our future growth, revenue, earnings and gross margin improvement
EX-10.2 2 b81584exv10w2.htm EX-10.2 exv10w2
Exhibit 10.2

ÎïÒµ×âÁÞºÏÍ Lease Contract 3ö×âÈË£º çìΰ̫ÑôÄÜ£¨Î人£©ÓÐÏÞ1«Ë3/4 £¨1 /4×·1/2"£© Landlord: Jiawei Solar (Wuhan) Co., Ltd. (Party A) 3Ð×âÈË£º°¸ñÌ«ÑôÄÜ£¨Î人£©ÓÐÏÞ1«Ë3/4 £¨"ÒÒ·1/2£© Tenant£º Evergreen Solar (China) Co. Ltd. (Party B) ¸ù3/4ÝÖлaÈËÃñ12ºÍ1úÓÐ1Ø·¨ÂÉ¡¢·¨1æ£1/4ס¢ÒÒË«·1/2ÔÚÆ 1/2µÈ×ÔÔ¸µÄ»ù´¡ÉÏ£3/4ÓѺÃÐÉÌÒ»Ö£¶©Á¢±3/4×âÁÞºÏÍ¡£ According to the laws and regulations of Peoples Republic of China, Party A and B have reached an agreement through friendly consultation to conclude the following lease contract. µÚÒ»Ìõ ·¿ÎݵÄ×øÂä¡¢Ãæ»ý¡¢×°ÐÞ¡¢ÉèÊ©Çé¿ö Article 1 Location, Area, Decoration and Equipment 1.1 1/4×· 1/2ÍÒâ 1/2«ÆäºÏ·¨ÓµÓеÄλÓÚºþ±±Î人¶«ºþ ¸ßÐÂ1/4 1/4Êõ¿a·¢ÇøÁ÷·1/4¶«Ò»2úÒµÔ°Ò»ºÅ·3ºÅ3ºÅÂ¥µÄÎïÒµ(ÒÔÏÂ3Æ Îa"3ö×âÎïÒµ"£©1/4°Æä¸1/2ÊôÉèÊ©ÔÚÁ1/4ºÃ1/ 4 °¿É×âÁÞµÄ×´Ì ÏÂ×â¸øÒÒ·1/2ÓÃÓÚ3§·¿1/4°2Ö¿âÊ1Óá£ÒÒ·1/2Ïò1/ 4×·1/23Ðŵ£3ö×âÎïÒµ1/2öÓÃ×÷±3/4µÚ1.1ÌõËùÈ·¶¨µÄÓÃÍ 3/4¡£¸1/21/4þ ÊÇÒÒ·1/2Ëù×âÁÞÎïÒµÏà1صÄÉ豸 1/4°ÉèÊ©Ò»ÀÀ±í¡£ 1.1 Party A hereby agrees to lease its property and attached facilities located at No.3 Road No.1, Liufang Dongyi Industrial Park, Donghu Gaoxin District, Wuhan, Hubei (Leased Property) in good and tenantable condition to Party B for use as plant and warehouse. Party B guarantees that the Leased Property can only be used for the purpose decided in this Article 1.1. Attached hereto in the list of equipments and facilities is a diagram of the space being leased to Party B. 1.2 ÎïÒµÃæ»ý 1.2 Area |

1.2.1 ×÷Îa3§·¿1/4°2Ö¿âµÄ3ö×âÎïÒµµÄµÇ1/4ÇÃæ»ýÎa4,300Æ1/2· 1/2Ã×£¨1/2¨ÉèÃæ»ýÒÔÕþ¸®·¿µØ2ú2âÁ¿2¿ÃÅ2âÁ¿1/2á1ûÎa× 1/4£©¡£ 1.2.1 The registered area of the Leased Property for the plant and warehouse is 4,300 square meters (Gross area is subject to the measuring result, which should be made by real estate measurement department of government). 1.3 ËùÓÐÐè·µ»1ÓÚ1/ 4×·1/2 3ö×âÎïÒµµÄ×°ÐÞ1 /4°É豸1/ 4ûºÏÍ ¸1/21 /4þ¡£¸Ã¸1/ 21/4þ ×÷Îa1/4×· 1/2°´ÕÕ± 3/4ºÏÍÔ 1/4¶¨1 /2 »¸¶ÒÒ·1/2 Ê1ÓúÍÒÒ·1/ 2ÔÚ±3/ 4ºÏÍ×âÁÞÆÚÂú 1/2»»1¸Ã3ö ×âÎïҵʱµÄÑéÊÕÒÀ 3/4Ý¡£ÈκΠÆäËû¸1/2 1/4Óì¶3ö ×âÎïÒµµÄ×°ÐÞ1/4°É豸3/4ùÊôì¶ÒÒ·1/2µÄ2Æ2ú£ÇÒÒÒ·1/2< /font>ÓÐȨ3/4ö¶¨ÊÇ·ñì¶×âÁÞÆÚÂúÒÆ3ý¸ÃµÈ×°ÐÞ1/4°É豸. 1.3 The decorations and equipment of the Leased Property which are required to remain on the property when it is returned to Party A are indicated in the Attachment (List of equipment and facilities). The Attachment shall be the reference for inspection when Party A delivers the Leased Property to Party B and Party B returns the Leased Property to Party A at the expiration of the Lease Term. Any other decorations or equipment added to the property shall be the property of Party B and may be removed from the Leased Property if Party B so desires upon the termination of this Lease Contract. µÚ¶þÌõ 1/4×·1/2Ó¦Ìá1©·¿2úÖ¤£¨»ò3/4ßÓÐ3ö×âȨµÄÓÐЧ֤Ã÷£©¡¢ ÓaÒµÖ´ÕÕµÈÖ¤Ã÷ÎÄ1/4þ £ÒÒ·1/2Ó¦Ìá1©ÓaÒµÖ´ÕÕµÈÖ¤Ã÷ÎÄ1/4þ¡£Ë«·1/2ÑéÖ¤ºó¿É ¸´Ó¡¶Ô·1/2ÎÄ1/4þ±¸´æ¡£ Article 2 Party A shall provide certificate of ownership of the Leased Property (or certificate of leasing the Leased Property) and its business license, as well as Party B shall provide its business license, to the other party for inspection. Both parties may make duplicates of those documents for record. µÚÈýÌõ ×âÁÞÆÚ Article 3 Lease Term 3.1 3§·¿µÄ×âÁÞÆÚÎa10_Äê£×Ô2010Äê 2Ô 15ÈÕÆðÖÁ2020Äê2ÔÂ14ÈÕÖ1 (ÒÔÏÂ3ÆÎa"×âÁÞÆÚ"£©¡£ 1/4×·1/2ÍÒâÊÚÓèÒÒ·1/2¶þ¸öÎaÆÚÎåÄêµÄÐø×âȨ£µÚÒ» Ðø×âÆÚµÄÆðÊ 1/4ÈÕÎa2020Äê2ÔÂ15_ÈÕ ¶øµ1/2ÆÚ1/2ìÂúÈÕÎa2025Äê2ÔÂ14ÈÕ£µÚ¶þÐø×âÆÚµÄÆðÊ1/4 ÈÕÎa2025Äê2ÔÂ15_ÈÕ ¶øµ1/2ÆÚ1/2ìÂúÈÕÎa2030Äê2ÔÂ14ÈÕ¡£ Ðø×âÆÚ1/4äµÄÔÂ×â1/2ðÓ¦°´µÚ4Ìõ1涨¡£ |

3.1 The lease term for the plant area is ten (10) years, commencing on February 15 2010 and expiring on February 14, 2020 (Lease Term). Party A grants Party B an option to renew the lease for two additional five (5) year term, with the first renewal commencing on February 15, 2020 and expiring on February 14, 2025 and the second renewal commencing on February 15, 2025 to February 14, 2030, at monthly rental rates consistent with the terms stipulated in Article 4. 3.2 ×âÁÞÆÚÂú£ÈçÒÒ·1/22»ÔÙ¸ù3/4Ý´ËÌõ¿îÐøÔ1/4£1/ 4×·1/2ÓÐȨÊÕ»ØÈ«2¿3ö×âÎïÒµ£ÒÒ·1/2Ó¦ÈçÆÚ1/2 »»13ö×âÎïÒµÓè1/ 4×·1/2¡£ ÒÒ·1/2ÈçÒaÇóÐø×â£Ôò±ØÐëÔÚ×âÁÞÆÚÂúÈý¸öÔÂ֮ǰÊéÃæͨÖa1/4×·1/ 2£3/4 1/4×·1/2ÍÒâºó£ÖØÐÂÇ©¶©×âÁÞºÏÍ¡£Èç1/ 4×·1/2ÔÚ×âÆÚ 1/2ìÂúºóÈÔÒa¶ÔÍâ3ö×âµÄ£ÔÚ͵ÈÌõ1/4þÏ£ÒÒ·1/2 ÏíÓÐÓÅÏÈ3Ð×âÈ ¨¡£ 3.2 On expiration of the Lease Term, if Party B does not exercise its renewal option as described in Article 3.1, this contract in accordance with the terms and conditions herein, Party A has the right to repossess the entire Leased Property, and Party B shall deliver the Leased Property to Party A on schedule. If Party B exercises its option to renew this contract, Party B shall inform Party A in written three (3) months prior to the expiration of the Lease Term, and upon Party As consent, both parties shall extend this lease contract regarding to the Leased Property. If party A intends to lease the Leased Property to any other third party on expiration of the Lease Term, Party B has priority right to rent the Leased Property under the same terms and conditions offered to such third party. µÚËÄÌõ ×â1/2ð 1/4°Ö§¸¶·1/2Ê1/2 Article 4 Rent and Payment 4.1 ÔÂ×â1/2 ðÎa£º°ì1«Ó÷¿RMB14Ôa/Æ1/2·1/2Ã×£»3ö×âÎïÒµµÄÔÂ×â1/ 2ð×ܶîÎaÈËÃñ±Ò60,200Ôa£¨ÒÔÏÂ3ÆÎa"ÔÂ×â1/2ð"£©¡£ 4.1 The monthly rent is: RMB14 per square meter for the Leased Property . The total monthly rent for the Leased Property is RMB60,200 (Monthly Rent). 4.2 1/4×·1 /2Ó¦ÓÚÔµ×Ç°Ìá1©´ÎÔµÄÕýÊ1/2×â1/2ð·¢Æ±¸øÒÒ ·1/2£×÷ÎaÖ§¸¶ÒÀ3/4Ý¡£ 4.2 Party A shall issue the official invoice for the following month rent to Party B by the end of calendar month for Party Bs payment process. |

4.3 ÒÒ·1/2°´ÔÂÖ§¸¶1/4×·1/2ÔÂ×â1/2 ð£Ó¦ÔÚÿ¸öÔµĵÚÊ®ÌìÒÔÇ°1/2«µÚ4.1ÌõÖÐÔ1/4¶¨µÄÔÂ×â1/2 ðRMB60,200Ö§¸¶¸ø1/4×·1/2¡£ 4.3 Party B shall pay the Monthly Rent RMB60,200 according to the Article 4.1 before the tenth day of every calendar month. 4.4ÈçÒÒ·1/2ÓâÆÚÖ§¸¶ÔÂ×â1/2 ð31ýÊ®¸ö1¤×÷ÈÕ£Ôò×ÔµÚʮһ¸ö1¤×÷ÈÕÆðÿÌìÒÔÔÂ×â1/2ðµÄ0.3£¥Ö§¸¶ÖÍÄÉ1/2ð£»ÈçÒÒ·1/2ÎÞ1Ê ÓâÆÚÖ§¸¶×â1/2ð31ýÈýÊ®Ìì£Ë«·1/212ÍÐÉÌ1/2â3/4 ö¡£ÈçÎÞ·¨´ï3ÉÒ»Ö£ÔòÊÓÎaÒÒ·1/2×Ô¶¯ÍË×â£1/4×·1/2ÓÐȨÊÕ»Ø3ö×âÎïÒ µ£ 2¢ÒaÇóÒÒ·1/2Ö§¸¶ÓâÆÚ×â1/2ð1/4°ÖÍÄÉ1/2ð¡£ 4.4 In case the Monthly Rent is more than ten (10) business days overdue, Party B shall pay 0.3% of Monthly Rent as overdue fine each day from the eleventh business day; if the Monthly Rent is more than thirty (30) business days overdue without any reason, both parties shall resolve this matter through friendly negotiation. If both parties cannot reach a mutual agreement, Party B shall be deemed to terminate this contract. In this situation, Party A has the right to take back the Leased Property and require Party B to pay the overdue Monthly Rent and overdue fine. 4.5 1/4×ÒÒË«·1/2ÿÁ1/2¸ö×âÁÞÄê¶ÈÐèÒa¸ù3/4ÝÊÐ3¡±ä»¯Çé¿ ö¶Ô×â1/2ð1/2øÐе÷ÕûÒÔÈ·¶¨Ï¶þ ¸öÄê¶ÈµÄ×â1/2ð¡£Èç1û¸Ã×âÁÞÄê¶Èµ1/2ÆÚÇ°µÄµÚÈý¸öÔÂ͵ØÇøÎïÒµµÄ×â1< /font>/2ðÔö1/4õ·ù¶È2»31ýÏÖÐÐ×â1/2ðµÄ5%£Ë«·1/2ÍÒâ2»¶Ô ±3/4ºÏÍÈ·¶¨µÄ×â1/2ð1/2øÐе÷Õû¡£Èç1ûÕâÒ»×âÁÞÆÚ1/ 4ä͵ØÇøµÄÎïÒµ×â1/2ðÔö1/4õ·ù¶È31ý5%£Ë«·1/2ÍÒâ¶Ô± 3/4ºÏÍËùÈ·¶¨µÄ×â 1/2ð1/2øÐÐÏàÓ¦µÄµ÷Õû£µ«µ÷Õûºó×â1/2ðÔö1/4 ӵķù¶È2»ÄÜ31ý±3/4ºÏÍËùÈ·¶¨ÓÐЧ×â1/2ðµÄ10%¡£×â1/2 ðÐèÒaµ÷Õûʱ£Ë«·1/2Ó¦ÔÚà ¿Á1/2¸ö×âÁÞÄê¶ÈÆÚÂúÇ°µÄµÚÈý¸öÔÂÐÉÌ2¢´ï3ÉÊéÃæÐÒé¡£ 4.5 Party A and Party B will review rent every other two years based on market price to decide the rent for next two years. If the market rent of the same area of similarly situated space on the third month prior to the expiration of the second rent year is + or 5% of the then current rent, no adjustments need to be made. If the market rent of the same area of similarly situated space on the third month prior to the expiration of the second rent year is + or 5% of the then current rent, the rent shall be adjusted accordingly. However, the increased rent shall not exceed 10% of the then current contracted rent price. The market price adjustment per this section, if applicable, needs to be negotiated and reached a |

written agreement 3 months prior to the second lease anniversary and each successive second anniversary thereafter. µÚÎåÌõ ±£Ö¤1/2ð Article 5 Security Deposit 5.1 ÎaÈ·±£3ö×âÎïÒµ1/4°ÆäÉèÊ©Ö®°2È«ÍêºÃ1/4°×âÁÞÆÚÄÚÏà1Ø·ÑÓÃÖ®ÈçÆÚ 1/2áËã£ÒÒ·1/2ÍÒâÓÚ×âÁÞÆÚµÚÒ»¸ö1/43/ 4¶ÈÒ»´ÎÐÔ Ö§¸¶¸ø1/4×·1/2ÈËÃñ±Ò180,600Ôa×÷ÎaÒÒ·1/2È·±£ºÏÍ ÂÄÐÐÖ®±£Ö¤1/2 ð¡£ 5.1 To ensure the protection and good condition of the Leased Property and the attached facilities as well as the prompt payment and settlement of all related charges during the lease term Party B agrees to provide as a security deposit to Party A within the first quarter of the lease term with the equivalent of three monthly rent payments (RMB180,600) in a lump sum in order to ensure performance of the contract. 5.2 3ýºÏÍÁíÓÐÔ1 /4¶¨Ö®Í⣠1/4×·1 /2Ó¦ÓÚ×âÁÞÆÚÂú »ò´ËºÏÍÌáÇ°ÖÕÖ1Ö®ÈÕÇÒÒÒ·1/2Ǩ¿Õ¡¢µãÇå2¢¸¶ÇåËùÓÐÓ¦¸¶·ÑÓúó15ÌìÄÚ1/2« ±£Ö¤1/2 ðÈ«¶îÎÞÏ¢ÍË»1ÒÒ·1/2. 5.2 Unless otherwise provided in this contract, Party A shall return to Party B the entire security deposit without interest thereon upon expiration of the Lease Term or advanced termination of this contract provided that Party B has vacated the Leased Property and settled all related charges within fifteen days. 5.3 ÒòÒÒ·1/2 Î¥·´±3/4 ºÏ͵Ä1涨¶ø2úÉúµÄÎ¥Ô 1/41/ 2ð¡¢Ëð» µÅâ3¥1/ 2ðºÍÆäËüÏ à1Ø·ÑÓã1/ 4×·1/ 2¿ÉÔÚ±£Ö¤1/2ðÖÐµÖ ¿Û¡£Èç1û±£Ö¤ 1/2ð2»×ã ÒÔµÖ¿Û¸ÃÎ¥Ô 1/4 1/2ð¡¢Ëð»µÅâ3¥1/2ðºÍÆäËüÏà1Ø·ÑÓã1 /4×· 1/2 ÔÚÏà1ØÕþ ¸®2¿ÃÅÒÑ3/ 4È·ÈÏÒÒ·1/ 2Î¥·´±3/4ºÏͶøÓ¦3е£¸ÃÎ¥Ô1/4 1/2 ð£Ëðº¦Åâ3¥ 1/2ðºÍÆäËüÏà1Ø·ÑÓõÄÇ°ÌáÏ£¿ÉÒÔÒaÇóÒÒ·1/2Ö§¸ ¶2»×ã µÄ2¿·Ö¡£ÒÒ·1/ 2Ó¦ÔÚ1/2Óµ1/21/4×·1/2¸¶¿î ͨÖa1/4 °Ïà1ØÕþ¸®2¿ÃÅ3ö3/4ßµÄÈ϶¨Ö¤Ã÷ºóµÄÊ®ÈÕÄÚÖ§¸¶2»×ãµÄ2¿·Ö¡£ 5.3 In case party B breaches this contract, party A has right to deduct the overdue fine, compensation for damage or any other relevant expense from the security deposit. In case the deposit is not sufficient to cover such overdue fine, compensation for damage or any other relevant expense, Party A has right to require Party B to pay the balance provided that the competent authorities have determined that Party B shall undertake such overdue fine, compensation for damage or any other relevant expense. Party B shall pay the balance |

within ten (10) days after receiving a written notice of payment and confirmation documents of competent authorities from Party A. µÚÁùÌõ ×âÁÞÆÚ1/4äÏà1Ø·ÑÓÃ1/4°Ë°1/2ð Article 6 Related fees and taxes 6.1 1/4 ×·1/2 Ó¦3е£µ Ä·ÑÓà 6.1 Fees by Party A 6.1.1 ×âÁÞÆÚ1/ 4ä£3ö×âÎïÒµµ Ä·¿ÎݺÍÍÁµØµÄË°Îñ·ÑÓÃÓÉ1/4×·1/2ÒÀ·¨ 1/2»ÄÉ¡ £Èç1û·¢ÉúÕþ ¸®ÓÐ1Ø2¿ÃÅÕ÷ÊÕ± 3/4º ÏÍÖÐδÁÐ3öÏîÄ¿ µ«Óë¸Ã·¿ÎÝÓÐ1صķÑÓãӦÓÉ1/4×· 1/2¸ºµ££»µ«ÓÉÕþ ¸®ÏòÒÒ·1/ 2Õ÷ÊÕµÄË°Îñ·ÑÓÃ3ýÍâ¡£ 6.1.1 During the Lease Term, the tax for the Leased Property and the plot of land where the Leased property is located shall be paid by Party A. If there is any other relevant fees related to the Leased Property and the plot of land where the Leased property is located that are charged by the government but not indicated in this contract, Party A shall pay them other than the tax charged that is normally charged to Party B as the lessor by the government . 6.2 ÒÒ· 1/2Ó¦ 1/2»ÄɵķÑÓà 6.2 Fees by Party B 6.2.1 ÒÒ·1/2Ó¦3е£×âÁÞÆÚÄÚʵ1/4ÊÊ1Óöø2úÉúµÄË®¡¢µç¡¢Òº»¯Æø·Ñ2¢°´1/ 4×·1/2Ìá1©µÄ·ÑÓÃÇåµ¥, ÔÊ1/4 ·¢Æ±¸´Ó¡1/ 4þ1/ 4°Ë°ÎñÊÕ 3/4ÝÈçÆÚÏò 1/4×·1/21/2»ÄÉ¡£ 6.2.1 During the Lease Term, Party B is responsible for paying the charges in relation to water, electricity and gas occurred upon actual usage. Party B shall duly pay such charges to Party A as required according to the utility calculation, copies of original utility bills and tax receipt. 6.3 ±£ÏÕ 6.3 Insurance ÔÚ±3/4ºÏÍ×âÁÞÆÚ1/4䣺1/4×·1/2Ó¦×Ô·Ñ1ºÂòºÍ±£3Ö¶ÔÓ Ú3ö×âÎïÒµµÄ±£ÏÕ£¸Ã±£ÏÕÓ¦×ãÒÔ±£Ö¤µ±±£ÏÕÊÂ1/4þ ·¢ÉúÒÔºóµÄÅâ3¥¿ ÉÒÔÂú×ã¶ÔÎïÒµµÄÐÞ¸´2¢±£Ö¤ÒÒ·1/2ÔÚ×âÁÞÆÚ1/4äµÄÕý3£Ê1Óá £2¢ÒÔÒÒ·1/2Îa12ͱ»±£ÏÕÈË£±£ÏÕ·¶Î§Îa ×ÔÈ»ÔÖº¦¶øÒýÆðµÄ Ò»ÇÐ2Æ2úËðʧ¡¢Ë𻵠£µ«ÊÇ1/ 4×·1/ 2ÎÞÐèÎaÒÒ· 1/2 ¶Ô3ö×âÎïÒµµÄ¸ÄÔ ì¡¢1̶¨É豸¡¢¶¯2ú» òÈËÔ±1ºÂò±£ÏÕ ¡£ |

ÒÒ·1/21/2«×Ô·Ñ1ºÂò£¨»ò±»Ç¿ÖÆ1ºÂò£©ºÍ±£3Ö×ÛºÏÔðÈÎÏÕ£°üÀ ¨ÈËÉíÉ Ëº¦ºÍ2Æ2úËðʧ£±£Ï Õ·¶Î§ÎaÒòÒÒ·1/ 2Ê1ÓûòÕ1/4ÓÐ3ö ×âÎïÒµ¶øµ1/ 4ÖµÄÏà1ØË÷ÅâºÍÔðÈΣµ«ÒÒ·1/2¿ÉÒÔ×ÔÖ÷3/4ö¶¨1ºÂò ÈκλòÈ«2¿ÒÒ· 1/2ÐèÒaµÄ±£ÏÕ¡£ At all times during the Lease Term hereof: Party A, at its sole cost and expense, shall procure and maintain insurance coverage on the Leased Property and the insurance coverage shall be enough to recover the insured property and maintain Party Bs right to use the property, insuring the same against all loss or damage by natural disaster, provided that Party A shall not be required to insure Party Bs leasehold improvements, fixtures, personal property or personnel; and Party B, at its sole cost and expense, shall procure (or cause to be procured) and maintain comprehensive liability insurance including personal injury and property damage, insuring against related claims and liability arising out of the use or occupancy of the Leased Property by Party B, provided that Party B may self-insure any or all of Party Bs insurance requirements. Each party shall list the other party on its insurance as an additional insured or similar status as used by Chinese insurance providers for the purpose of requiring that the insurance provider give notice to the named party of any cancellation of the insurance policy. Evidence of such status will be provided. µÚÆßÌõ 1/4×·1/2µÄÒåÎñ Article 7 Party As Duties 7.1 1/4×·1/2±£Ö¤¶Ô3ö×âÎïÒµÓµÓкϷ¨µÄËùÓÐȨ»òÊ1ÓÃȨ´Ó¶øÊ1µÃ1/4 ×·1/2ÓÐȨºÏ·¨3ö×â¸Ã3ö×âÎïÒµ¡£ÈçÒò·¿ÎÝȨÊô3/4À·×¶ø¸øÒÒ ·1/2Ôì3ÉËðʧ,ÓÉ1/4×·1/23е£¡£ 7.1 Party A guarantees to have legal ownership or right of use of the Leased Property that entitle Party A to lease the Leased Property. Party A shall undertake Party Bs losses caused by dispute concerning ownership or right of use of the Leased Property. 7.2 1/4×·1/2Ó¦ÓÚ2009Äê11ÔÂ1_ÈÕÇ°ÏòÒÒ·1/2Ìá1©3ö×âÎïÒµ£Íʱ±£Ö¤ÒÒ· 1/2ÄÜ1»ÓÚ¸ÃÈÕÆð1/2ø3¡×°ÐÞ¡£ 7.2 Party A delivered the Leased Property to Party B on or about November 1, 2009 and guarantees that the Leased Property shall remain available to Party B for decoration. 7.3 ÔÚ×âÁÞÆÚÄÚ£1/4×·1/2Ó¦±£Ö¤3ö×âÎïÒµµÄÊ1Óð2È«£2¢¶ÔÓÚÆä3ö×âÎïÒµµÄ1/< font style="">2á111/4°Îݶ¥£Öܱß·Ãæ1/4°Ë®µçÈ1/4ÆøµÈ1«ÓÃÉèÊ© 1/2øÐÐÊʵ±µÄλ¤¡£3ö×âÎïÒµ1/4°ËùÊôÉèÊ©µÄÎÐÞ |

ÔðÈÎ3ýË«· 1/2ÔÚ± 3/4ºÏÍ1/4°213äÌõ¿îÖÐÔ1/4¶¨ Íâ£3/4ùÓÉ1/4×·1/2¸ºÔð£¨ÒÒ·1/2Ê1ÓÃ2»µ±3ýÍ⣩¡£ 1/4×·1/2Ìá3ö1/2øÐÐÎÐÞÐëÌáÇ°7ÈÕÊéà æͨÖaÒÒ·1/2£ÒÒ·1/2Ó¦»ý1/4«ÐÖúÅäºÏ¡£ 7.3 During the Lease Term, Party A shall ensure the safety of the Leased Property. Party A is also responsible for proper maintenance of structure and roof of Leased Property as well as site access and utilities. Unless otherwise provided in this contract or any other supplement contract, Party A is responsible for the maintenance of the Leased Property and affiliates £¨except for the improper use by Party B£©. Party A shall give Party B a written notice seven (7) days in advance for the maintenance of the Leased Property and Party B shall provide necessary assistance. 7.4 1/4×·1/2¶ÔÒÒ·1/2×°ÐÞ×°ÊÎ2¿·Ö2»¸ºÓÐÐÞÉɵÄÒåÎñ¡£ 7.4 Party A is not responsible for repairing or maintaining the decoration portions made by Party B. 7.5 ×âÁÞÆÚÄÚ1/4×·1/22»µÃÎÞ1ÊÊÕ»Ø3ö×âÎïÒµ£¨3ý·Ç±3/4ºÏÍÁíÓÐ1涨£©£ 1/4×·1/2±£Ö¤ÒÒ·1/2¿É2»ÊܸÉÈŵÄÏíÓÃ3ö×âÎïÒµ¡£ 7.5 Unless otherwise provided in this contract, Party A shall not repossess the Leased Property without any reason and insure that Party B can use the Leased Property without interference during the Lease Term. 7.6 ·2Ó¦ÓÉ1/4×·1/2ÎÐÞµÄ2¿·Ö£Èô1/4×·1/2 2»ÂÄÐÐÎÐÞÒåÎñ,ÒÒ·1/2¿ÉÒÔ×ÔÐÐÎÐÞ,ÎÐÞ·ÑÓÃÓÉ1/4×·1/23е£¡£ÈçÒò´ËÔì3ÉÒÒ· 1/2ËðʧµÄ ,1/4×·1/2¸ºÔðÅâ3¥¡£ 7.6 Party B may repair or maintain the Leased Property by itself if Party A does not repair or maintain the portions that should be repaired or maintained by Party A, and Party A shall bear the cost of repair and maintenance and Party Bs relevant loss. 7.7 ÔÚ×âÁÞÆÚÄÚ£1/4×·1/2ÈçÐè3öÊ۸÷¿ÎÝ£Ó¦ÌáÇ°Èý¸öÔÂͨÖaÒÒ·1/ 2¡£ÒÒ·1/2ÔÚ͵ÈÌõ1/4þÏÂÓÐÓÅÏÈ1ºÂòȨ¡£ 7.7 During the Lease Term, Party A should notify Party B three (3) months in advance if Party A intends to sell the Leased Property. Party B has the right of first refusal under the same terms and conditions offered to any other party. |

7.8 ÈçÒò1/4×· 1/2ÔÒòµ1/4ÖÂÌáÇ°ÖÕÖ1ºÏ͵ģ3ý·ÇË«·1/2 Áí ÓÐÔ1/4¶¨£1/4×·1/2Ó¦¶ÔÒÒ·1/2 ǨַºÍÓÉÓÚǨַ¶øµ 1/4ÖµÄÒµÎñÖжϵÄËðʧ1/2ø ÐÐ213¥¡£7.8 If this contract is terminated before the expiration date stipulated in Article 3.1 due to Party As cause, unless otherwise provided by both parties, Party A shall compensate Party B for the costs of relocation and business interruption that results from the relocation. 7.9 1/4×·1/2Ó¦ì¶×âÁÞÆÚÄÚÌá1©Ï൱3̶ȵÄÎïÒµ±£È«2¢ÔÊÐíÒÒ·1/2 µÄÖ°Ô±1/4°3аüÉ̵Ä1ÜÀíÈËÔ±1/2øÈë1/4×·1/2µÄ2ÍÌü¡£ 7.9 During the Lease Term, Party A shall provide reasonable levels of on-site security and access to the existing cafeteria for Party Bs employees and contractors management. µÚ°ËÌõ ÒÒ·1/2µÄÒåÎñ Article 8 Party Bs Duties 8.1 ÒÒ·1/2Ó¦°´ºÏ͵Ä1涨£°´Ê±Ö§¸¶ÔÂ×â1/2𣱣֤1/2ð 1/4°ÆäËû¸÷ÏîÓ¦¸¶·ÑÓᣠ8.1 Party B shall promptly pay Monthly Rent, security deposit and other charges payable by it in accordance with the terms of this Contract. 8.2 ÒÒ·1/2Ó¦°®»¤Ê1ÓÃ3ö×âÎïÒµ£ÈçÒòÒÒ·1/2µÄ1ýʧ»ò1ý´íÖÂÊ13ö×âÎïÒµÊܵ1/ 2Ë𻵣¨Õý3£ËðºÄ3ýÍ⣩£ÒÒ·1/2Ó¦3е£ÎÐÞÔðÈÎ 1/4°Åâ3¥ÔðÈΡ£ 8.2 Party B shall use the Leased Property with care. If the Leased Property and the related facilities and accessories suffer any damage (except for the normal wear and tear) due to Party Bs negligence or misconduct, Party B shall be responsible for repair and compensate Party A such damages. 8.3 ÒÒ·1/2Ó¦°´±3/4ºÏ͵ÄÔ1/4 ¶¨ºÏ·¨Ê1ÓÃ3ö×âÎïÒµ£2»µÃÉÃ×ԸıäÊ1Óà ÐÔÖÊ£2»Ó¦´æ·ÅÖлaÈËÃñ12ºÍ1ú·¨ÂÉËù1/2ûÖ1µÄΣÏÕÎï Æ·£ÈçÒò´Ë·¢ÉúË𺦣ÒÒ·1/2Ó¦3е£È«2¿ÔðÈΡ£ 8.3 Party B shall use the Leased Property legally as agreed in this contract and must not change the purpose of such use without Party As consent. Party B shall not store any dangerous items which are prohibited by the laws of Peoples Republic of China in the Leased Property and shall be fully responsible for any damages or losses thereof. |

8.4 ÒÒ·1/2Èç¸Ä±ä·¿ÎݵÄÄÚ2¿1/2á11»òÉèÖöԷ¿ÎÝ1/2á11ÓÐÓ°ÏìµÄÉ豸£É è1/4Æ1æÄ£¡¢·¶Î§¡¢1¤ÒÕ¡¢ÓÃÁϵȷ1/2°¸3/4ùÐëÊÂÏÈÕ÷µÃ1/ 4× ·1/2µÄÊéÃæÍÒâºó·1/2¿ÉÊ©1¤¡£×âÁÞÆÚÂúºó»òÒòÒÒ·1/2ÔðÈε 1/4ÖÂÌáÇ°ÖÕÖ1ºÏ͵ģ3ýË«·1/2ÁíÓÐÔ1/4¶¨Íâ£ÒÀ¸1/2 ÓÚ·¿ÎݵÄ×°ÐÞ 1é1/4×·1/2ËùÓС£ 8.4 If Party B needs to change the interior structure of the Leased Property or install any equipment which may affect the structure of the Leased Property, the design, scope, technical process and material etc. are subject to the prior written consent of Party A. Upon the expiration of the lease term or termination of this contract in advance due to Party Bs cause, unless otherwise provided by both parties, the decoration portions attached to the Leased Property shall belong to Party A. 8.5 δ3/41/4×·1/2ÊÂÏÈÊéÃæÍÒâ£ÒÒ·1/22»µÃ1/ 2«3ö×âÎïÒµ×a×â»ò×a1/2è¸øÆäËûµÄµÚÈýÕß¡£ 8.5 Without Party As prior written consent, Party B must not sublease or lend the Leased Property to a third party. µÚ3/4ÅÌõ ºÏ͵ıä¸ü¡¢1/2â3ýÓëÖÕÖ1 Article 9 Modification, Dissolution and Termination 9.1 Ë«·1/2¿ÉÒÔÐÉÌ»ò3/4ÒÒ·1/2ÌáÇ°ì¶Áù¸öÔÂͨÖa1/4 ´¿É±ä¸ü»òÖÕÖ1±3/4ºÏÍ¡£ 9.1 Upon agreement of both parties or upon 6 months notice by Party B, this contract can be modified or terminated. 9.2 1/4×·1/2ÓÐÒÔÏÂÐÐÎaÖ®Ò»µÄ£ÒÒ·1/2ÓÐȨ1/2â3ýºÏÍ£º 9.2 P arty B shall be entitled to rescind this contract in the following situations: £¨1£© 2»ÄÜ°´ÕÕµÚ7.2ÌõµÄÔ1/4¶¨Ìá1©3ö×âÎïÒµ»òËùÌá1©µÄ3ö×âÎïÒµ2»·ûºÏºÏÍÔ1/4¶¨Ìõ 1/4þ£ÑÏÖØÓ°ÏìÊ1Óã» (1) Party A can not provide the Leased Property according to Article 7.2 or the provided Leased Property is not in accordance with the contract, which severely affects the normal use of the Leased Property; £¨2£© 1/4×·1/2δ3/4¡3ö×âÎïÒµµÄÐÞÉÉÒåÎñ£ÑÏÖØÓ°ÏìÊ1Óã» (2) Party A fa ils in performing its repair or maintenance obligations, which severely affects the normal use of the Leased Property; |

£¨3£© 1 /4×·1/ 2δÄÜ°´Ê±Ö§ ¸¶Óë3ö×âÎïÒµÓÐ1صÄË°·Ñ £ÑÏÖØÓ°ÏìÊ1Óᣠ(3) Party A fails to duly pay any taxes in relation to the Leased Property and the plot of land where the Leased Property is located, which severely affects the normal use of the Leased Property. 9.3 ·¿ÎÝ×âÁÞÆÚ 1/4 ä£ÒÒ·1 /2ÓÐÏÂÁÐÐÐÎa Ö®Ò»µÄ£1/ 4×·1/2 ÓÐȨ1/2 â3ýºÏÍ£ÊÕ»Ø3ö×âÎï Òµ£» 9.3 Party A shall be entitled to rescind this contract and repossess the Leased Property in the following situations: £¨1£© δ3/41 /4×·1/2 ÊéÃæÍÒâ£×a×â¡¢×a1 /2è3ö×âÎïÒµ£» (1) Party B subleases or lends the Leased Property to any third party without written consent of Party A; £¨2£© δ3/ 41/4 ×·1/2 ÊéÃæÍÒâ£2ð¸Ä±ä¶¯3ö ×âÎïÒµ1/ 2á11£» (2) Party B changes the structure of the Leased Property without written consent of Party A; £¨3£© Ëð»µ3ö×âÎïÒµ£ÔÚ 1/4×·1 /2Ìá3öµÄºÏÀíÆ ÚÏÞÄÚÈÔδÐÞ¸´µÄ£» (3) Party B damages the Leased Property and fails to repair it during a reasonable period of time required by Party A; £¨4£© δ3/4 1/4×·1/ 2ÊéÃæÍÒâ£¸Ä±ä± 3/4ºÏÍÔ1 /4 ¶¨µÄ3ö×âÎïÒµ×âÁÞÓÃÍ 3/4£» (4) Party B changes the utility purpose of the Leased Property stipulated in this contract without written consent of Party A; £¨5£© ÒÒ·1/22»Ó ¦´æ·ÅÖлaÈËÃñ12ºÍ1ú·¨ÂÉËù 1/2ûÖ1µÄΣÏÕ ÎïÆ·£ÈçÒò´Ë·¢ÉúË𺦣 ÒÒ·1/2 Ó¦3е£È«2¿ÔðÈΡ£ (5) Party Bshall not store any dangerous items which are prohibited by the laws of Peoples Republic of China in the Leased Property and shall be fully responsible for any damages or losses thereof. £¨6£© ÓâÆÚδ1/2 »ÄÉ°´µÚ6.2ÌõµÄÔ1/ 4¶¨Ó¦µ±ÓÉÒÒ· 1/21/ 2»Äɵĸ÷Ïî·ÑÓã ÒÑ3/ 4¸ø1/4 ×·1/2Ôì3ÉÑ ÏÖØË𺦵ģ» (6) Party B fails to pay the relevant fees which should be paid by Party B according to Article 6.2, which has caused material damage to Party A; |

£¨7£© ÍÏÇ··¿×âÀÛ1/4ÆÈý¸öÔÂÒÔÉÏ¡£ (7) Party B fails to pay Monthly Rent for more than three (3) consecutive months. 9.4 ×âÁÞÆÚÂúºóÒÒ·1/2δÄÜ°´ÕÕºÏÍ3.1ÌõµÄÔ1/4 ¶¨Ìá3öÐø×âµÄ£ºÏÍ×Ô¶¯ÖÕÖ1¡£ 9.4 This contract is automatically terminated upon the expiration of the Lease Term provided that Party B has not exercised its renewal option stipulated in Article 3.1. 9.5 Òò2»¿É¿1Á¦ÒòËص1/4ÖºÏÍÎÞ·¨ÂÄÐÐ31ýÈý¸öÔµģºÏÍÖÕÖ1¡£ 9.5 This contract shall be terminated if a Force Majeure event prevents the performance of this contract for more than three (3) months. µÚÊ®Ìõ ·¿ÎÝ1/2»¸¶1/4°ÊջصÄÑéÊÕ Article 10 Inspection upon Delivery and Return 10.1 ÑéÊÕʱ˫·1/212Í2ÎÓë£Èç¶Ô×°ÐÞ¡¢Æ÷ÎïµÈÓ21/4þ ÉèÊ©¡¢É豸ÓÐÒìÒéÓ¦µ±3¡Ìá3ö¡£µ±3¡ÄÑÒÔ1/4ì2âÅжϵģӦÓÚÊ®ÎåÈÕÄÚÏò¶Ô·1/ 2Ö÷ÕÅ¡£ 10.1 Both parties shall participate in the inspection upon delivery and return. If there is any dispute about the decoration, facilities and equipment, it shall be raised on site. If it is difficult to make a judgment on site, any party shall notify its claims to the other party within fifteen (15) days. 10.2 ÒÒ·1/21/2»»11/4×·1/23ö×âÎïÒµÓ¦µ±±£3Ö3ö×âÎïÒµ1/ 4°ÉèÊ©¡¢É豸µÄÍêºÃ×´Ì£¨×ÔÈ»ËðºÄ3ýÍ⣩£2»µÃÁô´æÎïÆ·»òÓ°Ïì3ö×âÎï ÒµµÄÕý3£Ê1Ó᣶Ôδ3/4ÍÒâÁô´æµÄÎïÆ·£1/4×·1/2ÓÐȨ´¦Öᣠ10.2 Party B shall r eturn the Leased Property and attached equipment in good status to Party A (except normal wear and tear) and shall not keep any items in the Leased Property that might affect the normal use of the Leased Property. For those items left in the Leased Property without Party As consent, Party A is entitled to dispose them. µÚʮһÌõ 1/4×·1/2Î¥Ô1/4ÔðÈÎ Article 11 Liability for Party As Default |

11.1 1/4×·1/2Òò2»ÄÜÌá1©±3/4ºÏÍÔ1/4 ¶¨µÄ3ö×âÎïÒµ¶øµ1/4ÖºÏÍ1/2â3ýµÄ£Ó¦Ö§¸¶ÒÒ·1/2±3/ 4ºÏÍÄê×â 1/2ð×ܶî 20%µÄÎ¥Ô1/41/2ð¡£Äê×â1/2ðµÄ1/4ÆËã·1/2Ê 1/2ÎaÔÂ×â1/2ð3ËÒÔ12£¨ÒÔÏÂ3ÆÎa"Äê×â1/2ð"£©¡£1/4×·1 /23ýÓ¦°´Ô1/4¶¨Ö§¸¶Î¥Ô1/41/2ðÍ⣻1Ó¦¶Ô3 3öÎ¥Ô1/41/2ðÒÔÍâµÄËðʧ1/2øÐÐÅâ3¥¡£ 11.1 If Party A fails to provide the Leased Property in accordance with this contract and leads to the termination of this contract, Party A shall pay penalties to Party B in an amount of 20% of the total annual rent. The annual rent is the amount of Monthly Rent times 12 (Annual Rent). Party A shall compensate any extra losses if the penalties are not sufficient to cover the losses suffered by Party B. 11.2 ÈçÒÒ·1/2ÒaÇó1/4×·1/21/4ÌÐøÂÄÐкÏ͵ģ1/ 4×·1/2ÿÓâÆÚÌá1©3ö×âÎïÒµÒ»ÈÕ£ÔòÿÈÕÓ¦ÏòÒÒ·1/2Ö§¸¶ÈÕ×â1/2 ð0.2 ±¶µÄÖÍÄÉ1/2ð¡£ÈÕ× â1/2ðµÄ1/4ÆËã·1/2Ê1/2ÎaÔÂ×â1/2 ð3ýÒÔ30£¨ÒÔÏÂ3ÆÎa"ÈÕ×â1/2ð"£©¡£1/4×·1/2»1Ó¦3е£ÒòÓâÆÚ1/ 2»¸¶¸øÒÒ·1/2Ôì3ɵÄËðʧ¡£ 11.2 If Party B still requires Party A to perform this contract, Party A shall pay for penalties in an amount of 0.2 times of the daily rent each delayed day. The daily rent is the amount of Monthly Rent is divided by 30 (Daily Rent). If there is any loss to Party B, Party A shall compensate. 11.3 ÓÉÓÚ1/4×·1/2µ¡ÓÚÂÄÐÐÎÐÞÒåÎñ»òÇé¿ö1/2ô1/4 ±£ÒÒ·1/2×éÖ¯ÎÐ޵ģ1/4×·1/2Ó¦Ö§¸¶ÒÒ·1/2 ·ÑÓûòÕÛµÖÔ ×â1/2𣵫ÒÒ·1/2Ó¦Ìá1©ÓÐЧ Æ3/4Ö¤¡£ 11.3 If Party A fails to repair or maintain the Leased Property or in case Party B repairs the Leased Property in emergency, Party A shall pay for the relevant cost or deducted the cost from the Monthly Rent, provided that Party B provides effective payment invoices. 11.4 1/4×·1/ 2Î¥·´±3/4ºÏÍÔ1/4 ¶¨£ÌáÇ°ÊÕ»Ø3ö×âÎïÒµµÄ£ Ó¦°´ÕÕºÏÍÄê×â1/2ðµÄ20 %ÏòÒÒ·1/2Ö§¸¶Î¥Ô1/41/2ð£ÈôÖ§¸¶µÄÎ¥Ô1/41/ 2ð2»×ãÃÖ21ÒÒ·1/2ËðʧµÄ£1/4×·1/2 »1Ó¦¸Ã3е£Åâ3¥ÔðÈÎÖ±ÖÁ´ïµ 1/2ÃÖ21È«2¿ËðʧÎaÖ1¡ £ 11.4 If Party A breaches this contract and repossess the Leased Property prior to the expiration of the Lease Term, Party A shall pay penalties to Party B in an amount of 20% of the Annual Rent. Party A shall compensate any extra losses if the penalties are not sufficient to cover the losses suffered by Party B. |

11.5 1/4× ·1/2Òò·¿ÎÝȨÊô覴ûò·Ç·¨3ö×â·¿Îݶøµ1/4Ö±3/4ºÏÍÎÞЧʱ£1/4×·1/2Ó¦Åâ3¥ÒÒ·1/2Ëðʧ¡£ 11.5 If this contract becomes null and void due to the ownership defect of the Leased Property or illegal lease actions of Party A, Party A shall compensate Party Bs losses. µÚÊ®¶þÌõ ÒÒ·1/2Î¥Ô1/4ÔðÈÎ Article 12 Liability for Party Bs Default 12.1 ×âÁÞÆÚ1/4ä£ÒÒ·1/2ÓÐÏÂÁÐÐÐÎaÖ®Ò»µÄ£1/4×·1/2 ÓÐȨÖÕÖ1ºÏÍ£ÊÕ»Ø3ö×âÎïÒµ£ÒÒ·1/2Ó¦°´ÕÕºÏÍÄê×â1/2ðµÄ20%Ïò 1/4×· 1/2Ö§¸¶Î ¥Ô1/4 1/2ð¡£ÈôÖ§¸¶µÄÎ¥Ô1/41/2ð2»×ãÃÖ21 1/4×·1/2ËðʧµÄ£ÒÒ·1/2»1Ó¦¸Ã3е£Åâ3¥ÔðÈÎÖ±ÖÁ´ïµ1/2 ÃÖ21È«2¿ËðʧÎaÖ1¡£ 12.1 During the Lease Term, in the following situations, party A is entitled to terminate this contract and repossess the Leased Property. Party B shall pay penalties to Party A in an amount of 20% of the Annual Rent. Party B shall compensate any extra losses if the penalties are not sufficient to cover the losses suffered by Party A. £¨1£© δ 3/41/4×·1/2ÊéÃæÍÒâ£1/2 «·¿ÎÝ×a×â¡¢×a1/2è¸øËûÈËÊ1Óõģ» (1) Party B subleases or lends the Leased Property to other party without written consent of Party A; £¨2£© δ3/ 41/ 4×·1/2ÊéÃæÍÒâ£2ð¸Ä±ä¶¯3ö×âÎïÒµ 1/2á11»òËð»µ3ö×âÎïÒµ£» (2) Party B changes the structure of the Leased Property without written consent of Party A; £¨3£© ÒÒ·1/ 2\Ó¦°´±3/4ºÏ͵ÄÔ1/4¶¨ºÏ·¨Ê1ÓÃ3ö×âÎïÒµ£2»µÃÉÃ×ԸıäÊ1Óà ÐÔÖÊ£2»Ó¦´æ·ÅÖлaÈËÃñ12ºÍ1ú·¨ÂÉËù1/2ûÖ1µÄΣÏÕÎï Æ·£ÈçÒò´Ë·¢ÉúË𺦣ÒÒ·1/2Ó¦3е£È«2¿ÔðÈΡ£ (3) Party B shall use the Leased Property legally as agreed in this contract and must not change the purpose of such use without Party As consent. Party B shall not store any dangerous items which are prohibited by the laws of Peoples Republic of China in the Leased Property and shall be fully responsible for any damages or losses thereof. £¨4£© ÍÏÇ··¿×âÀÛ1/4ÆÈý¸öÔÂÒÔÉϵġ£ |

(4) Party B fails to pay Monthly Rent for more than three (3) months. 12.2 ÔÚ×âÁÞÆÚÄÚ£ÒÒ·1/2ÓâÆÚ1/2»Äɱ3/4ºÏÍÔ1/4¶¨Ó ¦ÓÉÒÒ·1/2¸ºµ£µÄ·ÑÓõģÿÓâÆÚÒ»Ìì£ÔòÓ¦°´ÉÏÊö·ÑÓÃ×ܶîµÄ20%Ö§¸¶1/4×· 1 /2Ö ÍÄÉ1/2 ð¡£ 12.2 During the Lease Term, if Party B fails to pay the payable fees, Party B shall pay for penalties to Party A in an amount of 20% of the unpaid fees daily. 12.3 ÔÚ×âÁÞÆÚÄÚ£ÒÒ· 1/2δ 3/4 1/4×· 1/2ÍÒ â£ÖÐÍ3/4ÉÃ×ÔÍË×âµÄ £ÒÒ·1/2Ó¦¸Ã°´ºÏÍ×Ü×â1/2ð 20%µÄ¶î¶ÈÏò1/ 4×·1/2Ö§¸¶Î¥Ô1/41/2𡣺ÏÍ×Ü×â1/ 2ðµÄ1/4ÆËã·1/2Ê1/2ÎaÄê×â1/2ð3ËÒÔ5¡£ÈôÖ§¸¶ µÄÎ¥Ô1/41/2ð2»×ãÃÖ211/4×·1/2ËðʧµÄ£ÒÒ·1/ 2 »1Ó¦3е£Åâ3¥ÔðÈΡ£ 12.3 During the Lease Term, if Party B breaches this contract and terminates the contract without Party As consent, Party B shall pay penalties to Party A in an amount of 20% of the Total Rent. Total Rent shall be the amount of Annual Rent times 5. Party B shall compensate any extra losses if the penalties are not sufficient to cover the losses suffered by Party A. 12.4 ÒÒ·1/2 ÈçÓâÆÚÖ§¸¶×â1/2ð,ÿÓâÆÚÒ»ÈÕ,ÔòÒÒ·1/2Ðë°´ÈÕ×â1/ 2ðµÄ0.2 ±¶Ö§¸¶ÖÍÄÉ1/2ð¡£×âÁÞÆÚÂú£ÒÒ·1/2Ó¦ÈçÆÚ1/2»»13ö×âÎïÒµ¡£Ò Ò·1/2ÓâÆÚ1é »1£ÔòÿÓâÆÚÒ»ÈÕÓ ¦Ïò1/4×·1/2Ö§¸¶ÈÕ×â1/2 ð0.2 ±¶µÄÖ ÍÄÉ1/2ð¡£ÒÒ·1/2»1Ó¦3е£ÒòÓâÆÚ1é»1¸ø1/4×·1/2 Ôì3ɵÄËðʧ¡£ 12.4 If Party B delay in pay for the rent, Party B shall pay for penalties in an amount of 0.2 times of the daily rent each delayed day. Upon the expiration of the Lease Term, Party B shall return the Leased Property to Party A on schedule. If Party B fails to return the Leased Property, Party B shall pay penalties to Party A in an amount of 0.2times of the Daily Rent each delayed day. In addition, Party B shall compensate Party As losses. µÚÊ®ÈýÌõ ÃâÔðÌõ1/4þ Article 13 Exemption Clause 13.1 Òò2»¿É¿1Á¦ÔÒòÖÂÊ1±3/4ºÏÍ2»ÄÜ1/4ÌÐøÂÄÐлòÔì3ɵÄËðʧ£1/4ס¢ÒÒ Ë«·1/2»¥2»3е£ÔðÈΡ£ 13.1 Both parties shall not be responsible for breach of this contract or any losses due to Force Majeure. |

13.2 Òò1ú1 /4ÒÕþ2ßÐèÒa2ð3ý»ò¸ÄÔì3ö×âÎïÒµ£Ê11/4ס¢ÒÒË«·1/2 Ôì 3ÉËðʧµÄ£»¥2»3е£ÔðÈΡ£ 13.2 Both parties shall not be responsible for breach of this contract or any losses due to the demolishment or reconstruction of the Leased Property by government for state policies. 13.3 ÒòÉÏÊöµÚ13.1ºÍ13.2ÖеÄÔÒò¶øÖÕÖ1ºÏ͵ģ×â1/2ð°´ÕÕʵ1/4 ÊÊ1ÓÃʱ1/4ä1/4ÆËã£2»×ãÕûԵݴÌìÊý1/4ÆËã¡£ 13.3 In case this contract is terminated due to the causes set forth in Article 13.1 and 13.2, the rent shall be calculated according to the actual rental period. If the rental period is not a whole month, the rent shall be calculated according to the actual rental days. 13.4 ±3/4ºÏÍËùÖ¸2»¿É¿1Á¦ÏµÖ¸ 2»ÄÜÔ¤1/4û¡¢2»ÄܱÜÃâ2¢2»ÄÜ¿Ë·þµÄ¿Í1ÛÇé¿ö ¡£ 13.4 Force Majeure a s referred in this contract means the objective circumstances that are unforeseeable, unavoidable and insurmountable. µÚÊ®ËÄÌõ ºÏ͵ÄÉúЧ Article 14 Effectiveness of Contract ±3/4ºÏÍ· 1/2Ò»3/4Ë«·1/2Ç©×Öºó1/4´·¢Éú· ¨ÂÉЧÁ¦¡£Î´3/4Ë«·1/2ÊéÃæÍÒâ£2»µÃÈÎÒâÖÕÖ1»òÐ޸ģÈçÓÐδ3/ 4¡ÊÂÒË£1/4ס¢ÒÒË«·1/2 ¿ÉÁíÐÐÐÉÌ¡£This contract shall become effective after signed by both parties. Any party must not terminate or amended this contract without other partys written consent. Any matters that are not covered in this contract may be negotiated separately by both parties. µÚÊ®ÎåÌõ ÊÊÓ÷¨ÂÉ Article 15 Applicable Laws ±3/4ºÏ͵Ä3ÉÁ¢£ÆäÓÐЧÐÔ¡¢1/2âÊÍ¡¢Ç©ÊðºÍ1/2â3/4 öÓëÆäËûÓÐ1صÄÒ» ÇÐ3/4À·×3/4ùÓ¦ÊÜÖÐ1ú·¨ÂɵÄ1ÜÏ1/22¢ÒÀ3/4ÝÖÐ1ú·¨ÂÉ1 /2âÊÍ¡£ |

The formation, validity, interpretation, execution and dispute resolution of this contract shall be governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China. µÚÊ®Áù¡¢ÕùÒéµÄ1/2â3/4ö Article 16 Dispute Resolution ·2ÒòÖ´Ðб3/4ºÏÍËù2úÉúµÄ»òÓë±3/4ºÏÍÓÐ1صÄÒ»ÇÐÕùÒé£Ë«·1/ 2Ӧͨ1ýÓѺÃÐÉÌ1/2â3/4ö£»ÐÉÌ2»3É£Ó¦Ìá1/2»3ö×âÎïÒµËùÔÚ µØ·¨Ôº2Ã3/4ö¡£ In the case of disputes arising over this contract of any matters related hereto, the parties shall negotiate in good faith to resolve such disputes. If such negotiation fails, the parties shall submit the dispute to the court where the Leased Property is located. µÚÊ®ÆßÌõ¡¢ÆäËû Article 17 Miscellaneous 17.1 ±3/4ºÏÍÓÉÖС¢Ó¢ÎÄд3É¡£±3/4ºÏÍÒ»Ê1/2ËÄ·Ý£1/4 ס¢ÒÒË«·1/2¸÷Ö´Á1/2·Ý£3/4ù3/4ßÓÐ͵ÈЧÁ¦¡£ 17.1 This contract is written both in the Chinese and English languages. There are four (4) originals of this contract, two for Party A, two for Party B, and each of which shall be equally valid. 17.2 ±3/4ºÏ͸1/21/4þÎa±3/4ºÏ͵ÄÓÐЧ×é3É2¿·Ö£Óë± 3/4ºÏÍ3/4ßÓÐ͵ȷ¨ÂÉЧÁ¦¡£ 17.2 Any Attachment is the integral part of this contract. The Attachment and this contract are equally valid. ±3/4ºÏÍÓÚ2009Äê11ÔÂ1ÈÕÔÚÖÐ1úºþ±±Ê¡Î人ÊÐÇ©¶©¡£ This Contract is signed in Wuhan, Hubei, P.R.C on May 14, 2010 1/4×·1/2£º ÒÒ·1/2£º Party A: Party B: ¸ÇÕ£º ¸ÇÕ£º Seal: JIAWEI SOLAR (WUHAN) Seal: EVERGREEN SOLAR COMPANY LIMITED (CHINA) CO., LTD. |

µØÖ·£º µØÖ·£º Address: Address: µç»°£º µç»°£º Telephone Number Telephone Number ´«Õ棺 ´«Õ棺 Fax Number: Fax Number: |

¸1/21/4þ Attachment Éè Ê© ¡¢Éè ±¸ Çå µ¥ List of equipment and facilities ±3/4¡¶ÉèÊ©Çåµ¥¡·Îa¡¡¡¡ £¨1/4×·1/2£©Í¡¡ ¡¡£¨ÒÒ·1/2£©ËùÇ©¶©µÄ·¿ÎÝ×âÁÞºÏ͵ĸ1/21/4þ¡£ This list is an attachment to the lease contract between Party A and Party B signed on ___, 2010 1/4×·1/2ÏòÒÒ·1/2Ìá1©ÒÔÏÂÉèÊ©¡¢É豸£º The equipments and facilities provided by Party A to Party B are as following: Ò»¡¢[insert or attach a description] ¶þ¡¢ Èý¡¢ ËÄ¡¢ Îå¡¢ Áù¡¢ Æß¡¢ °Ë¡¢ 3/4Å¡¢ Ê®¡¢ |