Amendment to Terms and Conditions of Employment by and between Quaker Chemical Ltd and Adrian Steeples, dated June 15, 2011
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Exhibit 10.20
Mr A Steeples
Pentle House
Shenstone Hill
15th June 2011
Dear Adrian
Referring to recent discussions, we hereby confirm that effective from 1st July 2011 your contract of employment dated 7th December 2010 will be amended as detailed below.
Remuneration & Expenses
With effect from 1st January 2012, for the purpose of your employment, a suitable motor car will be provided. Currently company cars are leased, on a total costs contract, and for your grade you will be able to choose a category 2 car with a current maximum monthly cost of £900 exclusive of VAT.
Also with effect from 1st January 2012 the payment of £400 per month detailed in paragraph 5.2 and the reimbursement of business mileage at 19p per mile detailed in paragraph 5.3 of your original contract will be stopped.
Pension & Life Assurance
You will now be eligible to join the Company contributory occupational pension scheme, and the monthly allowance of £800 detailed in paragraph 8 of your original contract will stop with effect from the first day of the month when you join the scheme.
All other employment conditions and all company rules and practices will remain unchanged.
Would you please sign one copy of this letter, to confirm your agreement to the changes, and return it to myself.
Yours sincerely,
For agreement:
/s/ Mike Flower
Mike Flower A Steeples /s/ A. Steeples
Finance & SDO Manager
Company Secretary Date Signed 19/7/2011
Quaker Chemical Ltd