EX-10.2 4 dex102.htm THE COMPANY'S 2006 MANAGEMENT ANNUAL INCENTIVE PLAN The Company's 2006 Management Annual Incentive Plan

Exhibit 10.2











The primary objective of the Management Annual Incentive Plan (“MAIP” or the “Plan”) is to assist in achieving specific business and financial goals conducive to the organization’s success, which the Company believes can best be accomplished by providing cash incentives to key Tidewater employees.


The MAIP helps prioritize and focus efforts on the accomplishment of financial goals and other corporate objectives established each year through the annual planning and budgeting process. This is achieved by linking a significant element of annual compensation to the accomplishments of selected goals. At target performance levels, the MAIP provides incentive compensation opportunities which, in conjunction with base salary, will yield competitive total compensation levels.




The plan concept focuses primarily on the performance of Tidewater overall. The MAIP is comprised of three divisions which will enable the Company to better measure performance results of eligible participants by specific areas of responsibility. The three divisions are as follows:






    Special Test Group


Overall corporate performance is considered each year along with certain divisional and individual performance measures specific to operations and functions. Regardless of corporate performance, however, the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors may at its discretion establish a funding pool of up to 50% of the target awards for all participants in order to allow awards for outstanding individual contributions even if the Company does not achieve threshold performance on plan performance measures within a year.




Eligibility for participation in the MAIP will be limited to officers and certain key employees who directly impact the Company’s financial performance and who do not participate in another Company bonus plan. The specific positions eligible to participate in the plan will be reviewed and determined annually by Tidewater’s Chief Executive Officer and the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors.





Prior to the beginning of each fiscal year, Tidewater will specify target incentive awards for each eligible position. Prior to the beginning of each fiscal year, Tidewater will determine the total pool target, threshold and maximum incentive award amounts. These amounts are determined from each eligible participant’s base salary times the target percent associated with the participant’s position within the Company. The actual target percent is determined based upon the employee’s relevant position within the Company and the measurable amount of direct influence on the Company’s financial performance. Base target percents by position are as follows:


Target %


A. Administrative


Executive Vice President

   95 %

Executive Vice President and General Counsel

   95 %

Executive Vice President, CFO & Treasurer

   95 %

Senior Vice President & Principal Accounting Officer

   80 %


   50 %

Director – Corporate Taxation

   40 %

Assistant to CEO

   35 %

B. Marine


Senior Vice President

   80 %

Vice President – Operational Areas

   70 %

Area Manager (A)

   55 %

Area Manager (B)

   45 %

Regional Director – Finance (FA)

   40 %

Area Manager (C)

   35 %

Regional Director – Finance (FB)

   30 %

C. Special Test Group


Vice President – Technical Services and Engineering

   70 %

Director – Health, Safety, and Environmental Management

   55 %

Vice President – International Sales

   55 %

President/General Manager – Quality

   45 %

Vice President – Domestic Sales

   45 %

Manager – Special Vessel Services

   35 %

Manager – Domestic Sales

   27.5 %


Base Target % will be adjusted as a result of changes in positions or initial hiring during fiscal 2006.





Prior to the start of each fiscal year, specific corporate and divisional measures and standards will be established. In addition, the appropriate weighing of each measurement will also be established.


  A. Performance Measures that Generate the Funding Pool


  1. Except as provided in Section II of this MAIP, before any individual incentive amount can be awarded, the Company must first achieve minimum (threshold) performance in at least one of three Company performance measures. For fiscal year 2006, Company performance measures are:


  a. Adjusted Net Income vs. Budget – Under this test, net income as compared with budgeted net income, adjusted for selected charges/credits of an unusual nature which would not be subject to normal budgeting procedures, is used. The net income test is a measurement test comparing actual results against budgeted results for the year.


Note: The Company’s adjusted net income must be at least 50% of the budgeted net income, in order for the minimum (threshold) award to be paid.


For fiscal year 2006, this performance measurement will carry a weight of 34%.


In order to have the incentive pay program not inhibit good management/business decisions, certain adjustments to net income should be made in determining if the net income test has been met. Such adjustments should be objectively determinable to avoid the appearance of impropriety. Accordingly, the following items as reported in the corporation’s consolidated statement of earnings should be added to or subtracted from net income as reported in order to determine net income for purposes of the incentive pay plan:


Cumulative effect of accounting changes;

Extraordinary items;

Discontinued operations; and

Unusual or infrequently occurring items (less the amount of related income taxes) as that term is used in Accounting Principles Board Opinion No. 30.


NOTE: For purposes of calculating achievement of this performance measure, budgeted net income shall be divided by the average number of common shares outstanding for the year as contemplated by the budget. Likewise, the amount of Adjusted Net Income shall be divided by the average number of common shares outstanding during the year. For purposes of making both



of these Earnings Per Share calculations, common stock equivalents shall not be considered in determining the average number of common shares outstanding.


  b. Return on Total Capital (ROTC) Relative to Peer Companies (“Relative ROTC”) — Under this performance measurement, the Company must attain at least the 40th percentile when compared to the Peer Group (see Exhibit 1) on Return of Total Capital (ROTC). ROTC is defined as:


    Earnings Before Interest Expenses, Taxes,

Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA)

    Average Shareholders Equity + Average Long-Term Debt
    (including current maturities of Long-Term Debt)


NOTE: Average shareholders’ equity and average long-term debt shall be determined by summing the respective totals as of the end of each interim quarterly reporting period during the fiscal year as shown on the Company’s consolidated balance sheet and dividing such sums by the number of interim reporting periods.


The standard for the ROTC performance measure will be established by considering Tidewater’s performance against the Peer Group of companies (see Exhibit 2). When determining peer group performance ranking, pro-rating is not permitted below the 40th percentile.


For fiscal year 2006, this performance measurement will carry a weight of 33%.


  c. Return on Total Capital Percentage – ROTC is Tidewater’s ROTC percentage for the fiscal year, determined as provided in Section V.A.1.b. above.


For fiscal 2006, this performance measurement will carry a weight of 33%.


Exhibit 2 illustrates the threshold and maximum payouts for each component of the Plan. For fiscal 2006, each participant has an opportunity to earn up to 150% of a portion of the pool generated by the performance measures described above (the “Pool Funding Amount”) and this additional amount will be based upon safety for some participants and on ROTC for others.


  B. Standards for Each Division and Group


Although overall Company performance determines the maximum funding of the pool, each participant, within each division, will have specific standards established for the accomplishment of certain Company and individual performance measures. These criteria will be established annually, prior to the beginning of each fiscal year, and will be used to determine the amount of the



incentive award that each participant will be eligible to receive. The amount of bonus actually awarded to the participant depends upon his (her) achievement of the Company and individual performance criteria. For Fiscal Year 2006, the performance measures for each division and for the Special test group are as follows:


  1. Administrative


  a. Return on Total Capital – As defined above, this measurement will carry a weight of 25% of the individual’s total award.


  b. Adjusted Net Income – As defined above, this measurement will carry a weight of 25% of the individual’s total award.


  c. Individual Performance – This measurement is determined on a subjective basis and will carry a weight of 25% of the individual’s total award.


  d. Safety Performance – This measurement is determined by achievement of the Company’s overall established safety performance goals for the fiscal year. The safety performance measurement will carry a weight of 25% of the individual’s total award, but may increase to up to 150% of this 25% portion for exceptional safety performance.


  2. Marine


  a. Safety Measurement – This measurement will be considered in four parts.


     1. First, each area will be given a specific goal to achieve during the fiscal year with respect to safety performance as it relates to Total Recordable Incident Rates. Each area will be graded on how well it performs toward achieving the assigned goals. Total Recordable Incident Rate will be defined as follows:


Loss Time Accidents
Plus    Recordable incidents
Multiplied by    200,000 (man hours)
Divided by    Total man hour exposure
Equals    Total Recordable Incident Rate per 200,000 man hours of exposure


Attached as Exhibit 3, are the Safety Total Recordable Incident Rate goals for Fiscal 2006.



  2. The second component of this measurement is related to property damage. For fiscal 2006, property damage performance will be measured by applying a subjective review of overall property damage results for the fiscal year. Only property damage above the $100,000 per occurrence deductible will be included for measurement purposes. Property damage claims will be adjusted to include only Hull (excluding machinery), Marine Liability and Pollution claims. In other words, preventable property damage claims. This type of information will form the basic parameters that will be reviewed and considered for fiscal 2006 results.


  3. The third component of this measurement is related to pollution incidents. For fiscal 2006, any pollution incident must be reported to the Insurance and Claims Department. The number and severity of pollution incidents will be measured by applying a subjective review of overall pollution incidents for the fiscal year. The Safety Director will provide quarterly updates on the reported incidents.


  4. Fourth, each area is evaluated on its own overall safety performance, taking into consideration such things as number of deaths and/or disabilities within an area, Lost Time Accidents, incident ratios, nature of accidents, preventable accidents etc. Non-job related deaths will not count as an LTA.


Note: Within this weighing (1, 2, 3 & 4 above), personnel safety will comprise 60%, property damage 10%, pollution incidents 5%, and overall safety performance 25%.


Notwithstanding the above, no allocation under this measurement is provided unless the Company achieves its overall established safety performance goals for the fiscal year. The safety measurement will carry a weight of 25% of the individual’s total award.


(Note: How well each area demonstrates its commitment to Tidewater’s safety program overall will be part of the individual performance measurement.)



Pre-tax Earnings Test – Under this test, pre-tax earnings, as defined, as compared with a budgeted pre-tax earnings goal, will be used to determine a component of the individual’s incentive pay. The pre-tax earnings test will be an operating area specific test, adjusted for an allocation of corporate and marine overhead (as defined), and carry a weight of 12.5% of the individual’s total award. This test will not be considered achieved if the operating area does not provide a positive actual pre-tax earnings amount,



even though the area may meet its budgeted pre-tax earnings goal. Pre-tax earnings for this purpose will be defined as follows:


Area Revenues from all operating activities as reported in the corporation’s consolidated income statement.


Minus   Area Operating Costs and Expenses, as reported in the corporation’s consolidated income statement.
Minus   Area General and Administrative Expenses as reported in the corporation’s consolidated income statement.
Plus/Minus   Area Other Income/Expenses, including gains/losses on asset sales, other income, equity in joint venture earnings, minority interests in less than 100% owned consolidated subsidiaries, interest income, depreciation and amortization expense and foreign exchange gains/losses as reported in the corporations consolidated income statement.
Minus   Area Capitalized Repair and Maintenance Costs.
Minus   An allocation, based upon the insured value of vessels in the Area versus the total insured value of the company’s marine fleet, of corporate overhead expenses (G&A costs, depreciation expense and other expenses), marine overhead costs (G&A costs, depreciation expense, inventory adjustment and other expenses), costs of vessels withdrawn from service and held for sale, net cost of Pental Insurance and interest and debt cost as these items are reported in the corporation’s consolidated income statement.
Equals   Pre-tax earnings, as defined.


In order to have the incentive pay program not inhibit good management/business decisions, certain adjustments to pre-tax earnings should be made in determining if the net income test has been met. Such adjustments should be objectively determinable to avoid the appearance of impropriety. Accordingly, the following items as reported in the corporation’s consolidated statement of earnings should be added to or subtracted from net income as reported in order to determine net income for purposes of the incentive pay plan:


Cumulative effect of accounting changes;

Extraordinary items;



Discounted operations; and

Unusual or infrequently occurring items (less the amount of related income taxes) as that term is used in Accounting Principles Board Opinion No. 30.


  c. Return on Total Capital Percentage – Under this test, Tidewater’s ROTC% above a certain threshold will be used to determine a portion of the individual’s incentive pay. This measurement will carry a weight of 37.5%, but may increase to up to 150% of this 37.5% portion for achievement of exceptional ROTC performance. See Exhibit 3.


  d. Individual Performance – Individual performance is determined annually and is based upon a subjective evaluation by the participant’s manager(s) and encompasses the overall performance of the individual for the fiscal year.


Individual performance will also include an evaluation of each area’s commitment to Tidewater’s safety program overall. This measurement will carry a weight of 25% of the individual’s total award.


Included as part of the individual performance measure may be an area specific test. This test may be optional by area and would consist of zero to two specific criteria relevant to a given area. Each participant will be advised of any specific test for that fiscal year. Some examples would be the percent improvement in receivables over a period of time, delinquent receivables collected, revenue enhancement achieved over a period of time, utilization, or other such criteria as deemed appropriate. When an area specific test is utilized, the particular measurement will be weighted as part of the individual performance weight.


  3. Special Test Group.


  a. Special Purpose Goals – Participants in this group will be assigned special purpose goals for fiscal 2006 by the participant’s manager. See Exhibit 4. These goals will have a weight of 25%.


  b. Individual Performance – Individual performance is determined annually and is based upon a subjective evaluation by the participant’s manager(s) and encompasses the overall performance of the individual for the fiscal year.


Individual performance will also include an evaluation of each area’s commitment to Tidewater’s safety program overall. This measurement will carry a weight of 25% of the individual’s total award.


Included as part of the individual performance measure may be an area specific test. This test may be optional by area and would



consist of zero to two specific criteria relevant to a given area. Each participant will be advised of any specific test for that fiscal year. Some examples would be the percent improvement in receivables over a period of time, delinquent receivables collected, revenue enhancement achieved over a period of time, utilization, or other such criteria as deemed appropriate. When an area specific test is utilized, the particular measurement will be weighted as part of the individual performance weight.


  c. Return on Total Capital Percentage – Under this test, Tidewater’s ROTC% above a certain threshold will be used to determine a portion of the individual’s incentive pay. This measure is weighted 25%, but certain members of this group will have the opportunity to earn up to 150% of this 25% for exceptional ROTC achievement. See Exhibit 4.


  d. Safety – This measurement is determined by achievement of Tidewater’s overall established safety performance goals for the fiscal year or the safety goals of a specific area. The safety performance measurement will carry a weight of 25%, but certain members of this group will have the opportunity to earn up to 150% of this 25% for exceptional safety performance. See Exhibit 4.




  A. Development of Incentive Funding Pool


The actual amount of the incentive pool to be awarded depends upon the attainment of specified corporate performance measures as set forth in Section V-A. Each corporate measurement will operate independently of one another in creating the funding pool for annual incentive awards. Thus, the Company could achieve above threshold on one performance measure and below threshold on another performance measure and still have funds available in the annual incentive pool.


Exhibit 2, attached, provides a matrix example of how the size of the incentive funding pool would be calculated at different levels of corporate performance.


The Matrix also shows:


    The percentage of aggregate target incentives paid for all plan participants; and


    The total amount of money allocated to the incentive funding pool for fiscal 2006.


    The greater emphasis for fiscal year 2006 is placed upon ROTC performance measures. As such, the payouts under those measurements are almost twice that of the adjusted net income component.



  B. Individual Awards.


The incentive funding pool is allocated to individual plan participants by the performance measures set forth in Section V-B.


Each Division will also be looked at independently of one another; therefore, it is possible for one Division to receive individual awards for meeting performance criteria and not the other if it does not reach its performance criteria. However, the overall corporate performance measures must be positive before consideration of any incentive awards.


The size of each divisional incentive pool is based upon the number of eligible participants in each division. For example, if the Company meets target goals, each participant’s annual base salary is multiplied by the participant’s target percent amount. All target amounts are then added together to produce the total pool for that division. Each divisional pool would be adjusted based upon the actual results of the overall corporate performance measurements.




Awards will be payable in cash, as soon as administratively possible following the time that the Company’s earnings for the fiscal year are released to the public, but no later than June 15 of the following fiscal year.




In the event that a participant transfers from one position to another during the course of the year, his/her award for the year will be calculated on a pro-rata basis according to the proportion of time spent in each position during the year.




To receive an award under the MAIP, the participant must be actively employed on the last day of the performance cycle. At the discretion of the Chief Executive Officer and with the approval of the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors, a participant who separates from service prior to the end of the performance cycle may be granted an award. The amount of the award, if any, will be based in part upon the length of time employed during the performance cycle.




The MAIP will be administered by Tidewater’s Chief Executive Officer, who may delegate certain elements of program administration to the Chief Financial Officer and the Director of Employee Benefits. Actual performance goals, standards, and award determinations will be approved by the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors.




    A. Nothing in this Plan shall confer upon a participant any right to continue in the employment of the Company, or to interfere in any way with the right of the Company to terminate the participant’s employment relationship with the Company at any time.



  B. The Plan shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Louisiana.


  C. If any term or provision of the Plan, shall at any time or to any extent be invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect as written, the participant and the Company intend for any court construing the Plan to modify or limit such provision so as to render it valid and enforceable to the fullest extent allowed by law. Any such provision that is not susceptible of such reformation shall be ignored so as to not affect any other term or provision hereof, and the remainder of the Plan, or the application of such term or provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is held invalid, illegal or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby and each term and provision of the Plan shall be valid and enforced to the fullest extent permitted by law.


  D. The Company’s obligation under the Plan is an unsecured and unfunded promise to pay benefits that may be earned in the future. The Company shall have no obligation to set aside, earmark or invest any fund or money with which to pay its obligations under the Plan. The participant or any successor in interest shall be and remain a general creditor of the Company in the same manner as any other creditor having a general claim for matured and unpaid compensation.


  E. The Company shall have the right to terminate the plan at any time in its sole discretion.


  F. The Company shall deduct from any payment made hereunder all applicable federal and state income and employment taxes.