Director Compensation
Contract Categories:
Human Resources
- Compensation Agreements
EX-10.3 4 exhibit103_directorcompens.htm EX-10.3 Document

$ 195,000

Non-Employee Director Compensation
Effective April 2022
Board Members:
Annual Retainer: $ 105,000
Annual Equity Award: $ 90,000 (1)(2)

$ 195,000
Lead Director Fee: $ 20,000
Committee Chair Fees:
Audit $ 15,000
Compensation $ 15,000
Nominating & Governance $ 10,000
Regulatory & Compliance $ 15,000
Meeting Fees: $ 1,500 (3)
(1)Target Value of restricted stock units
(2)New Directors receive an award of a pro-rated number of shares of the most recent annual grant based on the months remaining until the next annual grant
(3)For meetings attended in excess of 24 in a year
Rev. April 1, 2022