work. The signal of completing prescribed work is
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(二)试用期为 无 (试用期包括在合同期限内,如无试用期,则填写“无”)。
The probation period is no (probation period is included in the contract period, if there is no probation period, then fill with "no").
II. Content and Place of Working
乙方的工作内容(岗位或工种) 董事长 。
The work content of Party B (post or profession) is: Chairman.
乙方工作地点 深圳 。
Working place of the Party B is Shenzhen.
III. Working Hours, Rest and Vacation
(一)甲乙双方同意按以下第 1 种方式确定乙方的工作时间。
Party A and Party B agree to confirm Party B’s working hours as first method below.
标准工作制,即每日工作 8 小时(不超过8小时),每周工作 40 小时(不超过40小时),每周至少休息一日。
Standard working hours system, e. g. working hours for each day is 8 hours (no more than 8 hours); 40 hours a week (no more than 40 hours). In one week, there should be off-work for at least one day.
Flexible working hour system, namely the post where Party B belongs to executes flexible working hour system through the approval of the Labor Security Administration Department.
Comprehensive Calculation Working Time System, namely the post where Party B belongs to executes comprehensive Calculation Working Time System through the approval of the Labor Security Administration Department.
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If Party A needs to extend working hours due to the production and operation, execute according to Article 41of Labor law.
Party B is entitled to enjoy the statutory holidays, marriage leave, maternity leave, funeral leave and such holidays legally.
(四)乙方的其他休息休假安排 按国家规定享有带薪年假____________
Other rest and holiday schedule of Party B Having the paid annual leave according to the regulations of the state.
IV. Labor Payment
Pursuant to the law, Party A sets wage distribution plan and notify to Party B. Wages paid to Party B by Party A can’t lower than current year minimum wage released by the municipal government.
(二)乙方每月工资 15000 元(其中试用期每月工资 元)或按
Party B’s monthly salary is RMB 15000 yuan (monthly salary in probation is_______ yuan) or will execute in accordance with _________________
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(三)甲方每月 25 日发放工资。甲方至少每月以货币形式向乙方支付一次工资。
Party A shall monthly pay salary on 25th (date) . Party A shall at least pay salary to Party B in currency form each month.
Overtime wage, vacation wages and special circumstances salary of Party B shall be paid in accordance with filing relevant laws and regulations.
V. Social insurance and welfare benefits
Both sides in accordance with the relevant provisions of the nation, province and city, participate in social insurance, pay society insurance premium.
If Party B suffer from an illness or injured with no relation to work, Party A shall in accordance with the relevant provisions of the nation, province and city, provide Party B with medical period and medical treatment.
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If Party B suffered from occupational disease, work-related injury, Party A shall in accordance with Law on Prevention and Control of Occupational Disease and Regulations on Worker's Compensation Insurance and related laws and regulations to execute activities.
Party A provides Party B with the following benefits, such as housing subsidies, lunch subsidies, transportation subsidies, communication allowance and birthday consolation money.
VI. Labor protection, working conditions and occupational hazard protection
Party A provides labor workplaces conforming to the safety and health standards of the state and necessary labor protection articles in accordance with the national and provincial, municipal regulations on labor protection to effectively protect Party B’s safety and health in the production work.
Party A should do the special labor protection work well for the women employees and underage workers in accordance with the national and provincial, municipal regulations.
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(三)乙方从事 ___/_____ 作业,可能产生 ____/________ 职业危害,甲方应采取 _/________________________________防护措施,并每年组织乙方健康检查 __/_____ 次。
xx work that Party B does may produce xx occupational hazard. Party A should take xx protection measures and organize Party B to do health examination xx a year.
Party B has the right to refuse Party A’s illegal command of compulsorily taking risky work; Party B has the right to request amend or report to related departments for Party A’s action of damaging life safety and body health.
VII. Rules and Regulations
Party A shall inform Party B of the rules and regulations formulated according to the law.
Party B shall finish the work tasks on time, improve their vocational skills, observe the rules of safe operation, labor discipline and professional ethics in accordance with the national and provincial, municipal laws and regulations and the rules and regulations formulated by Party A according to the law.
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Party B shall consciously abide by the national and provincial, municipal relevant provisions on the family planning.
VIII. Contract Change
Party A and Party B can change the contract through reaching a negotiated consensus. The changed contracts shall take the written form. Each party holds one of the changed contracts.
IX. Contract rescission and termination
The contract could be rescinded after being negotiated and agreed by party A and Party B.
Party B could inform Party A 30 days in advance in writing to rescind the labor contract. Within usage period, Party B could inform party A 3 days in advance to rescind the labor contract.
Party B could inform Party A to rescind the labor contract if party A has one of the following situations:
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Not provide labor protection or labor conditions according to the stipulations of the contract;
Not pay labor remuneration in full and on time;
Not pay social insurance for party B according to law;
Have rules and regulations that violate the provision of laws and statutes, hereby causing damage to party B’s rights and interests;
Force Party B to conclude or alter this contract against Party B’s true will by means of deception, coercion or exploitation of his unfavorable position, resulting that the labor contract becomes invalid;
The labor contract is invalid because Party A exempts his statutory duties and excludes party B’s rights;
The labor contract is invalid because party A breaks the mandatory provisions of laws and administrative laws and regulations;
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Other situations in which party B can rescind the labor contract according to the provisions of laws and administrative laws and regulations.
Party A forces party B to labor by the means of violence, threat or illegal restriction of personal freedom, or if Party A gives commands against regulations and mandatory instructions which force party B to work in risks and endanger party B’s personal safety, party B could rescind the labor contract immediately without informing party A in advance.
Party A shall rescind the labor contract if Party B has one of the following circumstances:
Proved not to be in conformity with the conditions of employment during the probation period;
Violate Party A's rules and regulations seriously;
Cause significant damage to Party A due to its serious dereliction of duties and jobbery;
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Make labor relations with other employer at the same time which causes significant influence on completing Party A’s work task, or refuses to correct their errors that Party A has pointed out.
Force Party A to conclude or alter this contract against Party A’s true will by means of deception, coercion or exploitation of his unfavorable position, resulting that the labor contract becomes invalid;
Subject to criminal liabilities according to law.
In any of the following circumstances, Party A shall rescind the contract either with 30 day’s notice in advance in writing or after paying additional one month's wage to Party B:
Party B cannot continue work in his original position nor in other positions arranged by Party A even after regulated recovery period due to illness or non-work injury.
Party B is not qualified for the work and remains so upon training or adjustment to his working post;
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The objective conditions based on which the contract is signed are gone through significant change so that the contract cannot be carried out, and both Parties could not reach any agreement in terms of modifying the labor contract after negotiation.
Of the following circumstances, Party A needs to cut workforce by 20 persons or more, or cut less than 20 but up 10 percent of the total number of employees, before the cut-down Party A shall notify to the labor union or all employees the case thirty days in advance, after hearing the views of the labor union or the employees and reporting to the labor administrative department the staff reduction program:
Reforming in accordance with the provisions of Enterprise Bankruptcy Law reforming;
Having serious difficulties in production and operation;
Enterprise switches, major technological innovation or business method revise, after amendment of employment contracts, it still needs to reduce staff;
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Other significant change on objective economic conditions that the labor contract based, resulting the contract failed to perform.
Of the following circumstances, the labor contract shall be terminated:
Labor contract expired;
Party B began to enjoy the basic old-age insurance benefits;
Party B died or declared dead or missing by People's Court;
Party has been declared bankrupt;
Party A’s business license revoked or ordered to close, cancel or Party A decided to dismiss early;
Other situations that laws or administrative regulations allowed.
X Financial Compensation
Of the following circumstances, Party A shall pay financial compensation to B:
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Party A in accordance with Article 9 Item 1 proposes to terminate and negotiate with Party B together to terminate this Labor Contract.
Party B in accordance with Article 9 Item3, 4 proposes to terminate this Labor Contract.
Party A in accordance with Article 9 Item 6 terminates this Labor Contract.
Party A in accordance with Article 9 Item 7 terminates this Labor Contract.
Except the situation that Party B do not agree to renew the contract for Party A sustain or increase the agreed term to renew the contract, in accordance with Article 9 Item 8 (1) to terminate fixed-term labor contract.
In accordance with Article 9 Item 8 (4) , (5) to terminate the labor contract.
Other situations stipulated by laws, administrative laws and regulations.
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The two parties cancel or terminate this contract, the distribution standard of economic compensation shall carry out in accordance of Labor Contract Law and relevant provisions of the nation, province and city. The economic compensation shall legally paid by Party A to Party B, should be paid when Party B handover its work.
XI Termination ofthe contract and termination procedures
Any termination of this contract occurred between two Parties, Party B shall hand over the matters related to his work as agreed upon by both parties. Party A shall issue a written confirmation to Party B pursuant to the laws, and shall handle the formalities for the transfer of files and social insurance relations within fifteen days.
XII Treatment of disputes
Any labor dispute occurred, two parties should first negotiated settlement, if no agreement is reached through consultation, then could go to the enterprise trade union for solutions or to labor dispute mediation committee for mediation; two parties could also directly apply to the labor dispute arbitration committee for arbitration. Without objection to the arbitration award, the two parties must perform; if any party is not satisfied with the arbitration award, he may prosecute to the people's court.
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XIII Other matters that are necessary to be agreed upon by both Parties, including :
1. 严格遵守《公司保密协议》及公司各项规章制度。
Be strictly abide by the Confidentiality Agreement of the Company and rules and regulations of the company
2. 《公司保密协议》和公司各项规章制度具有同等效力
Confidentiality Agreement of the Company and rules and regulations of the company are with the same legal effect.
XIV Miscellaneous
(一) | 本合同未尽事宜或合同条款与现行法律法规规定有抵触的,按现行法律法规执行。 |
Any conflict occurred between contract matters not mentioned herein or contract terms and the existing laws and regulations, the current laws and regulations are preferred.
(二) | 本合同至甲乙双方签字盖章之日起生效,涂改或未经书面授权代签无效。 |
This contract shall come into effect since the date on which two Parties’ signature and seal, if altered or signed without written authorization, the contract shall be invalid.
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(This page is left blank for signature)
Party A:(seal) Shenzhen Wonhe Technology Co., Ltd. | 乙方:(签名)童清
Party B:(signature) Qing Tong | |
2016年 10月31日
October 31 ,2016 | 2016年 10月31日
October 31,2016 |