Specimen of Share Certificate of Rotech Healthcare Holdings Inc
Contract Categories:
Business Finance
- Share Agreements
EX-4.1 2 tm2114271d10_ex4-1.htm EXHIBIT 4.1
Exhibit 4.1
![]() | &u lltlltrn fGr (triain l8dinilions Shares, $0.01 Par Value Per Share Common Stock t!tfjiS' iS' IS' tbt OWtttt of to €:trtifp tfjat SPECIMEN - NOT NEGOTIABLE ao az {ifi{7);/X-:-h.:._ht-":'"i1:1::tl.ez:I :d.?:t ddy «fwn o/iM ddy 04' and tk «fl/j, A • - (T·v • © 1999 CORPEX BANKNOTE CO .. BAY SHORE N.Y. |
![]() | The following abbreviations, when used in the inscription on the face of this certificate, shall be construed as though they were written out in full according to applicable laws or regulations: TEN COM - as tenants in common UNIF TRANSFERS MIN ACT-......•...••••.•Custodian ..•.......... (Cust) under Uniform Transfers to Minors Act.••......•.....•.................................•..•. (State) (Minor) TENENT - as tenants by the entireties :g JTTEN - as joint tenants with right of survivorship and not as tenants in common Additional abbreviations may also be used though not in the above list :;;:: fil:!lm ::l;c:ili udae---lwm!J? 6el/, a661f'n and t?tanYe?t tbnW PLEASE INSERT SOCIAL SECURITY OR OTHER IDENTIFYING NUMBER OF ASSIGNEE !:::{!1 o'tiQ :n 5!(:! ll'i C! !1:! 5! iii :C: )o (PLEASE PRINT OR TYPEWRITE NAME AND ADDRESS INCLUDING POSTAL ZIP CODE OF ASSIGNEE) '"I Ill o=n5!n!d15l ). C!: i5: "<:::.) 0;:!'"1 s::t!;;:: :<!: !::: fr'liil!!l ------------------------ented6ff the witldn C@e"!/wcde, and fwm(;rp t{? ;:iE:;:O ;t:""O li>ilITmJ -<:(3 . J:IC!: ?;;o :;; :§ O;j! :n eMMtitttte rMU!t ajpoint d ()41, the 6rmk o/ the tr<mjl'"" the Jaid 1{!1 Y!Jmptuitlb_jldfJ !!I in the}mm/6e6. {jj)'aax -------,--------.fi.;menee </' |