Board of Directors Appointment Minutes
Exhibit 10.1
China Changjiang Mining
& New Energy Co., LTD. Unanimous Written Consent Of Board of Directors In Lieu of Special Meeting The undersigned, being the Board of Directors of China Changjiang Mining & New Energy Co., LTD., a Nevada Corporation (the“Corporation”), hereby waives the calling or holding of a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Corporation (the “Board”), consents in writing as of this day of February 24, 2023 to the following actions and directs that this unanimous written consent be filed by the Corporation’s Secretary with the minutes of proceedings of the Board. WHEREAS, the Corporation desires to appoint Wenhui Chen, Hui Huang, Qunxiang Huang, Jianbin Jiang, Zuhua Wan as its Directors. Now therefore, FURTHER RESOLVED, the Board of Directors of the Corporation be and hereby is authorized, empowered and directed to take any and all actions and to execute, deliver and file any and all agreements, instruments and documents as the Board of Directors so acting shall determine to be necessary or appropriate to consummate the transactions contemplated by the foregoing resolution. The taking of such action shall be conclusive evidence that the same was deemed to be necessary or appropriate and was authorized hereby. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned being the Board of Directors of China Changjiang Mining & New Energy Co., LTD., has executed this Consent as of the day and year first written above. Chongyi Yang, Director Director State of Country of This record was signed and sworn to on by date print name of signer
Notary Signature
China C'.hanc)lanc Mlnlns & New Enc rev Co.,LTO. Unanimous Wl'itten Consent Of Boar<' ut Directors In lieuofSpr:clal Mcr:ting Th:11rule1ii!.m I,b \ :ing the:Hl! nl llfl)tm:11111111r<:hi1111 Cf,.:1,n]l 1 111g New C11cr11Y C.C \ ., L11>.. :i Ncvn,ln CC \ l]l()ralfonllhu"CN1,11mi:111·•1, hcrcby wnivc.11h: c.,l!inu or i11,Minsof ; \ meeting oftll('.Boord o)fDircctm nrth.:Cc - r11t•mtil,11(the ••n:iar<.I"), coMcnls iu wrilinr,as Clftllilt ith J.,y nrJ11 \ y 2023 ta the follawlno acliun nnd <.llrc1;tr. thut thi uo nim1J1J ., wri:tcn Nll tr.1 \ :.: fikd by the r.u11'0nlli1111 'A Sccrchiry with the; n , inulc.1or r,rncwlln g 11flhc: f;,,,ml. Wll REAS . I Co1110111tlon dcsl:cs tonr1l(li1•t M,· . Houcant: Ji, M .s:,;:ot.iu" M3i ;,nd Mr. Vi1110 (}uyaJ \ 3as itsDirc lm N \ " \ v thcr.:Cro:. F \ IRTI - !ER Rt:.SOLVED, tbc rd ofDirccto, - orthc Cotporuion heand herebyi AU:. 'lorizcd,Cllipowc{ed and directed lo lake nnyand1111 nc:ions and lo cxccutc, cldivtt .irtcl tileany:md di agn:cmcnts, mstrumen:S IJIJ cJ - ,cumcnts as the13oerd of l>ircc:ors so llC1ing smlldetcnninc 10 be necessary orappropciatc toconsummate the1r.1nsactions cootcmplate<.1 cy tile fo«goi.,g ruullllion. The laking ofsuch aclion shall be conclusive evidence thDt the s:mic wasdccmcd10 beocccswy orappropriate ond wu 1u1horizcd b rcby . INWiTNESS WHEREOF, lhc widmisncd being theBoard of Dirc((ol'$ of China Owigjiang Mining & New Encr&Y Co . , LTD., h s cxccu:cd tbi:Consent as of theday11.'ld year firstwritten above. Chong>i Yang,Director Hui Huang, Director Jlanfrn.iiani,oii Wenhul Chon, Director OU g,Director Count,y of _