Technology Products and Services. We are the sole provider of data management, analysis, and dissemination services for the laboratory data integration and communications project under our subcontract for the BioWatch program, a federally-funded airborne biological agent detection program administered by the Department of Homeland Security. The services we provide under the subcontract include gathering of data samples from collectors, transportation of samples to testing laboratories, processing and synthesis of data, and the dissemination of test results to federal agencies. In addition, we sell software solutions to state and local government agencies focused on emergency preparedness, response and recovery. Our principal software offering is Global Secure Response Manager, a web-based software platform that enables real-time collaboration and communication among federal, state and local emergency management and homeland security professionals. To date, we have sold this software to 19 states and two municipalities. We sell our technology products and services primarily through our Global Secure Systems business unit. For the fiscal year ended June 30, 2005, sales of our technology products and services accounted for approximately 35% of our revenues
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