Amendment 41 to Special Business Provisions MS ###-###-####, between the Boeing Company and Spirit AeroSystems, Inc., dated as of March 29, 2019
EX-10.6 7 spe_20190328-ex106.htm EXHIBIT 10.6 Exhibit
THIS AMENDMENT 41 (“Amendment”) to Special Business Provisions MS ###-###-#### is entered into, as of the date of the last signature below, between The Boeing Company, a Delaware Corporation ("Boeing"), and SPIRIT AEROSYSTEMS, INC, a Delaware Corporation with its principal office in Wichita, Kansas (“Seller”). Boeing and Seller sometimes are referred to herein individually as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties.”
A. The Parties entered into Special Business Provisions MS ###-###-####, dated June 16, 2005, (the “SBP”) and the General Terms Agreement BCA ###-###-####, dated June 17, 2005, (the “GTA”), and including any amendments to the SBP and GTA (collectively the “Sustaining Agreement”).
B. The most recent amendment to the SBP is Amendment 40, entered into January 30, 2019.
C. The Parties have reached agreement regarding 777-9 rate tooling and wish to amend the SBP to define the terms of the 777-9 rate tooling agreement, as set forth herein.
NOW THEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows:
1. | The list of “AMENDMENTS” within the Sustaining SBP is hereby deleted and replaced in its entirety as follows: |
Amendment Number | Description | Date | Approval | |
1 | Revise Company name from Mid-Western Aircraft Systems Incorporated to Spirit AeroSystems throughout document. Update attachments 1, 2, 4, 14 and 16. | 2/23/2006 | H. McCormick | |
R. Stone | ||||
2 | Incorporate CCNs as listed in Amendment 2, Attachment A, includes addition of new section 12.19, modification to sections 3.4.9, 12.16 and 32.0. Updates to attachments 1, 2, 6, 7, 15, 16, 19 and 20. | 4/11/2007 | H. McCormick | |
J. Edwards | ||||
3 | Incorporate CCNs as listed in Amendment 3, Attachment A. Updates to attachments 1, 2, 7, 14, 15, 16 and 22. | 11/28/2007 | H. McCormick | |
J. Edwards | ||||
4 | Incorporate CCNs as listed in Amendment 4, Attachment A. Updates to Attachments 1, 2, 7, 14, 15, 16. Incorporate Attachment 1A per CCN 508, 1328. | 7/8/2008 | S.Hu | |
W. Wallace | ||||
5 | Incorporate CCNs as listed in Amendment 5, Attachment A, includes addition of new section Updates to Attachments 1, 2, 7, 14, 15, 16, 20. | 6/22/2009 | S. Hu | |
R. Stone | ||||
6 | Incorporate CCNs as listed in Amendment 6, Attachment A. Updates to Attachments 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 14, and 16. Incorporate Attachment 9 per CCN 2385. | 11/23/2010 | S. Hu | |
M. Milan | ||||
7 | Incorporate CCNs as listed in Amendment 7, Attachment A, includes addition of new section Updates to Attachments 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 14, and 16. Incorporate Attachment 1B per CCN 4212 and Attachment 23 per the 767-2C MOA. | 7/28/2011 | S. Hu | |
M. Milan | ||||
8 | Incorporate CCNs as listed in Amendment 8, Attachment A, includes revisions to section 7.9 and Updates to Attachments 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 14, 15, and 16. | 8/16/2013 | C. Howell | |
M. Milan | ||||
9 | Incorporate Attachment 25 - 737 Max Titanium Inner Wall Agreement. | 9/4/2014 | E. Flagel | |
M. Milan | ||||
10 | Incorporate Attachment 26-737 Derailment. | 9/26/2014 | B. Folden | |
R. Ast | ||||
11 | Incorporate Attachment 27 -737-MAX Non Recurring Agreement, and Attachment 28 737/747/767/777 Pricing Agreement. Updates Section 4.1 Attachment 4, Section B.1, Attachments 9 and 15. | 3/10/2015 | C. Howell | |
R. Ast | ||||
12 | Delete and replace Attachment 25, Section 3.0. | 4/9/2015 | K. Drawsky | |
R. Ast | ||||
13 | Incorporate CCNs as listed in Amendment 13, Attachment A. Updates to Attachments 1, 2, 7, 9, 14, and 16. | 1/4/2016 | L. Taylor | |
K. Leyba | ||||
14 | Incorporate Attachment 25, Addendum 1. | 4/21/2015 | D. Blaylock | |
R. Grant | ||||
15 | NULL | NULL | NULL | |
16 | NULL | NULL | NULL |
17 | Incorporate Attachment 29 - 777X Non-Recurring Agreement. | 12/23/2015 | A. Lucker |
E. Bauer | |||
18 | NULL | NULL | NULL |
19 | NULL | NULL | NULL |
20 | 737 MAX Inner Wall. | 12/17/2015 | S. Garcia-Deleone |
J. Reed | |||
21 | Revisions to Attachment 27. 737 MAX Non-Recurring Agreement. | 5/9/2016 | D. Blaylock |
R. Grant | |||
22 | 737 Max Composite Inner Wall Line Movement. | 11/2/2016 | D. Blaylock |
E. Bossler | |||
23 | 737 MAX 9 INITIAL and CIW Line [*****] Tooling Incentive Agreement. | 12/16/2016 | D. Blaylock |
E. Bossler | |||
24 | Incorporate CCNs as listed in Amendment 23, Attachment A. Updates to Attachments 1,2,7,9, and 14. | 12/20/2016 | L. Taylor |
K. Leyba | |||
25 | Revisions to Attachment 27, 737 MAX Non-Recurring. | 3/16/2017 | D. Blaylock |
E. Bossler | |||
26 | Revisions to Attachment 27, 737 MAX Non-Recurring Agreement. | 3/23/2017 | D. Blaylock |
E. Bossler | |||
27 | Incorporate Attachment 30, “737 NG / MAX Vapor Barrier Agreement”, updates to Attachment 1 and 9. | 3/31/2017 | B. Edwards |
K. Clark | |||
28 | Revisions to Attachment 29, 777X NRE Agreement. | 6/22/2017 | K. O’Connell |
C. Green | |||
29 | Revisions to Attachment 27, 737 MAX Non-Recurring Agreement. | 7/20/2017 | D. Blaylock |
E. Bossler | |||
30 | Delete and Replace SBP Sections 4.1, 4.1.1, 5.1.1, 5.2.1, 7.2, 8.0, 12.11, and and SBP Attachments 1, 1B, 10 Section A10.2.10, 15, 16, 22, 27, and 29. Delete and Reserve SBP Attachments 1C, 20, and 28. Incorporate SBP Attachment 1D and 31. | 9/22/2017 | B. Edwards |
W. Wilson | |||
31 | Revisions to Attachment 27, 737-8 Rate Tooling Incentive Agreement. | 10/18/2017 | D. Blaylock |
E. Bossler | |||
32 | Revisions to Attachment 27, 737 MAX Non-Recurring Agreement. | 11/15/2017 | D. Blaylock |
E. Bossler | |||
33 | Revisions to Attachment 27, 737 MAX Non-Recurring Agreement. | 11/30/2017 | D. Blaylock |
E. Bossler | |||
34 | Revisions to Attachment 27, 737-10 Non-Recurring Non-Tooling. | 2/23/2018 | D. Blaylock |
E. Bossler | |||
35 | Revisions to Attachment 27, 737-9 Rate Tooling [*****]. | 4/18/2018 | D. Blaylock |
J. O'Crowley | |||
36 | Revisions to Attachment 27, 737-10 Wing NRE. | 6/20/2018 | D. Blaylock |
E. Bossler | |||
37 | Incorporation of new Sections: 767 One Piece SOW Tooling, 3.3.7 767 One Piece SOW NonRecurring Pricing, Delivery Point and Schedule for 767 One Piece SOW and 3.8 767 One Piece Statement of Work Special Provisions. Updates to Sections 7.1, Attachment 1 and 9. | 8/17/2018 | H. Langowski |
R. Grant | |||
38 | Revisions to Attachment 27, 737 MAX BBJ8, BBJ7, and 737-10 SOW | 11/1/2018 | T. Willis |
E. Bossler | |||
39 | 4.1.1 is altered. A new section 4.7 is added. Attachment 1 (excluding the Exhibits) is deleted and replaced in its entirety. A new Attachment 32 “737 Value Engineering Cost Sharing” is added. Attachment 1 Exhibits B, B.1, B.2, C, C.1, C.2, D, D.1, D.2, E.1, E.2, F, F.1, and F.2 are deleted and replaced in their entirety. A new Attachment 1 Exhibit C.3 is added. Attachment 1B is deleted in its entirety. | 11/2/2018 | K. Shipley |
E. Bossler |
40 | SBP Section 4.7 is deleted and replaced in its entirety. SBP Section 7.2 is deleted and replaced in its entirety. A new SBP Section 7.5.3 is added. SBP Attachment 1 (including Exhibits B, B.1, B,2, D, D.1, D.2, F, F.1, F.2, and G) is deleted and replaced in its entirety. SBP Attachment 1B is added and marked “Reserved”. SBP Attachment 15 is deleted and replaced in its entirety. SBP Attachment 16 (including its Exhibit) is deleted and replaced in its entirety. SBP Attachment 31 is deleted, replaced in its entirety, and marked “Reserved”. SBP Attachment 32 (including its Exhibit A) is deleted and replaced in its entirety. All of the above is accordance with the agreements as set forth in the Collective Resolution 2.0 Memorandum of Agreement (the “CR 2.0 MOA”), dated December 21, 2018 Concurrently with the CR 2.0 MOA, the Parties also executed that certain Settlement and Release Agreement, dated December 21, 2018, pertaining to the release and settlement of warranty and various other claims | 1/29/2019 | K. Shipley |
E. Bossler | |||
41 | Revisions to Attachment 29 777-9 Rate Tooling | 3/27/2019 | R. Velau D. Currie |
2. | SBP Attachment 29 Exhibit A is deleted in its entirety and is replaced by the following: |
Exhibit A: Tooling [*****] Amount 

SBP Attachment 29 Exhibit C is updated with the following (“777X INITIAL [*****] PRICED TOOL LIST” REMAINS UNCHANGED):
Exhibit C: Tooling Bill of Material
(Submitted by Seller)
Commodity | Tool Category | Boeing Tool Code | Tool Number | Total Rate Tool Quantity | Total Price for Rate Tools |
[*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | |
Propulsion | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
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Propulsion | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
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Propulsion | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Propulsion | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Fuselage | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Fuselage | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Fuselage | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Fuselage | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Fuselage | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Fuselage | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Fuselage | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Fuselage | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Fuselage | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Fuselage | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Fuselage | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Fuselage | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Fuselage | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Fuselage | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Fuselage | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Fuselage | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Fuselage | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Fuselage | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Wing | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Wing | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Wing | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Wing | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Wing | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Wing | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Wing | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Wing | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Wing | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Wing | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Wing | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Wing | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Wing | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Wing | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Wing | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Wing | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Wing | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Wing | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Floor Beams | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Floor Beams | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Floor Beams | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Floor Beams | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Floor Beams | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Floor Beams | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Floor Beams | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Floor Beams | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Floor Beams | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Floor Beams | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Floor Beams | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Floor Beams | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Floor Beams | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Floor Beams | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
Floor Beams | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] |
4. | SBP attachment 15 “MAXIMUM PRODUCTION RATE And MODEL MIX CONSTRAINT MATRIX” is updated regarding the [*****] constraint matrix with the following (NON-[*****] CONSTRAINTS UNCHANGED): |
Models | Monthly | Wichita | Mix | Structures | Engine - Protection Rates | ||||||||||||||
[*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | ||||||||
[*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | ||||||||
[*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | ||||||||
[*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | ||||||||
[*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | ||||||||
[*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | ||||||||
[*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | ||||||||
[*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | [*****] | ||||||||
LEGEND | [*****] | ||||||||||||||||||
5. | This Amendment constitutes the complete and exclusive Agreement between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and cancels and supersedes all previous agreements between the Parties relating thereto, whether written or oral. |
6. | This Amendment shall be governed by the internal laws of the State of Washington without reference to any rules governing conflict of laws. |
EXECUTED in duplicate as of the last date set forth below by the duly authorized representatives of the Parties.
Signature: /s/ Ryan Velau Signature: /s/ Donald Currie
Printed Name: /s/ Ryan Velau Printed Name: Donald Currie
Title: Contracts Procurement Agent Title: Specialist, Contracts
Date: 3/28/2019 Date: 3/28/2019