Dated 18 May 2011 2011t518 AP TECHNOLOGY SERVICE AGREEMENT AP/ /f
Dated 18 May 2011
Service Provider | 甲方 | : | CAPITAL AWARD INC. |
The Employer | 雇主 | : | MR. GAO RIQIANG |
高日强先生 · 高强水产养殖场 |
第 1 页 共 26 页 |
Ref.No. CA(APM)Service18052011
Contents Index
Recitals叙述 | 3 | |
1. | Interpretation 合约的释义 | 5 |
2. | Commencement协议起始日 | 7 |
3. | Responsibilities of the Parties双方职责 | 7 |
4. | Sub- Contract合同转包 | 7 |
5. | Delays outside of CA’s control 承包方控制范围之外的延期 | 7 |
6. | Extra Costs额外费用 | 8 |
7. | Risk and Insurance风险和保险 | 8 |
8. | Warranty担保条件 | 9 |
9. | Limitation of Liability免责条款 | 10 |
10. | Employer to Indemnify买方需承担的赔偿 | 10 |
11. | Default and Termination毁约和中止合约 | 10 |
12. | Installation设备的安装 | 11 |
13. | Arbitration 仲裁 | 12 |
14. | Complete Agreement合约的完整性 | 12 |
15. | Frustration合约因意外而不能履行 | 13 |
16. | Secrecy Obligation and Condition保密责任及条件 | 13 |
17. | General一般条款 | 13 |
Appendix : Information List明细表 | 17 |
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THIS CONTRACT is made on 18 May 2011
Between :
The Service Provider 承包方: CAPITAL AWRARD INC. (hereinafter called “CA”) (以下统一简称为承包方)
The Employer雇主: Mr. Gao RiQiang (Chinese Identity Card No. 44032119551023461X) of Gao Qiang Aquaculture Farm, of Nanzhu Village, Qibao County, Xinhui District, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province.
高日强先生(中国居民身份证号码: 44032119551023461X),高强水产养殖场
(hereinafter collectively referred to as “the Employer”).
1. | CA is the holder of the Master License in AP Technology and Systems (hereinafter called “AP Technology”) for China and has the know-how to build aquatic animals grow out farms using the AP Technology and to manage the related farms operated under the AP management systems. |
承包方是中国AP技术及系统特许经营总经销权的持有者, 掌握利用AP技术及系统建造水产类动物养殖场,以及运用AP管理系统进行管理的技巧。
2. | The Employer is a group of businessmen in China having various business activities and operation in China. |
3. | CA and the Employer are hereinafter collectively referred to as “the Parties”). |
4. | The Parties hereto agree to construct and develop a fish & eel farm at a site in Nanzhu Village, Qibao County, Xinhui District, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province using the AP Technology and System. |
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The description of the development project is summarized as follow:
Name of the Project: Gao Qiang Fish & Eel Farm
项目名称: 高强鱼与鳗鱼养殖场
Location of Project: Exact Location will be determined by the Parties after results of testing of inflow water quality and quantity and soil that will be carried out on the various blocks of land in the Nanzhu Village, Qibao County area that the Parties have the option to acquire.
项目地点: 确切地点在经过对水流流量和质量以及对七堡南竹村地区可供选择地块的土壤进行测试之后,由双方决定。
Development Components of the Project: More particularly set out in Item 1 of Information List as attached hereto.
Development Schedule of the Project: More particularly set out in Item 2 of Information List as attached hereto.
5. | The Parties agree to apply to the China Authorities to form a sino foreign joint venture company (hereinafter called “SFJVC”) to develop the Project, and prior to the official approval of the SFJVC, the Employer shall will be responsible to provide funding for the development needs of the Project, and such, upon the official establishment of the SFJVC, the Parties agree to transfer this Agreement to the SFJVC, and the SFJVC will be responsible to fund the required development capital needs of the Project. |
双方同意向权威部门申请成立中外合资公司(以下简称合营公司), 以发展该项目。在合营公司被正式批准成立之前,雇主负责提供项目发展所需要的资金。一旦合营公司正式成立,双方同意将本协议转让给合营公司,由合营公司负责提供项目发展所需要的资金。
6. | The Parties further agree that after the official formation of the SFJVC, the SFJVC will reimburse the Employer for the amounts paid by the Employer on the Project prior to its official formation. |
双方还同意,合营公司正式成立后将如数偿还雇主之前提供给该项目的发展资金。 |
7. | CA shall be providing technical services to the Employer prior to the official formation of the SFJVC for the development of the Project. |
在合营公司正式成立之前,承包方负责向雇主提供发展该项目的技术。 |
8. | The Employer agrees to secure CA’s services and CA agrees to provide the services on the Project in accordance to terms and conditions herein set forth: |
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In this Agreement the following definitions shall apply: |
“Commencement Date” | means the date on which this Agreement is duly executed; | |
“合同开始生效日” | 指本合约完全执行日。 | |
“A Power Module” | means an engineered, self-contained, water treatment system for the growing of aquatic animals on a commercial scale. | |
It consists of a Grow-out Basin or multiple of grow-out basins and a Treatment System placed away from the Basin. The Basin holds the water in which the animals are to be grown. The Treatment System is fitted away from the Basin but pumps and treats the water from the grow-out basin. | ||
The Treatment System is made up of: inlet screens, a solid wastes separator, aeration diffusers, Bio-filter (consists of bio-filter media), oxygen distributor, ozone and Ultra Violet coordinator, outlet screens, an un-dissolved solids airlift pump, and a degassing system. The Grow-Out Basin(s) and all Treatment System components are designed and manufactured specifically as per A Power (“AP”) Fish Farms’ designs and specifications. | ||
The combined system assembles of these components away from the Basin(s) treats the water to allow the growing of aquatic animals on a commercial scale is defined as the A Power Module (APM). | ||
“APM” | 指的是一整套设备齐全的水处理工程系统,用于以商业营利为目的水产养殖。 | |
一个“APM” 包括:一个或多个养殖池及一个安装在养殖池外的过滤系统。所养殖的动物被蓄养在养殖池的水中;过滤系统是安置在养殖池外,用于抽吸及处理养殖池中的水。 | ||
过滤系统其主要的组成部份从底部至顶部包括:入水屏、一个固体垃圾分离器、空气扩散器、生物过滤器(包含生物过滤器培养基)、氧气装置、臭氧及紫外线调节装置,出水屏。非溶性固体空气抽吸泵、和一个排废气系统。养殖池和所有的废水处理配件全部按照美国一力(以下简称AP)养殖场的规格设计和生产。 |
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养殖池中所有组件已安装组件的组合和操作都是专为养殖水产类动物,整套设备名称为APM。 | ||
“Intellectual Property” | includes but is not limited to the technology, copyrights, processes, know-how, designs, operations manuals, specifications of equipment and descriptions of operating principles and technology or other like rights; | |
“技术产权” | 包括(但不局限于):技术、版权、操作程序、专业技巧、设计、操作指南、设备规格、,和操作规则和技术说明和其它的权利。 | |
“manufacture” | includes constructs, assemble, produce or otherwise prepare for commercial use or exploitation; | |
“制造加工” | 包括建筑、组装、生产或其它商业用途准备和开发。 | |
“processes” | includes technologies, products, devices, processes or techniques; | |
“生产” | 包括生产技术、产品、装置、运行和技巧。 | |
“product” | means the products and /or processes which incorporate the use of the intellectual Property; | |
“产品” | 是指技术产品和/或指此技术产权所设及利用的技术操作过程。 | |
“User Certificate” | means the entitlement of the Purchaser to utilize the intellectual property for the operation of the Project and certifies the performance of the A Power Modules. | |
“使用者证明书” | 是指赋予买方的证书,证明其享有的对此技术产权的使用权和对此项目的操作权,以及对APM的运行权。 |
A reference to persons shall include corporations; words including singular number shall include plural number and vice versa; words including a gender shall include all other genders.
A reference in this Agreement to a statute or a section of a statute includes all amendments to that statute or a section passed in substitution for incorporating any of its provisions.
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Except for the purpose of identification, headings and underlines have been inserted in this Agreement for the Purpose of Guidance only and shall not be part of this Agreement.
Recitals and the “Information” attached hereto shall be regarded as part of this Agreement.
2. | COMMENCEMENT 协议起始日 |
The time for commencement of the Parties’ contractual obligations pursuant to this Agreement occurs on the date of execution of this Agreement by the parties hereto.
3.1 | The Employer will make payments to CA or to its designated agents in United State currency or Renminbi at Hong Kong and/or China in such manner and at such other place as may be agreed between the parties, for work done and provided by CA in accordance with the terms and conditions described in Item 4 of the Information List set forth herein. |
承包方依照后面所附明细表第四条的要求及条件完成或提供的工作, 雇主将在香港/中国大陆,或者任何其它双方协议的地点, 以美金/人民币, 或者其它双方协议的方式支付。
3.2 | CA will carry out and provide the services to the Employer in accordance with the scope of works as described in Item 3 of the Information List set forth herein. |
Time shall be of the essence with respect to all payments.
4. | SUB-CONTRACT合同转包 |
CA will have the right to contract with any person for the performance of the whole or any part of the construction work, supplies of parts and components for the construction and/or assembling of the farm’s plants and equipment as contained in this Agreement.
5. | DELAYS OUTSIDE OF CA’s CONTROL 承包方控制范围之外的延期 |
5.1 | Times for completion of CA’s contractual obligations are given as accurately as possible but are not warranted and are subject to extension to allow for delay caused by: |
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(a) | War, civil commotion, legislation, strikes, lock outs, break downs, delays in transport, fire and flood; |
(b) | Unavailability of raw materials, disruption and supply of water and electricity or any other cause whatsoever beyond the control of CA. |
5.2 | CA shall not be responsible or under any liability for failure to complete its contractual obligations within any time specified in this Contract due to any of the events referred to in Clause 5.1 hereof , including liability in respect of any consequential economic loss or damage. |
因本协议5.1条所述事项而不能完成合约义务, 承包方不负有任何责任,包括任何由此产生的经济损失或损伤的责任。
6. | EXTRA COSTS 额外费用 |
(a) If CA incurs any extra costs as a result of any delays arising out of the circumstances defined in clause 5.1 or interruptions or suspension of work due to the Employer’s instructions or failure to give instructions, CA shall be entitled to increase the Contract Price by the amount of any such extra costs so caused calculated on a basis as close as possible to that used to arrive at the Contract Price.
(b) Should any material supplied by the Employer for use in carrying out the scope of work is defective or unsuitable in any way, the Employer will pay to CA in addition to the Contract Price the costs of all extra work carried out and materials supplied by the CA to overcome such defect.
(c) Except as otherwise stated in this Agreement, packing of equipment or part comprising the scope of work shall be suitable for shipment of the same by shipping container from Australia, European countries, Hong Kong or any other countries to the Site and will be effected in accordance with CA’s or its suppliers’ standard practices, the cost of which is included in the Contract price. Insofar as any packing that does not conform to CA’s standard practice required for the purposes of the Contract and the cost of which is in excess of the cost of CA’s standard practices, the excess shall be borne by the Employer.
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(a) The Employer shall insure the full invoiced value of all equipment, parts or materials shipped pursuant to this Agreement against damage or loss in transit. If any of the said equipment, parts or materials are damaged or lost in the course of shipment, CA shall be under no liability whatsoever in respect of such damage or loss.
(b) The Employer shall take out a public liability policy with a reputable insurer approved by CA in the name of both the Employer and CA providing each of them with indemnity in the amount of US$10,000,000.00 in respect of all and any liability, including to each other and any third party, arising out of and/or in connection with that portion of the scope of work which takes place on the Employer’s premises including the Site.
雇主要以双方的名义与经承包方认可的有信誉的保险公司签订保障金额为美金$10,000,000.00元的公共责任保险契约, 对任何一方或任何第三方在因合约的项目在雇主的物业或施工现场范围内发生的意外事故加以保障。
(c) All equipment, parts and material being constituents of the scope of work delivered to the Site or other premises nominated by the Employer shall be at the risk of the Employer from the time of their dispatch to the Employer from the premises of CA or its suppliers as the case may be.
所有本工程设及的设备、配件、材料,由 雇主指定发送至工地或其它物业,从上述设备、配件、和材料从 承 包方或其供应商向 雇主 发货时间开始,所有上述货物的风险由 雇主承担。
(d) CA shall be under no obligation to insure the equipment, parts or materials being constituents of the scope of work.
8. | WARRANTY 担保条件 |
CA agrees to warrant the quality of equipment supplied comprising the scope of work referred to in Item 6 of the Information List that: |
(a) | on delivery will be new and unused; |
(b) | will be of good and merchantable quality; |
(c) | will comply with the description of the equipment referred to in Item 6 of the Information List hereto; and |
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(d) | will be free from defects and materials and installation of work. |
Save as expressly provided for in this Agreement, CA shall not be liable to the Employer or its servants or agents or contractors for any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages of any nature howsoever caused (whether based on tort or contract or otherwise) including but not limited to loss of profits, loss of production, loss of sales opportunity or business reputation, direct or indirect labour costs and overhead expenses and damage to equipment or property or any other claim whatsoever arising directly or indirectly out of or in any way attributable to the execution and performance of the Contract.
The Employer shall has a separate and distinct obligation indemnify CA its servants and agents and at all times, keep CA it servants and agents indemnified against all actions, proceedings and claims whatsoever brought against CA, it servants or agents in relation to any injury, loss of life or damage to any property or financial other consequential loss for and in respect of any loss injury expense or damage howsoever caused or arising from any cause whatsoever arising directly or indirectly out of or in any way attributable or incidental to the execution or performance of this Agreement. |
承包方的工人和 其代理商因履行该合约而直接或间接造成或导致的工伤、意外、人命损失或财产损失或其它导致到的经济损失, 而产生对 其供应方工人和其承包商或代理商被入禀控告或索赔,雇主都应有不可推缷的责任赔偿给承包方。
Ground of Termination 中止合约的理由
(a) Should the Employer make default in payment of any amount due to CA or in carrying out any other obligation on the Employer’s part under this Agreement, CA shall be entitled to give the Employer written notice of such default requiring the Employer to remedy the same within seven (7) days of service of such notice, and should the Employer fail to remedy its default, CA may if it so elects terminate this Agreement forthwith or waive the Employer’s default upon the condition that in consideration thereof the Employer shall make payment to CA forthwith by way of liquidated damages the difference between the amount paid by the Employer to the date of default and the total of all CA’s invoices to the date of default unpaid by the Employer plus interest at the rate of 10% per annum on amounts comprising such difference for the periods that they remain unpaid from date of invoice.
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(b) Upon termination of this Agreement for any reason whatsoever, the Employer shall not be relieved of its obligation to pay all amounts owed by it to CA or any account whatsoever.
12. | INSTALLATION 设备的安装 |
(a) The scope of work requires CA to perform the fitting out or commissioning of equipment or parts as such:
(b) The Employer will provide CA with suitable access to the Site at all times necessary and convenient to CA for the purpose of this Agreement;
(c) The Employer will provide at its cost suitable accommodation and transportation for CA’s servants, agents, subcontractors or employees;
(d) The Employer undertakers that its servants, agents and subcontractors carrying out or involved in the scope of work will at all times promptly give effect to CA’s directions and requests relating to the same;
(e) The Employer will provide suitable on site storage facilities of equipment and parts to be installed and materials to be used under this Agreement;
(f) The Employer will provide electrical power and water supply so that construction and installation of the A Power Modules can be carried out continuously;
(g) The Employer will integrate CA’s construction and installation work at the Site as depicted and defined in the scope of work so as to facilitate supply and installation by CA of the equipment parts and materials comprising A Power Modules. If for any reason beyond the control of CA, including the Employer’s default or issue of a variation instructions, installation of the A Power Modules cannot proceed without additional cost to CA and/or delay in the completion of the A Power Modules occurs, the Employer will pay to CA such amount in addition to the Contract Price as are required to compensate CA for such additional cost and/or delay calculated on a basis as similar as possible to that used by CA to calculate its costs of manufacture, supply or supervision of installation, including all additional costs for equipment, parts and material and expense in unloading or placing into storage equipment, parts and materials to be used in connection with or comprising the scope of work and any idle time of CA’s employees or subcontractors resulting from such delay;
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(h) if any of CA’s employees or subcontractors are required to work overtime or his normal work is interrupted as a result of the action, instructions or the failure to give instruction by the Employer, the Employer will pay to CA in addition to the Contract Price the additional costs of such overtime or interrupted work calculated on a basis as similar as possible as that used to calculate the cost of labour supervision of installation comprised in the Contract Price;
(i) CA shall be under no liability for the correctness or suitability of any site works, foundations or piles buildings or structures constructed by any other person and the Employer shall be deemed to warrant the correctness and suitability for the purposes of the scope of work
13. | ARBITRATION 仲裁 |
If at any time any question, dispute or difference whatsoever shall arise between CA and the Employer upon, in relation, or in connection with the Contract or the performance thereof, either party may give to the other notice in writing of the existence of such question, dispute or difference and the same shall be referred to the arbitration before a person to be mutually agreed upon, or failing such agreement within fourteen(14) days of receipt of such notice, before a person appointed by the President, for the time being, of the Institute of Engineers China, Guangzhou Branch. The submissions shall be deemed to be a submission to arbitration within the meaning of the Commercial Arbitration Act China or any statutory modification or re- enactment thereof.
The terms and conditions of this Agreement shall constitute the sole contract between CA and the Employer and the same shall not be varied or added to in any way whatsoever nor shall any purported variation or addition whether before or after the date hereof, have any legal effect unless agreed to in writing by both parties.
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15. | FRUSTRATION 合约因意外而不能履行 |
Whilst CA will use its best endeavour to fulfill its contractual obligations hereunder, if this Contract shall become impossible to perform through no fault of CA or shall be otherwise frustrated, the Employer shall be liable to pay to CA all costs which CA, its suppliers or subcontractors have incurred directly or indirectly or for which CA is liable under this Agreement at the time of impossibility of performance, or frustration provided that CA shall not require payment for any standard parts or materials which CA may be able to sue at the time any other contract then current. Any prepayments which may have been made to CA under this Agreement shall be applied towards satisfaction of such sum as may become due to CA under this provision, and the excess(if any) of such prepayments will be refunded to the Employer.
All information and technical date relating to the intellectual property disclosed by CA to the Employer (“Confidential information”) shall be used by the Employer and its successors as owners or operators of the A Power Modules for this and no other purpose. The Employer and its successors will keep the all such information confidential. The Employer and its successors will use the confidential information exclusively for the operation and maintenance of the A Power Modules. The Employer will take all reasonable steps to prevent unauthorized use of the Confidential Information by its personnel or by third parties.
本协议涉及到的所有的信息和技术都受知识产权保护,所有从承包方得 到 的,雇主或其承接方或APM的操作人员的传递过程都以 “机密资料”的行式被应用,雇主和承接方只可以将“机密资料”应用于操作或维护APM的设备。雇主有义务避免未被授权的第三方或个人使用或复制所有上述“机密资料”
17. | GENERAL 一般条款 |
(a) Waiver 违规豁免
Any waiver or forbearance in regard to the performance of this Agreement shall operate only if in writing and shall apply only to the specified instance and shall not affect the existence and continued applicability of the terms of it thereafter.
(b) Entire Agreement 完整的合约
This Agreement embodies all the terms binding between the parties and replaces all previous representations or proposals not embodied herein.
(c) Applicable Law 所遵循的法律
This Agreement shall be read and construed according to the laws of China and the parties submit to the jurisdiction of that Country.
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(d) Amendments 更改
This Agreement may not be varied except in writing signed by the parties.
(e) Severability 可行性
If any provision of this Agreement is held by a court to be unlawful, neither the legality, validity or enforceability of the remaining provisions hereof, nor the legality, validity or enforceability of such provision shall in any way be affected or impaired thereby.
如果合约中任何一条被法院认定为非法的, 其余条款本不受影响。
(f) Notices 通知
All notices shall be in writing and shall be given by anyone of the following means:
(i) by delivering to the address of the party on a business day during normal business hours;
(ii) by sending it to the address of the party on a business day during normal business hours;
(iii) by sending it by email or facsimile transmission to the telex number or facsimile of the party
Address地址 : Room 3711, China Shine Plaza, No.9, Lin He Xi Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou (510610)
Legal Representative法定代表人:Solomon Lee ( ###-###-#### Australian Passport)
Telephone 电话: 86-20-22057860
Facsimile 传真: 86-20-22057863
The Employer雇主: Mr. Gao Qiang, of Gao Qiang Aquaculture Farm
Address地址: Nanzhu Village, Qibao County, Xinhui District, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province.
Telephone电话: 0750-6119310, 13426888207
Facsimile传真 : 0750-6119310
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(g) Further Agreement 补充协议
Each party shall execute such agreements, deeds and document and do or cause to be executed or done all such acts and things as shall be necessary to give effect to this Agreement. |
(i) Charges 费用
All stamp duties and governmental charges arising out of or incidental to this Agreement shall be paid by the Parties collectively. |
(j) Drawings and Plans 图测
All CA’s drawings, designs and specifications relating to the A Power Modules are and shall remain CA’s properties, the Employer will not part with possession of the same, disclose to any other person any part of the contents thereof nor allow any part of the same to be copied without CA’s prior written consent. |
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The Parties hereby agree and accept the terms and conditions specified hereof and execute this agreement with mutual consent:
was hereunto affixed in the presence of :
(Solomon Lee) |
Date: 18th May, 2011
Witness 在场见证人 | ||
Date: 18th May, 2011 | ||
签字日期:2011年5月18日 |
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“Information List”
Item # | Item names 名称 | Description 描述 | ||
1 | The Project 项目 | This A Power Farm has the equivalent of 32 AP Modules and consisting the followings: 此项目的AP养殖场拥有32个APM, 包含以下部分:
Section (A) building of 1500 m² to house a Quarantine station, with equivalent capacity to 4 APM Grow-out units, storage, an office and a preparation room. 第一部分:面积1500平方米, 建设容量相当于四个APM的检疫池, 一个储藏室, 一间办公室及一间制备室.
Section (B) building of 1500 m² to house a Nursery that is the equivalent of 8 AP grow-out tanks’ capacity and has the capacity to house up to 4 million fingerlings (from 20mm to 100mm) per year. 第二部分: 面积为1500平方米的育苗池, 容量相当于8个AP养殖池, 每年可以容纳高达400百万尾鱼苗.
Section (C) building of 4000 m² to house the equivalent of 20 large AP Grow-out tanks to produce up to 800 Metric Tons of fresh water fish and eel per year. 第三部分: 面积为8000平方米的20个AP养殖池, 每年生产淡水鱼与鳗鱼达1000公吨.
The Engineering capacity of the A Power Farm is designed based on the practical capacity to produce up to 400 metric tons of aquatic animals per year. 养殖场容量工程设计是以每年能生产1000公吨水产类动物的实际容量为基础进行的.
(hereinafter called “the Farm”) (以下称为养殖场) |
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2 | Scope of Work 工作范围
| |||
2.1 | Project and engineering Management 项目及工程管理 | Provision of concept designs, engineering analysis, determination of systems, and construction design and drawing for the Farm. Supervise the construction and building of all sections covering installation of water and electrical work, and lay-out of ground pipes etc. 提供概念设计, 工程分析, 系统确定, 施工设计, 养殖场工程图纸设计. 水电工作及地下管道安装每个环节的监督管理工作. | ||
2.1.1 | Installation Supervision 设备安装监督 | Supervise the installation of all AP designed and / or the CA’s specified plants and equipment. Supervise the commissioning of all AP modules and related facilities. AP设计或承包方指定的设备的安装监管. 所有AP模版或相关装备的启动监管. | ||
2.1.2 | Commissioning Supervision, Farm Management 启动监管, 养殖场管理 | To provide related management and personnel training service for the demo-farm’s operation, and to supervise the farm’s operation until such time, workers are fully trained to manage the operation of the farm. 为养殖场提供相关管理及职员培训服务,并监督养殖场运作直至养殖场工作人员完全掌握养殖场流程. | ||
2.2 | Supply of plants and equipment 设备供应
| To supply the plants, equipment, parts and components as detailed in Item 3 of this Information List. 供应下面明细表中第三条详细说明的设备, 零配件. | ||
3 | Project Site 项目地点 | The project site of 50 Mu is situated at a location to be mutually agreed by the parties, situated in a district of Nanzhu Village, Qibao County, Xinhui District, Jiangmen City, Guangdong Province, China. 占地面积50亩的项目地点位于中国广东省江门市新会区,七堡南竹村 | ||
4 | The Contract Price 合同价格
| Total: RMB55Million (equivalent to US$8,5536Million at exchange rate of US$1=RMB6.42) covering the followings: 合计人民币5千5百万(合折8百55万美元), 包含以下: | ||
4.1 | The Project and Engineering designs and consultation 项目工程设计及咨询 | US$1,000,000.00 1百万美金 |
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4.2 | Sub-contracting of building of farm buildings and tanks and related infrastructure preparation and work. 养殖场建筑、水池以及相关基础设施建设 | US$3,000,000.00 300万美金 | ||
4.3 | Supply of Farm plants and equipment and accessories. 养殖场设备及零件供应 | US$2,000,000.00 200万美金 | ||
4.4 | Installation and related supervision and work for commissioning and testing. 设备安装,相关监管及启动及测试工作 | US$500,000.00 50万美金 | ||
4.5 | Farm training for personnel and management 养殖场职员及管理培训 | US$600,000.00 60万美金 | ||
4.6 | Airfare, accommodation, lodging and out of pocket expenses 机票、餐费、住宿及现金支出 | These items are not included in the above amount and will be paid by the Employer in accordance with their actual expenditure at the time. The air fares will be based on business class air fare from Australia / China. 这些费用项目不包含于以上金额,将由雇主根据当时实际支出支付。机票费用以澳大利亚/中国机票商务舱价格为基准。 | ||
4.7 | Notes to the charges 费用备注 | All figures quoted hereof are in round figures for present calculation purpose, and actual figures will be billed in accordance with CA’s invoices, but in any case the actual total charges will be capped within a tolerance +/- 10%. 此处引用的便于目前计算的数据皆保留整数,实际金额根据承包方的发票支付,但任何情况下实际金额的浮动幅度应该限于正负10%的范围内。 | ||
4.8 | Technology Fee 技术费用 | CA shall grant the Employer the “Right to use and operate” the AP Modules hereto under a Certificate namely the “User Certificate” for a period of 55 years at a consideration calculated at US$ 25,000.00 per APM totaling to US$350,000.00 (herein after called “the UC Fee”). 承包方给雇主颁发用户证书,给予雇主使用APM的权利,使用期限为55年,报酬为每模块25000美元,合计35万美元(以下此项称为UC费) |
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5 | Payment terms 付款方式 | |||
5.1 | For items 4.1, 适用于4.1条 | (a) A deposit payment of US$250,000.00 payable upon signing of this Contract. 此合同签订日支付25万美元保证金。 | ||
5.2 | For item 4.2 适用于4.2条 | (b) Subsequent payments payable within 30 days from date of invoices issued based on monthly payment of no less than US$25,000 / month. 后续款项应于发票开具日期起30天内支付,每月支付,支付金额不少于25000美金。 | ||
5.3 | For Item 4.3 适用于4.3条 | Payments to be paid within 30 days from date of invoice and in accordance with the related progressive payment terms of the sub-contractors. 发票开具日期起30天内支付,并与转包合同承包商累计支付相关条款保持一致。 | ||
5.4 | For Item 4.4, 4.5 and 4.6 适用于4.4、4.5及4.6条 | Payments to be paid within 30 days from date of invoice and in accordance with the related progressive delivery terms and conditions of the suppliers and sub-contractors. 发票开具日期起30天内支付,并与供应商及转包合同承包商 累计交货条款及条件保持一致。 | ||
Payments to be paid within 30 days from date of invoices. 发票开具日期起30天内支付。 | ||||
5.5 | For item 4.8 适用于4.8条
| Payments to be made commencing 30 days after the farm will be in operation based on equally divided periodical monthly payments over a period of 2 years with invoices to be given by CA that will be payable within 30 days from date of invoices. 养殖场正常运行30天后开始支付,给予2年期限,按月平均支付。支付期限为承包方发票开具日期起30天内。 | ||
5.6 | Late payments 逾期付款 | Any late payments in relation hereto shall be subject to a penalty payment calculated to the rate of 10% per annual payable monthly for a maximum period of 90 days such that any due payment exceeds the said period shall be deemed as default by the Vendor unless CA consents to the extension of the said late payments in writing. In any case should there will be extended period for any corresponding payments CA will specify accordingly in the said corresponding invoices detailing the related period of extension and change of payment terms (if any). 如预期付款,将收取年度应付款10%的罚款。每月付款的最大期限为90天,有逾期的,视作雇主的过失,除非承包方书面同意延长付款期限。如人和一笔款项承包方同意延长支付期限,承包方将在相应的发票上详细说明延长的期限及修改付款方式(如发生改变)。 |
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6 | List of Plants and Equipment 设配清单 | Quantity | ||||
6.1 | Water Treatment Compartment 水处理设施 | |||||
Solid Wastes Separators 固体垃圾分离器 | 28 | |||||
Bio-filter treatment sets for treatment of soluble wastes 用于处理可溶性垃圾的生物过滤器 | 28 | |||||
Foam eliminators 泡沫消除器 | 28 | |||||
Air –blowers 吹风机 | 28 | |||||
Aerators 通风装置 | 28 | |||||
Oxygen injectors 氧喷射器 | 28 | |||||
UV-light sets 紫外线装置 | 28 | |||||
Heating units 加热装置 | 28 | |||||
O3 treatment units 臭氧处理器 | 28 | |||||
Inlet and outlet water pumps 进出水抽水泵 | 56 | |||||
All related parts and components 所有相关的零配件 | As per Suppliers’ Supply List | |||||
All related fittings and connections 所有相关的安装连接工作 | ||||||
6.2 | Stand-by generator set 备用发电机组 | 2 | ||||
6.3 | Auto-Fish Graders 自动分类机 | 4 | ||||
6.4 | All related operation plants and equipment for operation of each tank individually 每个独立养殖池运作的所有相关工作设备 | Standard sets per tank | ||||
6.5 | All associated filtration materials 所有相关的过滤材料 | 12 tons 12吨 |
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7 | Other conditions of the referred relevant Management 与管理相关的其它条文 | |||
7.1 | Related to the Project and Engineering Management 关于项目及工程管理 | The Employer agrees that CA shall undertake and carry out on behalf of the Employer the following activities: 雇主同意承包方代表雇主承担及执行以下活动: | ||
7.1.1 | To approve on the lay-out plan of the project land, all drawings and designs of the buildings and all aspect of engineering and technologies applied for the construction of the sections and farms. 负责审批项目场地安排,图纸设计,以及应用于各个环节及养殖场建设的工程技术。 | |||
7.1.2 | To evaluate work of the sub-contractors, tradesmen, quotes and tenders and make recommendation to the Employer to allow the Employer to enter into suitable contracts (if necessary). 评价转承包商,销售商,报价投标,以及像雇主进行推荐,使雇主能签订合适的合同(如需要) | |||
7.1.3 | To make recommendation to the Employer for the dismissal and control over building and supplying agents or individual contractors. 为雇主提出建议是否采用及如何掌控建筑、供应代理,或个体承包商。 | |||
7.1.4 | To procure the services of external experts, consultants to provide technical, design, legal, and other professional and advisory services as may be appropriate in relation to the construction and development of farms and related facilities. 获取外部专家、顾问的服务,提供与养殖场和相关设施建设发展有关的技术、设计、法律以及其它专业和咨询服务。 | |||
7.1.5 | To make recommendation to the Employer for the dismissal of incompetent advisers, superintendents and engineers. 向雇主建议解雇不合适的顾问,管理者或工程师。 | |||
7.2 | Related to the Farm and Fishery Management 关于养殖场管理 | The Employer agrees that CA shall be entitled to and empowered to exercise all powers, authorities and discretions in relation to the management of the activities referred below: 雇主同意, 承包方在以下活动的管理方面具有所有的权力及决定权: | ||
7.2.1 | All the lay-out plans of the plants and equipment in and of the farm. 养殖场及养殖场所属设备的布置安排。 |
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7.2.2 | To source for and the use of feed stocks, fingerlings and other materials that will be needed for the operation and production of the farm. 寻找及利用饲料、鱼苗资源,以及其它养殖场运营及生产所需的原料。 | |||
7.2.3 | The training of farm operators and staffs of the farm. 养殖场工人及员工培训。 | |||
7.2.4 | The appointment of maintenance and service contractors for the service and maintenance of plants and equipment of the farm. 指定养殖场设备服务维修代理商。 | |||
7.2.5 | The day to day management of the operation of the farm until such time the farm’s management will be able to operate the farm by them. 养殖场日常运营管理,直至养殖场管理人员能够独立操作。 | |||
7.2.6 | To accept quotes and tenders for on behalf of the Employer. 代表雇主接受报价或投标。 | |||
7.2.7 | The appointment and dismissal of services from experts, consultants and other professional as may be appropriate in relation to the operation of the farm. 任免专家、顾问以及其它与养殖场运营相关的专业人员。 | |||
7.3. | Related to the Technology 关于技术 | The Employer agrees to acquire from CA and CA agrees to grant to the Employer an UC for the operation of the farm consisting up to 32 APMs for a period of 55 years under the following additional conditions:. 在以下附加条件下,雇主同意采用技术而承包方同意给予雇主用于养殖场经营的技术使用证书,包括32个APM的使用及55年的使用期限。 | ||
7.3.1 | CA shall provide the Employer with the technology, processes, know-how, designs, operation manuals, specification of equipment and description of operation principles and technology. 承包方应向雇主提供技术、过程、专门知识、设计、操作指南、设备说明书以及操作原则及技术的描述。
CA shall provide the Employer with technical support by way of the Employer to appoint CA as the said farm and fishery Management. 通过雇主任命承包方管理所述养殖场的方式,承包方向雇主提供技术支持。 |
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The Employer shall permit CA to inspect the AP modules and other related facilities in the farm from time to time to ensure that the related plants and equipment are being serviced and maintained regularly and that the number of APM s are the number of APMs provided by CA. 雇主同意承包方定时检查APM及其它养殖场相关设备,以保证得到
The Employer shall keep confidential all information and technical data disclosed by CA to the Employer, provided that the Employer shall the right to disclose such information to its employees in so far as it is necessary for them to know the information, and the Employer shall not use any of the CA’s disclosures or other information or technical data except for other purpose apart from the operation of the farm. 雇主应对承包方披露的信息及技术进行保密。只有当承包方的雇员在有必要知道的情况下,承包方才有权披露这些信息及技术。雇主不得把承包方披露的信息及技术应用于养殖场经营以外的目的。
The Employer shall be allowed to assign or transfer the UC only after obtaining CA’s approval. 雇主转让用户证书须经承包方同意。
The Employer agrees that all installation works for the APMs in the Farm must be completed by Installation Contractors approved by CA, all plants and equipment for the building of the Farm must be supplied by the suppliers and / or manufacturers approved by CA, and on completion of each and every APM, CA shall inspect and approve the commissioning of the completed APM. 雇主同意,APM系统的安装工作全部由承包方同意的安装承包人完成。所有养殖场建造设备全部由承包方同意的供应商或生产商供应。没完成一个APM模块,由承包方检查及同意其启动过程。 |
7.4 | Warranty Period 保修期
(Warranty Period of all Plants and equipment, parts and components and building materials shall be in accordance with the Warranty Periods and Conditions as given by their manufacturers or suppliers with the exception of the items that shall be manufactured directly by CA or its subsidiaries, in which case, their warranty period shall be for a period of 12 months.) 所有设备,零配件及建筑材料的保修期与制造商或供应商提供的保质期限和条件相一致。由承包方或其子公司直接生产的除外,此种情况下保修期是12个月。 |
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8 | Schedule of work Schedule are given by CA to assist the Employer in its planning of work relating to the construction of the Farm and it is given as a guideline only which should not be understood as the final development or work schedule. As such, more accurate development schedules in respect of each stage of the development work will be supplied by CA progressively during the development period of the farm. 工作计划 承包方给出计划协助雇主安排与养殖场建设相关的工作,但仅作为参考指导,不是最终的发展或工作计划。因此,关于每个发展步骤更加精确的计划,将由承包方在养殖场发展过程中逐步提供。 |
Item and description of work 工作项目及说明 | Commencement Date | Completion Date | ||||
8.1 | Soil and water drilling, analysis and geo-technical testing and site surveying 钻井汲水,分析及物理技术测试,现场调查 | May 18, 2011 2011年5月18日 | June 18, 2011 2011年6月18日 | |||
8.2 | Determination of fish and eel species 确定鱼与鳗鱼品种 | May 18, 2011 2011年5月18日 | June 18, 2011 2011年6月18日 | |||
8.3 | Land clearing, leveling and infrastructure construction 土地清理、平整及基础设施建设 | August 15, 2011 2011年8月15日 | Sept 15, 2011 2011年9月15日 | |||
8.4 | Commissioning and formalization of all engineering designs and drawings 启用所有工程设计及图纸并使其形式化 | May 18, 2011 2011年5月18日 | June 18, 2011 2011年6月18日 | |||
8.5 | Commissioning and formalization of all local manufactured plants and equipment of the tanks and systems. 启用鱼池及系统的国产设备,并形式化 | August 15, 2011 2011年8月15日 | Sept 15, 2011 2011年9月15日 | |||
8.6 | Investigation and determination of supply bases for fingerlings 研究及决定鱼苗供应基数 | May 18, 2011 2011年5月18日 | June 18, 2011 2011年6月18日 | |||
8.7 | Investigation and determination of supply of feed staffs 鱼饲料供应的调查及决定 | May 18, 2011 2011年5月18日 | June 18, 2011 2011年6月18日 | |||
8.8 | Construction of farm buildings 养殖场建筑物建设 | January 1, 2012 2012年1月1日 | April 1, 2011 2012年4月1日 | |||
8.9 | Construction of tanks 鱼池建设 | February 1, 2012 2012年2月1日 | April 1, 2011 2012年4月1日 | |||
8.10 | Construction of external dams and water tanks and connections 外围堤坝、水池及通道建设 | January 1, 2012 2012年1月1日 | March 15, 2012 2012年3月15日 | |||
8.11 | Installation of all farm plants and equipment 养殖场设配安装 | March 1, 2012 2012年3月1日 | April 30, 2011 2012年4月30日 |
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8.12 | Testing and commissioning of tanks 测试及启用鱼池 | May 1, 2012 2012年5月1日 | May 15, 2012 2012年5月15日 | |||
8.13 | Commencement of Stocking of fingerlings 放鱼苗 | July 15, 2012 2012年7月15日 | Continuous Processes 持续过程 | |||
8.14 | Training of staffs and workers 员工及工人培训 | June 1, 2012 2012年6月1日 | July 1, 2012 2012年7月1日 | |||
8.15 | Commencement of first harvest of fish & eel 首次收成 | July 1, 2013 2013年7月1日 | Continuous processes 持续过程 |
The Parties hereby agree and accept the terms and conditions specified hereof and execute this agreement with mutual consent:
was hereunto affixed in the presence of :
(Solomon Lee) |
Date: 18th May, 2011
Witness 在场见证人 |
Date: 18th May, 2011
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