Certificate of Withdrawal of the Series C and Series D Certificate of Designations
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'150403* BARBARA K. CEGAVSKE Secretary of State 202 North Carson Street Carson City, Nevada 89701-4201 (775) 684-5708 Website: wvnx.nvsos.gov Certificate of Withdrawal of Certificate of Designation (PURSUANT TO NRS 78.1955(6)) Filed in the office of Barbara K. Cegayske Secretary of State State of Nevada Document Number 20170343247-03 Filing Date and Time 08/09/2017 9:46 AM Entity Number C28190 -1999 USE BLACK INK ONLY - CO NOT HIGHL;01-n- 1. Name of corporation: VerifyMe, Inc. Certificate of Withdrawal of Certificate of Designation for Nevada Profit Corporations (Pursuant to NRS 78.1955(6)) ABOVE SPACE IS FOR OFFICE USE ONLY 2. Following is the resolution by the board of directors authorizing the withdrawal of Certificate of Designation establishing the classes or series of stock: Resolved, the Company authorizes the withdrawal of the Certificates of Designation for Series C dated 01/27/2016 and D Convertible Preferred Stock dated 12/05/2016. 3. No shares of the class or series of stock being withdrawn are outstanding. 4. Signa red) x Signature of Ciffir.er Filing Fee; $175.00 IMPORTANT: Failure to include any of the above information and submit with the proper fees may cause this filing to be rejected. This form must be accompanied by appropriate fees. Nevada Secretary of State Withdrawal of Designation Revised: 1-5-15