)%wF8Pl )%EUPl s )%}f.Pl100%C ClO Agreement on Equity transfer between Tianjin Binhai Shisheng Business Trading Group Co., Ltd. and Hezhong (Tianjin) International Development Co., Ltd. with respect to transfer of 100% equity in Tianjin Zhonghe Automobile Sales Service Co., Ltd. 2013-)% 2013Tianjin, China ClO Agreement on Equity Transfer

Contract Categories: Business Operations - Sales Agreements
Exhibit 10.1
Agreement on Equity transfer
Tianjin Binhai Shisheng Business Trading Group Co., Ltd.
Hezhong (Tianjin) International Development Co., Ltd.
with respect to transfer of 100% equity in Tianjin Zhonghe Automobile Sales Service Co., Ltd.
2013  中国  天津
2013  Tianjin, China

Agreement on Equity Transfer
On the 30th November, 2013 In Tianjin China, this equity transfer agreement is entered into by and between the following two parties:
Party A: Tianjin Binhai Shisheng Business Trading Group Co., Ltd. (the Transferee), Industrial & Commercial Administration (ICA) Registration No. 120000000000542, Registered Address: Room 102, Gate 11, 9 Tengfei Road, Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area; Legal Representative: Cheng Weihong
Party B: Hezhong (Tianjin) International Development Co., Ltd. (the Transferor); ICA Registration No. 120000400018265; Registered Address: Room B-414, 78 Haibin 6th Road, Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone; Legal Representative: Zhou Xiaoguang

1. Tianjin Zhonghe Automobile Sales Service Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Target Company”) is a limited liability company registered at Tianjin Airport Economic Area of China on September 19th, 2010 in accordance with the law of the People’s Republic of China; Registration No. 120192000068407; Registered Address: 8 Huanhe West Road, Tianjin Airport Economic Area; Legal Representative: Zhou Xiaoguang. Registered business scope of Target Company: sales of automobiles (excluding sedans); automobile exhibition services; warehousing services; network information consulting services; international trading and relevant consulting services; self-owned exhibition hall leases; sales of automobile fittings, office supplies and daily provisions; international freight forwarding services (sea, land, air); property loss insurance, short-term health insurance and accident injury insurance, responsibility insurance; automobile service procedures agency; advertising operations.
2. The Target Company is the property owner as well as the actual operator of the airport international auto mall located at 8 Huanhe West Road of Tianjin Airport Economic Area. Party B legally owns 100% of the equity in the Target Company, and has the right to dispose of its equity in the Target Company.
3、甲方系美国纳斯达克上市企业“中国汽车物流”(CHINA AUTO LOGISTICS INC,股票代码:CALI)在中国境内的全资子公司。具有成熟的车城运营经验,同意以本协议约定的价格受让乙方持有的目标公司100%股权。
3. Party A is a wholly-owned subsidiary of CHINA AUTO LOGISTICS INC. (NASDAQ: CALI) in China, with substantial experience in the operation of an auto mall, and agrees to accept 100% of Party B’s equity in the Target Company at the price stipulated in this Agreement.
4. On 20th May, 2013, Party A and Party B entered into a Letter of Intent of Tianjin Binhai Shisheng Business Trading Group Co., Ltd. and Hezhong (Tianjin) International Development Co., Ltd. on Acquisition of 100% Stake in Tianjin Zhonghe Automobile Sales Service Co., Ltd. (the “LOI”) in Tianjin China. The matters agreed to in the LOI have been practically fulfilled, and Party B agrees to transfer 100% of its equity in the Target Company at a price stipulated herein; Party A agrees to accept 100% of Party B’s equity in the Target Company at the stipulated price.

The two parties, upon amicable consultation, conclude and enter into the terms and conditions as set forth below for joint compliance and execution regarding Party A’s acceptance of 100% of Party B’s equity in the Target Company, in accordance with the General Principles of the Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China and relevant laws, regulations and policy documents.
第一条   股权转让
    Article 1 Equity transfer
The Transferor shall transfer 100% of its equity in the Target Company to the Transferee. Upon execution and effectiveness of this Agreement, Party A shall be the sole shareholder of the Target Company, and Party B shall no longer own any shares in the Target Company.
第二条   股权转让价格及支付方式
Article 2 Transfer Price and Payment
(一)甲方同意以总价 ###-###-####元人民(大写:人民币伍亿伍仟玖佰柒拾陆万捌仟元整)的价格受让乙方持有的目标公司100%的股权。
 (1) Party A agrees to accept 100% of Party B’s equity in the Target Company for a total price of RMB 559,768,000.
(2) In consideration of Party A’s request, Party B agrees to apply an annualized 6% interest rate to the payable consideration for the equity transfer, which is translated into the payment terms provided here below:
1) 本协议签署后五个工作日内,甲方向乙方支付股权交易价款中本金的240000000元整
1) Within 5 working days upon signing of this Agreement, Party A shall pay RMB 240,000,000 to Party B as part of the principal of the equity transfer price.

2) Within 12 months of the signing of this Agreement, Party A shall pay RMB 100,277,409 to Party B as part of the principal of the equity transfer price, and meanwhile settle the accrued expenses for using unpaid amount.
3) Within 24 months of the signing of this Agreement, Party A shall pay RMB 106,462,300 to Party B as part of the principal of the equity transfer price, and meanwhile settle the accrued expenses for using unpaid amount.
4、本协议签收后36个月内,甲方向乙方支付股权交易价款本金中的 ###-###-####元,同时支付未付款积欠资金占用费;
4) Within 36 months of the signing of this Agreement, Party A shall pay RMB 113,028,291 to Party B as part of the principal of the equity transfer price, and meanwhile settle the accrued expenses for using unpaid amount.
第三条  公司交割
Article 3 Delivery
甲方完成本协议第二条第二款第一项约定的股权转让价款支付当日,乙方将目标公司董事会成员变更为甲方指定人员,将目标公司法定代表人变更为甲方指定人员;同时甲、乙双方按公司管理制度办理与股权转让相关的公司的证书、 印章、印鉴、批件、财务账册及其他资料、文件的交割(以下简称“交割”)。
On the day when Party A makes the initial payment of the equity transfer price specified in Article 2(2)1), Party B shall change the board members of the Target Company with persons designated by Party A, and the legal representative thereof with a person designated by Party A; meanwhile, Party B shall transfer and deliver to Party A the certifications, stamps, seals, approvals, book accounts and other materials and documents in relation with such equity transfer in accordance with corporate management system (the “Delivery”).

第四条 实际控制权转移
Article 4 Transfer of Actual Control
Upon completion of the Delivery, Party A shall obtain actual control over the Target Company, and the Target Company shall issue an equity certificate to Party A, and include Party A in its register of shareholders. Subsequently, the parties shall complete the change in ICA registration required for a transfer of the Target Company’s equity, during which the two parties shall fill out the application forms and sign the relevant documents at the request of the competent authorities. The provisions of this Agreement shall govern if they are in dispute with the contents of such forms and documents. Though the time point of the above industrial and commercial registration is later than the time point of Party A’s acquisition of actual control of the Target Company, such circumstance will not affect Party A’s performance of its actual control over the Target Company.
第五条  交易费用的承担
Article 5 Transaction Fees
Party A and Party B jointly acknowledge that all taxes and expenses required by laws and regulations for an equity transfer under this Agreement shall be assumed and paid by Party B, and Party B shall make full payment to the relevant taxation authorities at the time stipulated by relevant laws. In the event that local authorities levy any tax up Party A, Party A may request Party B to pay such tax, or request Party B to refund taxes thus paid by Party A.
(二) 甲乙双方因本宗交易而委托其他第三方中介机构提供相关服务而发生的费用,由双方(或其控股股东方)依据各自与第三方签署的有关协议自行承担。
(2) Expenses incurred by other third party intermediaries as entrusted by Party A and Party B for supply of services for this transaction shall be assumed by both parties (or their controlling shareholders), respectively, in accordance with relevant agreements signed with such third parties.

第六条  甲方保证及承诺
Article 6 Party A’s Representations and Warranties
(1) Party A represents and warrants that all certifications and materials submitted to Party B for the purpose of signing this Agreement are true and complete, and that Party A is financially sufficient to perform the acquisition and payment obligations as stipulated in this Agreement.
(2) Party A represents and warrants that the execution and performance of this Agreement will not be restricted by Party A’s own conditions, and will not breach Party A’s articles of association, decisions of the board of directors or shareholders, judgments, rulings, government orders, laws, regulations or contracts.
(3) Party A agrees to purchase 100% of Party B’s equity in the Target Company under the conditions specified in this Agreement, and to assume the corresponding responsibilities and obligations as agreed upon herein.
(4) Any debt that may be incurred by the Target Company after delivery shall be assumed by the Target Company or Party A, and shall have nothing to do with Party B.
第七条  乙方保证及承诺
Article 7 Party B’s Representations and Warranties
(1) Party B represents and warrants that the execution and performance of this Agreement will not be restricted by Party B’s own conditions, and will not breach Party B’s articles of association, decisions of the board of directors or shareholders, judgments, rulings, government orders, laws, regulations or contracts.

(2) Party B represents and warrants that Party B has an absolute independent right and interest in 100% of its equity in the Target Company, and has the legal, effective and complete right to dispose thereof, and has not beensubject to any compulsory measures, such as seizure of property, by any competent authority. If any third party claims right against Party B’s equity to transfer, Party B shall be responsible for handling such claims.
(3) Party B represents and warrants that prior to Party A’s acquisition of actual control over the Target Company, Party B will not sell or use the Target Company’s assets for other purposes, the nature of the Target Company’s assets will not be subject to substantial changes, and Party B will not engage in operations irrelevant to its business scope. Without the permission of Party A, Party B shall not execute any document or withdraw any payment in the name of the Target Company.
(4) Civil debts of the Target Company arising from external borrowings and guarantees that are already incurred but not disclosed to Party A before delivery shall be assumed by Party B.
(5) Before delivery, the Target Company has always paid employee salaries and social insurance expenses on schedule, without delay, and has not involved itself in workers resettlement problem.
(6) Before delivery, the Target Company has not received any oral or written administrative sanction from the industrial and commercial administration, land department, taxation authority and the like.
(7) Party B shall be jointly and severally liable for any debt of the Target Company that is already incurred but not disclosed to Party A before delivery.

第八条 或有债务的处理
Article 8 Disposal of Contingent Liabilities
After the Delivery, should any creditor directly claim liability against the Target Company under provisions 7.4 and 7.5 hereof, Party A shall notify Party B and shall not make any payment by itself or in the name of the Target Company. If such liability is confirmed by Party B, Party B shall make direct payment; if Party B fails to confirm due to its negligence or cause the Target Company or Party A to assume such payment obligation, Party A and the Target Company shall have the right to request repayment by Party B.
第九条  违约责任
Article 9 Liabilities for breach of contract
(1) If Party A fails to pay the equity transfer price as agreed in this Agreement, or breaches other obligations specified in this Agreement or the representations and warranties made by Party A, Party B may, at its own discretion, continue to perform or cancel this Agreement, and request penalties at 10% of the total equity transfer price from Party A.
(2) If Party B fails to perform its Target Company Delivery obligation as agreed in this Agreement, or breaches other obligations specified in this Agreement or the representations and warranties made by Party B, Party A may, at its own discretion, continue to perform or cancel this Agreement, and request penalties at 10% of total equity transfer price from Party B.

第十条  合同的变更、解除和终止
Article 10 Agreement Change, Rescission and Termination
(1) Party A and Party B, upon mutual consultation, may change, rescind or terminate this Agreement.
(2) Upon rescission of this Agreement, the two parties shall deal with rescission-related matters pursuant to the provisions agreed, or subject to law in the absence of such provisions and the inability of the parties to reach an agreement through consultation.
第十一条  通知及文函送达
Article 11 Notification and Correspondence Delivery
(1) Except where the two parties have agreed upon in-person delivery, any notice and other written correspondence from one party to the other shall be delivered by EMS to the following address:
甲方:    Party A
地址:    Address
电话:    Telephone         移动电话:Mobile Phone
乙 方: Party B
地址:    Address
电话:    Telephone         移动电话:Mobile Phone
(2) Notices and other correspondence, if delivered by EMS, shall be deemed to have been received on the third day after being received by the post office.

(3) If either party needs to change its contact information and address stated herein, such party shall so notify the other party in a written manner.
第十二条  管辖及争议解决方式
Article 12 Jurisdiction and Dispute Settlement
(1) This Agreement and acts in equity transfer shall be governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China.
(2) Any dispute arising from the interpretation or performance of this Agreement shall be settled through friendly consultation by the two parties; if no agreement can be reached through consultation, either party may file a lawsuit in the people’s court of jurisdiction of the signing place of this Agreement, and retaining fees, legal fees and other expenses that may incur shall be assumed by the losing party.
第十三条  合同生效及其他
Article 13 Effectiveness and Others
(1) This Agreement shall take effect upon signature and stamp by both parties.
(2) This Agreement has six originals, three for each party, and each of the six copies shall have the same legal effect:
  甲方:   乙方:  
  Party A   Party B