EX-10.2 3 nilam_8k-ex1002.htm EXHIBIT 10.2 nilam_8k-ex1002.htm
Exhibit 10.2
BACO (Pativilca) PROYECT
Ancash Department- PERU
MRC1 Exploraciones E.I.R.L.
The Baco project consists of a gold production operation which has a cyanidation plant of 5 0 TMD capacity and about 2.100 hectares of m ining properties with the presence of gold veins in the north-central coast of Peru .
Location and Access - The project is located in the last western reinforcement of the west ern of c entral Andes of Peru. About 200 km NNW of Lima . Politically belongs to the district and province of Huarmey , Anchas dep artment . It is accessible by highway from Lima , according to the following itinerary :
Lima - Pativilca | 200 km . | Asphalt Highway |
Pativilca - Cruz de Arévalo | 33 km . | Asphalt Highway |
Cruz de Arévalo - Proyecto | 4 km . | Affirmed Highway |
Total Lima - Proyect | 237 km . | (4 Hours) |
Topography and Weather.- The project area is at a n altitude between 300 and 1.000 m .a.s.l. Its relief t is rugged and moderately disected by dry valleys and ravines. It has an arid coast weather, most of the year is dry and presents fog and drizzle during the winter months.
Property Mining.- C onsists of 6 mining valid concessions that are a total of 2.100 hectares of extension .
VIA CARIÑO | 01-00823-04 | 100 | MRC1 EXPLORACIONES E.I.R.L. |
LAGRIMAS DE ORO | 01-02227-04 | 200 | MRC1 EXPLORACIONES E.I.R.L. |
BONANZA DE ORO | 01-02337-04 | 200 | S.M.R.L. ÉXITO XXIII |
GIANDERI XXVII | 01-02723-04 | 1000 | S.M.R.L. ÉXITO XXII |
GIANDERI XXXI | 01-02775-04 | 400 | S.M.R.L. OMAY 300 |
GIANDERI XXX | 01-02776-04 | 200 | MRC1 EXPLORACIONES E.I.R.L. |
2100 |
Lupine Formation (Casma group) :
A ndesitic lavas of marine origin, in pad s , locally porfiritics ; l ying in accordance with the Breas formation, which passes in gradual way. Locally presents silcificated areas and marcasite dissem ination , possibly associated with a metarmosfism contact with intrusive rocks. It is Albiana age east to s uperior.
Tonalita Huaricanga (Santa Rosa Complex) :
Unit intrusive outcrop with varying compositions between a diorite cuarcífera and tonalita basic. Locally enriches in quartz and feldspar granodiorite. It lower tertiary age.
Diorite Paccho (Santa Rosa Complex):
I ntrusive complex unit that stands between metadiorite , diorite quartzly and monzodiorite cuarcifera of fine grain, in which graduatioly contacts are more frequent than clear contacts. It is lower tertiary age.
Barrages Deposits (Quaternary Recent):
They are powerful deposits of conglomerates badly classified, badly stratified and with rollings songs moderately round to angular that are deep in the valleys or depressions of the zone. They form inclined moderately slopes and mainly present fragments of local origin generally.
The rocks outcrop s in the area have suffered tectonic processes that have led to fractures and folds. The fracturing has been used by fluids from the intrusive to form veins, bodies of divide and dikes.
System Stripes :
The main system of veins is NE-SW direction and 65 º-75 º SE dip. This system has ties cimoides and generally branches to the west.
The length of the outcroppings varies from a few meters to more than one kilometer, its average power is 0.20 m . to 0.50 m . a nd are stationed in andesites of the Lupin formation .
The second system is N-S direction and is more powerful, between 1.00 and 2.00 meters .
The veins mineralogy is simple stuffed with quartz gold, iron oxides (limonite, jarosite and hematite), calcite, barite and sparks malachite, galena and blenda.
The alteration of the boxes consists of an argiliza tion and weak to moderate propylene.
Mineralized Areas and Mineralized Corridor :
There were three areas located with the presence of mining work and mining outcrops of gold veins that belong to the two systems, NE-SW and N-S, which form a corridor of about 5 – 6 kilometer lenght . It may be the presence of a stock work at the intersections of the two vein systems , specially in the area 2.
Areas 1 and 2 are located in central and s outh- w est of m ineralized c orridor , are the lower areas and have road access, the veins of these areas are being prepared by the Company. They are located within the concessions BONANZA DE ORO and LAGRIMAS DE ORO .
The zone 3 is located at Nor-East, in the highest part, it worked by informal miners, road access reaches about 200 meters below the proceedings inside the concession VIA CARIÑO.
R epresentative S amples have been taken from the different tasks and worked veins by informal miners, which gave the following results:
Element | Au* | Au-140M | Au+140M | W_Mtra | W-140M | W+140M | Ag | As |
Unit | g/TM | g/TM | g/TM | g | g | g | ppm | ppm |
Limit Detec. | 0,02 | 0,02 | 0,02 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0,2 | 3 |
PT-02 | 19,38 | 15,01 | 109,5 | 515,1 | 491,3 | 23,8 | 4,8 | 1102 |
PT-03 | 2,49 | 2,4 | 3,99 | 504 | 474,7 | 29,3 | 6,6 | 200 |
PT-06 | 92,12 | 59,35 | 877,5 | 519,3 | 498,5 | 20,8 | 65,4 | >10000 |
PT-07 | 38,69 | 28,9 | 233,8 | 501,9 | 477,9 | 24 | 20,8 | >10000 |
PT-08 | 14,11 | 10,72 | 82,54 | 524,2 | 499,4 | 24,8 | 17,8 | >10000 |
PT-09 | 108 | 72,71 | 671,6 | 500 | 470,5 | 29,5 | 40,3 | >10000 |
PT-10 | 31,84 | 23,07 | 193,9 | 509,9 | 483,7 | 26,2 | 9 | >10000 |
PT-11 | 21,09 | 17,51 | 81,64 | 501,2 | 473,2 | 28 | 6,5 | 8914 |
PT-12 | 12,75 | 11,67 | 33,18 | 489 | 464,5 | 24,5 | 9,7 | 1072 |
PT-13 | 7,33 | 7,32 | 7,48 | 504,8 | 481,8 | 23 | 0,7 | 1964 |
PT-14 | 1,42 | 1,43 | 1,17 | 494,5 | 470,5 | 24 | 0,2 | 3382 |
PT-15 | 11 | 9,84 | 34,89 | 500 | 476,7 | 23,3 | 2,6 | 5094 |
PT-16 | 0,09 | 0,1 | -0,02 | 477,6 | 453,6 | 24 | 0,3 | 49 |
PT-17 | 0,06 | 0,07 | -0,02 | 465,8 | 442,3 | 23,5 | 0,3 | 34 |
PT-30 | 79,59 | 71,02 | 252,1 | 504,8 | 480,9 | 23,9 | 20,5 | 859 |
PT-31 | 47,24 | 42,15 | 147,2 | 494,5 | 470,5 | 24 | 10 | 1119 |
QB-01 | 0,07 | 0,08 | -0,02 | 540,5 | 516,8 | 23,7 | 0,2 | 13 |
QB-02 | 0,08 | 0,06 | 0,48 | 503,8 | 480,8 | 23 | 0,2 | é12 |
Also , a sampling on 100 meters of outcrop of the “Cobre” vein in the west zone of the project, gave the following results:
MC–01 | 0.38 |
MC–02 | 1.60 |
MC–03 | 4.49 |
MC–04 | 24.93 |
MC–05 | 5.07 |
MC–06 | 2.05 |
MC–08 | 2.38 |
MC–09 | 1.06 |
MC–10 | 25.79 |
MC–11 | 4.03 |
MC–12 | 0.44 |
MC–13 | 12.06 |
MC–14 | 2.28 |
MC–15 | 29.70 |
MC–16 | 11.86 |
MC–17 | 2.43 |
MC–18 | 3.47 |
MC–19 | 1.34 |
MC–20 | 3.56 |
MC–21 | 4.97 |
MC–22 | 0.67 |