EMISSION REDUCTION PURCHASE AGREEMENT (ERPA) [Chinese translation] Hebei Fengda 1 Million Tons/yr Metallized Pellet Project [Chinese translation]
Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement Page 1 of 18
Exhibit 10.22
[Chinese translation]
Hebei Fengda 1 Million Tons/yr Metallized Pellet Project
[Chinese translation]
Initial: Project Proponent:_____Initial: Ecolocap Solution (Canada) Inc. :_____
Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement Page 2 of 18
(The "Purchaser") [Chinese translation]
[Chinese translation]
740 St. Maurice suite 102
Montreal, QC H3C 1L5
Tel: 5148763907 Fax: 5148764080
Email: ***@***
President-CEO: Dr. Tri Vu Truong
(the " Seller"), henceforth PROJECT PROPONENT
[Chinese translation]
Hebei Fengda Metallized Pellet Co., Ltd.
[Chinese translation]
Address: East of Pingshe Rd. Jingjing Mining Area, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province,
CHINA [Chinese translation]050100
Telephone: 0311-82066098
Mobile: 13831132217 Email: ***@***
Board Chairman: /[Chinese translation]
Both parties have agreed to sign the Reduction Emission Purchase Agreement (Agreement)
with the following terms and conditions: [Chinese translation]
Initial: Project Proponent:_____Initial: Ecolocap Solution (Canada) Inc. :_____
Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement Page 3 of 18
Interpretation and Definitions /[Chinese translation] | |
In this Agreement, unless otherwise required by the context, all terms shall have the meaning set forth | |
in the definitions below. | |
[Chinese translation]: | |
Agreement: | Means this Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement. [Chinese translation] |
[Chinese | |
translation] | |
Annex B | Means the countries listed in Annex B to the Kyoto Protocol having |
Countries: | committed themselves to reduce or limit their GHG emissions. [Chinese |
[Chinese | translation] |
translation] | |
Annex I | Means the parties to the UNFCCC listed in Annex I thereto (Annex I |
Countries: | consists of industrial countries and countries in transition). [Chinese |
[Chinese | translation] |
translation] | |
Anticipated | Means up to ( ) Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) per annum during |
Emission | the Crediting Period, anticipated be generating by the Project and |
Reduction: | calculating in accordance with the Kyoto Rules. [Chinese translation] |
[Chinese | |
translation] | |
Baseline: | Means the scenario that reasonably represents the anthropogenic emissions |
[Chinese | of GHG that would occur in the Host Country in the absence of the Project, |
translation] | determined in accordance with the Kyoto Rules. [Chinese translation] |
Business Day: | Means a day on which banks are open for general business in China. |
[Chinese | [Chinese translation] |
translation] | |
Carbon Dioxide | Means a metric measure used to compare the emissions of various GHG |
Equivalent: | based upon their global warming potential. [Chinese translation] |
[Chinese | |
translation] | |
Certification: | Means the written confirmation by an Operational Entity of an Emission |
[Chinese | Reduction resulting from a CDM project and having passed the Verification |
translation] | procedure according to the Kyoto Rules. [Chinese translation] |
Certified | Means a unit of Emission Reduction issued pursuant to Article 12 of the |
Emission | Kyoto Protocol and the requirements of the Kyoto Rules (including |
Reduction | Certification), equal to one metric ton of Carbon Dioxide Equivalent |
[Chinese | resulting from a CDM project. [Chinese translation] |
translation] | |
Initial: Project Proponent:___ Initial: Ecolocap Solution (Canada) Inc. :_____ |
Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement Page 4 of 18 | |
Clean Development | Means the flexible mechanism established by Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol providing for |
Mechanism | Annex I Countries to implement projects that reduce |
(CDM): | emissions in non-Annex I Countries in return for CERs and assist the non- |
[Chinese | Annex I Countries in achieving sustainable development and contributing to |
translation] | the ultimate objective of the UNFCCC. [Chinese translation] |
Crediting | Means, until December 31, 2026. [Chinese translation] |
Period: [Chinese | |
translation] | |
Emission | Means reduction in emission of GHG achieved, calculated in accordance |
Reduction: | with the Kyoto Rules. [Chinese translation] |
[Chinese | |
translation] | |
Executive | Means the international authority elected by the representatives of the |
Board: [Chinese | parties to the Kyoto Protocol responsible for monitoring the CDM process. |
translation] | [Chinese translation] |
First | Means, from 19 October, 2008 until 31 December, 2012. |
Commitment | |
Period: [Chinese | 2008 [Chinese translation] |
translation] | |
Force Majeure: | Means any circumstance or condition beyond the control of either party to |
[Chinese | this Agreement affecting the performance of its obligations under this |
translation] | Agreement including in particular wars, insurrection, natural disaster or |
equivalent circumstances. [Chinese translation] | |
Greenhouse | Means the six gases listed in Annex A to the Kyoto Protocol. [Chinese |
Gases (GHG): | translation] |
[Chinese | |
translation] | |
Host Country: | China [Chinese translation] |
[Chinese | |
translation] | |
Kyoto Protocol: | Means the protocol to the UNFCCC adopted at the third conference of the |
[Chinese | parties to the UNFCCC in Kyoto, Japan, on December 11, 1997. [Chinese |
translation] | translation] |
Kyoto Rules: | Means the UNFCCC, Kyoto Protocol, the Bonn agreement, the Marrakech |
[Chinese | Accords, any relevant decisions, guidelines, modalities and procedures |
translation] | made pursuant to them and/or any succeeding international agreements as |
amended and/or supplemented from time to time and which include those | |
rules specifically required to be met for the issuing and transfer of CERs. | |
[Chinese translation] |
Initial: Project Proponent:_____Initial: Ecolocap Solution (Canada) Inc. :_____
Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement Page 5 of 18
Letterof | Means a binding approval of the Project by the Host Country together with |
Approval | an approval of the transfer of CERs. [Chinese translation] |
(LOA): [Chinese | |
translation] | |
Monitoring | Means an annual report to be provided by Owner setting out the total |
Report: [Chinese | number of Emission Reductions generated by the Project during the |
translation] | previous year according to the Kyoto Rules, international Monitoring rules |
and the PDD. [Chinese translation] | |
Monitoring: | Means the collection and record of data allowing the assessment of |
[Chinese | reductions in GHG emissions resulting from the Project conducted in |
translation] | accordance with the Kyoto Rules. [Chinese translation] |
Designated | Means an independent entity accredited by the Executive Board being the |
Operational | executive body for CDM and inter alias responsible for determining |
Entity: [Chinese | whether a project and the resulting Emission Reductions meet the |
translation] | requirements of Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol. [Chinese translation] |
Project Design | Means a detailed description of the Project to be submitted for Validation |
Document | prepared in accordance with the Kyoto Rules, the UFG and the Directive |
(PDD): | and attached as Annex [iv]. The Purchaser will be responsible for providing |
[Chinese | PDD development for Registration of the Project. [Chinese translation] |
translation] | |
Project: | Means the proposed CDM project described in the PDD and other |
[Chinese | documents describing the implementation and economics of the Project |
translation] | attached in Annex [iii]. [Chinese translation] |
Registration: | Means the official registration of a CDM project by the Executive Board |
[Chinese | according to the Kyoto Rules. [Chinese translation] |
translation] | |
UNFCCC: | Means the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change |
adopted in New York on May 9, 1992. [Chinese translation] |
Initial: Project Proponent:_____Initial: Ecolocap Solution (Canada) Inc. :_____
Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement Page 6 of 18
Unit Price: | Means the price payable by Purchaser to Project Proponent per |
[Chinese | Certified Emission Reduction (CER) unit: [Chinese translation] |
translation] | The purchase unit price paid by EcoloCap Solutions Canada Inc to |
Chinese Project Proponent for the CER is fixed at 9.5 Euro/CER for | |
the year 2008 to 2012 and a new agreement for purchase unit price | |
will be negotiated for the next two periods of extension. /EcoloCap | |
Solutions Canada Inc 2008 -[Chinese translation] | |
For the first payment, a one time amount of 100,000 Euro will be | |
paid to Ecolocap Solutions Inc for the reimbursement to Ecolocap for | |
its advance cash for the costs relating to CDM process. Other | |
expenses will be paid by EcoloCap. [Chinese translation] | |
Term: | Ecolocap Solutions Inc will purchase certified CERs generated by |
[Chinese | this project for the year 2008 to 2012 with options of extension for |
translation] | two other periods of 7 years, the period 2013-2026, with the same |
terms and conditions except for the price which will be renegotiated. | |
/Ecolocap Solutions Inc. [Chinese translation] | |
Validation: | Means the assessment of the PDD, including the Baseline, by an |
[Chinese | Operational Entity, determining its compliance with the Kyoto Rules. |
translation] | [Chinese translation] |
Verification: | Means the periodic independent review and ex post determination of |
[Chinese | the monitored reductions in GHG emissions that the Project has |
translation] | achieved during a specified period of time by an Operational Entity in |
accordance with the Kyoto Rules. The project's owner will be | |
Responsible for providing periodical monitoring. [Chinese | |
translation] | |
Unless otherwise specified, references to clauses are clauses of this Agreement, references to legal | |
provisions are references to such provisions as in effect from time to time, use of a gender includes any | |
gender and use of the plural includes the singular and vice versa where the context requires. | |
[Chinese translation] |
Initial: Project Proponent:_____Initial: Ecolocap Solution (Canada) Inc. :____
Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement Page 7 of 18 | |
All headings and titles are inserted for convenience only and shall not be deemed part of this | |
Agreement or taken into consideration in its interpretation. [Chinese translation] | |
1. | Preamble [Chinese translation] |
The Project is located on the territory of the Host Country. | |
[Chinese translation] | |
2. | Contractual Obligations [Chinese translation] |
2.1. | Anticipated Emission Reductions [Chinese translation] |
2.1.1. | Upon Registration of the Project, Purchaser shall endeavor to implement the Project in |
accordance with the PDD and other documents describing the implementation and economics | |
of the project attached in (Annex iv) at its own risk and expense (Annex ii). It is hereby | |
acknowledged and agreed between the Parties hereto that Purchaser does not warrant the | |
generation of, and is not obliged to generate, any CERs, whether by the Project or otherwise. | |
[Chinese translation] | |
2.1.2. | If the Project generates CERs during the crediting period, Project Proponent shall, to the |
extent it is legally possible and permissible, exclusively transfer to Purchaser all rights (and, | |
to the extent legally possible and permissible, legal title) which Project Proponent may have | |
in the Anticipated Emission Reductions. | |
[Chinese translation] | |
2.1.3. | Purchaser shall pay to Project Proponent the Unit Price for each Anticipated Emission |
Reduction generated by the Project and in which the Project Proponent's rights are transferred | |
to Purchaser in accordance with clause 3 below. | |
[Chinese translation] | |
2.2. | Emission Reductions generated after the Crediting Period [Chinese translation] |
If the Project generates any Certified Emission Reductions after the Crediting Period, | |
Purchaser shall enter into negotiations with Project Proponent with a view to concluding an | |
agreement on the purchase of such Certified Emission Reductions based on the principles of | |
this Agreement but amended in order to reflect the international and/or national rules then | |
applicable. | |
[Chinese translation] | |
2.3. | Schedule for CDM procedure [Chinese translation] |
2.4.1. | Upon the signature of the ERPA contract, Purchaser shall develop the Project Idea Note (PIN) |
and send it to Project Proponent for submitting to National Development and Reform | |
Commission (NDRC) with all necessary legal documents. The NDRCs endorsement letter | |
shall be done expectedly within a month. | |
[Chinese translation] |
Initial: Project Proponent:_____Initial: Ecolocap Solution (Canada) Inc. :_____
Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement Page 8 of 18
2.4.2. | After having the endorsement letter of PIN from NDRC, Purchaser shall submit the Project |
Design Document (PDD) of the Project with all necessary legal documents to NDRC for | |
appraisal and approval within 2 months. The PDD of the Project which has been written by | |
consultant shall also be considered and revised by Purchaser during this period of time. | |
[Chinese translation] | |
2.4.3. | The Purchasers consultant shall improve and edit the PDD within one month, following the |
oral presentation of the PDD of the Project to NDRC, in order to get DNAs Approval letter | |
[Letter of Approval (LOA)]. | |
[Chinese translation] | |
2.4.4. | Validation report shall be completed by Designated Operational Entity (DOE) and the |
Purchasers consultant within the period of 5 months after DNAs approval. | |
[Chinese translation] | |
After meeting the requirements of validation by DOE, CDM project will be submitted to | |
Execute Board (EB) for final appraisal and approval. | |
[Chinese translation] | |
2.4.5. | Following the first verification of DOE for the implementation of the CDM project and the |
monitoring of GHG reduction, the CER's certificate will be issued by EB. | |
[Chinese translation] | |
3. | Transfer [Chinese translation] |
Transfer to Purchaser of all the rights (and, to the extent legally possible | |
legal title) which Project Proponent may have in a Certified Emission Reduction shall have | |
occurred upon the transfer of CERs certificate from the register of the Executive Board to a | |
register in favor of Purchaser. This transfer shall be made immediately as soon as the EB | |
officially approve the Project registration. | |
[Chinese translation] | |
4. | Payment [Chinese translation] |
4.1. | Payment for Certified Emission Reductions [Chinese translation] |
4.1.1. | Payment by Purchaser to Project Proponent for the Certified Emission Reductions shall be |
made within 50 Business Days after the CERs certificate are delivered to Purchaser. | |
Purchaser shall transfer money into the account of Project Proponent, after the CER | |
certificate is issued by the EB following each monitoring realized by the DOE. | |
[Chinese translation] | |
4.1.2. | All payments shall be made through the account of Ecolocap which has been registered for |
the Project when the PDD is submitted to EB for approval. This account is in the EBs | |
common account [Chinese translation] |
Initial: Project Proponent:_____Initial: Ecolocap Solution (Canada) Inc. :_____
Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement Page 9 of 18 | |
4.1.3. | All payments shall be made in US Dollars. |
[Chinese translation] | |
4.2. | Costs and Expenses [Chinese translation] |
4.2.1. | Subject to clause 4.2.2 below, all fees, costs or other expenses in connection with the |
Registration and the transfer of CERs shall be borne by Purchaser including VAT, if any, | |
according to VAT law applied in China. | |
[Chinese translation] | |
4.2.2. | The share of the proceeds from CERs generated by the Project to be used to cover |
administrative expenses and to assist developing countries that are particularly vulnerable to | |
the adverse effects of climate change to meet the costs of adaptation according to the Kyoto | |
Rules shall be borne by the Project Proponent. | |
[Chinese translation] | |
4.2.3. | The Project Proponent should provide necessary information to the Purchaser for the |
preparation of documents required for PIN (project idea note), PDD (project design | |
document), the validation, the verification/certification, and the registration with CDM | |
Executive Board (Annex i). All costs accrued to each of the Parties in negotiating, preparing, | |
executing and carrying into effect of this Agreement, shall be borne by each of the Parties | |
themselves. | |
[Chinese translation] | |
5. | Termination and Remedies [Chinese translation] |
5.1. | Either Party (the "Non-defaulting Party") shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement by |
written notice to the other Party with immediate effect if any of the following events occurs: | |
[Chinese translation] | |
5.1.1. | n case the Project is not register as a valid CDM Project activity with the CDM EB within |
eighteen (18) months upon execution of the ERPA, (which will be signed not later than three | |
(3) months after the signature of this term sheet), either party shall have the right to terminate | |
its rights and obligations under the ERPA. | |
[Chinese translation] | |
5.1.2. | In any given Contract Period, if the verification of the Projects CERs is delayed by 90 days |
or more due to the Project Proponent s or Purchasers fault and/or misconduct, each of the | |
non-defaulting parties shall have the right to terminate its rights and obligations under the | |
ERPA. | |
[Chinese translation] | |
5.1.3. | In case the project is not commissioned within eighteen (18) months following the date of the |
ERPA, each Purchaser shall have the right to terminate its rights and obligations under the | |
ERPA. | |
[Chinese translation] |
Initial: Project Proponent:_____Initial: Ecolocap Solution (Canada) Inc. :_____
Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement Page 10 of 18
5.1.4 | Upon occurrence of an event of default or any other termination event in respect of the |
Project Proponent or of Purchaser as provided in the ERPA, each of the non-defaulting | |
parties shall have the right to terminate its rights and obligations under the ERPA. | |
[Chinese translation] | |
5.2 | Force Majeure [Chinese translation] |
Should either Party be impeded wholly or in part from fulfilling any of its obligations under | |
the Agreement for reasons of Force Majeure, such obligation shall be suspended to the extent | |
and for as long as such obligation is affected by Force Majeure and the impeded Party shall | |
be entitled to such extension of time as may be reasonably necessary. | |
[Chinese translation] | |
Either Party shall notify the other Party of the existence and date of beginning of an event of | |
Force Majeure that is likely to impede its performance under the Agreement within 20 | |
business days after having obtained knowledge of any such event. Either Party shall likewise | |
advise the other of the date when such event ended and shall also specify the re-determined | |
time by which the performance of its obligations hereunder is to be completed. | |
[Chinese translation] | |
Project Proponent and Purchaser shall consult with each other with a view of determining any | |
further appropriate action if a condition of Force Majeure is to continue after 20 business | |
days from the date of giving notice thereof. | |
[Chinese translation] | |
Neither Party shall be liable for damages or have the right to terminate this Agreement for | |
any delay in performing hereunder if such delay is caused by Force Majeure; provided, | |
however, that the non-impeded Party shall be entitled to terminate such part of the Agreement | |
that remains unfulfilled, if the condition of Force Majeure is to continue after 6 months from | |
the date of giving notice thereof. | |
[Chinese translation] | |
6 | Change in Circumstances [Chinese translation] |
If any change in circumstances (i.e. a change of scientific basics or applicable standards | |
relating to the Baseline methodology and/or the applicable criteria for Verification and | |
Certification of the resulting Emission Reductions) occurs which substantially affects the | |
Project, the Parties to this Agreement shall enter into negotiations with a view to adapt the | |
Project and its implementation or any relevant provision of this Agreement, as may be | |
necessary or useful. A change in circumstances shall in no event be considered substantially | |
affecting the Project if at least 50% of the Anticipated Emission Reductions can be generated. | |
[Chinese translation] | |
The Parties to this Agreement shall cooperate and make their best efforts to enable the | |
continuation of the Project in accordance with the new circumstances and to achieve the |
Initial: Project Proponent:_____Initial: Ecolocap Solution (Canada) Inc. :_____
Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement Page 11 of 18
generation and transfer of the Anticipated Emission Reductions. | |
[Chinese translation] | |
If any of the documents related to the Project and submitted at any time during the term of | |
this Agreement fails to be approved by such authority whose approval is required under the | |
Kyoto Rules or otherwise appears to be non-compliant with any relevant standards or | |
conditions of the Kyoto Rules, Project Proponent and Purchaser shall discuss whether or not | |
the relevant documents are to be revised and resubmitted. | |
[Chinese translation] | |
7. | Conditions Precedent [Chinese translation] |
This Agreement shall enter into force upon satisfaction of the following condition precedent: | |
[Chinese translation] | |
Conclusion of a binding agreement with the Host Country. | |
[Chinese translation] | |
8. | Miscellaneous [Chinese translation] |
8.1. | Assignment and Subcontracting [Chinese translation] |
Because the interests of Project Proponent is paid by Purchaser, Project Proponent shall not, | |
without the written consent of Purchaser, assign or transfer the Agreement or the benefits or | |
obligations thereof or any part thereof to any other person. | |
[Chinese translation] | |
Purchaser may transfer any of its rights or obligations under the ERPA to any third party | |
(assignee) without consent of Project Proponent. However, Purchaser shall inform Project | |
Proponent for these transfers if any. Rights and obligations between Purchaser and Project | |
Proponent remain the same after the transfer. | |
[Chinese translation] | |
Within 90 business days before the first commitment period come to an end, both Parties | |
shall renegotiate to continue the agreement. If over 30 days, starting the day on which the | |
first commitment period ends, both Parties can not come to an agreement, Project Proponent | |
has full power to assign the Agreement to any other person without legal ties from Purchaser. | |
[Chinese translation] | |
8.2. | Confidentiality and Disclosure [Chinese translation] |
The Parties shall treat as confidential all information obtained as a result of entering into or | |
performing this Agreement which relates to the provisions of this Agreement, the | |
negotiations relating to this Agreement and the subject matter of this Agreement. | |
[Chinese translation] |
Initial: Project Proponent:_____Initial: Ecolocap Solution (Canada) Inc. :_____
Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement Page 12 of 18
No Party shall disclose any such confidential information to any third party, except in those | |
circumstances where disclosure is required in order to comply with any laws or regulations, | |
including without limitations of the Kyoto Rules. | |
[Chinese translation] | |
8.3. | Notices [Chinese translation] |
Any communications to be made under or in connection with this Agreement shall be made | |
in writing (including by facsimile) to the address or facsimile number, from time to time | |
designated by the Party to whom the communication is to be made to the other Party for that | |
purpose. | |
[Chinese translation] | |
A communication shall only be considered as legal effect if it is posted and confirmed by | |
both Parties. | |
8.4. | Entire Agreement [Chinese translation] |
This Agreement embodies the whole and only agreement of the Parties with respect to the | |
subject matter hereof, and no prior or contemporaneous oral or written agreement or | |
understanding shall be deemed to constitute a part of this Agreement, unless expressly | |
referred to herein, or attached hereto, or specifically incorporated by reference herein. The | |
Annexes and schedules to this Agreement constitute integral parts of this Agreement and | |
shall therefore be deemed part of this Agreement. | |
[Chinese translation] | |
8.5. | Amendments [Chinese translation] |
This Agreement may only be amended with the written consent of the Parties hereto. | |
[Chinese translation] | |
8.6. | Severability [Chinese translation] |
If any part or provision of the Agreement is or becomes illegal, void or unenforceable in any | |
respect, the remaining parts or provisions shall not be affected or impaired. Any deficiency in | |
the Agreement resulting there from shall be amended by way of interpretation of the | |
Agreement having due regard to the Parties intent. | |
[Chinese translation] | |
8.7. | Governing law [Chinese translation] |
This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with English law excluding | |
its rules on conflicts of laws. | |
[Chinese translation] |
Initial: Project Proponent:_____Initial: Ecolocap Solution (Canada) Inc. :_____
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8.8. | Jurisdiction [Chinese translation] |
Any dispute, claim or controversy arising out of or relating to this agreement will be settled | |
by arbitration at Hong Kong International Arbitration Center (HKIAC) in Hong Kong | |
under the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules. The number of arbitrators will be three and the | |
arbitrators will be appointed in accordance with the UNCITRAL Rules and the HKIAC | |
Procedures for the Administration of international Arbitration (the HKIAC | |
Procedures).The arbitration proceeding will be administered by HKIAC in accordance with | |
the HKIAC Procedures. The legal place of the arbitration will be Hong Kong and the | |
language to be used in the arbitral proceedings will be English. All arbitration costs | |
(including legal costs) will be borne by the unsuccessful party unless otherwise determined | |
by the arbitration tribunal. | |
[Chinese translation] | |
8.9. | Counterparts [Chinese translation] |
This Agreement shall be executed in two counterparts with one copy for Project Proponent | |
and one for Purchaser. If there are any discrepancies between the English and the Chinese | |
version, the English version will prevail. | |
[Chinese translation] |
Initial: Project Proponent:_____Initial: Ecolocap Solution (Canada) Inc. :_____
Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement Page 14 of 18
PARTIES TO THE AGREEMENT [Chinese translation]
WHEREOF the parties have agreed to the terms and conditions of this agreement as
outlined above, this
.. (Day) of
, 2008, in the presence of:
[Chinese translation]
Purchaser: | |
President-CEO: Dr. Tri Vu Truong | |
EcoloCap Solutions (Canada) Inc. (EcoloCap) | |
[Chinese translation] | |
Project | |
Proponent: | |
Chairman of the Board: LI,Lisheng | |
[Chinese translation] | |
Hebei Fengda Metallized Pellet Co.,Ltd | |
[Chinese translation] | |
Witness No 1 | Witness No 2 |
Initial: Project Proponent:_____Initial: Ecolocap Solution (Canada) Inc. :_____
Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement Page 15 of 18
1. The salient features of 1 Million /yr Metallized Pellet Production
2. Project time schedule:
- The year 2008:
- - The year 2009:
- The year 2009 - 2010:;
- The year 2011:
Initial: Project Proponent:_____Initial: Ecolocap Solution (Canada) Inc. :_____
Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement Page 16 of 18

Initial: Project Proponent:_____Initial: Ecolocap Solution (Canada) Inc. :_____
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ANNEX iii:
Initial: Project Proponent:_____Initial: Ecolocap Solution (Canada) Inc. :_____
Emission Reduction Purchase Agreement Page 18 of 18
Initial: Project Proponent:_____Initial: Ecolocap Solution (Canada) Inc. :_____