First BanCorp Executive Short-Term Incentive Program, as amended on March 16, 2023
Contract Categories:
Human Resources
- Bonus & Incentive Agreements
EX-10.1 2 exhibit101.htm EX-10.1 exhibit101
This document outlines the First BanCorp Executive Short-term Incentive Program (the “Program”) by and between First BanCorp
and its subsidiaries, including FirstBank Puerto Rico (the “Bank,” and collectively with First BanCorp and any other subsidiaries, the
“Corporation”) and the Corporation’s executives (the “Participant”) approved by the Board of Directors (the “Board”) of the
Corporation. The Program has been modified from time to time, with last modification dated March 16, 2023.
1. Purpose
The purpose of the Program is to reward the performance of the Participant in a manner that is consistent with the Bank’s strategic
plan and the attainment of a growing return to the shareholders of the Corporation. The Program is further intended to assist the
Corporation in its ability to motivate, attract and retain qualified executives.
2. Effective Date
The Program, in effect since January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018, continues to renew for successive one-year periods (each
calendar year being a “Program Year”), unless otherwise terminated or modified in accordance with the Program and specifically
approved by the Compensation and Benefits Committee (the “Committee”) of the Corporation’s Board. In March 2023, the
Committee approved certain modifications to the Program, effective for the Program Year from January 1, 2023 through December
31, 2023, and onward.
3. Eligibility for Participation
Participation is limited to those approved by the Committee during the first 90 days of each Program Year. Executives that would
otherwise be eligible who are hired or promoted after the commencement of a Program Year may be included in the Program on a
case-by-case basis with the approval of the Committee. In general, new hires must be employed prior to October 1st of the Program
Year to be eligible to participate in the Program for the performance period.
4. Basis of Incentive Compensation Award
The Program is paid in cash. The Participant’s potential incentive compensation award under the Program is based on an incentive
target for his or her position that is approved at the beginning of the Program Year by the Committee (or its delegee) in its discretion.
The potential incentive compensation award is expressed as a percentage of the Participant’s base salary at the end of the Program
Year. In no event shall a Participant receive payment under the Program that exceeds 150% of the Participant’s incentive target for
the Program Year. The amount of any incentive compensation award to be paid to a Participant is approved by the Committee.
5. Program Details
The Program uses a balanced scorecard structure with Corporate and Individual Goals. The Program allows flexibility to select key
Corporate metrics and adjust weightings year-over-year based on the Corporate strategy.
The amount of incentive compensation that a Participant is entitled to receive under the Program is determined based on the
Participant’s award target multiplied by his or her base salary as of December 31 of the Program Year and the weighting (as detailed
in Exhibit A) and achievement of the approved performance goals (as detailed in Exhibit B). The period for achievement of any
performance goal(s) is the Program Year.
Corporate Goals
The Corporate Goals for the Program Year will be recommended by the Chief Executive Officer and approved in writing by
the Committee.
Individual Goals
Individual Goals are comprised of two components:
● Individual performance – Quantitative and milestone goals based on the Participant’s line of business or functional
area as established in the approved annual budget and specify high level targets included in each of the Participant's
scorecard for the year.
● Leadership and Core Competencies – Qualitative assessment of leadership as well as a qualitative assessment of
established core competencies as set forth by the Corporation.
Individual Goals for the Program Year will be recommended by the Chief Executive Officer and approved in writing by the
Determination of Incentive Compensation Award
Within the first 90 days following the end of the Program Year, the Corporation will review performance against the
Corporate Goals, certify in writing that the applicable performance goals were satisfied, and determine the amount of the
incentive compensation award, if any, to be paid to each Participant under the Program. For performance between threshold
and target or target and maximum levels, the incentive calculation uses straight-line interpolation.
6. Adjustments
In determining the level of performance achieved, the Committee may permit certain adjustments to the performance metrics based
on nonrecurring events such as: (a) asset write-downs not in the ordinary course of business, (b) litigation or claim judgments or
settlements, (c) the effect of changes in tax laws, accounting principles or regulations, or other laws or provisions affecting reported
results, (d) mergers, acquisitions or divestitures, (e) foreign exchange gains and losses, or (f) other extraordinary, unusual, and/or
nonrecurring items of gain or loss.
The Committee and Board have the discretion to modify payouts for other factors in which they deem relevant including 1) any
regulatory agency issues a formal, written enforcement action, memorandum of understanding or other negative directive action
where the Committee considers it imprudent to provide awards under the Program, 2) after a review of the Corporation’s credit
quality measures the Committee considers it imprudent to provide awards under the Program (please see Section 8).
7. Termination Events
In the event the Participant’s employment ceases prior to the Payment Date (as defined below) for any reason, including, without
limitation, a voluntary termination of employment by the Participant, as defined by the personnel policies of the Corporation, or an
involuntary termination with cause, the Participant shall not be entitled to, and shall not have earned, any incentive compensation
award under the Program. However, on a case-by-case basis, the Committee may allow an incentive compensation award in its sole
discretion as deemed appropriate.
Additionally, Participants on a performance improvement program, have an unsatisfactory performance rating or have given notice
of resignation shall not be entitled to, and shall not have earned, any incentive compensation award under the Program.
If the Participant has an employment or change-in-control agreement that indicates different terms than this Section 7, the
employment agreement will govern the terms for payment.
8. Administration of the Program
The Committee is responsible for the oversight, supervision and existence of the Program. The Chief Executive Officer shall monitor
performance and make recommendations to the Committee concerning award opportunities and the amount of the Participants’
awards under the Program. The Chief Executive Officer has been delegated discretion to interpret the terms of the Program, to
determine eligibility for benefits, and to calculate the incentive compensation awards under the Program, with the exception of
matters concerning his or her own eligibility or awards under the Program. The Committee will make decisions concerning all
matters relating to the Chief Executive Officer’s award, approve all opportunities, goals and award payments made to executive
officers and approve the aggregate value of opportunities and award payout under the Program. The Committee, in its discretion,
makes all final determinations including those not herein specifically authorized which may be necessary or desirable for the
effective administration of the Program.
Unless the Committee deems otherwise, awards will not be earned or paid, regardless of Corporate or individual performance, if 1)
any regulatory agCency Cissues a formal, written enforcement action, memorandum of understanding or other negative directive
action where the Committee considers it imprudent to provide awards under the Program, 2) after a review of the Corporation’s
credit quality measures the Committee considers it imprudent to provide awards under the Program.
Any decision or interpretation of any provision of the Program adopted by the Committee shall be final and conclusive.
9. Modification and Termination of Program
The Program may be modified or terminated at any time by the Committee in its discretion, followed by written notification to the
Participant as soon as reasonably practicable. In the event of a Program termination, the Participant shall continue to be eligible for
incentive compensation awards for the Program Year prorated through the Program’s termination date, unless the Committee
determines in its discretion that no incentive compensation should be paid. Any incentive compensation awards shall be calculated
through the date of the Program termination on such basis as the Committee deems appropriate in its discretion and will be payable
as soon as practicable after the termination of the Program but in no event later than 90 days following the end of the Program Year.
10. Ethical Statement
The Corporation is committed to doing business in an honest and ethical manner and to complying with all applicable laws and
regulations. Participant actions are expected to comply with the policies established by the Corporation, including ethics and insider
policies. The Committee may determine on a case-by-case basis any adjustments or eliminations of incentive payments under this
Program due to violations of policies or noncompliance.
11. Clawback
Awards are subject to any clawback policy established by the Corporation.
12. Participant Rights Not Assignable; Program Not a Contract
Any awards made pursuant to the Program shall not be subject to assignment, pledge or other disposition. Nothing contained in the
Program shall confer upon any employee any right to continued employment or to receive or continue to receive any rate of pay or
other compensation, nor does the Program affect the right of the Corporation to terminate a Participant’s employment. Participation
in the Program does not confer rights to participation in other Corporation programs or Programs, including annual or long-term
incentive Programs, non-qualified retirement or deferred compensation Programs or other executive perquisite programs.
13. Governing Law and Venue
The parties agree that the interpretation and enforcement of the Program shall be governed by the laws of Puerto Rico, and that any
action to enforce or determine any rights under the Program shall be brought exclusively in a court of competent jurisdiction in San
Juan, Puerto Rico. The Participant consents and waives any objection to personal jurisdiction and venue in such court.
14. Attorney’s Fees and Costs
The parties agree that in the event of any legal action arising out of or relating to the interpretation or enforcement of the Program,
the Corporation shall be entitled to recover their attorney’s fees and costs in the event that they are (or either of them is) the
prevailing party.
15. No Oral or Written Representations
The parties agree that they have relied on no oral or written representation or promises not set forth herein, and that the terms of the
Program are set forth solely in the written Program document and it constitutes the complete and entire agreement of the parties
relating to the subject matter hereof.
16. Banking Regulatory Provision
All incentive compensation awards under the Program are subject to any condition, limitation or prohibition under any financial
institution regulatory policy or rule to which the Corporation is subject.
Ratified by the Committee of the Board of First BanCorp on March 16, 2023.

Exhibit A: Participants, Target Opportunity and Weightings
The following is a summary of current Program Participants together with each Participants’ opportunities at target level performance
(expressed as a percentage of base salary) and weightings for each performance component. Corporate Metric weighing is effective for
awards made for the 2023 performance year and onward.

Exhibit B: Metrics and Calculation