our ability to successfully implement our business strategy
EX-10.57 2 c83312exv10w57.htm EXHIBIT 10.57 Exhibit 10.57
Exhibit 10.57

1. T HIS CONT RACT IS A RAT ED ORDERRAT ING PAGE OF PAGES AWARD/CONTRACT UNDER DPAS (15 CFR 350)123 2. CONT RACT (Proc. Inst. Ident.) NO.3. EFFECT IVE DAT E4. REQUISIT ION/PURCHASE REQUEST /PROJECT NO. N68335-09-C-005023 Oct 20081300110555 5. ISSUED BY CODE N683356. ADMINIST ERED BYCODE S0512A (If other than Item 5) NAVAL AIR WARFARE CENTER AD (LKE)DCMA LOS ANGELES CODE BLDG 120-2 RM 180PO BOX 9608 HWY 547MISSION HILLS CA 91346-9608SCD: C LAKEHURST NJ ###-###-#### 7. NAME AND ADDRESS OF CONT RACT OR (No., street, city, county, state and zip code)8. DELIVERY IONFINITY LLC[ ] FOB ORIGIN [ X ] OT HER (See below) JIM WEISS 9. DISCOUNT FOR P ROMP T P AYMENT 171 N ALTADENA DR UNIT 101 PASADENA CA 91107-7319Net 30 Day s 10. SUBMIT INVOICESITEM (4 copies unless otherwise specified) TO THE ADDRESSSection G CODE 1ZBL9FACILIT Y CODESHOWN IN: 11. SHIP T O/MARK FORCODE12. PAYMENT WILL BE MADE BYCODE HQ0339 DFAS COLUMBUS CENTER DFAS-CO/WEST ENTITLEMENT OPERATIONS PO BOX 182381 COLUMBUS OH ###-###-#### See Schedule 13. AUT HORIT Y FOR USING OT HER T HAN FULL AND OPEN14. ACCOUNT ING AND APPROPRIAT ION DAT A COMPET IT ION: See Schedule [] 10 U.S.C. 2304(c)( ) [ ] 41 U.S.C. 253(c)( ) 15A. IT EM NO.15B. SUPPLIES/ SERVICES15C. QUANT IT Y 15D. UNIT15E. UNIT PRICE15F. AMOUNT SEE SCHEDULE 15G. TO TAL AMO UNT O F CO NTRAC T$492,207.00 16. T ABLE OF CONT ENT S (X) SEC.DESCRIPT IONPAGE(S) (X) SEC. DESCRIPT ION PAGE(S) PART I THE SCHEDULEPART II C O NTRACT CLAUSES X A SOLICIT AT ION/ CONT RACT FORM1X I CONT RACT CLAUSES19 22 X B SUPPLIES OR SERVICES AND PRICES/ COST S 2 6PART III LIST O F DO CUMENTS, EXHIBITS AND O THER ATTAC HMENTS X C DESCRIPT ION/ SPECS./ WORK ST AT EMENT7 8X J LIST OF AT T ACHMENT S23 X D PACKAGING AND MARKING9PART IV REPRESENTATIO NS AND INSTRUC TIO NS X E INSPECT ION AND ACCEPT ANCE10REPRESENT AT IONS, CERT IFICAT IONS AND K X F DELIVERIES OR PERFORMANCE11OT HER ST AT EMENT S OF OFFERORS X G CONT RACT ADMINIST RAT ION DAT A12 15L INST RS., CONDS., AND NOT ICES T O OFFERORS X H SPECIAL CONT RACT REQUIREMENT S16 18M EVALUAT ION FACT ORS FOR AWARD CONT RACT ING OFFICER WILL COMPLET E IT EM 17 OR 18 AS APPLICABLE 17. [ X ] CONTRACTORS NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT Contractor is required to sign this18. [ ] AWARD (Contractor is not required to sign this document.)Your offer on Solicitation Num ber document and return1 copies to issuing office.) Contractor agrees to furnish and deliver all items or perform all the services set forth or otherwise identified above and on any continuation sheets for the consideration stated herein. The rights and obligations of the parties to thisincluding the additions or changes m ade by y ou which additions or changes are set forth in full contract shall be subj ect to and governed by the following documents: (a) this award/contract,above, is hereby accepted as to the items listed above and on any continuation sheets. This award consumm ates (b) the solicitation, if any , and (c) such provisions, representations, certifications, and specifications, the contract which consists of the following documents: (a) the Governments solicitation and y our offer, and as are attached or incorporated by reference herein.(b) this award/contract. No further contractual document is necessary . (Attachments are listed herein.) 19A. NAME AND T IT LE OF SIGNER ( Type or print)20A. NAME OF CONT RACT ING OFFICER RAYANN SUREL / CONTRACT SPECIALIST TEL: 732 ###-###-#### EMAIL: ***@*** 19B. NAME OF CONT RACT OR 19C. DAT E SIGNED 20B. UNIT ED ST AT ES OF AMERICA20C. DAT E SIGNED 23-Oct-2008 BYBY (Signature of person authorized to sign)(Signature of Contracting Officer) NSN 7540-01-152-806926-107STANDARD FORM 26 (REV. 12/2002) GPO 1985 O 469-7 94Prescribed by GSA Previous edition is usable FAR (48 CFR) 53.214(a) |

N68335-09-C-0050 Page 2 of 23 Section B SUPPLIES OR SERVICES AND PRICES ITEM NO SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 0001 Lot $492,207.00 Research and Development CPFF services and materials necessary to conduct R & D under STTR Topic N06-T010 entitled MINIATURE ELECTRONIC SNIFFER FOR NAVY VERTICAL TAKE OFF UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLES (VTUAVs) sufficient to demonstrate the conceptual feasibility of the Phase I effort and show develomental progress towards successful application of the efforts and deliver a prototype electronic sniffer device in accordance with the Statement of Work, and as set forth in the schedule. FOB: Destination ESTIMATED COST $473,276.00 FIXED FEE $18,931.00 TOTAL EST COST + FEE$492,207.00 ITEM NO SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 000101$0.00 Funding for CLIN 0001 CPFF PURCHASE REQUEST NUMBER: 1300110555 ACRN AB $350,000.00 CIN: 130011055500001 |

N68335-09-C-0050 Page 3 of 23 ITEM NO SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 0002 Lot NSP Data CPFF for Item 0001, to be produced in accordance with DD 1423, Contract Data Requirements List (A001-A004), Exhibit A (and DIDs referenced therein). FOB: Destination ESTIMATED COST $0.00 FIXED FEE $0.00 TOTAL EST COST + FEE$0.00 ITEM NO SUPPLIES/SERVICES QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 0003 Lot $786,088.00 Research and Development CPFF services and materials necessary to conduct R & D under STTR Topic N06-T010 entitled MINIATURE ELECTRONIC SNIFFER FOR NAVY VERTICAL TAKE OFF UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLES (VTUAVs) OPTION sufficient to demonstrate the conceptual feasibility of the Phase I effort and show develomental progress towards successful application of the efforts and deliver a field portable commercialization demo device in accordance with the Statement of Work, and as set forth in the schedule. ESTIMATED COST $755,854.00 FIXED FEE $30,234.00 TOTAL EST COST + FEE$786,088.00 |