Inside front cover and pages 5 through 40 of the Annual Report to Security Holders for the fiscal year ended May 31, 2009 (the 2009 Annual Report) are incorporated by reference in this Annual Report on Form 10-K. Only those portions of the 2009 Annual Report expressly incorporated hereby by reference are deemed filed
Contract Categories:
Business Finance
- Security Agreements
EX-4.1 6 v53401exv4w1.htm EX-4.1 exv4w1
Exhibit 4.1

Shareholders may obtain, upon revest and athout chargp, a statement of the rigits, preferences, priulegss and restrictions ganted to or imposed upon each class of shares authored to be issued and upon the holders thereof from the office of the cor poration.The followigabbreuations, \Aien used in the inscription on the face of this certificate, shall be construed as thougi they «b re witten out in full accordingto applicable law or regjlations:TEN C(M as tenants in common UNIF GIFT MIN ACT- Custodian TEN ENT -as tenants by the entireties <Cusl> <Minor>JTTEN -as joint tenants vith rigit of under Uniform Gifts to Minors Actsurvivorshipand not as tenants in common (state)Additional abbreuations may also be used thougi not in the abo\e list. F(R VALUE RECEIVED, hereby sells, assigis and transfers untoPLEASE INSERT SOIAL SECURITY <R OTHER IDENTIFICATKM NUMBER # ASSIGNEEPlease frint or tyfeifflte name and address includingfostal apcode of assignee Sharesof the Common Stock represented by the «thin Certificate and do hereby irre\ocably constitute and appoint Attorneyto transfer the said stock on the books of the «thin-named Corporation «th full powEr of substitution in the premises.DATED NOTICE: THE SIGNATURE TO THIS ASSIGNMENT MUST CORRESPOND WITH THE NAME AS WRITTEN UPON THE FACE OF THE CERTIFICATE IN EVERY PARTICULAR WITHOUT ALTERATION OR ENLARGEMENT OR ANY CHANGE WHATEVER.SIGNATURE(S) GUARANTEED: THE SIGNATURE(S) MUST BE GUARANTEED BY AN ELIGIBLE GUARANT© INSTITUTE (BANKS, STCEKBRCKERS, SAVINGS AND L(SN ASSCEIATHWS AND CREDIT UNIOIS WITH MEMBERSHIP IN AN APPROVED SIGNATURE GUARANTEE MEDALLKDI PRGERAM), PURSUANT TCS.E.C. RULE 17Ad-15.KEEP THIS CERTIFICATE IN A SAFE PLACE. IF IT IS LOST, STOLEN, MUTILATED OR DESTROYED, THE CORPORATION WILL REQUIRE A BOND OF INDEMNITY AS A CONDITION TO THE ISSUANCE OF A REPLACEMENT CERTIFICATE.AMERICAN BANK NOTE COMPANY PRODUCTION CORDINATCBt: DEMISE LITTLE 931^190-1706711 ARMSTRONG LANE PROS <S NWEMBER 5, 2007COLUMBIA, TENNESSEE 3840 ELECTRO RENT CORPORATION <^1)38M«B JSBJUDBK ~ ~ ^SAyES^_2_crsHARj<EY_30&73l]708!r ~ ~ ~l^raton___~ Ron___~"/ ETHER 7 / LIVE JBS / E / ELECTRORENT 28609 BK New PLEASE INITIAL THE APPROPRIATE SELECTION FOR THIS PROOF: OK AS IS OK WITH CHANGES MAKE CHANGES AND SEND ANOTHER PROOF |