Launch Vehicles. Rockets that are used as interceptor and target vehicles for missile defense systems, small- and medium-class space launch vehicles that place satellites into Earth orbit, and suborbital launch vehicles that place payloads into a variety of high-altitude trajectories
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NNJ09GA02B | ISS Commercial Resupply Services |
I.A. Addendum to Standard Form 1449 | 1 | |||
I.A.I Schedule of Supplies and/or Services to be Provided | 1 | |||
I.A.2 Period Covered by Procurement | 1 | |||
I.A.3 Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ), Firm Fixed Price Contract | 1 | |||
I.A.4 Contract Line Items (CLINs) | 2 | |||
CLIN 0001 Standard Resupply Service | 2 | |||
Sub-CLIN 0001AA Pressurized Upmass ($/Kg) | 2 | |||
Sub-CLIN 0001AA Pricing Conditions: | 2 | |||
Sub-CLIN 0001AB Pressurized Upmass ($/Kg) | 3 | |||
Sub-CLIN 0001AB Pricing Conditions: | 3 | |||
Sub-CLIN 0001AC Unpressurized Upmass ($/Kg) | 3 | |||
Sub-CLIN 0001AC Pricing Conditions: | 4 | |||
Sub-CLIN 0001AD Return Cargo Upmass ($/Kg) | 4 | |||
Sub-CLIN 0001AD Pricing Conditions: | 4 | |||
Sub-CLIN 0001AE Return Cargo Downmass ($/Kg) | 4 | |||
Sub-CLIN 0001AE Pricing Conditions: | 4 | |||
Sub-CLIN 0001AF Disposal Cargo Downmass ($/Kg) | 5 | |||
Sub-CLIN 0001AF Pricing Conditions: | 5 | |||
Sub-CLIN 0001AG Disposal Cargo Downmass ($/Kg) | 5 | |||
Sub-CLIN 0001AH Mission Configuration Prices ($/Mission) | 6 | |||
Sub-CLIN 0001AI Mission Configuration Prices ($/Mission) | 6 | |||
Sub-CLIN 0001AJ Mission Configuration Prices ($/Mission) | 7 | |||
Sub-CLIN 0001AK Mission Configuration Prices ($/Mission) | 7 | |||
CLIN 0002 Non-Standard Services | 9 | |||
CLIN 0003 Special Task Assignments and Studies | 10 | |||
I.A.4A Optional Contract Line Items (CLINs) | 10 | |||
II. Contract Terms and ConditionsCommercial Items (FAR 52.212-4) (Oct 2008) | 11 | |||
II.A. Addendum to FAR 52.212-4 | 16 | |||
II. A.1 On-Ramp | 16 | |||
II.A.2 NFS 1852.232-77 Limitation of Funds (Fixed-Price Contract) (Mar 1989) | 16 | |||
II.A.3 Security for Resupply Service Payment Financing | 18 | |||
3.1 Requirements for payment (applicable to all CLINs) | 18 | |||
3.2 Security (applicable to CLIN 0001) | 18 | |||
3.3 Insurance (applicable to CLIN 0001) | 18 | |||
II.A.4 Licenses, Permits, and Other Authorizations for a Launch or Reentry Service Operator | 19 | |||
II.A.5 Task Ordering Procedures | 19 | |||
5.1 Requirements for Competition | 19 | |||
5.2 Types of Task Orders | 19 | |||
5.3 Task Ordering Information Applicable to Resupply Service Task Orders and Special Task Assignment Task Orders | 19 | |||
5.4 Unique Instructions For Resupply Service Task Orders | 21 | |||
II.A.6 Resupply Mission Payments, Milestone Events and Completion Criteria | 21 | |||
Table II.A.6-1: Mission Payment Schedule | 22 |
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NNJ09GA02B | ISS Commercial Resupply Services |
II.A.7 Ordering (FAR 52.216-18) (Oct 1995) | 23 | |||
II.A.8 Order Limitations (FAR 52.216-19) (Oct 1995) | 23 | |||
II.A.9 Indefinite Quantity (FAR 52.216-22) (Oct 1995) | 24 | |||
II.A.10 ChangesFixed Price (Deviation) (FAR 52.243-1) (Aug 1987) Alternate II | 25 | |||
II.A.11 Inspection of ServicesFixed Price (FAR 52.246-4) (Aug 1996) | 26 | |||
II.A.12 Preservation, Packing, Packaging, and Marking for Documentation | 26 | |||
II.A.13 FAR 52.246-11 Higher Level Contract Quality Requirement (Feb 1999) | 27 | |||
II.A.14 Personal Identity Verification of Contractor Personnel (FAR 52.204-9) (Sep 2007) | 27 | |||
II.A.15 Place of Performance | 27 | |||
II.A.16 Export Licenses (NFS 1852.225-70) (Feb 2000) | 27 | |||
II.A.17 NASA Resupply Readiness Assessment | 28 | |||
II.A.18 NASA Insight and Approval | 29 | |||
II.A.19 Mission Success Determination, Investigation, and Corrective Actions | 30 | |||
19.1 Mission Success Criteria | 30 | |||
19.2 Mission Success Determination | 30 | |||
19.3 Procedures | 31 | |||
19.4 Final Payment for Final Mission Success Determination | 32 | |||
19.5 Investigation and Corrective Action | 32 | |||
19.6 Acceptance | 32 | |||
II.A.19A Optional Mission Success Determination, Investigation, and Corrective Actions | 32 | |||
19A.1 Mission Success Criteria | 32 | |||
(A) Mission Success | 32 | |||
(B) Partial Mission Success | 32 | |||
(C) Failed Mission | 32 | |||
19A.2 Mission Success Determination | 32 | |||
19A.3 Procedures | 33 | |||
19A.4 Final Payment for Final Mission Success Determination | 33 | |||
19A.5 Investigation and Corrective Action | 33 | |||
19A.6 Acceptance | 34 | |||
II.A.20 Adjustments to Mission Schedule | 34 | |||
Table II.A.20-1: Cargo Delivery Windows | 34 | |||
II.A.21 Safety and Health (NFS 1852.223-70) (Apr 2002) | 35 | |||
II.A.22 Cross-Waiver of Liability for Space Station Activities (NFS 1852.228-76) (Dec 1994) (Deviation) | 37 | |||
II.A.23 Small Disadvantaged Business (SDB) ParticipationContract Targets | 40 | |||
II.A.24 Minimum Requirements | 41 | |||
II.A.25 Small Business Subcontracting Goals (JSC 52.219-90) (Oct 2006) | 41 | |||
II.A.26 Liability for Government Property Furnished for Repair or Other Services (Deviation) (September 2007) (NFS 1852.245-72) | 42 | |||
II.A.27 Contracting Officer Technical Representative Delegation | 43 | |||
II.A.28 Clauses Incorporated by Reference (FAR 52.252-2) (Feb 1998) | 43 | |||
Federal Acquisition Regulation (48 CFR Chapter 1) | 43 | |||
NASA FAR Supplement (48 CFR Chapter 18) Clauses | 43 | |||
II.A.29 Use of Government Property, Facilities and Assets | 44 | |||
II.A.30 Rights in DataGeneral (FAR 52.227-14) (Dec 2007) | 44 |
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NNJ09GA02B | ISS Commercial Resupply Services |
II.A.31 Key Personnel And Facilities (NFS 1852.235-71) (March 1989) | 49 | |||
III. Contract Terms and Conditions Required To Implement Statues or Executive OrdersCommercial Items (FAR 52.212-5) (OCT 2008) | 51 | |||
IV. Reserved | 55 | |||
V. Attachments | 56 | |||
Attachment V.A. Statement of Work | 57 | |||
Attachment V.B. Data Requirements List (DRL) | 76 | |||
Table V.B-1 DRDs Required near RFP Response | 77 | |||
Table V.B-2 Recurring DRDs | 77 | |||
Table V.B-3 DRDs Required Near VBR | 78 | |||
Table V.B-4 DRDs Required Near MIR | 78 | |||
Table V.B-5 DRDs Required Near CIR | 78 | |||
Table V B-6 DRDs Required Near Launch | 79 | |||
Table V.B-7 DRDs Required Post Flight | 79 | |||
Attachment V.C. Data Requirements Descriptions (DRDs) | 80 | |||
Cl-2: Mishap Notification, Investigation and Contingency Action Plan | 81 | |||
Cl-4: Configuration Management Plan | 85 | |||
C1-5: Export Control Plan | 86 | |||
Cl-7: Mission Integration and Operations Management Plan (MIOMP) | 88 | |||
Cl-8: Work Plan | 90 | |||
Cl-10: Safety Data Package | 92 | |||
C2-1: Formal Review Documentation | 93 | |||
C2-2: Integrated Schedules | 94 | |||
C3-1: Vehicle Interface Definition Document (IDD) | 95 | |||
C3-2: External Cargo Interface Control Agreement | 96 | |||
C3-3: Launch Vehicle Flight Software Input for IV&V | 97 | |||
C3-4: Launch Vehicle Guidance, Navigation and Controls (GN&C) Input for IV&V | 98 | |||
C3-5: Launch Vehicle Key Systems Qualification Data | 99 | |||
C4-1: Engineering Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Models | 100 | |||
C4-2: Initial Mission Resource Allocation Document (MRAD #1) | 102 | |||
C4-3: Imagery and Associated Cataloging | 104 | |||
C4-4: Internal Cargo Interface Control Agreement | 107 | |||
C5-1: Initial Flight Products | 108 | |||
C5-2: Integrated Cargo Phase III Hazard Report | 109 | |||
C6-1: Final Mission Resource Allocation Document (MRAD #2) | 110 | |||
C6-2: Final Flight Products | 112 | |||
C6-3: Delta Integrated Cargo Hazard Report | 113 | |||
C7-1: Preliminary Post Flight Assessment | 114 | |||
C7-2: Final Post Flight Assessment | 115 | |||
Attachment V.D. Small Business and Small Disadvantaged Business Subcontracting Plan | 116 | |||
1 INTRODUCTION | 118 | |||
1.1 Percentage Goals & Total Dollars Planned for Small Business Subcontracting | 119 | |||
1.2 Principal Types of Supplies & Services to be Subcontracted | 119 | |||
1.3 Description of Method Used to Develop Subcontracting Goals | 120 | |||
1.4 Description of Method Used to Identify Potential Sources for Solicitation Purposes | 120 |
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NNJ09GA02B | ISS Commercial Resupply Services |
1.5 Statement as to Whether or Not the Offeror Included Indirect Costs in Establishing Subcontracting Goals | 120 | |||
1.6 Name of an Individual Employed by Offeror who will Administer Offerors Subcontracting Program and a Description of the Duties of the Individual | 121 | |||
1.7 Offeror Efforts to Ensure Small Business Concerns have an Equitable Opportunity to Compete for Subcontracts | 121 | |||
1.8 Offerors Assurances to Include the Clause at 52.219-8 (May 2004), Utilization of Small Business Concerns in all Subtracts that Offer Further Subk Opps | 122 | |||
1.9 Offerors Assurances to Cooperate in Studies and Surveys and to Submit Periodic Reports | 122 | |||
1.10 Description of Types of Records that will be Maintained Concerning Procedures Adopted | 123 | |||
Attachment V.E. Safety and Health Plan | 125 | |||
Attachment V.F. Standard Resupply ServiceStandard External Cargo Complement | 126 | |||
Attachment V.G. Personal Identity Verification (PIV) of Contractor Personnel | 127 | |||
Alternative for Applicants who do not have a Completed and Adjudicated NAC at the Time of Entrance on Duty | 130 | |||
Attachment V.H. Acronyms and Abbreviations | 131 | |||
Technology Readiness Level Definitions | 136 | |||
Attachment V.I. Glossary | 137 | |||
Attachment V.J. Non-Standard Services | 138 | |||
1. Coupled Loads Analysis Independent Verification and Validation (CLA IV&V) | 138 | |||
2. Thermal Modeling IV&V | 138 | |||
3. Electromagnetic Environment IV&V | 138 | |||
4. Flight Design IV&V | 139 | |||
5. Type I Manufacturing Process Audit | 140 | |||
6. Type II Manufacturing Site Visit and Process Audit | 140 | |||
7. Flight Hardware Operations and Integrated Test Processes Audit | 141 | |||
8. Ishikawa Fishbone | 141 | |||
9. Launch Service Complex Review | 142 | |||
Attachment V.K. Government-Supplied Hardware | 143 | |||
Attachment V.L. Applicable and Reference Documents | 144 | |||
Attachment V.M. Other Contract Items | 145 |
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NNJ09GA02B ISS Commercial Resupply Services I.A.4 CONTRACT LINE ITEMS (CLINS) CLIN 0001 Standard Resupply Service Sub-CLIN 0001AA Pressurized Upmass ($/Kg) Mission Configuration: Pressurized Cargo Module (PCM), Basic Capability Tier Number Tier Range (kg) CY CY CY CY CY CY CY 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 ~mm ^r ~mm~ ~mr -j^r ~mr ~m~ ~mm~ ~^m~ ~^m~ ~mm~ ~mm~ ~r ~^m~ ! ~~mr ~mr mm ~mr ~mmr n^r ~mr ~mm~ ~wm~ ~mr~ ~i^r ~^m~ ~mm~ ~m~ -m- ~mmr "r: ~^m~ ~mm~ ~^m~ i ~m~ ~m~ ~~m~ ~mm~ ~mm~ ~mm~ "r ~imr ~mm~ ~~mm~ ~mmr "r ~~mmr * · IBBflgH t igafc m § · m^itm · mt**tm · mammm · · _^H|B_ · imtmam · mmmm Sub-CLIN 0001AA Pricing Conditions: |
NNJ09GA02B ISS Commercial Resupply Services Sub-CLIN 0001AB Pressurized Upmass ($/Kg) Mission Configuration: Pressurized Cargo Module (PCM), Enhanced Capability Tier Number Tier Range CY CY CY CY CY & nbsp; CY CY (kg) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 * \ i mm i MiMm mm mm imm mimmi 1 i mm m* mtmmm* m mm mm ^m ^ m**m mm mm mm at^tm m mm mm imm ^m B^mmtm m imm mm mm imm mammm I m m mm mm mm mmtmtm m mm mm ^m Sub-CLIN 0001 AB Pricing Conditions: Sub-CLIN 0001AC Unpressurized Upmass ($/Kg) Mission Configuration: Unpressurized Cargo Module (UCM), Basic Capability Tier Number ___. Tier Range (kg) CY 2010 CY 2011 CY 2012 CY 2013 CY 2014 CY 2015 CY 2016 - -3- |
NNJ09GA02B ISS Commercial Resupply Services Sub-CLIN 0001AC Pricing Conditions: Sub-CLIN 0001AD Return Cargo Upmass ($/Kg) Mission Configuration: Return Cargo Module (RCM), Basic Capability Tier Tier CY CY CY CY CY &n bsp; CY CY Number Range 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 (kg) ___ All 1 ___~^m~ ~mr ~1W~ ~mm~ Missions Sub-CLIN 0001AD Pricing Conditions: Sub-CLIN 0001AE Return Cargo Downmass ($/Kg) Mission Configuration: Return Cargo Module (RCM), Basic Capability Tier Tier CY CY CY CY CY &n bsp; CY CY Number Range 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 (kg) 1 ~w~ ~m~ W jigr mm - - - - - -4. Sub-CLIN 0001AE Pricing Conditions: |
NNJ09GA02B ISS Commercial Resupply Services Sub-CLIN 0001AF Disposal Cargo Downmass ($/Kg) Mission Configuration: Pressurized Cargo Module (PCM), Basic Capability Tier Number Tier Range 5) Tier Number Tier Range CY CY CY CY CY & nbsp; CY CY (kg) 2010. 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 jjgr JjBT jijjr 1 - - - Sub-CLIN 0001AF Pricing Conditions: Sub-CLIN 0001AG Disposal Cargo Downmass ($/Kg) Mission Configuration: Pressurized Cargo Module (PCM), Enhanced Capability Tier Number Tier Range (kg) CY CY CY CY CY CY CY 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 W r ~mm * - - - Sub-CLIN 0001AG Pricing Conditions: |
NNJ09GA02B ISS Commercial Resupply Services Sub-CLIN 0001AH Mission Configuration Prices ($/Mission) Mission Configuration: Pressurized Cargo Module (PCM) and Disposal Service, Basic Capability Annual Number of Missions CY CY CY 2013 CY CY 2011 2012 ~flHB~ 2014 2015 CY ^^~ TBBT ~^m ~mmm THHT VBHT 2016 ~^mm "r BBT ~mmr ~m^ mmm 1H^B- ~~m _^^Hr ~^^m~ ~i^^ ~^^f ~^^B~ -^T ~^^B~ Annual Number of CY m ~BH~ ~HHHT -mmm 1HHT -nnir Missions 2010 m ___ ~^^m~ _^^___^^B___-^r i BIB - - - - - t - - - - - - - - - Sub-CLIN 0001AH Pricing Conditions: Sub-CLIN 0001AI Mission Configuration Prices ($/Mission) Mission Configuration: Pressurized Cargo Module (PCM) and Disposal Service, Enhanced Capability Annual Number of Missions - -6- |
NNJ09GA02B ISS Commercial Resupply Services Sub-CLIN 0001AI Pricing Conditions: Sub-CLIN 0001AJ Mission Configuration Prices ($/Mission) Mission Configuration: Return Cargo Module (RCM) (Upmass and Return downmass service), Basic Capability Annual Number of Missions CY 2010 CY 2011 CY 2012 CY 2013 CY 2014 CY 2015 CY 2016 Sub-CLIN 0001AJ Pricing Conditions: Sub-CLIN 0001AK Mission Configuration Prices ($/Mission) Mission Configuration: Unpressurized Cargo Module (UCM) (Upmass service only), Basic Capability Annual Number of Missions CY 2010 CY 2011 CY 2012 CY 2013 CY 2014 CY 2015 CY 2016 |
NNJ09GA02B ISS Commercial Resupply Services Sub-CLIN 0001AK Pricing Conditions: |
NNJ09GA02B ISS Commercial Resupply Services CLIN 0002 Non-Standard Services Service Coupled Loads Analysis (CLA) Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) price CLA IV&V TIM price (per TIM price) Thermal Modeling IV&V Thermal Modeling IV&V TIM (per TIM price) Electromagnetic Environment (EMI/QIV&V EMI/C IV&V TIM (per TIM price) Flight Design W&V Flight Design IV&V TIM (per TIM price) Type I Manufacturing Process Audit Type II Manufacturing Site Visit and Process Audit Flight Hardware Operations and Integrated Test Processes Audit [shikawa Fishbone Launch Service Complex Review la 2 2a~ 3 3a 4 4a CYCYCYCYCYCYCY CY 2009 1 2010 1 2011 1 2012 | 2013 | 20.14 | 2015 | 2016 ) mm mm ^ ___^ m h id MJHi ( I mff~mm ^H l^m vtttttttt V rr rrrrr ic r r r rr r r r - - (i p^H rii^B ^hb rnHH U . ^^ ^rjiHB~pHHiMHr^iBiH^rJHMr~ - - - -9- |
NNJ09GA02B ISS Commercial Resupply Services CLIN 0003 Special Task Assignments and Studies Composite Labor Rate CY 2009 CY 2010 CY 2011 CY 2012 CY 2013 CY 2014 CY 2015 CY 2016 I.A.4A OPTIONAL CONTRACT LINE ITEMS (CLINS) This Section Reserved. (End of Section) - -10- |
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NNJ09GA02B ISS Commercial Resupply Services II.A. ADDENDUM TO FAR 52.212-4 NOTE: In accordance with paragraph (s) of FAR clause 52.212-4, any inconsistencies between FAR Clause 52.212-4 and the Addendum to FAR 52.212-4 of this solicitation or contract shall be resolved by giving precedence to the Addendum to FAR 52.212-4, except for the paragraphs listed in (s)(2). II.A.1 ON-RAMP 1.1 The purpose of the Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) on-ramp is to provide NASA with a mechanism to recompete due to the loss of an existing ISS Commercial Resupply Services (CRS) supplier or to procure a vehicle service that is not currently being provided within the scope of this contract during the period of performance. NASA will determine whether those conditions are met prior to synopsizing and conducting the On-Ramp competition. 1.2 The parties mutually agree that the original solicitation, as revised, will be used as a basis to add additional awardees to the pool of existing awardee(s) to compete on future task orders. The decision to request proposals under the clause will be solely at NASAs discretion and will only occur after this requirement has been synopsized. If NASA issues a solicitation notice, new and existing providers will be allowed to submit proposals within the notices stated response time. Upon award of each additional contract, NASA shall notify all present Contractors of the award, and the new Contractor shall thenceforth be eligible to compete with all present Contractors for the award of IDIQ task orders. 1.3 Existing Contractors may propose services consistent with the Instruction to Offerers of the On-Ramp Request for Proposal, as revised. If the existing Contractors) chooses not to respond to the On-Ramp Request for Proposal, they remain as a candidate for competition of future orders under the terms of the existing contract. (End of clause) II.A.2 NFS 1852.232-77 LIMITATION OF FUNDS (FIXED-PRICE CONTRACT) (MAR 1989) (a) Of the total price of CLINs 0001 through 0003, the sum (b) is presently available for payment and allotted to this contract. It is anticipated that from time to time additional funds will be allocated to the contract as required by the payment schedule in Clause II.A.6, until the total price of said CLINs is allotted. (c) The Contractor agrees to perform or have performed work on the items specified in paragraph (a) of this clause up to the point at which, if this contract is terminated pursuant to Section II, Clause 52.212-4(1), Termination for the Governments Convenience, of this contract, the total amount payable by the Government pursuant to contract Section II, Clause 52.212-4(1) would equal the amount retained by the Contractor pursuant to Clause II.A.6 and Table II.A.6-1. The Contractor is not obligated to continue - -16- |
NNJ09GA02B ISS Commercial Resupply Services performance of the work beyond that point. The Government is not obligated in any event to pay or reimburse the Contractor more than the amount from time to time allotted to the contract, anything to the contrary in contract Section II, Clause 52.212-4(1) notwithstanding. (c) Reserved. (1) It is contemplated that funds presently allotted to this contract will cover the work to be performed until (2) If funds allotted are considered by the Contractor to be inadequate to cover the work to be performed until that date, or an agreed date substituted for it, the Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer in writing when within the next sixty (60) days the work will reach a point at which, if the contract is terminated pursuant to contract Section II, Clause 52.212-4(1) of this contract, the total amount payable by the Government pursuant to contract Section II, Clause 52.212-4(1) would equal the amount retained by the Contractor pursuant to Clause II.A.6 and Table II.A.6-1. (3) Reserved. (i) The notice shall state the estimate when the point referred to in paragraph 1(2) of this clause will be reached and the estimated amount of additional funds required to continue performance to the date specified in paragraph (c)(l) of this clause, or an agreed date substituted for it. (ii) The Contractor shall, sixty (60) days in advance of the date specified in paragraph (c)(l) of this clause, or an agreed date substituted for it, advise the Contracting Officer in writing as to the estimated amount of additional funds required for the timely performance of the contract for a further period as may be specified in the contract or otherwise agreed to by the parties. (4) If, after the notification referred to in paragraph (c)(3)(ii) of this clause, additional funds are not allotted by the date specified in paragraph (c)(l) of this clause, or an agreed date substituted for it, the Contracting Officer shall, upon the Contractors written request, terminate this contract on that date or on the date set forth in the request, whichever is later, pursuant to contract Section II, Clause 52.212-4(1). (d) When additional funds are allotted from time to time for continued performance of the work under this contract, the parties shall agree on the applicable period of contract performance to be covered by these funds. The provisions of paragraphs (b) and (c) of this clause shall apply to these additional allotted funds and the substituted date pertaining to them, and the contract shall be modified accordingly. (e) If, solely by reason of the Governments failure to allot additional funds in amounts sufficient for the timely performance of this contract, the Contractor incurs additional costs or is delayed in the performance of the work under this contract, and if additional funds are allotted, an equitable adjustment shall be made in the price(s) (including appropriate target, billing, and ceiling prices where applicable) of the items to be delivered, or in the time of delivery, or both. (i) The Government may at any time before termination, and, with the consent of the Contractor, after notice of termination, allot additional funds for this contract. (g) The provisions of this clause with respect to termination shall in no way be deemed to limit the rights of the Government under the Termination for Cause clause of this contract. The provisions of this Limitation of Funds clause are limited to the work on and allotment of funds for the items set forth in paragraph (a) of this clause. This clause - - 17- |
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(h) | Nothing in this clause shall affect the right of the Government to terminate this contract pursuant to contract Section II, Clause 52.212-4(1). |
3.1 | Requirements for payment (applicable to all CLINs). Payments will be made under this contract upon submission of properly certified invoices by the Contractor, and approval by the administering office, NASA Johnson Space Center. The amount of all invoices submitted shall not exceed the total contract price for all Resupply Task Orders. | |
3.2 | Security (applicable to CLIN 0001). Pursuant to FAR Subpart 32.202-4 Security for Government Financing and 10 U.S.C. 2307(f) and 41 U.S.C. 255(f), the Government is required to obtain adequate security for Government financing. The Contracting Officer may determine the Contractors financial condition to be adequate security, provided the Contractor agrees to provide additional security should that financial condition become inadequate as security. This determination will be provided in writing from the Contracting Officer. Adequate security for payments made under this contract may be required in the form of a preferred creditors lien. If required, the Contractor shall grant the Government a preferred creditors lien i.e., a first lien paramount to all other liens against all work in process sufficient to recompense the Government for all monies advanced under this contract should the Contractors performance prove to be materially unsatisfactory. | |
3.3 | Insurance (applicable to CLIN 0001). The Contractor represents and warrants that it maintains with responsible insurance carriers (1) insurance on plant and equipment against fire and other hazards to the extent similar properties are usually insured by others operating plants and properties of similar character in the same general locality; (2) adequate insurance against liability on account of damage to persons or property; and (3) adequate insurance under all applicable workers compensation laws. The Contractor agrees that, until work under this contract has been completed and all payments made under this contract have been liquidated, it will maintain this insurance and furnish any certificates with respect to its insurance that the administering office may require. |
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NNJ09GA02B | ISS Commercial Resupply Services |
5.1 | Requirements for Competition. | |
In the event there are multiple award Contractors, NASA will provide all multiple award Contractors a fair opportunity to be considered for task orders issued under this contract based upon the specific task order requirements, unless the Contracting Officer determines that one of the following apply: |
(A) | The Agency need is of such urgency that competing the requirements among Contractors would result in unacceptable delays; | ||
(B) | Only one Contractor is capable of providing the service requested at the level of quality required because the service ordered is unique or highly specialized; | ||
(C) | The order should be issued on a sole-source basis in the interest of economy and efficiency as a logical follow-on to an order issued under the contract, provided that all Contractors were given a fair opportunity to be considered for the original order; or | ||
(D) | It is necessary to place an order to satisfy the minimum guarantee. |
5.3 | Task Ordering Information Applicable to Resupply Service Task Orders and Special Task Assignment Task Orders |
(A) | Prior to the issuance of a request for proposal applicable to a Task Order, exchanges and fact-finding may take place with Contractor(s). The request for a task order proposal will provide any special instructions regarding the level of detail required in the proposal. The request will include a date and time for submission of the proposal. Proposals will be due within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the proposal |
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NNJ09GA02B | ISS Commercial Resupply Services |
(B) | The Contractor, when submitting a Task Order Proposal, shall indicate that the proposal is compliant with the contract terms, statement of work, and the specific requirements contained in the request for the proposal. | ||
(C) | Mandatory Proposal Submission. |
(D) | All competitive Task Order Proposals shall be submitted by the date and time specified in the request, or it will be treated as a late proposal in accordance with FAR 52.212-1, Instructions to Offerors Commercial Offerors, paragraph f. If this requirement is met, the Contracting Officer will consider the following three factors prior to award of a Task Order: |
(i) | Technical capability/risk- Demonstration of understanding and feasibility to meet the requirement. | ||
(ii) | Price. | ||
(iii) | Past performance, with emphasis given to the most recent and more relevant experience, including small business achievements. |
(E) | In the event that one Contractor is issued a Request for Task Order Proposal, NASA shall review and will hold discussions as necessary with the Contractor on its proposal prior to issuing a Task Order. | ||
(F) | Award of Task Orders. |
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NNJ09GA02B | ISS Commercial Resupply Services |
(i) | Date of the task order and signature of the Contracting Officer | ||
(ii) | Contract number and task order number | ||
(iii) | Statement of Work and any other documentation on which the price is based | ||
(iv) | Product or service to be delivered | ||
(v) | Task order price | ||
(vi) | Completion, Delivery date, or Delivery window, as applicable | ||
(vii) | Accounting and appropriation data | ||
(viii) | Any other necessary information |
6.1 | Resupply mission payments will be based upon successful completion of approved milestone schedule and accomplishment criteria per the NASA-approved Work Plan (DRD Cl-8). NASA has up to 30 working days to determine whether the accomplishment of the milestone satisfies the approved criteria. After written verification of the accomplishment of the Milestone by NASAs Contracting Officer Technical Representative (COTR), and approval by the Contracting Officer, the invoices will be forwarded to the payment office within fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt of the invoices at NASA. | |
6.2 | These interim payments are contract financing payments that are not payment for accepted items. Commercial interim payments are fully recoverable, in the same manner as progress payments, in the event of termination for cause. Commercial interim payments are contract financing payments and, therefore, are not subject to the interest-penalty provisions of prompt payment. However, these payments shall be made in accordance with the Agencys policy for prompt payment of contract financing payments. In accordance with 42 U.S.C 2465d, NASA shall not take title to launch vehicles or orbital vehicles under contract for resupply services. | |
6.3 | The Contractor shall propose mission milestones, associated payment amounts, and accomplishment criteria that correspond to key production and required deliverable schedules in accordance with the NASA-approved Work Plan (DRD Cl-8). The date for completion of ISS integration shall be included in the milestones. Table II.A.6-1 identifies the minimum milestones the Contractor shall propose. |
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NNJ09GA02BISS Commercial Resupply Services Table II.A.6-1 : Mission Payment Schedule MissionInvoice Submission DateMajor ResupplyAmount (% Level(Launch /+ Months)Mission Milestoneof Standard .. MilestoneMission Price) 1Authorization to Proceed (ATP) 2Long Lead Order Placement 3Vehicle Baseline Review (VBR) 4SM Propulsion Subsystem Fabrication 5Mission Integration Review (MR) - - 6Service Module .Integration and Test 7Receipt of Long Lead Items 8-Cargo Integration . Review (CrR) 9Launch 10Delivery 6.4 The following constraints apply: (A) Mission milestone payments made for resupply missions prior to completion ofISS integration, shall not exceed 30% of the cost of that mission. (B) The final milestone payment must equal at least 20% of the cost of each mission. (C) After successful completion ofISS integration, the total of milestone payments prior to (and including) the M I R shall not exceed 50% ofthe total cost of the mission. 6.5 Payment schedules may be deferred or canceled by NASA if the Contractor fails to make substantial progress in accomplishing the major resupply service milestone events. The Contracting Officer will either approve or withold the final payment within fifteen calendar days after NASA determines Mission Success in accordance with Clause II A. i 9. The final payment amount shall be determined in accordance with the .criteria in Clause IIA.19. In the event of a failed mission, the final payment shall be forfeited by the Contractor and is not recoupable.-22- |
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6.6 | This paragraph will apply to any postponement declared by NASA or the Contractor for any reason, including resupply schedule adjustments and Contractor failure to make substantial progress in accordance with resupply service milestone events (as determined by NASA under this clause). In the event of a resupply schedule adjustment by NASA or Contractor in accordance with Clause II.A.20, Adjustments to Mission Schedule, the payment schedule for the applicable resupply mission shall be postponed for the length of the delay, if necessary, to correspond with the new delivery date and the milestone events in the attached NASA-approved Work Plan (DRD Cl-8). The requirement to make substantial progress in general conformance with the attached Work Plan, however, is not waived for any postponed resupply mission. |
(a) | Any supplies and services to be furnished under this contract shall be ordered by issuance of delivery orders or task orders by the individuals or activities designated in the Schedule. | |
(b) | All delivery orders or task orders are subject to the terms and conditions of this contract. In the event of conflict between a delivery order or task order and this contract, the contract shall control. | |
(c) | If mailed, a delivery order or task order is considered issued when the Government deposits the order in the mail. Orders may be issued orally, by facsimile, or by electronic commerce methods only if authorized in the Schedule. |
(a) | Minimum order. When the Government requires supplies or services covered by this contract in an amount of less than: |
(1) | The price of 2,000 kg (2 MT) of Upmass, pursuant to CLIN 0001 | ||
(2) | A Non-Standard Service valued at $25,000, pursuant to CLIN 0002 | ||
(3) | Special Task Assignments valued at $5,000, pursuant to CLIN 0003 |
(b) | Maximum order. The Contractor is not obligated to honor |
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NNJ09GA02B ISS Commercial Resupply Services (1) (3) A series of orders from the same ordering office within thirty (30) days that together call for quantities exceeding the limitation in paragraph (b) (1) or (2) of this clause. (c) If this is a requirements contract (i.e., includes the Requirements clause at FAR 52.216-21), the Government is not required to order a part of any one requirement from the Contractor if that requirement exceeds the maximum-order limitations in paragraph (b) of this section. (d) Notwithstanding paragraphs (b) and (c) of this clause, the Contractor shall honor any order exceeding the maximum order limitations in paragraph (b), unless that order(s) is returned to the ordering office within thirty (30) days after issuance, with written notice stating the Contractors intent not to ship the item(s) called for and the reasons. Upon receiving this notice, the Government may acquire the supplies or services from another source. (End of clause) II.A.9 INDEFINITE QUANTITY (FAR 52.216-22) (OCT 1995) (a) This is an indefinite-quantity contract for the supplies or services specified and effective for the period stated in Clause I.A.2. The quantities of supplies and services specified in the Schedule are estimates only and are not purchased by this contract. (b) Delivery or performance shall be made only as authorized by orders issued in accordance with Clause H.A.7, FAR 52.216-18, Ordering (Oct 1995). The Contractor shall furnish to the Government, when and if ordered, the supplies or services specified in the Schedule up to and including the quantity designated in the Schedule as the maximum. The Government shall order at least the quantity of supplies or services designated in the Schedule as the minimum. (c) Except for any limitations on quantities in Clause II.A.8, FAR 52.216-19 Order Limitations (Oct 1995) or in the Schedule, there is no limit on the number of orders that may be issued. The Government may issue orders requiring delivery to multiple destinations or performance at multiple locations. (d) Any order issued during the effective period of this contract and not completed within that period shall be completed by the Contractor within the time specified in the order. The contract shall govern the Contractors and Governments rights and obligations with respect to that order to the same extent as if the order were completed during the - -24- |
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(a) | The Contracting Officer may at any time, by written order, and without notice to the sureties, if any, make changes within the general scope of this contract in any one or more of the following: |
(1) | Description of services to be performed. | ||
(2) | Time of performance (i.e., hours of the day, days of the week, etc.). | ||
(3) | Place of performance of the services. | ||
(4) | Drawings, designs, or specifications when the supplies to be furnished are to be specially manufactured for the Government, in accordance with the drawings, designs, or specifications. | ||
(5) | Method of shipment or packing of supplies. | ||
(6) | Place of delivery. | ||
(7) | Completion dates or delivery dates related to the ISS Program as a result of stretch-out or acceleration of the ISS Program. |
(b) | Except as defined in Clause II.A.20, if any such change causes an increase or decrease in the cost of, or the time required for, performance of any part of the work under this contract, whether or not changed by the order, the Contracting Officer shall make an equitable adjustment in the contract price, the delivery schedule, or both, and shall modify the contract. | |
(c) | The Contractor must assert its right to an adjustment under this clause within 30 days from the date of receipt of the written order. However, if the Contracting Officer decides that the facts justify it, the Contracting Officer may receive and act upon a proposal submitted before final payment of the contract. | |
(d) | If the Contractors proposal includes the cost of property made obsolete or excess by the change, the Contracting Officer shall have the right to prescribe the manner of the disposition of the property. | |
(e) | Failure to agree to any adjustment shall be a dispute under the Disputes clause. However, nothing in this clause shall excuse the Contractor from proceeding with the contract as changed. |
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(a) | Definition. Services, as used in this clause, includes services performed, workmanship, and material furnished or utilized in the performance of services. | |
(b) | The Contractor shall provide and maintain an inspection system acceptable to the Government covering the services under this contract. Complete records of all inspection work performed by the Contractor shall be maintained and made available to the Government during contract performance and for as long afterwards as the contract requires. | |
(c) | The Government has the right to inspect and test all services called for by the contract, to the extent practicable at all times and places during the term of the contract. The Government shall perform inspections and tests in a manner that will not unduly delay the work. | |
(d) | If the Government performs inspections or tests on the premises of the Contractor or a subcontractor, the Contractor shall furnish, and shall require subcontractors to furnish, at no increase in contract price, all reasonable facilities and assistance for the safe and convenient performance of these duties. | |
(e) | If any of the services do not conform with contract requirements, the Government may require the Contractor to perform the services again in conformity with contract requirements, at no increase in contract amount. When the defects in services cannot be corrected by reperformance, the Government may |
(f) | If the Contractor fails to promptly perform the services again or to take the necessary action to ensure future performance in conformity with contract requirements, the Government may |
service; or
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Number | Title | Revision | Applicability | |||||
X | AS9100 | SAE Aerospace Quality | Latest | Compliance | ||||
Management System | Required | |||||||
(a) | The Contractor shall comply with agency personal identity verification procedures identified in contract Attachment V.G that implement Homeland Security Presidential Directive-12 (HSPD-12), Office of Management and Budget (OMB) guidance M-05-24 and Federal Information Processing Standards Publication (FIPS PUB) Number 201. | |
(b) | The Contractor shall insert this clause in all subcontracts when the subcontractor is required to have routine physical access to a Federally-controlled facility and/or routine access to a Federally-controlled information system. |
II.A.16 | EXPORT LICENSES (NFS 1852.225-70) (FEB 2000) |
(a) | The Contractor shall comply with all U.S. export control laws and regulations, including the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR), 22 CFR Parts 120 through 130, and the Export Administration Regulations (EAR), 15 CFR Parts 730 through 799, in the performance of this contract. In the absence of available license exemptions/exceptions, the Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining the appropriate licenses or other |
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(b) | The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining export licenses, if required, before utilizing foreign persons in the performance of this contract, including instances where the work is to be performed on-site at any NASA Center, where the foreign person will have access to export-controlled technical data or software. | |
(c) | The Contractor shall be responsible for all regulatory record keeping requirements associated with the use of licenses and license exemptions/exceptions. | |
(d) | The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that the provisions of this clause apply to its subcontractors. |
17.1 | NASA reserves the right to utilize Government-performed technical assessments of launch and cargo vehicles/configurations to evaluate the readiness of the Contractor to deliver NASA cargo to the ISS. In the event NASA determines that the Contractor cannot provide adequate assurances that the cargo will be safely delivered to the ISS, NASA reserves the right to terminate all or part of this contract under Section II, FAR 52.212-4(m), Termination for Cause, or delay delivery. | |
17.2 | In the event NASA decides to exercise its rights under this clause, NASA has the right to have its cargo removed from the cargo vehicle and returned to NASA. This removal and return is the Contractors responsibility at the Contractors expense, without adjustment to contract price. | |
17.3 | In the event NASA decides to exercise its rights under this clause after the delivery vehicle has launched, NASA has the right to deny entry of the orbital vehicle into the Approach Ellipsoid (AE) which constitutes a delay in delivery. | |
17.4 | In the event NASA delays the delivery, as a result of exercising its rights in this clause, and the causes of the delay were within the control of or due to the fault or negligence of the Contractor or its Subcontractors at any tier, then the provisions of Clause II.A.20, Adjustments to Resupply Schedule, shall govern and the Contractor shall be deemed to have caused the delay. For the purpose of this clause, the burden of proof for showing that the causes of delay were within the control or fault and/or negligence on the part of the Contractor or its Subcontractors at any tier rests with NASA. If NASA delays the delivery and the causes of the delay were not within the control or due to the fault or negligence of the Contractor or its Subcontractors at any tier, then the provisions of Clause II.A.20 shall apply. |
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18.1 | NASA insight and approval includes insight into any corporation, corporate divisions, subsidiaries, joint ventures, partner(s) and/or any other business entity actually performing launch or orbital vehicle manufacturing, management, orbital-to-launch vehicle integration, testing and launch. | |
18.2 | NASA will retain approval authority over portions of the resupply service that interface with ISS hardware and cargo. NASA approval is defined as providing authority to proceed and/or formal acceptance of requirements, plans, tests, or success criteria. Specific areas requiring NASA approval are related to compliance with SSP 50808 ISS COTS Interface Requirements Document (IRD), and cargo environment constraints. | |
18.3 | NASA will retain insight into other components of the resupply service in order to assess the risk to the cargo itself and to its safe and timely delivery. NASA insight is defined as gaining an understanding necessary to knowledgeably assess the risk of Contractor actions or lack thereof through observation of manufacturing or tests, review of documentation, and attendance at meetings and reviews. NASA is limiting its insight into the launch service and will not participate in the final launch countdown. | |
While NASA insight will inform risk assessments pursuant to Clause II.A. 17 above on both the Baseline vehicle and changes to that Baseline, the focus of NASA insight will be changes to that Baseline as covered in the reviews of SOW Section 2.1.1 | ||
Where NASA insight is required as defined in (A) through (H) below, the Contractor shall notify the COTR and the NASA Resident Office of meetings, reviews, or tests in sufficient time to permit NASA participation through the entire event. While insight into the orbital vehicle is largely achieved through the processes of ISS integration, other specific areas to be open to NASA insight are: |
(A) | Safety and Health Plan (DRD C l-4) and Mishap Notification, Investigation and Contingency Action Plan (DRD C1 -2), Reliability Program and Quality Assurance Program at the time of proposal. |
(B) | Baseline, changes from the Baseline and Mission Unique vehicle design, analyses, and configuration management through design and qualification reviews. | ||
(C) | Narrowly focused reviews of the Contractors Test Like You Fly and qualification rationale of the propulsion, flight controls, software and separation systems. If a system or component of a system is found to have caused a mission failure, the system shall be added to the areas of focused insight. |
(D) | Preflight predictions of flight performance. | ||
(E) | Vehicle, system, subsystem, software and component performance from flight vehicle, tracking and range data, post flight data review, and flight anomaly resolutions. | ||
(F) | Specific production progress through production program reviews, plans, and schedules, including schedules and schedule risk of non-CRS missions. |
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(G) | Problems and deviations to the design through production and test Material Review Boards, major or critical problems, anomaly resolutions, nonconformances, failure analysis, post test results, and acceptance and preship reviews. | ||
(H) | Safety & Mission Assurance compliance evaluations if not AS9100-certified (prime and subcontractors); updates to the Safety and Health Plan (DRD C l-4) and Mishap Notification, Investigation and Contingency Action Plan (DRD C l-2). |
18.4 | Should approval or insight identify non-compliance with the terms and conditions of the contract, a difference in interpretation of test results, or disagreement with the Contractor technical directions, NASA will take appropriate action within the terms of the contract to ensure compliance via written direction to the Contractor. | |
18.5 | Notwithstanding the insight and approvals set forth in Clause II.A.18 herein, the Contractor assumes full performance responsibility as set forth in this contract, and neither NASAs insight nor its approval under this clause shall be construed as a defense to any finding of mission success or final acceptance or rejection of the resupply service. |
19.1 | Mission Success Criteria |
(a) | The Mission Success criteria will be defined on a per-mission basis and agreed to by NASA and the Contractor. The overall goal of NASA is to develop criteria that appropriately and fairly define the Contractors performance. | |
(b) | NASA will provide the initial mission success criteria and specific percentage of the final payment earned for mission performance, at the Vehicle Baseline Review. The final payment is defined in Clause II.A.6, Resupply Mission Payments, Milestone Events and Completion Criteria, sub-Clause 6.4 B. The final criteria and percentage of the final payment will be agreed to at the CIR. If an agreement cannot be reached, the Contracting Officer will establish the criteria and payment percentage by the time of the Launch Readiness Assessment. The final criteria will be incorporated into a Task Order revision. | |
(c) | Criteria will be established per the following guidelines: |
(i) | Criteria that reflects the Contractors mission capabilities. An example is as follows: Successful delivery of pressurized upmass to the ISS. | ||
(ii) | Criteria will be established that only reflect the Contractors performance, independent of NASAs. | ||
(iii) | Damage to the ISS due to the Contractors fault is a failure. | ||
(iv) | If the ISS has a hardware failure post-launch that requires the berthing to be aborted, the mission will be declared a Success. |
19.2 | Mission Success Determination |
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(a) | Mission Success Determination will be made using the mission success criteria and the corresponding data and parameters that are jointly agreed to by NASA and the Contractor. | |
(b) | The Contractor shall submit the relevant data and parameters that provide the most accurate information on performance of the mission success criteria, at the MIR. The types of data NASA would consider as relevant information include: |
(i) | Vehicle data that represents critical systems for approach and berthing. | ||
(ii) | Available launch and orbital vehicle data verifying Vehicle Interface Definition Document (IDD) environments. | ||
(iii) | Successfull delivery of NASA cargo. | ||
(iv) | Closeout photos both on the ground and on orbit documenting cargo configuration at launch and prior to landing. | ||
(v) | Any supplemental data that may support the Contractors performance. |
(c) | The Contractor shall be responsible for providing the relevant data and parameters required for NASA to make the mission success determination. If there is data that NASA is required to provide (on orbit attached telemetry, on orbit photos, etc.), the Contractor shall identify that prior to the CIR. | |
19.3 | Procedures | |
(a) | The Contracting Officer determines whether a mission is considered a Mission Success, Partial Mission Success, or a Failed Mission, based on the agreed-to criteria and corresponding data. Within fifteen (15) calendar days from receipt of the Preliminary Post-Flight Assessment (DRD C7-1), the Contracting Officer will either determine the delivery a Mission Success or inform the Contractor of NASAs intent to withhold final payment and mission determination. In the event of a failed mission, the final payment shall be forfeited by the Contractor and is not recoupable. The Contractor will not be obligated to return prior progress payments upon reaching last payment considerations as detailed in Clause II.A.6 Resupply Mission Payments, Milestone Events and Completion Criteria. | |
This clause will take precedence over paragraph (e) of FAR 52.246-4, in that NASA will not require reperformance of the flight. The rights contained in this clause are in lieu of the of the right to terminate for cause found in paragraph (m) of FAR 52.212.-4. The liability of cargo as detailed in Clause II.A.26 is superseded by this clause during and after launch. The Contractor is not liable for damage to cargo during and after launch and is limited to forfeiture of the last payment milestone only as detailed in this clause. | ||
(b) | If NASA informs the Contractor it will withhold the final payment, NASA will utilize the Final Post-Flight Assessment (DRD C7-2), findings from the Contractors investigation board, and, if activated, findings from the Contractor-chaired Failure Review Board (FRB) to complete its assessment. The Contracting Officer shall submit a final determination of either Partial Mission Success or Failed Mission within one (1) week of the hardware or payload functionality assessment. |
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19.4 | Final Payment for Final Mission Success Determination | |
Final payment will be based on mission success determination per the agreed criteria and percentage of final payment. | ||
19.5 | Investigation and Corrective Action | |
In the event of an anomaly or failed mission, a Contractor-chaired FRB will determine the cause of anomaly or failure, if activated. The FRB will evaluate all available data from the launch vehicle, orbital vehicle, Range, and other sources in order to determine if the mission failure was attributable to the vehicle or conditions which the Contractor is expected to control or avoid. Based on the findings and recommendations of the FRB, NASA shall make the final determination as to Partial Mission Success or Failed Mission. | ||
19.6 | Acceptance | |
Final acceptance of the resupply service will be accomplished following the Contracting Officers mission success determination. The Contracting Officer will notify the Contractor in writing of both Mission Success Determination and Acceptance. |
19A.1 | Mission Success Criteria |
(A) | Mission Success |
(i) | Success Criteria NA | ||
(ii) | Corresponding data and parameters for assessment NA | ||
(iii) | Corresponding percentage of final payment 100% |
(B) | Partial Mission Success |
(i) | Assessment Criteria NA | ||
(ii) | Corresponding data and parameters for assessment NA | ||
(iii) | Corresponding percentage of final payment NA |
(C) | Failed Mission |
(i) | Failure Criteria NA | ||
(ii) | Corresponding data and parameters for assessment NA | ||
(iii) | Corresponding percentage of final payment 0% |
19A.2 | Mission Success Determination |
(a) | Mission Success Determination will be made using the mission success criteria and the corresponding data and parameters as set forth in Clause II.A. 19A.1. |
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(b) | Specific parameters that provide the most accurate information on vehicle performance for each specific mission shall be submitted and jointly agreed to by NASA and the Contractor at the MIR. | |
(c) | The Contractor shall be responsible for providing the relevant telemetry and data that will allow NASA to make the mission success determination. If there is data that NASA is required to provide (on orbit attached telemetry, on orbit photos, etc.), the Contractor shall identify that prior to the CIR. |
19A.3 | Procedures |
(a) | The Contracting Officer determines whether a mission is considered a Mission Success, Partial Mission Success, or a Failed Mission, based on the agreed to criteria and corresponding data. Within fifteen (15) calendar days from receipt of the Preliminary Post-Flight Assessment (DRD C7-1), the Contracting Officer will either determine the delivery a Mission Success or inform the Contractor of NASAs intent to withhold final payment and mission determination. In the event of a failed mission, the final payment shall be forfeited by the Contractor and is not recoupable. The Contractor will not be obligated to return prior progress payments upon reaching last payment considerations as detailed in Clause II.A.6 Resupply Mission Payments, Milestone Events and Completion Criteria. | |
This clause will take precedence over paragraph (e) of FAR 52.246-4, in that NASA will not require reperformance of the flight. The rights contained in this clause are in lieu of the of the right to terminate for cause found in paragraph (m) of FAR 52.212.-4. The liability of cargo as detailed in Clause II.A.26 is superseded by this clause during and after launch. The Contractor is not liable for damage to cargo during and after launch and is limited to forfeiture of the last payment milestone only as detailed in this clause. | ||
(b) | If NASA informs the Contractor it will withhold the final payment, NASA will utilize the Final Post-Flight Assessment (DRD C7-2), findings from the Contractors investigation board, and, if activated, findings from the Contractor-chaired Failure Review Board (FRB) to complete its assessment. The Contracting Officer shall submit a final determination of either Partial Mission Success or Failed Mission within one (1) week of the hardware or payload functionality assessment. |
19A.4 | Final Payment for Final Mission Success Determination |
19A. 5 | Investigation and Corrective Action |
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19A.6 | Acceptance | |
20.2 | Final acceptance of the resupply service will be accomplished following the Contracting Officers mission success determination. The Contracting Officer will notify the Contractor in writing of both Mission Success Determination and Acceptance. |
20.1 | This clause covers launch delays at the convenience of NASA and the Contractor. | |
20.2 | Task orders issued to Contractors are intended to fulfill annual demand amounts but not specific delivery dates. To provide flexibility to both the Contractor and NASA, a standard delivery window will be established for each planned resupply mission. ATP is formal written direction from the Contracting Officer that authorizes the Contractor to proceed with the work detailed within a NASA-approved, mission-specific work plan (DRD Cl-8). ATP will occur within seven (7) days of NASA-approved, Contractor- identified mission initiation milestone and work plan. The standard delivery window will be created by establishing a 90 day window for each mission at ATP. Thereafter, with mutual agreement between the Contractor and NASA, the delivery window will reduce from 90 days to 1 day according to the table below. |
Months Prior to Delivery Date - | Standard Delivery | |||
First Day to Last Day | Window (Days) | |||
ATP through L- 13 | 90 | |||
L-l 3 through L-4 | 30 | |||
L-4 through L-2 | 14 | |||
L-2 through L-l | 4 | |||
L-l through Launch | 1 |
20.3 | At the VBR (NLT L-l8 months), NASA and Contractor shall review the 90 day window established at ATP and mutually agree that delivery should remain scheduled during that period. At the MIR (NLT L-l 3 months), NASA and Contractor shall jointly agree on a reduced delivery window of 30 days (within the previous 90 day window). At the CIR (NLT L-4 months), NASA and Contractor shall jointly agree on a reduced delivery window of 14 days (within the previous 30 day window). Not later than 2 months prior to launch, the Contractor shall reduce the delivery window to 4 days (within the previous 14 day window) and notify NASA in writing of the window dates. Not later than 1 month prior to launch, the Contractor shall identify in writing to NASA the date for planned cargo delivery to ISS. |
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20.4 | For a maximum cumulative period of 30 calendar days per mission, and regardless of fault, either NASA or Contractor may request a delay in the standard delivery window without a change in price. Each party may request a maximum of 30 calendar days delay per mission. If either NASA or Contractor desires a change to the delivery window, NASA or Contractor will give written notice of the desired change in the delivery schedule. Any requests for changes to the delivery window submitted between L-l month and launch day shall be submitted within 24 hours of identifying the need to request a change in the delivery window. In the case of a request for a change of delivery window by NASA or Contractor, NASA and Contractor shall reach mutual agreement on a new delivery window within 30 days (excluding requests made after L-30 days). If mutual agreement on the revised delivery window cannot be reached, the Contracting Officer shall have the right to unilaterally establish a new schedule. | |
20.5 | In the event of a NASA- or Contractor-requested delay of the delivery window beyond 30 days, the Contracting Officer shall direct the Contractor, in writing, of the revised delivery window, and allow the Contractor to submit a proposal for the effect of any delay beyond 30 days on the task order price of all affected CLINs, delivery schedule, or other terms of the contract. This may result in any of the following: an equitable adjustment to the price of all affected CLINs in the task order (if any), change in the delivery schedule, and change in the period of performance. Upon failure to agree to an adjustment, the Contracting Officer may unilaterally adjust the task order, or decline to adjust the task order. However, nothing in this clause shall excuse the Contractor from proceeding with the contract as extended. |
II.A.21 | SAFETY AND HEALTH (NFS 1852.223-70) (APR 2002) |
(a) | Safety is the freedom from those conditions that can cause death, injury, occupational illness, damage to or loss of equipment or property, or damage to the environment. NASAs safety priority is to protect: |
(1) | the public, | ||
(2) | astronauts and pilots, | ||
(3) | the NASA workforce (including Contractor employees working on NASA contracts), and | ||
(4) | high-value equipment and property. |
(b) | The Contractor shall take all reasonable safety and occupational health measures in performing this contract. The Contractor shall comply with all Federal, State, and local laws applicable, to safety and occupational health and with the safety and occupational health standards, specifications, reporting requirements, and any other relevant requirements of this contract. | |
(c) | The Contractor shall take, or cause to be taken, any other safety, and occupational health measures the Contracting Officer may reasonably direct. To the extent that the Contractor may be entitled to an equitable adjustment for those measures under the terms and conditions of this contract, the equitable adjustment shall be determined pursuant to |
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the procedures of the changes clause of this contract; provided, that no adjustment shall be made under this Safety and Health clause for any change for which an equitable adjustment is expressly provided under any other clause of the contract, | ||
(d) | The Contractor shall immediately notify and promptly report to the Contracting Officer or a designee any accident, incident, or exposure resulting in fatality, lost-time occupational injury, occupational disease, contamination of property beyond any stated acceptable limits set forth in the contract Schedule; or property loss of $25,000 or more, or Close Call (a situation or occurrence with no injury, no damage or only minor damage (less than $1,000) but possesses the potential to cause any type mishap, or any injury, damage, or negative mission impact) that may be of immediate interest to NASA, arising out of work performed under this contract. The Contractor is not required to include in any report an expression of opinion as to the fault or negligence of any employee. In addition, service contractors (excluding construction contracts) shall provide quarterly reports specifying lost-time frequency rate, number of lost-time injuries, exposure, and accident/incident dollar losses as specified in the contract Schedule. | |
(e) | The Contractor shall investigate all work-related incidents, accidents, and Close Calls, to the extent necessary to determine their causes and furnish the Contracting Officer a report, in such form as the Contracting Officer may require, of the investigative findings and proposed or completed corrective actions. | |
(f) | Reserved. |
(1) | The Contracting Officer may notify the Contractor in writing of any noncompliance with this clause and specify corrective actions to be taken. When the Contracting Officer becomes aware of noncompliance that may pose a serious or imminent danger to safety and health of the public, astronauts and pilots, the NASA workforce (including Contractor employees working on NASA contracts), or high value mission critical equipment or property, the Contracting Officer shall notify the Contractor orally, with written confirmation. The Contractor shall promptly take and report any necessary corrective action. | ||
(2) | If the Contractor fails or refuses to institute prompt corrective action in accordance with subparagraph (f)(l) of this clause, the Contracting Officer may invoke the stop-work order clause in this contract or any other remedy available to the Government in the event of such failure or refusal. |
(g) | The Contractor (or subcontractor or supplier) shall insert the substance of this clause, including this paragraph (g) and any applicable Schedule provisions and clauses, with appropriate changes of designations of the parties, in all solicitations and subcontracts of every tier, when one or more of the following conditions exist: |
(1) | The work will be conducted completely or partly on premises owned or controlled by the Government. | ||
(2) | The work includes construction, alteration, or repair of facilities in excess of the simplified acquisition threshold. | ||
(3) | The work, regardless of place of performance, involves hazards that could endanger the public, astronauts and pilots, the NASA workforce (including Contractor employees working on NASA contracts), or high value equipment or property, and the hazards are not adequately addressed by Occupational Safety |
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and Health Administration (OSHA) or Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations (if applicable). | |||
(4) | When the Contractor (or subcontractor or supplier) determines that the assessed risk and consequences of a failure to properly manage and control the hazard(s) warrants use of the clause. |
(h) | The Contractor (or subcontractor or supplier) may exclude the provisions of paragraph (g) from its solicitation(s) and subcontract(s) of every tier when it determines that the clause is not necessary because the application of the OSHA and DOT (if applicable) regulations constitute adequate safety and occupational health protection. When a determination is made to exclude the provisions of paragraph (g) from a solicitation and subcontract, the Contractor must notify and provide the basis for the determination to the Contracting Officer. In subcontracts of every tier above the micro-purchase threshold for which paragraph (g) does not apply, the Contractor (or subcontractor or supplier) shall insert the substance of paragraphs (a), (b), (c), and (f) of this clause). | |
(i) | Authorized Government representatives of the Contracting Officer shall have access to and the right to examine the sites or areas where work under this contract is being performed in order to determine the adequacy of the Contractors safety and occupational health measures under this clause. | |
(j) | The Contractor shall continually update the safety and health plan when necessary, providing updates to NASA at Program Reviews. In particular, the Contractor shall furnish a list of all hazardous operations to be performed, and a list of other major or key operations required or planned in the performance of the contract, even though not deemed hazardous by the Contractor. NASA and the Contractor shall jointly decide which operations are to be considered hazardous, with NASA as the final authority. Before hazardous operations commence, the Contractor shall submit for NASA concurrence |
(1) | Written hazardous operating procedures for all hazardous operations; and/or | ||
(2) | Qualification standards for personnel involved in hazardous operations. |
1. | The Intergovernmental Agreement for the International Space Station (ISS) contains a broad cross-waiver of liability provision to encourage participation in the exploration, exploitation and use of outer space through the ISS. The objective of this clause is to establish a cross-waiver of liability in the interest of encouraging participation in the exploration, exploitation, and use of outer space through the International Space Station (ISS). The Parties intend, that the cross-waiver of liability be broadly construed to achieve this objective | |
2. | For the purposes of this clause: |
a. | The term Damage means: |
(i) | Bodily injury to, or other impairment of health of, or death of, any person; |
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(ii) | Damage to, loss of, or loss of use of any property; | ||
(iii) | Loss of revenue or profits; or | ||
(iv) | Other direct, indirect, or consequential Damage. |
b. | The term Launch Vehicle means an object, or any part thereof, intended for launch, launched from Earth, or returning to Earth which carries Payloads or persons, or both. | ||
c. | The term Partner State includes each Contracting Party for which the Agreement Among the Government of Canada, Governments of Member States of the European Space Agency, the Government of Japan, the Government of the Russian Federation, and the Government of the United States of America concerning Cooperation on the Civil International Space Station (IGA) has entered into force, pursuant to Article 25 of the IGA or pursuant to any successor Agreement. A Partner State includes its Cooperating Agency. It also includes any entity specified in the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between NASA and the Government of Japan to assist the Government of Japans Cooperating Agency in the implementation of that MOU. | ||
d. | The term Payload means all property to be flown or used on or in a Launch Vehicle or the ISS. | ||
e. | The term Protected Space Operations means all launch or Transfer Vehicle activities, ISS activities, and Payload activities on Earth, in outer space, or in transit between Earth and outer space performed under this contract, or in implementation of the IGA, MOUs concluded pursuant to the IGA, and implementing arrangements. It includes, but is not limited to: |
(i) | Research, design, development, test, manufacture, assembly, integration, operation, or use of launch or Transfer Vehicles, the ISS, Payloads, or instruments, as well as related support equipment and facilities and services; and | ||
(ii) | All activities related to ground support, test, training, simulation, or guidance and control equipment and related facilities or services. Protected Space Operations also includes all activities related to evolution of the ISS, as provided for in Article 14 of the IGA. Protected Space Operations excludes activities on Earth which are conducted on return from the ISS to develop further a Payloads product or process for use other than for ISS-related activities in implementation of the IGA. |
f. | The term Related Entity means: |
(i) | A contractor or subcontractor of a Party or a Partner State at any tier; | ||
(ii) | A user or customer of a Party or a Partner State at any tier; or | ||
(iii) | A contractor or subcontractor of a user or customer of a Party or a Partner State at any tier. |
The terms contractor and subcontractor include suppliers of any kind. | |||
The term Related Entity may also apply to a State, or an agency or institution of a State, having the same relationship to a Partner State as described in paragraphs (2)(f)(i) through (2)(f)(iii) of this clause or otherwise engaged in the implementation of Protected Space Operations as defined in paragraph (2)(e) above. |
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g. | The term Transfer Vehicle means any vehicle that operates in space and transfers Payloads or persons or both between two different space objects, between two different locations on the same space object, or between a space object and the surface of a celestial body. A Transfer Vehicle also includes a vehicle that departs from and returns to the same location on a space object. | ||
h. | The term Party means a party to this contract. |
3. | Cross-waiver of liability: |
a. | Each Party agrees to a cross-waiver of liability pursuant to which each Party waives all claims against any of the entities or persons listed in paragraphs (3)(a)(i) through (3)(a)(iv) of this clause based on Damage arising out of Protected Space Operations. This cross-waiver shall apply only if the person, entity, or property causing the Damage is involved in Protected Space Operations and the person, entity, or property damaged is damaged by virtue of its involvement in Protected Space Operations. The cross-waiver shall apply to any claims for Damage, whatever the legal basis for such claims, against: |
(i) | The other Party; | ||
(ii) | A Partner State other than the United States of America; | ||
(iii) | A Related Entity of any entity identified in paragraph (3)(a)(i) or (3)(a)(ii) of this clause; or | ||
(iv) | The employees of any of the entities identified in paragraphs (3)(a)(i) through (3)(a)(iii) of this clause. |
b. | In addition, each Party shall, by contract or otherwise, extend the cross-waiver of liability, as set forth in paragraph (3)(a) of this clause, to its Related Entities by requiring them, by contract or otherwise, to: |
(i) | Waive all claims against the entities or persons identified in paragraphs (3)(a)(i) through (3)(a)(iv) of this clause; and | ||
(ii) | Require that their Related Entities waive all claims against the entities or persons identified in paragraphs (3)(a)(i) through (3)(a)(iv) of this clause. |
c. | For avoidance of doubt, this cross-waiver of liability includes a cross-waiver of claims arising from the Convention on International Liability for Damage Caused by Space Objects, which entered into force on September 1, 1972, where the person, entity, or property causing the Damage is involved in Protected Space Operations and the person, entity, or property damaged is damaged by virtue of its involvement in Protected Space Operations. | ||
d. | Notwithstanding the other provisions of this clause, this cross-waiver of liability shall not be applicable to: |
(i) | Claims between a Party and its own Related Entity or between its own Related Entities; |
(ii) | Claims made by a natural person, his/her estate, survivors or subrogees (except when a subrogee is a Party to this Agreement or is otherwise bound by the terms of this |
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NNJ09GA02B ISS Commercial Resupply Services cross-waiver) for bodily injury to, or other impairment of health of, or death of, such person; (iii)Claims for Damage caused by willful misconduct; (iv)Intellectual property claims; (v) Claims for Damage resulting from a failure of a Party to extend the cross-waiver of liability to its Related Entities, pursuant to paragraph (3)(b) of this clause; (vi)Claims by a Party arising out of or relating to the other Partys failure to perform its obligations under this Contractor. e. Nothing in this clause shall be construed to create the basis for a claim or suit where none would otherwise exist. f. This cross-waiver shall not be applicable when 49 U.S.C. Subtitle IX, Chapter. 701 is applicable. g. In addition, this clause provides for a reciprocal waiver of claims between NASA and the Contractor as described in paragraph 3 above. This reciprocal waiver of claims between NASA and the Contractor, however, shall not apply to rights and obligations arising from the application of any of the other clauses in the contract or to rights and obligations arising from activities that are not within the scope of this contract. (End of clause) II.A.23 SMALL DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS (SDB) PARTICIPATION -CONTRACT TARGETS (This clause does not apply to SDB offerers unless the SDB offerer has waived the price evaluation adjustment factor by completing paragraph I of FAR clause 52.219-23, Notice of Price Evaluation Adjustment for Small Disadvantaged Business Concerns in Section I of this solicitation.) (a) FAR 19.1202-4(a) requires that SDB subcontracting targets be incorporated in the Contract. Targets for this contract are as follows: *NAICS Industry Subsectors Dollar Target Percent of Contract Value - -40- |
NNJ09GA02B ISS Commercial Resupply Services *North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Industry Subsectors as determined by the Department of Commerce (b) FAR 19.1202-4(b) requires that SDB concerns that are specifically identified by the offerer be listed in the contract when the extent of the identification of such subcontractors was part of the subfactor on Small Business Utilization. SDB concerns (subcontractors) specifically identified by the offerer are as follows: The Contractor shall notify the Contracting Officer of any substitutions of the firms listed in paragraph (a) if the replacement contractor is not an SDB concern. (c) If the prime offerer is an SDB that has waived the price evaluation adjustment, the target for the work it intends to perform as a prime Contractor is as follows: Dollars Percent of Contract Value N/A N/A (End of clause) II.A.24 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS The Contractor shall maintain compliance with all conditions throughout the period of performance of this contract, as certified to in Clause IV.AJ, Minimum Requirements. (End of clause) II.A.25 SMALL BUSINESS SUBCONTRACTING GOALS (JSC 52.219-90) (OCT 2006) For purposes of this clause, the terms, HUBZone Small Business Concern, Small Disadvantaged Business Concern, Service-Disabled, Veteran-Owned Small Business Concern, Veteran-Owned Small Business Concern, Women-Owned Small Business Concern, and Historically Black College or University (HBCU) are defined in paragraph 2.101 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation. The total small business goal, expressed as a percent of total contract value including options, is^lB The small business percentage goal, includes the following goals expressed as a percent of total contract value: - -41- |
NNJ09GA02B ISS Commercial Resupply Services Small Businesses Small Disadvantage*! Business Concerns Women-Owned Small Business Concerns HUBZone Small Business Concerns Veteran-Owned Small Business Concerns Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business Concerns Historically Black Colleges and Universities (includes other minority institutions) (End of clause) II.A.26 LIABILITY FOR GOVERNMENT PROPERTY FURNISHED FOR REPAIR OR OTHER SERVICES (DEVIATION) (SEPTEMBER 2007) (NFS 1852.245-72) a. This clause shall govern with respect to any Government property furnished to the Contractor for repair or other services that is to be returned to the Government. Such property, hereinafter referred to as Government property furnished for servicing, shall not be subject to FAR 52.245-1, Government Property. b. The official accountable recordkeeping and financial control and reporting of the property subject to this clause shall be retained by the Government. The Contractor shall maintain adequate records and procedures to ensure that the Government property furnished for servicing can be readily accounted for and identified at all times while in its custody or possession or in the custody or possession of any subcontractor. c. The Contractor shall be liable for any loss, damage, or destruction of the Government property furnished for servicing when caused by the Contractors failure to exercise such care and diligence as a reasonable prudent owner of similar property would exercise under similar circumstances, or when sustained while the property is being worked upon and directly resulting from that work, including, but not limited to, any repairing, adjusting, inspecting, servicing, or maintenance operation. The Contractor shall not be liable for loss, damage, or destruction of Government property furnished for servicing resulting from any other cause except to the extent that the loss, damage, or destruction is covered by insurance (including self-insurance funds or reserves). d. In addition to any insurance (including self-insurance funds or reserves) carried by the Contractor and in effect on the date of this contract affording protection in whole or in part against loss, damage, or destruction of such Government property furnished for servicing, the amount and coverage of which the Contractor agrees to maintain, the Contractor further agrees to obtain any additional insurance covering such loss, damage, or destruction that the Contracting Officer may from time to time require. The requirements for this additional insurance shall be effected under the procedures established by the Changes Clause II.A. 10. e. The Contractor shall hold the Government harmless and shall indemnify the Government against all claims for injury to persons or damage to property of the Contractor or others arising from the Contractors possession or use of the Government property furnished for servicing or arising from the presence of that property on the Contractors premises or property. (End of clause) - -42- |
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(a) | The COTR shall be specifically appointed by the Contracting Officer in writing in accordance with NASA FAR Supplement 1842.270. | |
(b) | The Contractor will be provided a copy of the NASA Form 1634, Contracting Officer Technical Representative (COTR) Delegation, which will appoint the COTR and establish the COTRs duties and responsibilities. The NASA Form 1634 will be provided to the Contractor at contract award. |
Federal Acquisition Regulation (48 CFR Chapter 1) | ||||||||
Clause Number | Date | Title | ||||||
Clause Number | Date | Title | ||
1852.215-84 | OCT2003 | OMBUDSMAN -ALTERNATE I (JUN 2000). | ||
The installation Ombudsman shall be: | ||||
Lucy V. Kranz | ||||
Attn: Mail Code AC | ||||
2101 NASA Parkway | ||||
Houston, TX 77058-3696 | ||||
281 ###-###-#### | ||||
facsimile ###-###-#### | ||||
email: ***@*** | ||||
1852.219-76 | JUL 1997 | NASA 8 PERCENT GOAL | ||
1852.223-75 | FEB 2002 | MAJOR BREACH OF SAFETY OR SECURITY | ||
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(a) | The Contractor shall obtain and maintain any necessary agreements between the Contractor and any Government Agency authorizing the use of Government property, facilities, assets or services required in performance of this contract. All such use of NASA facilities, equipment, and services shall be governed by negotiated Reimbursable Space Act Agreements between the Contractor/Subcontractor and the NASA Centers. All remedies to disputes or performance issues shall be resolved in accordance with the terms and conditions of the executed Reimbursable Space Act Agreements. | |
(b) | NASA under this contract makes no warranty whatsoever as to the suitability for use of Government property, facilities and other assets made available under the terms and conditions of any Government use agreements or contracts. Any costs necessary to maintain, restore, refurbish, and/or replace any assets, for use under this contract, shall result in no increase in the price of this contract. | |
(c) | The Contractor is responsible for determining the suitability for use of all materials, property, and facilities acquired or made available to the Contractor by NASA under any contract agreement. Any use of Government-Furnished Property (GFP), materials, or facilities and services shall not relieve the Contractor of full performance responsibility under the contract. |
(a) | Definitions. As used in this clause |
(1) | Means | |
(i) | Computer programs that comprise a series of instructions, rules, routines, or statements, regardless of the media in which recorded, that allow or cause a computer to perform a specific operation or series of operations; and | |
(ii) | Recorded information comprising source code listings, design details, algorithms, processes, flow charts, formulas, and related material that would enable the computer program to be produced, created, or compiled. | |
(2) | Does not include computer databases or computer software documentation. |
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(b) | Allocation of rights. | |
(1) | Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this clause, the Government shall have unlimited rights in | |
(i) | Data first produced in the performance of this contract; | |
(ii) | Form, fit, and function data delivered under this contract; | |
(iii) | Data delivered under this contract (except for restricted computer software) that constitute manuals or instructional and training material for installation, operation, or routine maintenance and repair of items, components, or processes delivered or furnished for use under this contract; and | |
(iv) | All other data delivered under this contract unless provided otherwise for limited rights data or restricted computer software in accordance with paragraph (g) of this clause. | |
(2) | The Contractor shall have the right to | |
(i) | Assert copyright in data first produced in the performance of this contract to the extent provided in paragraph (c)(l) of this clause; (ii) Use, release to others, reproduce, distribute, or publish any data first produced or specifically used by the Contractor in the performance of this contract, unless provided otherwise in paragraph (d) of this clause; | |
(ii) | Use, release to others, reproduce, distribute, or publish any data first produced or specifically used by the Contractor in the performance of this contract, unless provided otherwise in paragraph (d) of this clause; |
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(iii) | Substantiate the use of, add, or correct limited rights, restricted rights, or copyright notices and to take other appropriate action, in accordance with paragraphs (e) and (f) of this clause; and |
(iv) | Protect from unauthorized disclosure and use those data that are limited rights data or restricted computer software to the extent provided in paragraph (g) of this clause. |
(c) | Copyright | |
(1) | Data first produced in the performance of this contract. | |
(i) | Unless provided otherwise in paragraph (d) of this clause, the Contractor may, without prior approval of the Contracting Officer, assert copyright in scientific and technical articles based on or containing data first produced in the performance of this contract and published in academic, technical or professional journals, symposia proceedings, or similar works. The prior, express written permission of the Contracting Officer is required to assert copyright in all other data first produced in the performance of this contract. |
(ii) | When authorized to assert copyright to the data, the Contractor shall affix the applicable copyright notices of 17 U.S.C. 401 or 402, and an acknowledgment of Government sponsorship (including contract number). |
(iii) | For data other than computer software, the Contractor grants to the Government, and others acting on its behalf, a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable, worldwide license in such copyrighted data to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, and perform publicly and display publicly by or on behalf of the Government. For computer software, the Contractor grants to the Government, and others acting on its behalf, a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable, worldwide license in such copyrighted computer software to reproduce, prepare derivative works, and perform publicly and display publicly (but not to distribute copies to the public) by or on behalf of the Government. |
(2) | Data not first produced in the performance of this contract. The Contractor shall not, without the prior written permission of the Contracting Officer, incorporate in data delivered under this contract any data not first produced in the performance of this contract unless the Contractor |
(i) | Identifies the data; and |
(ii) | Grants to the Government, or acquires on its behalf, a license of the same scope as set forth in paragraph (c)(1) of this clause or, if such data are restricted computer software, the Government shall acquire a copyright license as set forth in paragraph (g)(4) of this clause (if included in this contract) or as otherwise provided in a collateral agreement incorporated in or made part of this contract. |
(3) | Removal of copyright notices. The Government will not remove any authorized copyright notices placed on data pursuant to this paragraph (c), and will include such notices on all reproductions of the data. |
(d) | Release, publication, and use of data. The Contractor shall have the right to use, release to others, reproduce, distribute, or publish any data first produced or specifically used by the Contractor in the performance of this contract, except |
(1) | As prohibited by Federal law or regulation (e.g., export control or national security laws or regulations); |
(2) | As expressly set forth in this contract; or |
(3) | If the Contractor receives or is given access to data necessary for the performance of this contract that contain restrictive markings, the Contractor shall treat the data in accordance |
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(e) | Unauthorized marking of data. |
(1) | Notwithstanding any other provisions of this contract concerning inspection or acceptance, if any data delivered under this contract are marked with the notices specified in paragraph (g)(3) or (g) (4) if included in this clause, and use of the notices is not authorized by this clause, or if the data bears any other restrictive or limiting markings not authorized by this contract, the Contracting Officer may at any time either return the data to the Contractor, or cancel or ignore the markings. However, pursuant to 41 U.S.C. 253d, the following procedures shall apply prior to canceling or ignoring the markings. |
(i) | The Contracting Officer will make written inquiry to the Contractor affording the Contractor 60 days from receipt of the inquiry to provide written justification to substantiate the propriety of the markings; |
(ii) | If the Contractor fails to respond or fails to provide written justification to substantiate the propriety of the markings within the 60-day period (or a longer time approved in writing by the Contracting Officer for good cause shown), the Government shall have the right to cancel or ignore the markings at any time after said period and the data will no longer be made subject to any disclosure prohibitions. |
(iii) | If the Contractor provides written justification to substantiate the propriety of the markings within the period set in paragraph (e)(1)(i) of this clause, the Contracting Officer will consider such written justification and determine whether or not the markings are to be cancelled or ignored. If the Contracting Officer determines that the markings are authorized, the Contractor will be so notified in writing. If the Contracting Officer determines, with concurrence of the head of the contracting activity, that the markings are not authorized, the Contracting Officer will furnish the Contractor a written determination, which determination will become the final agency decision regarding the appropriateness of the markings unless the Contractor files suit in a court of competent jurisdiction within 90 days of receipt of the Contracting Officers decision. The Government will continue to abide by the markings under this paragraph (e)(1)(iii) until final resolution of the matter either by the Contracting Officers determination becoming final (in which instance the Government will thereafter have the right to cancel or ignore the markings at any time and the data will no longer be made subject to any disclosure prohibitions), or by final disposition of the matter by court decision if suit is filed. |
(2) | The time limits in the procedures set forth in paragraph (e)(1) of this clause may be modified in accordance with agency regulations implementing the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. 552) if necessary to respond to a request thereunder. |
(3) | Except to the extent the Governments action occurs as the result of final disposition of the matter by a court of competent jurisdiction, the Contractor is not precluded by paragraph (e) of the clause from bringing a claim, in accordance with the Disputes clause of this contract, that may arise as the result of the Government removing or ignoring authorized markings on data delivered under this contract. |
(f) | Omitted or incorrect markings. |
(1) | Data delivered to the Government without any restrictive markings shall be deemed to have been furnished with unlimited rights. The Government is not liable for the disclosure, use, or reproduction of such data. |
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(2) | If the unmarked data has not been disclosed without restriction outside the Government, the Contractor may request, within 6 months (or a longer time approved by the Contracting Officer in writing for good cause shown) after delivery of the data, permission to have authorized notices placed on the data at the Contractors expense. The Contracting Officer may agree to do so if the Contractor |
(i) | Identifies the data to which the omitted notice is to be applied; |
(ii) | Demonstrates that the omission of the notice was inadvertent; |
(iii) | Establishes that the proposed notice is authorized; and |
(iv) | Acknowledges that the Government has no liability for the disclosure, use, or reproduction of any data made prior to the addition of the notice or resulting from the omission of the notice. |
(3) | If data has been marked with an incorrect notice, the Contracting Officer may |
(i) | Permit correction of the notice at the Contractors expense if the Contractor identifies the data and demonstrates that the correct notice is authorized; or |
(ii) | Correct any incorrect notices. |
(g) | Protection of limited rights data and restricted computer software. |
(1) | The Contractor may withhold from delivery qualifying limited rights data or restricted computer software that are not data identified in paragraphs (b)(l)(i), (ii), and (iii) of this clause. As a condition to this withholding, the Contractor shall |
(i) | Identify the data being withheld; and |
(ii) | Furnish form, fit, and function data instead. |
(2) | Limited rights data that are formatted as a computer database for delivery to the Government shall be treated as limited rights data and not restricted computer software. |
(3) | Notwithstanding paragraph (g)(l) of this clause, the contract may identify and specify the delivery of limited rights data, or the Contracting Officer may require by written request the delivery of limited rights data that has been withheld or would otherwise be entitled to be withheld. If delivery of that data is required, the Contractor shall affix the following Limited Rights Notice to the data and the Government will treat the data, subject to the provisions of paragraphs (e) and (f) of this clause, in accordance with the notice: |
(a) | These data are submitted with limited rights under Government Contract No. NNJ09GA02B (and subcontract , if appropriate). These data may be reproduced and used by the Government with the express limitation that they will not, without written permission of the Contractor, be used for purposes of manufacture nor disclosed outside the Government; except that the Government may disclose these data outside the Government for the following purposes, if any; provided that the Government makes such disclosure subject to prohibition against further use and disclosure: |
(i) | Use (except for manufacture) by support service contractors. | ||
(ii) | Use (except for manufacture) by other contractors (with the exception of other ISS CRS contractors) participating in the governments program of which the specific contract is a part, for information and use in connection with the work performed under each contract, provided Orbital has consented in advance in writing to such use. |
(b) | This notice shall be marked on any reproduction of these data, in whole or in part. |
(4) | (i) Notwithstanding paragraph (g)(l) of this clause, the contract may identify and specify the delivery of restricted computer software, or the Contracting Officer may require by written request the delivery of restricted computer software that has been withheld or would |
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(a) | This computer software is submitted with restricted rights under Government Contract No. (and subcontract , if appropriate). It may not be used, reproduced, or disclosed by the Government except as provided in paragraph (b) of this notice or as otherwise expressly stated in the contract. | |
(b) | This computer software may be | |
(1) | Used or copied for use with the computer(s) for which it was acquired, including use at any Government installation to which the computer(s) may be transferred; | |
(2) | Used or copied for use with a backup computer if any computer for which it was acquired is inoperative; | |
(3) | Reproduced for safekeeping (archives) or backup purposes; | |
(4) | Modified, adapted, or combined with other computer software, provided that the modified, adapted, or combined portions of the derivative software incorporating any of the delivered, restricted computer software shall be subject to the same restricted rights; | |
(5) | Disclosed to and reproduced for use by support service Contractors or their subcontractors in accordance with paragraphs (b)(l) through (4) of this notice; and | |
(6) | Used or copied for use with a replacement computer. | |
(c) | Notwithstanding the foregoing, if this computer software is copyrighted computer software, it is licensed to the Government with the minimum rights set forth in paragraph (b) of this notice. | |
(d) | Any other rights or limitations regarding the use, duplication, or disclosure of this computer software are to be expressly stated in, or incorporated in, the contract. | |
(e) | This notice shall be marked on any reproduction of this computer software, in whole or in part. | |
(h) | Subcontracting. The Contractor shall obtain from its subcontractors all data and rights therein necessary to fulfill the Contractors obligations to the Government under this contract. If a subcontractor refuses to accept terms affording the Government those rights, the Contractor shall promptly notify the Contracting Officer of the refusal and shall not proceed with the subcontract award without authorization in writing from the Contracting Officer. | |
(i) | Relationship to patents or other rights. Nothing contained in this clause shall imply a license to the Government under any patent or be construed as affecting the scope of any license or other right otherwise granted to the Government. |
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NNJ09GA02B ISS Commercial Resupply Services proposed substitutions) in sufficient detail to permit evaluation of the impact on this contract. (b) The Contractor shall make no diversion without the Contracting Officers written consent; provided that the Contracting Officer may ratify in writing the proposed change, and that ratification shall constitute the Contracting Officers consent required by this clause. (c) The list of personnel and/or facilities (shown below or as specified in the contract Schedule) may, with the consent of the contracting parties, be amended from time to time during the course of the contract to add or delete personnel and/or facilities. Key Personnel Key Facilities (End of clause) (END OF SECTION) - -50- |
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acquisitions of commercial items:
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Attachment | V.A. | Statement of Work | ||
Attachment | V.B. | Data Requirements List (DRL) | ||
Attachment | V.C. | Data Requirements Descriptions (DRDs) | ||
Attachment | V.D. | Small Business and Small Disadvantaged Business Subcontracting Plan | ||
Attachment | V.E. | Safety and Health Plan (Orbital Safety Manual, #TM-1617 REV T, dated 08 February 2008, Incorporated By Reference) | ||
Attachment | V.F. | Standard Resupply Service Standard External Cargo Complement | ||
Attachment | V.G. | Personal Identity Verification (PIV) of Contractor Personnel | ||
Attachment | V.H. | Acronyms and Abbreviations | ||
Attachment | V.I. | Glossary | ||
Attachment | V.J. | Non-Standard Services | ||
Attachment | V.K: | Government-Supplied Hardware | ||
Attachment | V.L: | Applicable and References Documents | ||
Attachment | V.M: | Other Contract Items |
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NNJ09GA02B | ISS Commercial Resupply Services |
1.0 Scope | 59 | |||
2.0 Standard Resupply Mission (CLIN 0001) | 59 | |||
2.1. Program Management | 59 | |||
2.1.1. Formal Reviews | 60 | ||| Program Reviews | 60 | ||| Technical Reviews | 60 | ||| Vehicle Baseline Review | 61 | |||
(A) Mission Baseline Vehicle | 61 | |||
(B) Design Changes from Prior Mission Baseline Vehicle | 61 | ||| Mission Integration Review | 62 | |||
(A) Mission Baseline Vehicle | 62 | |||
(B) Design Changes from Prior Mission Baseline Vehicle | 62 | ||| Cargo Integration Review | 62 | ||| Post-Flight Review | 63 | |||
2.1.2. Configuration Management | 63 | |||
2.1.3. Export Control Management | 63 | |||
2.1.4. Scheduling | 63 | |||
2.2. Vehicle Integration | 64 | |||
2.2.1. Launch Vehicle (LV) Preparation and Launch | 64 | |||
2.2.2. Telemetry Data | 64 | |||
2.2.3. Operational Support Services | 64 | |||
2.2.4. Range Support and Services | 64 | |||
2.2.5. Launch Readiness Assessment | 65 | |||
2.3. Mission Integration Services | 65 | |||
2.3.1. Mission Integration Management | 65 | |||
2.3.2. On-Orbit Analysis | 66 | |||
2.3.3. Mission Operations | 66 | ||| Ground Segment Operations | 66 | ||| Security Requirements | 66 | ||| Imagery | 67 | ||| Mission Flight Procedures | 67 | ||| Mission Training | 67 | ||| Flight Crew and Ground Support Personnel Training | 67 | ||| Mission Simulation Support | 68 | ||| Real-Time Mission Support | 68 | |||
2.4. Cargo Integration | 68 | |||
2.4.1. Unpressurized Cargo Analysis and Integration | 68 | |||
2.4.2. Pressurized Cargo Analysis and Integration | 69 | |||
2.4.3. Cargo Physical Processing | 70 | ||| Standard Cargo | 70 | ||| Late Stow Cargo | 70 | ||| Discrepant Hardware | 70 | |||
2.4.4. Facilities | 70 | |||
2.4.5. Cargo Labeling | 71 | |||
2.4.6. Crew & Equipment Interface Test (CEIT) | 71 |
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2.4.7. Cargo Return and/or Disposal | 71 | ||| Cargo Return Configuration | 71 | ||| Accommodate Early Destow Cargo | 71 | ||| Cargo De- Integration | 72 | |||
2.5. Safety and Mission Assurance | 72 | |||
2.5.1 Risk Management | 72 | |||
2.5.2. Orbital Vehicle Safety Assessments and Reviews | 72 | ||| Integrated Cargo Safety Assessment | 72 | ||| Proximity Operations and ISS Berthed Safety Assessments | 73 | |||
2.5.3. Ground Safety Reviews | 73 | |||
2.5.4. Safety and Health Program | 73 | |||
2.5.5. Quality Assurance Program | 73 | ||| Quality Assurance Management | 73 | ||| Software Quality Assurance System | 74 | |||
2.6. NASA Insight and approval | 74 | |||
3.0 Non-Standard Services (CLIN 0002) | 75 | |||
4.0 Special Task Assignments (CLIN 0003) | 75 |
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a) | The status, closure plan and schedule for remaining ISS Integration and SSP 50808 compliance tasks, or tasks to be repeated in the event of changes to the vehicle (launch and orbital) baseline. This shall be the focus of the review when tasks are open. | |
b) | The integrated schedule and status for all missions with Authority to Proceed. | |
c) | Key schedule items from other Contractor activities that may affect the technical, cost and schedule risk to NASA missions such as but not limited to other program milestones and mission dates of other flights utilizing the same launch and orbital vehicles. | |
d) | Schedule Risks and Technical Risks, including risk statements, mitigation plans and mitigation schedules. | |
e) | Action items from previous program and technical reviews, including their status, closure plan, closure rationale. | |
f) | Minutes shall be published within one week of the meeting. |
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NNJ09GA02B | ISS Commercial Resupply Services |
a) | Establish a baseline launch and orbital vehicle configuration so that subsequent mission integration efforts have definite launch and orbital environments and performance capabilities identified. | |
b) | With NASA approval, reconfirm the 90-day delivery window. | |
c) | Provide the instrumentation plan as defined in the Vehicle IDD (DRD C3-1). |
a) | Identify all SSP 50808 requirements that are impacted by the change and show how the have been allocated to the appropriate system, subsystem and/or component level. Also show how the requirements flow down is adequate to verify compliance with SSP 50808. | |
b) | Discuss analyses and tests performed to execute these design changes and include their methodology, assumptions and results, along with comparisons to any similar proven designs. | |
c) | Show how these changes affect performance, reliability and environments. | |
d) | Present the status or results of any mission unique or special study task assessments requested by NASA for complex manifest options. | |
e) | Provide a schedule to complete all work required to accomplish the design changes and close requirement verifications prior to CIR. |
a) | Identify mission unique changes and first flight items. Discuss analyses performed to execute these design changes and include their methodology, assumptions and results, along with comparisons to any similar proven designs. Show how these changes affect performance, reliability and environments. | |
b) | Provide updates to DRD C3-5 when qualification margins in those systems decrease or new qualification tests are executed. | |
c) | All system requirements are appropriate and have been allocated to the subsystem and component level and the flow down is adequate to verify system performance. |
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d) | The design solutions to be implemented are expected to meet the performance and functional requirements with applicable and acceptable margins. | |
e) | The design does not pose major problems that may cause schedule delays. | |
f) | Overall system architecture has been established. | |
g) | The design solution can be produced based on existing processes and techniques; if not, risk areas, which require unique and unproven processes, are identified and risk mitigation plans are established. | |
h) | An acceptable operations concept has been developed. | |
i) | Preliminary plans are established for end-to-end testing methodologies. |
a) | Establish a 30 day window for cargo delivery to ISS. | |
b) | Provide updates to the instrumentation plan as defined in the Vehicle IDD (DRD C3-1). | |
c) | Provide initial data and parameters for Mission Success Determination. | |
d) | Present the external cargo carrier layout for approval by NASA, if applicable. |
a) | Present designs and their supporting analyses that implement mission unique requirements. | |
b) | Present progress in manufacturing and lay out remaining milestones and risks to accomplishing them. | |
c) | Present progress in ISS integration, including progress toward closure of SSP 50808 requirements, and lay out remaining milestones and risks to accomplishing them. | |
d) | Present progress of ISS integrated safety hazard assessments. Integrated safety analysis identifying any remaining hazards and proposed resolution per Section 2.5.2, Safety Assessments. |
a) | Designs and their supporting analyses that implement mission unique requirements. | |
b) | Progress in manufacturing and lay out remaining milestones and risks to accomplishing them. | |
c) | Technical problems and design anomalies have been resolved and effects of design changes on system performance, reliability and safety have been identifled. | |
d) | The detailed design will meet performance, functional requirements, and schedule. | |
e) | Software simulations and prototyping results do not present any potential mission risks. | |
f) | Test plans have been defined. |
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a) | At this review, the Contractor and NASA shall mutually agree on a delivery window of 14 days. | |
b) | Provide the final instrumentation plan as defined in the Vehicle IDD (DRD C3-1). | |
c) | Present evidence of verification closures for mission unique designs and requirements. | |
d) | Present evidence of verification closures for all open SSP 50808 requirements. | |
e) | Provide all analytical assessments that show the compatibility of NASA cargo with the launch and orbital vehicle such as integrated loads, Launch to Activation thermal assessments, electromagnetic interference (EMI), and power. | |
f) | Present evidence that all Safety Assessments have been approved by NASA. | |
g) | Provide final data and parameters for mission success determination. |
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NNJ09GA02B | ISS Commercial Resupply Services |
(a) | Perform all launch service preparations and launch site operations necessary to safely and successfully deliver the cargo to the ISS. | |
(b) | Generate the required documents and obtain all required safety approvals for the launch service and integrated payload, orbital vehicle (OV) and launch vehicle system operations including payload-to-OV and OV-to-LV system integration and launch operations. |
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(i) | All critical items required to proceed into final launch countdown are ready. | |
(ii) | All vehicle systems have been verified for launch. | |
(iii) | All previously held Contractor readiness review actions have been closed or resolved. | |
(iv) | Launch Site and Range support organizations have committed to launch. | |
(v) | Tracking and data support resources have committed to launch. | |
(vi) | Any open work or constraints to launch are identified and closeout plans and schedules are in place and supportable. | |
(vii) | Mission risks are known and documented. |
a) | Provide a single point of contact with overall mission responsibility for each mission. The single point of contact shall coordinate support from all technical disciplines and management during the integration process. | |
b) | Conduct mission integration meetings as proposed in the MIOMP (DRD Cl-7) to successfully plan, schedule, and manage mission analyses required to define and verify compatibility of the cargo with the interface requirements and environments. |
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c) | Track development status of and resolve issues associated with mission specific hardware and software. | |
d) | Manage the design, development, qualification, testing and integration of mission unique requirements. |
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NNJ09GA02B | ISS Commercial Resupply Services |
a) | Systems familiarization briefings in the classroom covering nominal and off-nominal systems operations and maintenance. | |
b) | Hands-on instruction in orbital vehicle systems operations and maintenance using mockups or actual vehicles as appropriate to the training task. This hands-on training shall include orbital vehicle systems up to ISS interfaces, as well as, orbital vehicle interactions with ISS systems (e.g. hatch, vestibule operations, etc.) | |
c) | Instructional training documentation and material as appropriate to the training task. |
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d) | Coordination of integrated training plans and schedules with NASA to avoid schedule conflicts and assure proper lesson content, consistent with the Flight Products DRD C5-1. | |
e) | Updates to orbital vehicle data and Contractor-provided training hardware as required to maintain a mission specific training environment for each of the training aids and mockups. |
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NNJ09GA02B | ISS Commercial Resupply Services |
a) | External cargo Interface Control Agreement (ICA) for items hard-mounted on the external carrier as identified in the Initial MRAD. The external cargo ICA shall be submitted in accordance with DRD C3-2 at L-14 months as required. A preliminary external carrier layout shall be presented per DRD C3-2 and reviewed at the MIR. The final layout will be delivered with the Initial MRAD. | |
b) | Perform mission specific structural, thermal, and functional assessments to ensure the feasibility of the configuration for a mission. The assessment shall include a Design Couple Load Analysis (DLA) of mission specific cargo, flight support equipment, and carrier in accordance with DRD C4-2 at L-10 months. The sensitivity of ORU response to cargo configuration (location, mass, etc.) shall be analyzed and the preferred configuration provided. The expected ORU environments during all phases of flight shall be delivered in accordance with DRD C4-2. If hardware requirements cannot be met, the Contractor shall coordinate resolution with the ISS Program or International Partner (IP) hardware provider or NASA-designated representative prior to submission of the initial MRAD (DRD C4-2). | |
c) | Provide external carrier integrated assembly data in accordance with DRD C3-2 to NASA for EVA/EVR analysis. The EVR assessment includes kinematics and reach and access analysis of the Space Station Remote Manipulator System (SSRMS) or Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator (SPDM). The EVA analysis includes EVA crew reach and access and assesses translation corridors. | |
d) | Perform analyses and fit check (by using hardware or simulator approved by ISS Program) assessments to ensure the Carrier interface is compatible with existing ISS on-orbit stowage sites in accordance with SSP 42003, Space Station Manned Base (SSMB) to Mobile Servicing System (MSS) ICD. | |
e) | Develop mass property data and finite element math models of the mission specific carrier in accordance with DRD C3-2. |
a) | Develop an internal cargo ICA in accordance with DRD C4-4 for items planned to be hard-mounted in the orbital vehicle pressurized module volume per Initial MRAD (DRD C4-2). | |
b) | Provide a orbital vehicle pressurized module physical configuration per Initial MRAD (DRD C4-2) with margins (+/-) for each bag from a mass and cg perspective. | |
c) | Perform analyses of all cargo test and analytical data as it pertains to the physical (structural) and environmental (thermal, acoustics, electromagnetic interference and compatibility (EMI/C)) interfaces with the orbital vehicle. The Contractor shall perform mission specific structural, thermal, and functional assessments to ensure the feasibility of the configuration |
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d) | Provide updated analysis and products per the Final MRAD (DRD C6-1). NASA will provide the Contractor an updated cargo complement prior to the CIR and NLT 5 months prior to launch. The updated cargo complement will identify updated late stow and early destow requirements and bag serial numbers with their required locations in the orbital vehicle per the Contractor-provided constraints detailed in the Initial MRAD. |
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NNJ09GA02B | ISS Commercial Resupply Services |
a) | The Contractor shall affix Inventory Management System (IMS) bar code labels to Commercial payloads that will be transferred from the orbital vehicle to the ISS. | |
b) | The Contractor will not be responsible for labeling or verification of labeling of NASA cargo. However, the Contractor shall correlate IMS bar code numbers to stowage location data for all cargo flown and provide this data to NASA in accordance with the Final MRAD (DRD C6-1). | |
c) | The Contractor shall provide the locations of packed cargo per the Final MRAD (DRD C6-1) at L-3 months. |
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NNJ09GA02B | ISS Commercial Resupply Services |
Approve/ | Initial | |||||||||||
Item | Document | Review | Due Date | Recurrence | Reference | |||||||
Cl-1 | Reserved | |||||||||||
Cl-2 | Mishap Notification, | Review | With | Updates at | SOW 2.5.4 | |||||||
Investigation and Contingency | Proposal | Program | ||||||||||
Action Plan | Reviews | |||||||||||
Cl-3 | Reserved | |||||||||||
Cl-4 | Configuration Management Plan | Review | With | Updates at | SOW 2. 1.2 | |||||||
Proposal | Program | |||||||||||
Reviews | ||||||||||||
Cl-5 | Export Control Plan | Approve | Contract | Updates at | SOW | |||||||
Award | Program | 2.1.3, | ||||||||||
+30 days | Reviews | | ||||||||||
Cl-6 | Reserved | |||||||||||
Cl-7 | Mission Integration & Operations | Approve | With | Updates at | SOW 2.1, | |||||||
Management Plan | Proposal | Program | 2.3.1, | |||||||||
Reviews |, | |||||||||||, | |||||||||||| | ||||||||||||
Cl-8 | Work Plan | Approve | With | T.O. Award | SOW 2.3.1 | |||||||
Proposal | +30 days | |||||||||||
Cl-9 | Reserved | |||||||||||
C-10 | Safety Data Package | Review | When | Each | SOW 2.5.3 | |||||||
delivered | mission | |||||||||||
to Range |
Approve/ | Initial | |||||||||
Item | Document | Review | Due Date | Recurrence | Reference | |||||
C2-1 | Formal Review Documentation | Review | First | At every | SOW 2.1.1 | |||||
formal | review | |||||||||
review | ||||||||||
C2-2 | Integrated Schedules | Review | T.O. | Updates | SOW 2. 1.4 | |||||
Award | only, | |||||||||
+30 days | monthly |
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NNJ09GA02B | ISS Commercial Resupply Services |
Approve/ | Initial | |||||||||||
Item | Document | Review | Due Date | Recurrence | Reference | |||||||
C3-1 | Vehicle Interface Definition | Approve | VBR for | Updates | SOW | |||||||
Document (IDD) | first | only, at later |, | |||||||||
mission | VBRs | 2.2.2, 2.4.1 | ||||||||||
C3-2 | External Cargo Interface Control | Approve | L-14 | Each | SOW | |||||||
Agreement | months | mission | 2.4.1,2.4.3 | |||||||||
C3-3 | Launch Vehicle Flight Software | Review | VBR for | Updates | SOW | |||||||
Input for IV&V Review | first | only, at later | | |||||||||
mission | VBRs | |||||||||||
C3-4 | Launch Vehicle Guidance, | Review | VBR for | Updates | SOW | |||||||
Navigation and Controls Input for | first | only, at later | | |||||||||
IV&V | mission | VBRs | ||||||||||
C3-5 | Launch Vehicle Key Systems | Review | VBR for | Updates | SOW | |||||||
Qualification Data | first | only, at later | | |||||||||
mission | VBRs |
Approve/ | Initial | |||||||||
Item | Document | Review | Due Date | Recurrence | Reference | |||||
C4-1 | Engineering Computer- Aided | Review | MIR for | Within 7 | SOW 2.3.2 | |||||
Design (CAD) Models | first | days of any | ||||||||
mission | updated | |||||||||
drawing | ||||||||||
release | ||||||||||
C4-2 | Initial Mission Resource | Approve | L-10 | Each | SOW 2.3, | |||||
Allocation Document | months | mission | 2.4, | |||||||
C4-3 | Imagery Plan | Review | SOW | ||||||| | ||||||||||
C4-4 | Internal Cargo Interface Control | |||||||||
Agreement | Approve | L-8 | Each | SOW 2.4 | ||||||
months | mission |
Approve/ | Initial | |||||||||||
Item | Document | Review | Due Date | Recurrence | Reference | |||||||
C5-1 | Initial Flight Products | Review | L-5 | Each | SOW | |||||||
months | mission | | ||||||||||
C5-2 | Integrated Cargo Phase III Hazard | Approve | L-4 | Each | SOW | |||||||
Report | months | mission | |
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Approve/ | Initial | |||||||||||
Item | Document | Review | Due Date | Recurrence | Reference | |||||||
C6-1 | Final Mission Resource | Approve | L-3 | Each | SOW 2.4 | |||||||
Allocation Document | months | mission | ||||||||||
C6-2 | Final Flight Products | Review | L-2 weeks | Each | SOW | |||||||
mission | | |||||||||||
C6-3 | Delta Integrated Cargo Hazard | Approve | L-6 weeks | Each | SOW | |||||||
Report | mission | |
Approve/ | Initial | |||||||||||
Item | Document | Review | Due Date | Recurrence | Reference | |||||||
C7-1 | Preliminary Post Flight | Review | EOM+ | Per mission | SOW | |||||||
Assessment | 7 days | (telemetry |, | |||||||||
only, on | 2.2.2,2.6 | |||||||||||
non-CRS | ||||||||||||
missions) | ||||||||||||
C7-2 | Final Post Flight Assessment | Review | EOM+ | Per mission | SOW | |||||||
60 days | including |, | ||||||||||
non-CRS | 2.6 | |||||||||||
missions |
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NNJ09GA02B | ISS Commercial Resupply Services |
1. | GENERAL: Mishap reporting, investigation and corrective action requirements differ according to whether the specific mishap occurs on NASA property. Mishaps occurring on third party property will be handled in the same manner as those occurring on Contractor property. | |
2. | NASA MISHAP: Any unplanned occurrence, event, or anomaly involving NASA personnel, equipment, or facilities that meet one of the mishap classifications as defined in NPR 8621.1, Mishap and Close Call Reporting, Investigating and Recordkeeping. Aircraft or space hardware mishaps meeting the mishap criteria described are included if the mishap is not classified as a mission failure. Test failures which result in unexpected or unanticipated injury or damage are also included. |
2.1 | Mishap classification shall occur as documented in NPR 8621.1. | |
3.1 | Immediate Notification and Reporting of Mishaps Occurring on NASA Property. |
a) | Telephonic Report. The Contractor shall notify the local safety office in accordance with local reporting requirements for all type A or B injury and/or property damage mishaps occurring on NASA property while performing work in support of this SOW. | |
b) | Emergency Reporting. All onsite emergencies, such as fires, paramedical assistance, etc., shall be reported immediately by telephone in accordance with local emergency reporting requirements. | |
c) | The Contractor shall ensure that contract employees on NASA property know and comply with local safety, health and emergency response requirements. The Contractors plan shall describe the processes required to accomplish this task. |
4.1. | Immediate Notification and Reporting of Mishaps Occurring on Contractor Property, Third Party Property or Other Non-NASA Government Property. The Contractor shall immediately notify JSC Safety Office in the event of a Type A or B mishap occurs to NASA personnel or property while on Contractor, third party property or other non-NASA |
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government property. The Contractors plan describe the process through which notification will take place. | ||
4.2. | Mishap Investigation and Corrective Action for Mishaps on Contractor Property, Third Party Property, or Other Non-NASA Government Property. |
a) | An initial investigation by the Contractor is required for all mishaps which have been reported to NASA. NASA reserves discretionary authority to investigate mishaps which involve NASA personnel or resources regardless of location. The Contractor has the discretion to perform any collateral investigations. However, investigations implemented by NASA will take priority with regard to access to evidence, data, and witnesses. The proceedings of NASA investigations will remain confidential. The Contractor will have an opportunity to comment on the investigation report in accordance with NASA protocols. | |
b) | Contractor Final Report. After the Contractor completes its investigation of the mishap and, when appropriate, has developed a plan of corrective action, the Contractor shall deliver this completed report to NASA within 15 days of completion. This plan will include any verification activities identified by the Contractor to ensure that corrective actions to be implemented by NASA or a third party have been implemented or, if applicable, accomplished. |
5.1. | Immediate Notification and Reporting of Mishaps Occurring Post Launch and Prior to Integrated Operations. The Contractor shall immediately notify JSC Safety Office in the event of a Type A or B mishap occurs to NASA personnel or property post launch and prior to integrated operations. The Contractors plan describe the process through which notification will take place. | |
5.2. | Mishap Investigation and Corrective Action for Mishaps Occurring Post Launch and Prior to Integrated Operations. |
a) | An initial investigation by the Contractor is required for all mishaps which have been reported to NASA. NASA reserves discretionary authority to investigate mishaps which involve NASA personnel or resources regardless of location. The Contractor has the discretion to perform any collateral investigations. However, investigations implemented by NASA will take priority with regard to access to evidence, data, and witnesses. The proceedings of NASA investigations will remain confidential. The Contractor will have an opportunity to comment on the investigation report in accordance with NASA protocols. | |
b) | Contractor Final Report. After the Contractor completes its investigation of the mishap and, when appropriate, has developed a plan of corrective action, the Contractor shall deliver this completed report to NASA within 15 days of completion. This plan will include any verification activities identified by the Contractor to ensure that corrective actions to be implemented by NASA or a third party have been implemented or, if applicable, accomplished. |
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6.1 | Immediate Notification and Reporting of Mishaps Occurring During Integrated Operations shall follow guidelines and requirements as documented in SSP 50190, Contingency Action Plan. | |
6.2 | Mishap Investigation and Corrective Action for Mishaps Occurring During Integrated Operations. |
a) | Mishap investigation and corrective action shall be performed per SSP 50190. The Contractor has the discretion to perform any collateral investigations. However, investigations implemented by NASA will take priority with regard to access to evidence, data, and witnesses. The proceedings of NASA investigations will remain confidential. The Contractor will have an opportunity to comment on the investigation report in accordance with NASA protocols. | |
b) | Contractor Final Report. After the Contractor completes its investigation of the mishap and, when appropriate, has developed a plan of corrective action, the Contractor shall deliver this completed report to NASA within 15 days of completion. This plan will include any verification activities identified by the Contractor to ensure that corrective actions to be implemented by NASA or a third party have been implemented or, if applicable, accomplished. |
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NNJ09GA02B | ISS Commercial Resupply Services |
| Cargo capabilities including: |
o | Standard cargo turn over for internal and external cargo | ||
o | Late stow cargo capacity and turn over timeframe | ||
o | Early destow cargo capacity and return timeframe |
| Cargo manifesting and integration support | |
| Contractor to ISS Program Mission Integration support | |
| Vehicle flight operations documentation preparation | |
| Vehicle and external systems operations training | |
| Simulations and mission operations support | |
| Ground facility interfaces | |
| Data Management |
Cargo Type | Maximum Mass | Maximum Volume | Turnover Schedule | |||
Standard Internal or External | TBP | TBP | L-TBP | |||
Late Stow | TBP | TBP | L-TBP | |||
Early Destow | TBP | TBP | Landing+TBP |
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a) | Milestone events, by name and description of the milestone event, corresponding to the payment number | |
b) | Number of months before (L-) launch | |
c) | An accomplishment criteria narrative (i.e., describe accomplishments and progress in terms of activities completed prior to the payment event). |
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a) | Presentation packages and hand-out materials provided at the review for NASA attendees. | |
b) | Minutes from each formal review | |
c) | List of attendees | |
d) | Agreements from each formal review | |
e) | An action item list maintained and updated by the Contractor. The list shall include: |
1) | Due Date | ||
2) | Subject | ||
3) | Assigned tracking number for each action item | ||
4) | Person or organization responsible for completing the action | ||
5) | Status of action (i.e., open, closed, or deleted) |
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NNJ09GA02B | ISS Commercial Resupply Services |
a) | The Contractor shall provide schedules which clearly depict the interrelationships and constraints among related tasks. The Contractor is encouraged to utilize modern manufacturing resource planning, industrial engineering techniques and other approaches to ensure schedule stability, accuracy, reliability, predictability, and achievability. | |
b) | The schedules shall be developed, maintained (updated), and provided to ensure a consistent, accurate, and stable scheduling approach that provides for the identification, coordination, sequencing, control, implementation and tracking of all required activities. The schedules shall be easily auditable by NASA. | |
c) | The approach shall provide the ability to fully identify, analyze, mitigate and control scheduling risks and impacts; accurately identify and analyze critical path activities; and allow its users to easily measure the progress towards achieving the intended plan. | |
d) | The approach shall not only represent the scheduled work for that activity, but also the requirements commitment from all interfacing organizations. | |
e) | Schedule consistency as used in this DRD is defined as the degree to which the Contractor utilized standardized scheduling approaches between similar processing activities and flows. Accurate scheduling as used in this DRD is defined as the accurate representation of work content and tasks duration (predicted vs. actuals). A stable schedule as used in this DRD refers to the degree to which daily schedule changes are minimized and limited to unforeseen hardware or software problems or NASA-directed changes. |
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Z: Z axis is perpendicular to the x and y axes and completes the right-handed coordinate system
2xl0-5 N/m2 shall be used to report the acoustic environment in terms of decibels.
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a) | Allocation of roles and responsibilities of groups. | |
b) | Established system configuration, capability, and constraints. | |
c) | Internal and external compatibility. | |
d) | Established software processing capabilities and constraints. | |
e) | Completeness and testable requirements. | |
f) | Adherence to coding standards and verify design to code conformance. | |
g) | Hardware in the loop test facilities capability, test plan, data management process, and run review approach. | |
h) | Accurate delivery for flight use. | |
i) | Scope of development tool use and potential risk points. |
| Organization documents Org chart, product team, software quality assurance (SQA), Office of the Chief Engineer (OCE), and analysis role and responsibility documents. | |
| Vehicle system description Vehicle overview, Avionics component ICDs, flight computer specification. | |
| Development process Software development plan and process, change review board charter, and change tracking data base. | |
| Requirements documents and data base reports System and derived requirements documents. Tracking data base. Requirements to design and test trace matrices, but NASA can generate the trace products independently if need be. | |
| Design assessment Program flow diagrams or equivalent. Algorithm derivation documents. Source code table top review. | |
| Implementation As built code products include unit testing plan and results, build scripts, compiler options file, build library description. | |
| Qualification test system integration lab (SIL) test facilities capability documentation, test plan, data management plan, test review process, requirements to test closure, data if specific areas of concern are found. | |
| Release process Configuration management plan, pedigree review plan, media release process. | |
| Development Tools Input parameter processing and code generation scripts. | |
| Models Simulation code used for developmental test. | |
| Kickoff, Midterm and Close-out technical interchange meetings (TIMs) sessions may be scheduled with the Contractor team to answer questions. |
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| Flight software code and/or flight software documentation (preferred), if not provided above. NASA can also build a model using contractors flight software algorithm description documentation. | |
| Flight software parameters | |
| Vehicle characteristics |
o | Propulsion characteristics | ||
o | Aerodynamics parameters | ||
o | Mass properties | ||
o | Bending mode parameters | ||
o | Propellant slosh characteristics (or tank geometry description) | ||
o | GN&C sensor and actuator dynamics parameters |
| Flight data, if selected mission has flown. Data, in nearly all cases, can be transmitted electronically and in formats already in use by the contractor. | |
| Contractor linear stability and nonlinear simulation analysis results and reports. | |
| 2 or 3 TIMs with Contractor GN&C analysts as needed for NASA understanding of contractor-provided data and analysis results. These meetings will occur approximately every 3-4 months over the course of about a year. |
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| Models shall be full scale in English (inches) units. | |
| Models shall be constructed to nominal dimensions. | |
| Models should be built with respect to element local coordinate system. | |
| Use a format that is compatible with ISS Program. | |
| Models shall be supplied in one of the following formats: Unigraphics (preferred), Computer-Aided Three-Dimensional Interactive Application (CATIA), PTC Pro-Engineer, Parasolid, Stereo Lithography (SLA), Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML), or Product Vision (JT). | |
| Solid Models OnlyModels may be unparameterized dumb solids meaning tolerance data; model history, material properties, etc. need not be included. | |
| Model parts should be individual entities and not fused together. This will allow CAD team to update the model based on hardware measurements. Assembly structure, part names and part numbers would be helpful. However, for controlling file size growth and having redundant geometry, all identical components (i.e., handrails, connectors, etc) will be nested |
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| Description on movement limits for any articulating items should be provided. | |
| As-designed and as-built (validated and final) models shall be validated to release engineering drawings. | |
| Interior models shall be delivered either separate from exterior models or as an appropriately documented assembly such that interior models can easily be separated leaving both interior and exterior features intact. If supplied as separate models, information to associate interior to exterior shall be provided. | |
| Where interior subassemblies are supplied as separate models, sufficient documentation shall be provided to support correct geometrical integration of each subassembly into its larger interior element. | |
| A model tree shall be provided which documents the element model assembly architecture as well as model and subassembly titles. | |
| Models shall be under configuration management so that the pedigree and source of models are documented and retained. | |
| Models and associated assembly trees and configuration data shall be delivered electronically. |
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a) | The Contractors format will be acceptable, except for those sections concerned with stowage and labeling data for payloads on ISS logistics missions. | |
b) | The report shall be in response to an initial NASA cargo complement delivered at L-12 months. The Contractors response (this MRAD) shall address specific technical and operational issues pertaining to each proposed cargo item and contain recommendations for combining the proposed cargo items into an optimized internal and external configuration based on the priorities of the proposed cargo item and overall resource allocation. | |
c) | The MRAD shall be the source of accurate data pertaining to the mission-unique mass, volume and other resources allocated to each cargo item, and its supporting hardware, assigned to the Contractor. | |
d) | The following categories of requirements shall be included in this DRD: |
1) | Mission physical configuration of the orbital vehicle pressurized module and external carrier, including ascent, on-orbit, and return stowage configurations (cargo layouts) | ||
2) | Mass and volume allocations for each bag or individual cargo item and its support hardware | ||
3) | Mission complement electrical power and energy all mission phases (as applicable) | ||
4) | Command and data requirements | ||
5) | Experiment/ORU thermal/environmental assessment | ||
6) | Orbital vehicle dynamics and mass properties | ||
7) | Robotic and berthing requirements | ||
8) | Orbital vehicle structural math model | ||
9) | Orbital vehicle thruster plume and firing history, propellant types | ||
10) | Launch to Activation Analysis for external cargo and flight profile | ||
11) | Initial Design Coupled Loads Analysis (1 or more) |
i) | Report shall include sensitivity of ORU response to cargo configuration (location and mass) | ||
ii) | Report shall include expected ORU environment during all phases of flight and associated margins against NASA-provided environmental limits |
12) | Initial Verification Loads Analysis (VLA) |
i) | Report shall include expected ORU environment during all phases of flight and associated margins against NASA-provided environmental limits | ||
ii) | Report shall include guaranteed environment during flight |
13) | Crew utilization |
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14) | Late access and/or early retrieval | ||
15) | Flight operations support | ||
16) | Mission-unique hardware and government furnished equipment (GFE) | ||
17) | Crew Equipment Interface Test Dates | ||
18) | Intact Return Packing Location | ||
19) | Any vehicle design changes that may affect the requirements in SSP 50808 and associated analytical products necessary for the berthing of the Contractors on-orbit vehicle. | ||
20) | A Mission Training Plan which addresses all training requirements for the flight crew with respect to the orbital vehicle and any necessary payloads. This plan shall define a series of lessons to meet the training objectives with associated training locations, lesson hours, required attendees, and training materials. This must be negotiated with the JSC training flight lead. | ||
21) | A minimum of two systems familiarization briefings for the orbital vehicle to the mission specific crew representatives at the Contractor facility. |
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1) | Orbital Vehicle Imagery | |
2) | Pressurized Cargo Imagery | |
3) | Cargo Carrier Imagery |
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a) | Nominal and off-nominal operations of the orbital vehicle and payloads. The areas to be covered include Robotics Operations/Checklists, Contingency Operations, Vestibule Operations, Rendezvous Operations/Checklist, On-Orbit Maintenance, Flight Rule Inputs Portable Computer System (PCS) Displays, On-orbit checkout (berthing). | |
b) | Vehicle updates to Guidance and Trajectory |
1) | Vehicle trajectory data and 3-sigma dispersions analysis | ||
2) | Vehicle navigational sensor data (performance, accuracy, limitations and constraints) |
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a) | The Contractors format will be acceptable, except for those sections concerned with stowage and labeling data for payloads on ISS logistics missions. | |
b) | The report shall be in response to a final set of NASA cargo complement delivered at L-6 months. The Contractors response shall contain the an optimized internal and external configuration based on the priorities of the proposed cargo item and overall resource allocation. Any technical or operational issues that could not be resolved shall be documented in the report with a recommended forward action plan. This report shall also capture the final planning and associated milestones with vehicle design changes that may affect the requirements in SSP 50808 and associated analytical products necessary for the berthing of the Contractors on-orbit vehicle. | |
c) | The MRAD shall be the source of accurate data pertaining to the mission-unique mass, volume and other resources allocated to each cargo item, and its supporting hardware, assigned to the Contractor. All data shall be updated with the latest cargo complement. | |
d) | The following categories of requirements shall be included in this DRD with updates or final configuration data: |
1) | Mission physical configuration of the orbital vehicle pressurized module and external carrier, including ascent, on-orbit, and return stowage configurations (cargo layouts) | ||
2) | Mass and volume allocations for each bag or individual cargo item and its support hardware | ||
3) | Mission complement electrical power and energy all mission phases (as applicable) | ||
4) | Command and data requirements | ||
5) | Experiment/ORU thermal/environmental assessment | ||
6) | Orbital vehicle dynamics and mass properties | ||
7) | Robotic/berthing requirements | ||
8) | Orbital vehicle structural math model | ||
9) | Orbital vehicle thruster plume and firing history, propellant types | ||
10) | Launch to Activation Analysis for external cargo and flight profile | ||
11) | Final Design Coupled Loads Analysis (1 or more) |
i) | Report shall include sensitivity of ORU response to cargo configuration (location and mass) |
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ii) | Report shall include expected ORU environment during all phases of flight and associated margins against NASA-provided environmental limits |
12) | Verification Loads Analysis (VLA) |
i) | Report shall include expected ORU environment during all phases of flight and associated margins against NASA-provided environmental limits | ||
ii) | Report shall include guaranteed environment during flight |
13) | Updates to Crew utilization | ||
14) | Final plan for late access and/or early retrieval | ||
15) | Final Flight operations support plan | ||
16) | Mission-unique hardware and GFE | ||
17) | Final Crew Equipment Interface Test Dates | ||
18) | Final Intact Return Packing Location | ||
19) | Transfer Bag or Item Name (from label), serial number, IMS bar code label and size | ||
20) | Any updates to the Mission Training Plan which addresses all training requirements for the flight crew with respect to the orbital vehicle and any necessary payloads. |
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a) | Nominal and off-nominal operations of the orbital vehicle and payloads. The areas to be covered include Robotics Operations/Checklists, Contingency Operations, Vestibule Operations, Rendezvous Operations/Checklist, On-Orbit Maintenance, Flight Rule Inputs PCS Displays, On-orbit checkout (berthing). | |
b) | Vehicle updates to Guidance and Trajectory |
1) | Vehicle trajectory data and 3-sigma dispersions analysis | ||
2) | Vehicle navigational sensor data (performance, accuracy, limitations and constraints) |
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a) | Full-rate flight data in accordance with the instrumentation plan in the Vehicle IDD (DRD C3-1) and SOW Section 2.2.2. | |
b) | Complete full-rate telemetry stream for launch vehicle systems. | |
c) | Contractors Flight or Launch Readiness Review package | |
d) | Pre-flight prediction of |
1) | expected flight environments (i.e., acoustic/vibration, quasi-static acceleration, thermal, and pressure) | ||
2) | 6-degree of freedom (DOF) trajectory simulation and its inputs, nominal and 3-sigma orbit elements, performance, margins, reserves, sequence of events and tracking | ||
3) | Generic vehicle environmental data may be submitted unless mission unique environmental requirements are identified in the ICD |
e) | Presentation and analysis of the Mission Success Criteria, which are determined in accordance with Clause II.A.19 Mission Success Determination, Investigation, and Corrective Actions at the Cargo Integration Review. |
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a) | Contractors post flight report, including predicted and actual vehicle system, subsystem and component performance data | |
b) | Post flight determination of actual flight environments | |
c) | Explanation of significant differences between the predicted and actual flight environments | |
d) | When applicable, accident investigation and resolution documentation, responses and implementations to the mishap boards recommendations and return to flight activities | |
e) | Identify problems, anomalies and malfunctions over the course of the mission and their impact on the payload and the overall mission. | |
f) | Provide recommended corrective actions and anomaly resolutions. This would include model and predicted environment updates due to collected flight data. | |
g) | Assess the adequacy of training, both for flight and ground personnel |
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(Orbital Safety Manual, #TM-1617 REV T, dated 08 February 2008, Incorporated By Reference) |
NNJ09GA02B | ISS Commercial Resupply Services |
1. | Direct Current Switching Unit (DCSU)* | |
2. | Main Bus Switching Unit (MBSU)* | |
3. | Pump Module Assembly (PMA) | |
4. | Utility Transfer Assembly (UTA) | |
5. | Nitrogen Resupply Bottle (NRB) | |
6. | Flexible Hose Rotary Coupler (FHRC) | |
7. | Control Moment Gyroscope (CMG) |
* | denotes also compatible with SPDM. If their FSE is designed for SPDM-compatibility, an EVA is not required for removal and reinstallation. |
1. | Flight Releasable Attach Mechanism-based science payloads |
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1. | If the documents required to submit the NACI have not been completed prior to Entrance on Duty (EOD), the applicant will be instructed to complete all remaining requirements for submission of the investigation request. This includes presentation of I-9 documents and completion of fingerprints, if not already accomplished. If the applicant fails to complete these activities as prescribed in NPR 1600.1 (Chapters 3 and 4), it may be considered as failure to meet the conditions required for physical access to a federally-controlled facility or access to a Federal information system, and result in denial of such access. | |
2. | Based on favorable results of the NCIC, the applicant shall be issued a temporary NASA identification card for a period not-to-exceed six months. If at the end of the six month period the NAC results have not been returned, the agency will at that time make a determination if an additional extension will be granted for the temporary identification card. | |
3. | Upon return of the completed NAC, the process will continue from Step 5. |
NNJ09GA02B | ISS Commercial Resupply Services |
ASSIST | Acquisition Streamlining and Standardization Information System | |
ATP | Authority/Authorization to Proceed | |
BICE | Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement | |
CAD | Computer- Aided Drafting/Design | |
CATIA | Computer-Aided Three-Dimensional Interactive Application | |
CCR | Central Contractor Registration | |
CCS | Center Chief of Security | |
CD-ROM | Compact Disk Read Only Memory | |
CEA | Center Export Administrator | |
CEIT | Crew and Equipment Interface Test | |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations | |
CIO | Chief Information Officer | |
CIR | Cargo Integration Review | |
CLA | Coupled Loads Analysis | |
CLIN | Contract Line Item Number | |
CM | Configuration Management | |
CMG | Control Moment Gyro | |
COTR | Contracting Officer Technical Representative | |
COTS | Commercial Orbital Transportation Services | |
CRS | Commercial Resupply Services | |
CSO | Corporate Security Officer | |
CY | Calendar Year | |
DCII | Defense Clearance and Investigation Index | |
DCSU | Direct Current Switching Unit | |
DHS | Department of Homeland Security | |
DIG | Designated Industry Group | |
DIMS | Digital Imagery Management System | |
DLA | Design Coupled Loads Analysis | |
DoD | Department of Defense | |
DoDSSP | Department of Defense Single Stock Point | |
DOF | Degrees of Freedom | |
DOT | Department of Transportation | |
DRD | Data Requirements Document | |
DRL | Data Requirements List | |
DUNS | Data Universal Numbering System | |
DVD | Digital Video Disk | |
EAR | Export Administration Regulations | |
ECP | Export Control Plan | |
ECS | Environmental Control System | |
EDMS | Electronic Data Management System | |
EFT | Electronic Funds Transfer |
NNJ09GA02B | ISS Commercial Resupply Services |
EMC | Electromagnetic Compatibility | |
EMI | Electromagnetic Interference | |
EMI/C | Electromagnetic Interference/Compatibility | |
E.O. | Executive Order | |
EOD | Entrance on Duty | |
EOM | End of Mission | |
e-QIP | Electronic Questionnaires for Investigations Processing | |
ERB | Engineering Review Board | |
EVA | Extravehicular Activity | |
EVR | Extravehicular Robotics | |
FAA | Federal Aviation Administration | |
FAR | Federal Acquisition Regulations | |
FHRC | Flexible Hose Rotary Coupler | |
FIPS | Federal Information Processing Standards | |
FMEA | Failure Modes Effects Analysis | |
f.o.b. | Freight On Board | |
FOD | Foreign Object Debris | |
FPMR | Federal Property Management Regulations | |
FRAM | Flight Releasable Attach Mechanism | |
FRB | Failure Review Board | |
FRGF | Flight Releasable Grapple Fixture | |
FSC | Federal Supply Clauses | |
FSE | Flight Support Equipment | |
FSG | Federal Supply Group | |
FSO | Facility Security Officer | |
GAO | Government Accountability Office | |
GFE | Government Furnished Equipment | |
GFEPS | Government Furnished Equipment, Property and Services | |
GFP | Government Furnished Property | |
GIDEP | Government Industry Data Exchange Program | |
GN&C | Guidance, Navigation and Controls | |
GPS | Global Positioning System | |
GSA | General Services Administration | |
GSE | Ground Support Equipment | |
HBCU/MI | Historically Black College or University / Minority Institution | |
HSPD | Homeland Security Presidential Directive | |
HUBZone | Historically Underutilized Business Zone | |
Hz | hertz | |
ICA | Interface Control Agreement | |
ICD | Interface Control Document | |
IDD | Interface Definition Document | |
IDIQ | Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity |
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IDMS | Identity Management System | |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | |
IGA | Intergovernmental Agreement | |
IMC | International Space Station Management Center | |
IMS | Inventory Management System | |
I&O | Integration and Operations | |
IP | International Partner; | |
Internet Protocol | ||
IRD | Interface Requirements Document | |
IRS | Internal Revenue Service | |
ISPR | International Standard Payload Rack | |
ISS | International Space Station | |
IT | Information Technology | |
ITAR | International Traffic in Arms Regulations | |
IVA | Intravehicular Activity | |
IV&V | Independent Verification and Validation | |
IWG | Imagery Working Group | |
JMST | Joint Multi-Segment Simulation Training | |
JSC | Johnson Space Center | |
kg | kilogram | |
L- | Launch minus (time before launch) | |
LTA | Launch to Activation | |
LV | Launch Vehicle | |
MBSU | Main Bus Switching Unit | |
MCC | Mission Control Center | |
MER | Mission Evaluation Room | |
MIOMP | Mission Integration and Operations Management Plan | |
MIR | Mission Integration Review | |
MLI | Multi-Layer Insulation | |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding | |
MRAD | Mission Resources Allocation Document | |
MRB | Material Review Board | |
MSS | Mobile Servicing System | |
MT | Metric Tons | |
NAC | National Agency Check | |
NACI | National Agency Check with Inquiries | |
NAICS | North American Industry Classification System | |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | |
NASIRC | NASA Incident Response Center | |
NCIC | National Crime Information Center | |
NFNMS | NASA Foreign National Management System |
NNJ09GA02B | ISS Commercial Resupply Services |
NFS | NASA FAR Supplement | |
NHA | Next Higher Assembly | |
NISN | NASA Integrated Services Network | |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology | |
NLT | No Later Than | |
NPD | NASA Policy Directive | |
NPR | NASA Procedural Requirement | |
NRB | Nitrogen Resupply Bottle | |
NSCCB | Network Security Configuration Control Board | |
OCE | Office of the Chief Engineer | |
OMB | Office of Management and Budget | |
OPM | Office of Personnel Management | |
ORCA | Online Representations and Certifications Applications | |
ORU | Orbital Replacement Unit | |
OSE | Orbital Support Equipment | |
OSHA | Occupational Safety and Health Administration | |
OV | Orbital Vehicle | |
PACS | Physical Access Control System | |
PCI | PIV Card Issuance | |
PCS | Portable Computer System | |
PFIP | Preflight Imagery Plan | |
PIN | Personal Identification Number | |
PIP | Personal Identity Provider | |
PIV | Personal Identity Verification | |
PKI | Public Key Infrastructure | |
P.L. | Public Law | |
PM | Program Manager | |
PMA | Pump Module Assembly | |
Pub.L. | Public Law | |
R&D | Research and Development | |
RF | Radio Frequency | |
RFI | Request for Information | |
RFP | Request for Proposal | |
ROM | Rough Order of Magnitude | |
S&MA | Safety and Mission Assurance | |
SB | Small Business | |
SBU | Sensitive But Unclassified | |
SDB | Small Disadvantaged Business | |
SEB | Source Evaluation Board | |
SF | Standard Form | |
SLA | Stowage Interface Agreement | |
SIL | Systems Integration Lab |
NNJ09GA02B | ISS Commercial Resupply Services |
SLA | Stereo Lithography | |
SOE | Sequence of Events | |
SOW | Statement of Work | |
SP | Special Publication | |
SPA | Software Product Assurance | |
SPDM | Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator | |
SQA | Software Quality Assurance | |
SRP | Safety Review Panel | |
SSMB | Space Station Manned Base | |
SSN | Social Security Number | |
SSRMS | Space Station Remote Manipulator System | |
TBD | To Be Determined | |
TBP | To Be Proposed | |
TDRSS | Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System | |
TIC | Targeted Industry Category | |
TIM | Technical Interchange Meeting | |
TIN | Taxpayer Identification Number | |
T.O. | Task Order | |
TRL | Technology Readiness Level: definitions below. | |
UCAT | Universal Controls Analysis Tool | |
UHF | Ultra High Frequency | |
URL | Uniform Resource Locator | |
U.S. | United States | |
USAF | United States Air Force | |
U.S.C. | United States Code | |
US-CERT | United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team | |
UTA | Utility Transfer Assembly | |
VBR | Vehicle Baseline Review | |
VLA | Verification Loads Analysis | |
VRML | Virtual Reality Modeling Language | |
WOSB | Woman-Owned Small Business |
NNJ09GA02B | ISS Commercial Resupply Services |
the total applications (component-level, sub-system level, or system-level) can be tested in a simulated or somewhat realistic environment.
NNJ09GA02B | ISS Commercial Resupply Services |
AE | Approach Ellipsoid: A 2.5 x 1.25 x 1.25 mile (4 x 2 x 2 km) ellipsoid, centered at the ISS center of mass, with the long axis aligned with the V-Bar. | |
Customer Cargo | Cargo and/or payloads including packing materials, attachment hardware and/or FSE. For internal cargo, this definition only includes systems racks and International Standard Payload Racks (ISPRs); other racks are excluded. | |
Discrepant | Visibly damaged or out of configuration. | |
Early destow | Cargo that needs to be removed from the orbital vehicle within 6 hours of the orbital vehicle landing. | |
ISS Integration | The activities required to ensure that SSP 50808 requirements have been met; necessary hardware and software development to interface with the ISS has been completed; and joint on-orbit integrated operations plans have been finalized. | |
Mission unique | Hardware or software utilized to accomplish a CRS mission that differs from the previously-baselined configuration of the launch or orbital vehicle. This includes hardware or software specifically designed to meet mission requirements or first flight items that have not previously flown on a CRS mission. This definition also includes GSE. | |
Non-NASA Cargo | Contractor-manifested cargo flown on a resupply mission to the ISS that will not transfer to the ISS or require any action on the part of NASA. | |
Prox Ops | Proximity Operations | |
Real-time | Period of time during which integrated operations are taking place. | |
Usable Cargo | Cargo and/or payloads without any packing material, attachment hardware or FSE. |
NNJ09GA02B | ISS Commercial Resupply Services |
1) | Documents and reports used in the development of the orbital and launch vehicle environments (acoustic, random, sine, shock) and hardware qualification. | |
2) | Pre-flight predictions of expected flight environments (e.g. acoustic/vibration, quasi-static acceleration, thermal, shock, and pressure). | |
3) | In addition to the specific information listed in this clause, the Contractor shall provide a listing of existing and planned data products, models, packages, reports, ERB packages which the Contractor or its launch service provider will/has create/d in this analysis area for their own purposes. Upon request, NASA shall be provided these items. The combination of these items and those specifically listed shall support the following NASA Assessment: |
a) | Implement and validate generic CLA (with NASA code) using Contractor or provider models and forcing functions. | ||
b) | Review Contractor or provider model validation. | ||
c) | Review Contractor or provider dynamic event selection and associated forcing function development. | ||
d) | Validate that frequencies, damping and modes of the launch vehicle dynamic models are traceable to ground testing. | ||
e) | Validate models which are not anchored in substantial flight data. | ||
f) | Verify system design is robust against model variations. |
1) | Review elements of the launch vehicle aerothermal model and validate against contractor data. | |
2) | Review elements of the thermal models of engines and solid motors and validate against contractor data. | |
3) | Validate that the aerodynamics for the launch vehicle are traceable to wind tunnel test data. | |
4) | Aerodynamic impacts on the vehicle venting analysis are well understood. | |
5) | Validate models which are not anchored in substantial flight data. | |
6) | Verify system design is robust against model variations |
1) | EMI/C environment test procedures and data, |
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2) | Antenna gain patterns, | |
3) | Transmitter characteristics (line losses, frequencies, power at a minimum), | |
4) | Radiated fields from the launch vehicle at the cargo positions, | |
5) | Range RF environment for a launch of this vehicle, | |
6) | Ordnance circuit design guidelines, | |
7) | Ordnance circuit test reports from the Demonstration mission launch vehicle, or most recent launch if the Demonstration mission has not been accomplished, | |
8) | Grounding, bonding and isolation methodology, requirements, and diagrams, | |
9) | Grounding and isolation test results from the Demonstration mission launch vehicle, or most recent launch if the Demonstration mission has not been accomplished, | |
10) | Wire routing methodology and requirements, | |
11) | Vehicle to ground station link analysis from Demonstration mission, | |
12) | Available vehicle patterns for C Band, Ultra-High Frequency (UHF), Global Positioning System (GPS) and S Band antennas. This shall include, as a minimum, vendor free space patterns, | |
13) | Radio Frequency (RF) intermodulation report Analysis of intermodulation frequencies from vehicle. | |
14) | In addition to the specific information listed in this clause, the Contractor shall provide a listing of existing and planned data products, models, packages, reports, ERB packages which the Contractor or its launch service provider will/has create/d in this analysis area for their own purposes. Upon request, NASA shall be provided these items. The combination of these items and those specifically listed shall to support the following NASA Assessment: |
a) | Validate models which are not anchored in substantial flight data. | ||
b) | Verify system design is robust against model variations |
1) | Nominal 6 DOF trajectory simulation results for the targeted insertion condition utilizing actual weights and propulsion models. | |
2) | Simulation predictions of nominal and 3-sigma limits for orbit elements and the associated covariance matrix. | |
3) | Mass to orbit performance capability, margins and reserves. | |
4) | Sequence of Events (SOE) and tracking coverage. | |
5) | Launch vehicle configuration (including mission-unique features) and weight statement. | |
6) | Sources, magnitude, and distribution type (e.g. Gaussian, uniform) for all trajectory and simulation with dispersions used. | |
7) | Definition of body-fixed coordinate systems used for launch vehicle and spacecraft. | |
8) | References to the sources for all payload inputs to the 6 DOF analysis. | |
9) | In addition to the specific information listed in this clause, the Contractor shall provide a listing of existing and planned data products, models, packages, reports, ERB packages which the Contractor or its launch service provider will/has create/d in this analysis area for their own purposes. Upon request, NASA shall be provided these items. The combination of these items and those specifically listed shall support the following NASA Assessment: |
a) | Develop launch vehicle 3DOF trajectory model. | ||
b) | Validate model against contractor vehicle mass and performance predictions and data. | ||
c) | Validates models which are not anchored in substantial flight data. |
NNJ09GA02B | ISS Commercial Resupply Services |
d) | Verify system design is robust against model variations |
1) | Pedigree Review packages and presentations at the supplier for the launch vehicle that include a hardware summary, As Built Configuration List, Acceptance Test and Results summary, summary of discrepancies and resolutions encountered during manufacturing/testing, and summary of deviations and waivers. | |
2) | Verbal or written responses to NASAs Request For Information (RFI) items. | |
3) | Cause and effect analyses for using, or replacing suspect hardware | |
4) | Additional data as requested (for example analysis, drawings, schematics and/or photos, hardware cross sections to resolve concerns over hardware disposition) | |
5) | Sub-tier vendor data as needed |
1) | Vendor overview presentation manufacturing processes and quality controls (2-6 hours) including the following: |
a) | Manufacturing Process Review |
i) | Documentation |
1. | Requirements | ||
2. | Traceability |
ii) | Nonconformances, Rework, and Rebuilds |
1. | Initiation | ||
2. | Documentation | ||
3. | Verification | ||
4. | Drawing changes | ||
5. | Rejection procedures and disposition |
iii) | Personnel Training |
b) | Pedigree Review Process |
i) | Acceptance and qualification standards | ||
ii) | Lot acceptance policies (as applicable) | ||
iii) | Subcontractors and Vendors |
1. | Vendor certification requirements | ||
2. | Material and parts inspection | ||
3. | Subcontractors used | ||
4. | Problem tracking | ||
5. | Subcontractor performance review reviews |
c) | Quality Control |
i) | Metrology and calibration | ||
ii) | Foreign Object Debris (FOD) control (as appropriate) | ||
iii) | Environmental controls, to include control of potentially damaging materials | ||
iv) | Clean room policies (as applicable) | ||
v) | Problem tracking (trends and frequent occurrences) |
NNJ09GA02B | ISS Commercial Resupply Services |
1. | Internal | ||
2. | Vendors | ||
3. | Industry wide |
d) | Production schedules |
i) | Manufacturing schedules for relevant parts | ||
ii) | Maintenance policies for heavy manufacturing equipment | ||
iii) | Inventory dynamics |
a) | Tour of manufacturing processes for relevant parts, including as many steps as practical, with parts inspections where practical | ||
b) | The opportunity to inspect representative documentation pertinent to the launch vehicle, including: |
i) | Build instructions | ||
ii) | Nonconformance documentation | ||
iii) | Calibration stamps and/or tags | ||
iv) | Parts traceability |
c) | Opportunities for questions on the floor |
4) | NASA review of additional documentation (2-4 hours): |
1) | The Contractor shall provide launch vehicle fishbones using a cause and effect analysis addressing all possible root causes of mission loss, for flight and ground subsystems. | |
2) | The Contractor shall provide a disposition for each fishbone; including engineering changes, mitigation, conclusions, recommended actions and reports. |
NNJ09GA02B | ISS Commercial Resupply Services |
a) | The completed analysis shall include closures describing mitigating factors that protect against the subject root cause. | ||
b) | The top level of the analysis shall incorporate the primary elements of man, method, machine, material and measurement. | ||
c) | Hardware detail shall be to the box level (e.g. flight computer, regulator, thrust vector control actuator, hydraulic pump, etc). | ||
d) | Mission analysis level shall be to the design analysis level (e.g. coupled loads, autopilot stability, integrated thermal analysis, guidance accuracy analysis, etc.). | ||
e) | Fault trees and/or Failure Mode Effects Analyses (FMEAs), if they exist, will be provided for items without fishbones. Additional information on failure modes and/or mitigation may be required for these items, specifically the consideration of failure causes rooted in human error and/or analytical methods. |
3) | The Contractor shall make available launch vehicle engineers in the appropriate engineering areas for occasional discussions at the system and sub-system level: mechanical, electrical, S&MA, flight design, flight software, controls, loads, environments, stress, thermal and EMC/RF. |
NNJ09GA02B | ISS Commercial Resupply Services |
1. | Flight Releasable Grapple Fixture (FRGF) | |
2. | EVA/IVA Labels | |
3. | NASA Standard Detonators |
NNJ09GA02B | ISS Commercial Resupply Services |
Document # | Revision | Document Title | ||||
49 U.S.C. Subtitle IX, Ch. 701 | Commercial Space Launch Activities | |||||
14 C.F.R. Ch. III | FAA Commercial Space Transportation Regulations | |||||
AS9100 | B | Aerospace Quality Management Systems Requirements | ||||
ISO 90003 | 2004 | Software Engineering Guidelines for the Application of ISO 9001:2000 to Computer Software | ||||
NPR 1600.1 | 1 | NPR for Security Programs | ||||
NPR 2810.1 | A | Security of Information Technology | ||||
NPR 8715.6 | Baseline | NPR for Limiting Orbital Debris | ||||
SN-C-0005 | D | Space Shuttle Contamination Control Requirements | ||||
SSP-30309 | E | Safety Analysis and Risk Assessment Requirements Document | ||||
SSP-30599 | D | Safety Review Process | ||||
SSP-42003 | Part 1: G | Space Station Manned Base to Mobile Servicing System | ||||
Part 2: B | ICD | |||||
SSP-50190 | E | Contingency Action Plan | ||||
SSP-50525 | Baseline | Security Management Plan | ||||
SSP-50808 | A | ISS Interface Requirements Document | ||||
SSP-50833 | Baseline | NASA Cargo IRD |
Document # | Revision | Document Title | ||||
NPR 8621.1 | B | Mishap and Close Call Reporting, Investigating and Recordkeeping | ||||
NPR 8715.3 | C | NASA General Safety Requirements | ||||
NASA-STD 8739.8 | 1 | Software Assurance Standard | ||||
SSP-50123 | C | Configuration Management Handbook |
NNJ09GA02B ISS Commercial Resupply Services ATTACHMENT V.M. OTHER CONTRACT ITEMS - -145- The following Assumptions are incorporated into this contract, as proposed by Orbital Sciences Corporation: |