Tradition Leasing Systems, L.L.C. - Loan #25892894 - Republic Bank - Note Date 10272021 and Maturity 10272024

Contract Categories: Business Finance - Loan Agreements
EX-10.21 24 aquapower_ex1021.htm COMMERCIAL PROMISSORY NOTE

Exhibit 10.21

COMMERCIAL PROMISSORY NOTE Republic Bank & Trost Company 601Wat Market Street Louimlle, Kentucky 40202 ###-###-#### I - LO - ANN - UMB - ER. - - N - OT - E D A - TE - - 25892894 October27,2021 PRJNCIPAL AMOONT j $734,650.00 LOAN TERM 36 months MATURITY DATJ: October 27, 2024 LOAN PURPOSE; Pun:haae vehicle BORROWER INFORMATION Tradition Leasing Syltcml L.L.C. 300 Growth Pkwy Ste A Aqola, IN ###-###-#### DEFINITIONS. The following definitions apply when used in thi1 Note. "Borrower" means Tradition Leuinc Symms LL . C .. . , "Collateral" means the Property that any party to this AJreement or the Related Dooumcntl may pledge, mortgage, or give Lender a security interest in, regardle . 1111 of where the Property is located and reprdlesa of when it was or will be acquired, together with all replacements, substitutions, proccecla, and producta of the Property . "Financial Stfltementl" mean the balance sheets, eamings stat . cmcnts, 1111 d other financial information 1 lllt any party has, i Ŷ , or will be giving to Lender . "Lender" means Republic Bank & Trust Compdny whose addrcsa is 601 West Marlc : ct Street, Louisville, Kmtuclcy 40202 , its alwc : casors • and aasigm. "Note" means thia .i Promilscny Note.:· "ObH1atiou!1 mcans - thia NetHod loans Gd indebtedness of Borrower to Leadcr, - inoluaing I Lendcr' - s paymcnta of insurance or taxes, all Ŷ mow 1 ta Lender pays to protect its interest in the Collateral, ovcrdraftl in depoait accountll with Lender, and . all other indchtcdneas, obligations, ,and liabilities of Borrower to - . . i . endcr, whethcr .. matured or - tUlm 8 turcd, liquidated or unliquidated, direct or indirect, absolute or contingent, joint or 1 cveral, due or to become due, now cxiating or hereafter arising . "Property" means the Borrower's assets, regardless of what kind of alSCtl they are . "Related Doeamentl" mean Ŷ all promi Ŷ sory notes, seeurity agreemenu, mortgage,, ·dcecla of trust, deeds 1 D secure debt, businca 1 loan agreements, conllflUct : ion loan a_greementa, reaolutiom, guaranties, environmental agreements, subordination . AMil"rncntt, and any other documents or agreements executed in c 0 t 1 nection with the indebtedness evidenced hereby this Note whether now or hereafter"exiatina, includina eny - modification Ŷ , extemions, subttitutions or renewal • of""any of the fore 1 oi 11 . g . The Related Documents are hereby niadc a part of this Note &y reference thereto, with the same fmce and effect as i £ fully set forth bcrc . in . : - • PROMISE T(EIAY . Ror value rec . ivcd, receipt of \ llllrich is hereby acknowledged, on or bdore Odober 27 , 2024 (the "Matmi!J Date"), the Borrower promise Ŷ tn pay the principal amount of Seven Hundred Thirty - four Thouund Six Hundred Fifty Gfd 00 / 100 Dollars ( $ 734 , 650 . 00 ) and all interest on the outstanding principal balance and any other charga, includina servi<le dwgea, to the cmlm - of Lender at ita office at the address noted above or at such other plaoc • Lendor may designate in writing . The Borrower will make all payments in lawfbl money of the United States of America . PAYMENT SCHEDULE. Thi• Note will be paid according to the following schedule: 3S consecutive payment Ŷ of principal and interest in the amount of$21,625.56 beginning on November 27, 2021 and continuing on the same day of each month thereafter. The amount ofthe monthly payments shall be determined on the basis of a 36 month am.ortiz.ation period bcgimrlng on 1hc dau: of this Note. This will be followed by 1· payment of principal and interest he amou11rof$t1 2S.6S on October 27, 2024. The unpaid principal balan thi• No ; - 11>gl!dn:r with all tercst ε c s owi11_L: cc:ti..,!!_ the,:ewith, mall due and payable !he Ma ty D_!tc. _..:, _ •. APPJ:;10 \ 'ftON Of PAYMENTS. Umeaa otherwise agm,d or required by·applicabre law, Pli)'thCllta will be: apPlied :fb11 tu any acarueit - unpaid interest; then to principal; then to any late charges: and then to any unpaid collection costa, Borrower will - pay Lender at Lender's address shown ab or otht!pl&Ce.!s ender may dc:signate in writing. _:.;.... . - . ., : All written . . communications concerning disputed amounts, include any check or other payment instrument that . indicates that the payment constitutes "payment in fulr' of the mount owed or that is tcndared with other conditions or limitations or 11 full satisfaction of a disputed amount m 118 t be mailed or deliver to : Republic Blllk & Trust Company, PO Box 9 S 0119 Louisville, KY 40295 - 0119 . INTEREST. Interest Rate 1111d Scheduled Payment CbllJllel. lnterclt will begin to accrue on October 27, 2021 . The intcrcat rate on this Note will be fixed at 3.7S0 % per annum. Compliance with Law. Nothing contained herem llhall1,e conitrual aa to reqwre the Sorrower to pay inbireit a t a greater rate· tbati Hie --- maxnnum allowed by law. If, however, from any circwnstancea, Borrower pays interest at a greater rate than th& maximum allowed by law, the obligation to be fulfilled will be reduced to an amount computed at the highest rate of interelt permi11iblc under applicable law Cl 2004 - ,2021 Camplllllcc .,._, U.C 309b771Q.d73IIIIOII - :Z0:11.166. lU CammmlalPiamlloa.yNOII - DL4006 Ptaclef5



and if, for any reuon whatloevc:r, Lender ever intcreat in an amount which would be dccmed unJawfW. under applic:able law, IUCh immest lhall be 11111omatic:ally applied to lllllOUllts owed. in Lender'• Ŷ ole diacretian, or u otberwilc allowed by applicable law. Acera Ŷ l Method. Intcrc:1t on this Note is calcu1ated on an Actu Ŷ J/3'0 day basil. Thil caleulation method rmdtl in a hip eft'ec1jye interelt rate than the numeric interest rate ltated in this Note. Def Ŷ alt R Ŷ te . The llllp&id balance ofthi Ŷ loan shall, while any Event of Default exim under this Note or any other agreement related to the loan . be 111 bject to a default rate of iDtcrut equal to cum :: nt rate at default plu 1 four pen : ent ( 4 % ) or twelw porccnt ( 12 % ), whichever is greater . LATE PAYMENT CHAR . GE . If any required payment i 1 more than 10 days late, 1 hen at Lender's option, Lender will use, 1 a lam payment chqe of $ 50 . 00 or 5 % of the Ŷ mount past dlle, whichever is pater, subjec : t to a minimum charge of SS 0 . 00 . RIGHT OF SET - OFF . T o the extent permitted by law, Borrower aaroc • that Lender has the right to set - off any IID 01 Drt due and payable under this Note, whether matured or unmatured, qain Ŷ t any amcnmt owing by Lender to Borrower mcluding my or all of Bonowm' 1 accDDDtl with Lender . Thi • lhall include all accounts Borrower holda jointly with IOmeOlle clae and all acc : 01 D 1 tl Bom,wer may open in die future . Such rigb 1 of aet - off may be a : erci 1 ed by Lender againat Borrower or against any a 1 aignee for the bendit of c : rediton, receiver, or execution . judgment or attachme : nt creditor of Borrower, or apinst anyone olae claiming throuah or against Borrower or IUCh usignee for the benefit of c : reditors, receiver, or eueutian, judplent or attacbmmt creditor, notwitbatancHng the fact that IUCb . right of aet - offhas not been exercised by Lender prior to the mak : in&, : tiling or issuance or IC!'Vice upon Lender ot or of notice o : t u Ŷ ipment for th e benefit of creditors, appointment or Ŷ pplication for the appointment of a receiver, or iuuance of execution, subpoena or order or warrant Lender will not be liable for the dilbonor of any check when the dishonor 00 C 1 l 1 'II because Lender set - off a debt against Borrower's account Borrower agree, to bold Lender h Ŷ rmlca from my claim arising • a reault of Lender exercillllll Lender', right to set - off' . BORROWER'S REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIE 8 . The ltatements made in tbi 1 section will continue and remain in effect until _all _of the Obligations are fully paid to Lender . Each Borrower rcpreaentl and to Lender 1 he foDowing : ! B1111De11 Emteace and Operation Ŷ • Borrower will keep Borrower', cxilltence in. ita cmrent organmtional form in fbll force and effect .. .1,!Dle11 Lender gives prior written '10ll• t to B •• popoaed c:J!ange. ijoqower will not merge or Q.OllBOli wifh or into an,1 other. entity or lease, divide or enter into a plan of division, sell or otherwise dispoae of all, or BUhlltalltially all, of itl property, 11S11eta and bnsineu wi1hout Lender's prior w.ritten:.conscnt mll confillwUts business as currently conducteCJ. BOrtQweo.vill DJ1t change iv,.,. . . name, i:ts identification number, or its place of organization without Lender's prior written ooment. Borrower will keep itl boolcs and .., , ,... reci:,rds at the address in thi(_Agreemep._t Borrowe;r !'i]l prqmptly notjfy_ in writing of any planncd_giange in Q110wq - '1 ptjpci - .. place of buainc:11. BOII'Owcr will maintain executive and manapment pCl'lonnel with lllbatmtially the same qualifications and experience u the pre,cnt executive and manapment peraonnel, and B01TOwer will promptly notify Lendc:r in writing of any changes in itl CJteCUl:ive or managemant penmmel. .. . Ti .... - - Flnanci Ŷ l lnformadoa and FIU111, As a material inducement to Lender making the Loan, the Bom,wer repreaentl and covenant Ŷ the· following: All Financial Statements provided to Lander have been and will continue to be in accordance with" has been no material adverse ch \ nse in BOil'Ower's business, Property,"or condition, either financial or o generally acc:epted acc:ounting principles, consistently applied, and .fully and fairly present the financial condition - of Borrower, and ther& nnoe the elate of Borrower's latest Financial - Statemuts. Boi:rower ha1 filed all fedem, · ltata, and local tax returns Ŷ nd othcr - reportAnd Jilmgs requirea 6y Jaw to be : filed before the date ofthia Agreement and has paid all taxes, uacsnnentl, and other charges that are due and payable prior to the date ofthia Agreement Bormwcr bu made reuonable provi Ŷ iom for these types ofpaymmtl 1 hat are IIC 0 JtlCd but not yet payable . Borrower does not know of any deficiency or additional usc • ment not diacloacd in Borrower's boob and : records . The Financial Statement, . reflect all of the aaeetl of the Borrower in the amounts listed on the Financial Statement . , and Ŷ uch 1 ueta are directly owned by the Borrower unlea othcrwiae stated . All financial 1tatement1 or record Ŷ submitted to I.ender via electronic means, including, but not limited to, facsimile, open intemct communications or other telephooic or electronic lftithod,, inollMmli, - but not limited to, document Ŷ in Tagged Image Format les ("TIFF") and Portable Document Format ("PDF') shall be 1reatcd as oripl1, and will be fully binding with full lepl force and effict Partiu waive any ri&ht tJn,y may bave·to 'object to "1':nlat:Dltne Lender may rely on all such rccordi In good·fsith n compl - - M ε produQed 0t maintained by or an bchaJf ofthc Paey &Ubmitting_ . Ŷ uch.,m;.om1. Title and Eacwnbnnca. Boaower bas good title tn.all of the Borrower's usets. All encumbrance Ŷ OD any part of the Property."ere disclo1ed to Lender in writing prior _ w date ofthit - 1'* - · . . ..:.:._,:_ ε _ CompU.nce with Genenl Law. Esch Borrower ia in compliance with and will COllduct its busineu and use its uscts in compliance with all lawa, regulations, ordinances, directives, 111d - orders of any level of govemmcntal authority . that haa - ;jurisdiction ovs..the Borrower, the Borrower Ŷ business, or the BOITOWer's assem. Ellvlron 111 ental Laws . Each Borrower is in compliance with all applicable laWB and rules of federal, state, and local authorities affecting the environment, u all have been or are amended . No Lltfption/N'o Miarepraentatlon 1 . There are no eximng or pen . ding auitl or proceedinp before Ŷ ny court, government qency, arbitration panel, adminiltrative tribunal, or other body, or tbniatmed against Borrower that may result in any material adverse change in the BOITOWer's buaine 11 , property, or finaocia 1 condition, and all representatiom and wammtiea in thi Ŷ Note md the Related Documenta areilue ,md - ccmect and - no - material faot h 11 been omitted . C 2004 - Z02I Coa,plla,1oo llyatam, IJ.C309b771D - d7Jlflllll - 2021.161i,17,3 Comlllcn:ial Pr - i..a,yNote - I>IA006 l'op2af5 - - - ---- ··...



DDAULT . Upon the occmrence ofany one of the following events (each, an hBvcnt of Default" or "default" or "evant of default"), Lenda', obligatioiil, if any . to make any advanc : a will, at I ... endm' 1 option . immediately terminate and Lender, at its option, may decJan, all mdebtednal 1 of Bmrower to Lender UDder thia Note immediately due and payable without further notice of any kind notwithstanding anythmg to the contrary in thi • Note or any other agreement : ( 11 ) Bmrowcr' Ŷ failure to mab any payment on time or in the amount due ; (b) any default by Borrower undm the taml of tbia Note or any other R . e 1 ated Dowmen 11 ; (c) any default by Borrower under the tenm of any other agreement between Lender and Borrower ; {d) the death, diasolution, or termination of cmiltence of Borrower or any suarantor ; (e) J ; lo . m>wff is not paying Borrower', debt Ŷ u such debt Ŷ become due ; (f) the commencement of any proceeding undm - bankruptcy or imolvtim : y lawa by or Ŷ pmlt Borrower or any guarantor or the appointment of a receiver ; (g) any default undar the term . 1 of any o 1 her indebtedneu of BOJTOWer to any other creditor, (h) any writ of attachment, pmiahment, execution, tu lien or similar imt : rument is isllUCd apin 1 t any collateral securing the loan . if any, or any of Borrower' • property or any judgment is entered agaimt Borrower or any guarantor , (i) any part of Bonowm's bulincu i 1 sold to or merpd with any other buainen, individual, or entity ; (j) any repreaentation or warr&llty made by Bonowc : r to Lender in any of the Related Doeum . entl or any financ : ial 1 tatcmem delivcn,d to Lender prove Ŷ to have been Mae in any material respect 111 of the time when made or given ; (k) if any a,zanntor, or any other party to any Related Documenta tenninatce, attempt Ŷ to tmninatc or defaults under my such Related Documen . 111 ; (I) Lender has deemed iuclf imecu : re or there ha Ŷ been a material adverae change of condition of the finmwial proapectl of Bonowcr or any collateral securing the obligations owing to Lender by Bonower . Upon the occ : urrence of Ŷ a . event of default, Lender may punue any remedy available under any Related Doeument, at law or in equity . GENERAL WAIVERS . To the cxtmt permitted by law, the Borrower severally waivca any required notice of praentment, demand, acceleration, intent to accelerate, protclt, and any other notice and defense due t o extenaiona of time or other indulgence by Lender or to any IUbltitutjon or release of collateral . No failure or delay on the part of Lender, and no coure of dealing between BOD"Ower and Lender, shall openite u a waiver of suc h power or right, nor lhall any aingle or partial exerciae of any power or right preclude other or further exercise thereof or the exercise of any other power or right . JOINT AND SEVERAL LIABIIJTY . The liability of all parties oblipted in any manner wder this Note shall be joint and several, to the extent of their resPfCt/.Ye obliptions. - ; . SEVERABll .. ITY . If a court of competent jurisdiction determines 111 y term o . r provision of this Note is invalid or prohibited by applicable law, that term or 911 ' \ Yill be inefffirtive to the - required, . Any term, pro,' \ ' .; i Ŷ ion that . bei . p . qetermined to be invalid o . r prohibi! ; ed wm be severed from the rest of thia Note without invalidating the remainder of ei 1 hcr the affected provision or thi • Note . - - ··T - M·IS - eimE ESSENCE . Time : is ofthe es • e in - tbe - performance - efthtt -- Note, , :: _ :::. - ...:.. - - - SURVIVAL, The rights and privileges of 1 he Lender hereunder shall inure to the benefitll of ita sw : ceaors and usigna, and this Note shall be bmaing on all h"iits, 'executors, adminimators, assigns, and successors ofBo'r'rowef . ··· = - = - : ' - · · · - ASSIGNABILITY . Lender may uaign, pledge or otherwise transfer this Note or any of its rights and powers 1 . mder this Note without notice, with all or any of the obligation& owing to Lender by Bonowcr, and in IUCh event the ulignee shall have the aame rights u if originally named herein in place of Lender . Borrower may not 111 ign tbi Ŷ Note or any benefit accruing to it hereunder wi 1 hout the expra Ŷ writmi couent of the Lepder . OJlAL AGREEMENTS DISCLAIMER . Thi Ŷ Note rqpreaents the final agrmnent between the parties and . may not be contradic ; ted by evidence of prior, QODtemporaneous, or subsequent oral agreements of the parties. There I.UllVritten oral agreemen111 betweeD the pattie1. _ OVE G LAW. This Note is pemed by the laws pf the Ŷ tate ofKenm.c!tY exceptthe extent !hat federal law controls. : BEADING lFGENDER. The headings preceding tc,ft in 1hia Note arc fuf genenl canvemilico in identifying subject matte!r, but )five no limiting impact OD the text which follows any particular heading . All words UHd in this Note shall be con Ŷ trued to be of Ŷ uch gender or number 11 the circumstances require . AITORNEY'S FEES, COSTS, AND EXPENSES . Borrower aareea t o pay all of Lender's costs, fees, and expense , arisinJ out of or relat= to the enforcement of this Note or 1 he relationship between the parties . Included in the feel that Lender may recover from Borrower are the reasonable attorney's fees that Lender incurs, including all fees inCLUTed in th e course ofrepre Ŷ entina Lender before, during, or after any Iaw Ŷ ui . t, atbitrati . oo, or other proceeding and those incurred in appeals, whether th e iasuea arise out of contract, tort, bankruptcy, or any other Ŷ rea of law . , :; i ; cluded_ _!n the costa and cxpemes which Lender may recover are all altematiye di te resolution or other collection costs, and all ·· :. expemes ine 1 to perfecting Lender's aecurity interests and liens, pR ng the co" 1 latlril (including payment of tu . ea and insurance), _.....,m:wds u . and • related to audita iJispecti!>ll, .1md. opying..41,l_SQM& es is entitled to reco .shall 9'c;M interest at the highest tate act forth hereunder or in any of the Related ts. - - - ..:.. SIGNATURES. Thi• instrument may be sianed in multiple counterparts, ei!:h of which shall constitute an oriJinal and, taken together. ahi.11 .;.constitute a single agreement, and by electronic transmissian;which electrons;;signaturea sh.all be considered original executed counterparts. _ - · RIGHTS OF LENDER . Lender may, wi 1 b or without notice to any party - mid without "iffi : cting the obligatiOlll of any Borrower, surety , Guarantor, endor Ŷ er, accommodation party or any other party to thia Agreement, (a) renew, extend or otherwise postpone the time for payment of either principal of this Agreement or interelt thereon from time to time, (b) release or discharge any one or more parties liable on this Agreement, (c) suspend the right to enfort : e this Apement with respect to any person(s), including any preaent or future guarantor of this Agremnent, (d) chanae, exchmge or releue any property in which Lender po1SC11ae1 any interest •ecuriris tbi Ŷ Agreement, (c) justifiably or otherwise, impair any collateral securing this Agreement or IU8p Ŷ nd the right to enforce against any BDCh collateral, and (f) at any time it deem Ŷ it necea Ŷ aiy or proper, call for and should it be made available, accept, as additional security, the 1ipture(s) of an additional party or a Ŷ ecurity intcroat in property of anykintl or dOICription or beth. reference too Da1!: in tb:is Agreement wiikefer - to - tho Maftlrity - B n I Dl , ell later date as may be designated by Lender by written notice from Lender to Borrower (it being und.cntood that in no event will Lender be under any obligation to extend or renew this Agreement beyond the initial or any extelldcd Maturity Date). · - Cl 2004 - ,2021 Complimce Syam,, LLC 309b77tll - d.731:ll501 - 2tl2!.161i.17.l ,l Nale - Dl.4006 P... 3 ofS - -



COMPLETE AGREEMENT . Except u act forth in this Agreement . this Agreement and the other Rclamd Documents may be amended only by ID instrument in wming that explicitly states that it amends this Agreement or such other Related Document, and ia aigncd by Borrower and acknowledged by Lender . REMEDIES . indcbtedncas cvidcnced by this Agreement ahall be cro 111 - dcfaultcd with all obligatiou that any Borrower or any guarantor bu with Lender . At the option of Lender upon the occuzrcncc of ID Bvem of Default hereunder, each without dmland or notice of any kind (whieh . arc hereby expre 1 sly waived), Lender may : (a) accelcratc and make immediately due and payable the outltanding principe 1 ballllCC hmcundcr together with any additional amountl secured by the Related Documents . (b) require that 1 hc ilulcbt . ednes, evidenced by thi& Agreement, together with all mearages of interest and all other amounts due under this Agreement and the Related Doeumema . will from the dato of the ocearrence of ID Event of Dc&ult bear interest at the default rate of int . ercat act forth herein . (o) require Borrower to pay to Lender reasonable attorneys' fees, court costs and expenses incurred by Lender in c : onnection with Lender's efforts to collect the mdebtcdnesa evidenced by this Agreement, and (d) exercise from time to time any of the rights and remedies available to Lender under thi Ŷ Agreement or the Related Document Ŷ or under applicable law . Al used in thi Ŷ Agreement, "guanmtor" mem Ŷ 1111 y guarantor of the obligations of Borrower to Lender whether existing on the hereof or arising in the future, or any pmon or entity who pledgea particular collateral for the security of the obligations ofBom,wer to Lender, whether or not the debt itself is guaranteed . existing on the date hereof or arising in the future . PROBIBmON OF' TRANSFEIUUNG MATERIAL ASSETS AND ACCURATE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS . Al a material inducement to Lender making tbi Ŷ Loan . Borrower covenants and agrees that : (i) the moat recently delivered fmancial 1 t . t . emen 111 to the Lender accurately retlcct all of its rcapective uaet Ŷ in the amounts and percentage Ŷ listed on eaeh . of it Ŷ respective financial lltat . emcnta ; (ii) the wets liBtcd OD the financial statement Ŷ delivered to the Lender arc owned by the Bom,wer and if such aue 111 Ŷ re owned by Ŷ lnllt or another entity it ii so noted ; and (iii) during the remaining tmn of thia Loan, no material IIICt 5 shall be transferred to another person, entity . c : tt trust without the prior written consent of the Lender in Lender's aole and absolute discretion . CROSS - DEFAUL'I ;. Thi Ŷ Lo Ŷ n will be cross - defaulted with all obligations that any Borrower Guarmtora h Ŷ ve with Lender . NOTE DATE. BOITOwcr agree Ŷ that the Note Date first appearing on this Note is the date of the loan and that interest will be payable from the no Note Date despite any other dates set out in this Note or any document securing this Note. TR,ANSFERABLE RECORD. Borrower agrees that this Noto is intended to bp ,and shaU,bc - ;_treatcd as an effective. enforceable, and valid -- - -- - titiiife"ablifRcoftt · - - · · · - -- - - - · --- · --- · - · ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS, " - - Ei . i=Jy . Terminatfon Fee : If Payment of all unpaid principal, accrued and impaici'iii'tere . 11 t and aifotlicr fees then outstanding is received withiit three ( 3 ) years of the origination date it will l"CIUlt in a prepayment fee on the following schedule! 3 . 00 % in year 1 , 2 . 00 % in year 2 an d 1 . 00 % in year 3 . The above percentages will be baaed on the out Ŷ tanding principal amount at the time of prepayment, plus any coats paid by the Bank for the Bmower under any fixed promotional closing COit offer . AFfillWATIVE COVENANTS B wcr cov!UDts:and agrees with Lender that, 10 long u - this Agreement 1'CDlallli! in B will: 4 NQttces of Q&i!l;I.! and Litigation. Promptly inform Lende, in writing of ( 1) all J]U!terial adver,i $ngea in Borrower's financial conditi and (2) all existing.and.a.all tbrea1cned litigation, claims, mvcffi'gationi, adminis1rative proccedrngi oi - similar actions affecting Bom,wer or any Guarantor which could materially affect the tinancia1 condition ofBonvwer or the financial condition of any Guarantor. Financial RecordJ. Maintain its book Ŷ Ŷ nd records in accordance with GAAP or other acoeptable acoounting format, applied OD a consistent basi Ŷ , and permit Lender to examine and audit Borrower'• books and records at all reuonable times. Financial Statemenll. Furnish Lender with Ŷ uch financial· statements and other related information at such frequencies and in such detail u eder bly request. - , · - ..... ._. . - ' - d.dltionltl.W11r ation. fumiah such additional ii;iformation..w,d sptement _ Ŷ .. - uJ. .IJl rcqµest from e to time. ·talb !'ruteedi. Ule llt - - t.oldi pro«eda aol1:1ly fbt BOI1uwet's btlsim!11 0pt:tatlbhs, Wl1'el1 speclflcidly Collllebtt:dto the contrary by tender In -- writing. - ... . . . .. - .. - ... . - · . , .:;,,_ Taxea, Chaf'let and Lien Ŷ . P Ŷ y and diacharge when due all of its indebtedneu and obligations, including without limitation all a11essments, .. taxes, govemmental charges, levies and liens, of every kind and natute, - imposed . upon Borrower or it Ŷ properties, income, or profits, prior to the date on which penalties would attach . and all lawful claims that, if lDlpaid, might become a lien or charge upon any of Bom>wer'a properties, income, or profit,, Provided however, Borrower will not be required to pay and discharge any such assessment, ta, charge, levy, lien or claim 10 long 11 (l) the legality of the same shall be contested in good faith by appropriate proceedings, Ŷ nd ( 2 ) Borrower shall have established on B 01 TOwcrs boob adequate rcsuvcs with respect to such contested uaeument . tax, charge, levy, lien, or claim in accordance with GAAP or other acceptable accounting medJod . I pectlon . Permit loyee 1 or a t Ŷ of Lender at an . · reasonable time to iD r : my and all Coll for_the Loan . _ Additional A 1111 ranca . Make, execute and deliver to Lender such promissory notes, mortgages, deeds of trust, security agreements, assignment Ŷ , financing lltatemcntl, instrument Ŷ , document Ŷ and other agreements u Lender or its attorneys may reuonably request to evidence and aecu:rc the Lo1111 and to perfect all Security Interest Ŷ • C.2004 - ,2021 CampJiaan LLC309b7'1fll.d73150l•21121,166.17.3 ClimlDINIII l'ramlaoary Noll: • DL400II - - -



Lieu Priority . Unleu otherwi Ŷ e previOUlly di Ŷ cloted to Lender in wrmng . Borrower bu not entued in . to or granted my Sec : urity Apementa, or pennittcd the filing or attachment of any Security Interests on or aff'ect : ing 111 . y of the Collateral diRctly or indirectly soauring repayment of Bcmowa'a Loen and Note, that would be prior or that may in any way be 111 perior to Lencleta Security lntcrmB and righta in and to Ŷ uch Collatenl . Performance . Perfonn and comply, in a timely IDIDDCI', wi 1 h all term&, conditiom, and provi Ŷ ioca Kt forth in 1 hi • Agreement . in the Related Documents . and in all other inmument s and agreemen 11 between Borrower and Lender . Borrower aball notify Lmder immediately in writing of my default in connection with any asreement . Operation . Maintain executive and managcmmrt penomiel with aubmntially the same qualificationa and cxporienoc : a Ŷ the prc : 1 ent executive and : managemart pmoand ; provide written notice to Lender of any change in executive and management pmcmnel ; conduct itB buinesa affairs in a reasonable and prudent manner . WAIVER or JURY TRIAL . Al part 111 to thll Noa llereby knowingly and voluntarily wafve, to the faDat atent pemutted by law, any rigb . t to trial by jnry of lily dlapate, whether in coatnct, tort, or otherwlle, uuin 1 ollt o 111 connection with, related to, or Incidental to the relation 1 hip establubed between them In this Note or aay other lnltrament, documeat or ap - eemeiat necwted or dellvend In connection with tldl Note or the Related Doeamenta . By dpin 1 thl 1 Note, Borrower aclmowledps readinc . under 1 tandln 1 , ud qreeiui : to an itl provllfom aacl receipt htn 0 f . Tnctition Leasing ystem . ·, - - 4 <... - : - - • .By: , Tim E Evans - _ .. . Its: - nager,._,_ LENDER: Republic Banlc & Trust Company B y: I ts: 4 .... ..Ill. ............. _.,_ ................. _ ....., . .... C I Camplianao S,. - . LLC 30W77ffl.47311110i - 2Q:U.1'6.l7.3 PramialoryNo11 - DIAII06 PapSDfS



State of :J; lt ti 1 - IIIA . County of - ....a....,."""' - - lubecrtbe end sworn (affirmed) to ma, a Notary In and for 1118 county and lfate lforea Ŷ ld, by 1ald Ŷ tllant(a) who ,.,.. peraonally known to me, and hltlahellhay duly acknowledge to ma the mc:utlon of Iha forgoing lnltrument. My Commlulon axplrN /, , 1 2 _. ,, .,. "'!: - t , ¾ - · -- .+ - a = " . ' " g .,..... _ Notary Public · · (official seal) .! • .a;;. ...... - -- - -



COMMERCIAL SECURITY AGREEMENT LOANNUMDR 25892894 Republic Bank & Trod Company 601Weat Market Street Lollimlle,Kentucky 40202 ###-###-#### AGRDMINT DA . - TE - - -- - + - - --- ------- - ----- , October 27, 2021 BORROWER INFORMATION Tradition Leasing System& L.L.C. 300 Growlh Pkwy Ste A Angola. IN ###-###-#### COLLATERAL OWNER INFORMATION Tradition Lea Ŷ ing Systmm L.L.C. 300 Growth Pkwy Ste A Angola, IN ###-###-#### AGREEMENT. "Agrecmc:nt" mean• this Commercial Security Agreement BORROWER. "Borrower" mean1 Tradition Leasing Systerm L.L.C.. DEBTOR. "Debtor" means Tradition Leasing Systems L.L.C.. LENDER. "Lender" means Republic Bank & Trust !=ompany whose address ia 601 West Market Street. Louisville, Kentucky 40202, its succeaiors and i11igns, ,.. ' · · - ·· · · · · ' .. · ·•.. •· SECURITY IN - TEREST - GRANT, - Be&ter ; in tion - ofthe Ob . ligations, hereby agreos - to - all oftb - tenns - o - fur - ther hereby specifically grants Lender a continuing security interest in the Collateral . Debtor further grants Lender a security interest in the proceeds of 11 id Gollateral : the proceeds .. of hazard imurancie . - aod eminent domain or condemnati 011 awards involving :. the £ ellateral ; all :. products of, subatitutiom, replai : ements, and acc :: e 111 iOJ 11 to such Collatmal or interests therein ; any and all deposits or other sums at any time credited by or due from Lender to Debtor ; and 1111 }' and all instruments, documents, policies, and ccrtificatea of insunnce, aecmities, gooda, accounts receivable, choses in action, chattel paper, caah, property, and the proceeds thereof (whether or not the aame are Collatcnl or proceeds thereof hereunder), owned by Debtor or in which Debtor bas an interest whioh are now or at any time hereafter in pouession or control of Lender, or in tnnsit by mail or earner to or from Lender, or in possession of any third party aeting on Lender's bebalt' ; without reprd to whether Lender received the same in pledge, for 1 afeltcl=ping, 111 ascot !Jr otherwise, or whether Lender bu conditionally releued the' . 1111 me . Debtor' Ŷ pant of a contmuing security interest in the Collateral secures te Lender the payment of all Obligatio 111 , including all renewals and extenaiom thereof . whether heretofore, now, or hereaftff mating ?f ari1ing and hOWBOever incurred or eviclen,.ccd. whether primary, ·seoonciaey, contingent, or , ; - :L _ ..a. · otherwise. ;._ .L .. - ii _ - - r · . ia - z - . ..a. DESCRIPTION OF COLLATERAL . The collateral covered by this Agreement (the "Collateral' 1 is all of the Debtor's proparty deacribed below which the Debtor now owns or may hereafter acquire or create and all proceeds and products thereof : whetbm' tanpble or intangible, inr :: ludina proceeds of insurance and which may include, but shall not be limited to, any items liffi : d on any schedule or liat attached hereto . Titled Velalcle, "Titled Vehicle" consists of any and all vehicle( Ŷ ) and all additions Ŷ nd acce 11 i 01 U 11 to the vehicle(s), and any replal)CIDCnts and substitutiona of the vehir :: le(s) . It 11 . lao includea all documents of title related to the vehicle(s) 11 well •• all products, rents, and proceeds of the vchicle(s) . TITLED VEHIC DESCRIPTJON; • 2017 Fre Tractor, VIN 3AKJGBDVXHSHRS00S · -- ;;··2017 FreTg'li!liniii - l'licior, VIN 3AKJGBDV9HSHR45S6 l017 Pwightliaw , ¥IN 3. \ KJOJm¥9HSHR5982 • 201S Ken1Kortb T680, VIN 1XKYDP9X6FJ421311 • 201SFreigbt,ljperCucadia, VlN 3AKJOEDV8FDOLlS28 ·• - *• 2017 Freijlitliher Tractor, VIN 3AKJOBDV3HSHRS735 • ,2Ql7 Frei Tractor, VIN 3AKJOBDV4HSHR.4559 • 2014 Kenworth T680, VIN 1XK.YDP9X3E1419692 • 210S Kcnworth T680, VIN lXKYDP9X2FJ4S90S4 • 2015 Kenwortb. T680, VIN 1XK.YDP9X8FJ42i312 • 2014 Kwriworth T680, VIN 1XICYDP9X2EJ'415441 • 201S Keuworth T680, VIN lXK.YDP9XlFJ432183 ... · - ... - - OBLIGATIONS. "Obligatiolls" means any and all of Borrower's or Debtor's obligations to Lender, whether they ariae under this Agreement or Ŷ n Aan:,crment. 0,11nmQr. PI Dtbcr cvidcm:e .of CDl)llect:ian with lhi• Agreement, or 1mdcr: any other mortpge, tnut _ deed, deed of trust, security deed, security agreement. note, lease, inlltnlmmlt, contract,, document, or other similar writing heretofore, now, or hereaftar executed by the Borrower or Debtor to Lender, including any renewals, ext.ensions and m.odificati0111 tha:eot and includiDg oral agreements and obligations arising by operation of law. The Obligations includo all interest and all of Lender's costs, fees, and expenses recoverable pursuant to th.ii Agieement. any other agreement between the parties, or under applicable law, including all IUCh costs, fees. and C 2004 - 2021 CGlapJinn Sy,ami, LLC.Z022771 - 11171641,l - 2021,1156.l 7.3 c.m - .lal - Secudt)'ApllllCIIIDIAOOI -



expenses that may arise after the filing of any petition by or apimt Borrower or Debtor under the Bankruptcy Code, irretpec : tivc of whedier the Obligationa do not accrue becaUle of an automatic stay . Without limiting the foregoing, the Obligatio . na cxpre 11 ly include the following : CROSS - COLLATI!' . RAUZATION . Debtm agrees that my sc,curity intereat provided in Collatcnl under thia Agreement or any Collateral provided in cmmcction with any and all other indebtectnus of Deblor to Lender, whether or not IUCh illdebtednes 1 is related by claas or claim and whether or not contmnplated by the parties at the time of executing each evidence of indebtednesa, llhalJ . act u Collateral for ail aaid indebtedness . This crou - collateralization provision lhall not apply to any Collateral that is/are household good, or a principal dwelling . FUTURE ADVANCES AND AFl'ER - - ACQUIRED PROPERTY . Future advmcea may be made at any time by the Lend . et under this Agreement to the extat allowed by law . The security inteteat grant contained in this Agreement also applies to any Collateral of the type( • ) identified in this Agreement that the Debtor acquire • after tbi Ŷ Agreement i, executed, except that no 1 ecurity intcn 1 t attaches to after - acquired COD 11 umer good, unleu the Debtor acquires rights in such goods within 10 days of Lender giving value . In anticipation of future advance • by Lender, the Debtor a 111 horizes Lender to file any necessary : fiDaucing statements to protect Lender's security imcnst . RELATED DOCUMENTS . "Related Documents" mCIIIB all promissory notes, security agreemanta . mortgagea, deeds oftruat, deed, to ICCln debt, businus loan agreement Ŷ , conatructi . on loan agreements, n : solutions, guaranties, environmental agreements, subordination agreementa, usigmnents of leuea and rcn 11 , and any other documents or agreements execum! in connection with tbia Agreement whether now or hereafter exilting, including any modifications, extensions, subatitutions or renewaia of any of the foregoing . The Related Documentl are hereby made a part oftbis Agreement by refercncc : thereto, with the same force and effect as iftwly set forth herein . GENERAL REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES, AND COVENANTS . Debtor represents, warrant . , and covenants the following : Debtor', E : mtence and Orpnizatlon . Debtor is f \ Jl 1 y formed and in good standing under all laws governing Debtor and Debtor's busineu . Debtor has or will provide Lender with documentation regarding Debtor's state of organization or formation, and Debtor further wmants that Debtor will not change Debtor's ,state of organization or fcmnation without Lender's prior written consent Debtor will usiet Lender with any changea to any documents, filings, or other records resulting or required by any change in the Debtor's state of organiu . tion or formation . The execution of this Agreement will not create 1 ny breach of any provision of the Debtor' • org Ŷ nimtional documents . • Allfihority : peb !l!!_!fl power ·IIJ!li_ al 11 hority ec te this Agreement and the - tee! _!l and·ui . b!Jld·, !O 1 !ie . obligation, created in this Agreement and the Related Documents. The execution of this Agreement will not create any breach of any o1h;_ apelJleD! to which_ tJle btor ia or max !> me a party. Debtor hu obtaj ed all licm_sea, pmni . _the like whicJ! p i,,tor is required by law to file or obwn,"and all sudi taxes ii : nii feea for such liccn 1 es ancfpermits reqwrcd to be p 110 bave een paid mrwr . · - Debtor' 1 Name . Debtor will not conduct business under any name other than that given at the beginning of this Agreement, nor change, nor reorganize the type of business entity as described, except upon the prior written approval of Lender, in which event the Debtor asrees to execute any documentation of whatsoever character or nature required by Lender for filing or recording, at the Debtor's expense, befcm, such change occurs . Bu : lna 1 l \ ddrea . Debtor will keep all record& of account, documentll, evidence of title, and all other docwnentation regarding its business IQl . 4 the Collateral at the : addn :: 11 l!tlecifi at the beginning of tbia Agreement, Jlr \ less notic 1 then : of i, - given l,elldet at least ten (l 0) dfys prior to the of any a for the keeping of such records. !. •• : - . & ... - i . - - . .. ....&. - - ...&. - ... .., ......... · - · Title . Debtor has or will acquire free and clear title to all of the Collateral, unless otherwise provided herein . All of the Collateral exists md is or will be actual property of the Debtor . No Encambrancea or Transfer oC Collateral . Debtor will not allow or pennit any lien, security interest, adverse claim, charge, or encumbrance of any kind agwnst the Collateral or any part thereof without Lender's prior written consent . Except II otherwise provided under this Agreement, Debtor will not, without Lender's prior written conscnt, sell 111 ign, transfer, lea 1 e, charter, encumber, bypothecate, or diapoae of the Collateral or any part thereof or any interest therein nor will Debtor offer to 1 ell, usisn, transfer, lease, charter, encumber, hypothccate, or se of th - Co11ateral or any part thereof or any interest therein. - i; - . _.. . - Pr&.rity. The security inten:{t grmted to ten&;"" shall be a first secmi.ty intelffl unless Lender specifically 1greea otherwise, and Debtor will defen•d .t.hc:.1111U \ C ag _,;;]Jm.u mdemands of all P!'180DI· _;._.._. ........,._ . maia Facilitation oC Secu Interest. Debtor will fully cooperate in p laclllf! pcrfectin and Lencler'a lien or security intmm . against or in the Co ateral and Debtor agrees to take whatever actions .n,quested Lender ID continue . . - s security _ intercat in the Collateral. OOtor specifically authorizes the Lender to file the: necessary financing statefflilts to perfect the Lender's 1111curity the Collatllia - L · - .:... - :..:.... ·, ·· · Location of Collateral. All of the Collateral. ia located in tho state where the Debtor is located, as identified in this Agreement, unless otherwise certifiecf to and agree(( fo by Lender, or, alternatively, is in poaacssion Oithe!Aider . Dc : l,tor willnofremove - or change : the location of any Collateral without Lender's prior written consent and will allow the Lender to inspect the Collateral upon reasonable requeat . U 1 e of Collateral Debtor will uae the Collateral omy in the conduct of its own business, in a carcfuI and proper manner . Debtor will not uae the Collateral or permit it to be, used for any unlawful purpose . Good Condition and Repair . Debtor will, at al l times, maintain the Collateral in aood condition and repair . -- pjJi'andil liiformitton ibid Filliir, All fibaiicw •infoimalio:d arul verecl 6y Debtor to Lender bave been prepared ur - - - accordance with generally acoepted accounting principles consistently applied, and fully and fairly present the : 6 nancial condition of Debtor and there hu been no matc : rial advene change in Debtor' • businesa, Collateral, or condition, either financial or otherwise, since Debtor 1 aat IIUbmitted any financial information to Lender . Debtor baa filed all fedenl, atate and local tax returns and other reports and C 20044GZI Ccm,pllaiico S, - . LLC.zcm7'1l - tl71'4111• 2021,166.17.3 •L - lleaaril)'Apanon!I>IAOOI



filinp required by law to be filed before the date of 1 his Apement and bu paid all taxel, uHIIUlC : Dt . , aml other charges that are due and payable prior to the date of thil Agreement Debt . or bu m,dc nalOllablc proviaion for 1 h 11 e type Ŷ of paymcmtl that are m : crued but not yet payable . Debtor does not know of any deficiency or additional u 1 esnnent not discloacd in the Debtor' • books and rccotda . No Uiflation . Thm : are no exilting or pending IUita or procecdinga, including set - off or countcn)laim, which are threatened 01 ' pending apimt Debtor which may reau 1 t in any material acMne chaqe in Debtor' Ŷ financial condition or which might muerially affect any of the Collatm'l . l . Debtor will prompdy notify Lender in wri 1 ing of all thrcatmed aml actual litiption . govemmental proceediqs, default, and , : very other oc : ourrence that may have a matmal advme cft'ect on Debtor' • buainell, flnmcial CODdition, or the Collateral . No Mlu - epretentatiom . All representation, and wmranties in tbi Ŷ Agreement and the Related Documentl are true and coneet and no material fact bu been omitted . INSURANCE. The Debtor apca that it will. at ita own expan11e, fully insure 1hc Colluenl apinat all to. 01' damap for any riak of whatsoove:r nature in mch amounts, with nx:b companie Ŷ , and under IUch policica u shall be aatiafactoey' to the Lender, Lender will be named u 1011 payee, or at Lender'• request, u mortgagee, and, if requested by Lender, all iDlurance policiea shall include a lender'• lcw payable cndonement, The Lender is granted a security interest in the proceeda of IUCh intrunmeo BDd may apply Neb proceeda II it may receive toward the payment of the Obligatiom, whether or not due, in such order as the Lender may in itl sole diacrction determine. The Debtm agreea to maintain, at ita own axpemc. pUblic liability and property damage imannce upon all its olhe:r property, to provide auch pollciea in IUCh form u the Lender may approve, and to fumilh the Lc:ndcr with oopica of other evidence of auch policie, and cvidance of 1hc paymeutl of the premiumi thmeon. AD policiea ofimunnce shall provide for a minimum 30 day Ŷ ' written notice of cancellation to Lender. At the request of Lender, 111cb policie1 of imurance shall be delivcrecl to and held by Lender. Debtor agrees that Lender i1 authorized to act • attorney for Debtor in obtainins, adjustin,, aettling, and canceling Ŷ uch immancc aod any draftl or imlrumenta iaaucd or connected with Ŷ udi iD Ŷ urance. Debtor apecifically au1homea Lemler to ctisclo11e information obtained in COJlj1111ction with this Aareement and from policiea of imurmce to prospective insurers of tbe Collatmal. If the Debtor at any time fiails to obtain or to maintain any of the insurance required above or pay any premium in whole or in part relating thm:et,o, the Lender, without waiving any pefault hereunder, may make such paf!DODt or obtain llldt policiea II th - e Lender, in itl 10le dilcrction, deem Ŷ advi ŶŶ ble to protm the Debtor' Ŷ property. All cOBta incwrcd by the Lender, including reuonablc attomeya' 1 fee,. court com, expenses, and other charge Ŷ thereby incwnd, ahall l! ea part of the ObliptiODB and shall be payable oa demand. I I ..... ••I a, • al I - ., 0 t ,.. 'I' ADDfflONAL CO TERAL In tbe event that !!llcier at any time, determine that the G:ollatcnl or Lender'• sewrity st il!... -- - Collateral ii impaired, insufficient;· or· - h119·11eelineif - or ma edinc in value; or if Lender ab.ould deem - - that - =i,aymentc of - tb. tiODll - 1i - = - in Ŷ ec:ure, time being of the very euenoe, then Lender may require, and Debtor ap:e1 to fumi,h, additional Collatmal that i1 aatisfictory to Lender. Lender shall provide notice as provided for·in thi.l Aarccmmt to Debtor regarding additional.Collateral - Lender'1 reqaeattf'm additional - :.:. = - - Collatenl shall not affect any other mbscquent right of Lender to request additional Collateral. FINANCING STATEMENT(S} AND LIEN PERFECTION . Lender i 1 authorized to file a conformina financing 1 tatcment or statemcnta to perfect itl Ŷ DCUrity inmt : lt in the Collateral, u provided in R . evilled Article 9 , Umfurm Commenrial Code - Sceurcd Tmnaactiom, Debtor a,recs to provide such information, supplement Ŷ , and other cumentl as Lender may from time to lime require to aupplement or Ŷ mend 111 ph fiDam : ing ■ tatcment filings, in order to oomply with applicable lltatc or federal law and to pre 1 erve and protect the l .. cnder's right& in the Collatenl . The Debtor :fbrtber grants the Lr.niter a powar of attorney - to execute any and all documenta ncce11ary for the Lender to pcrfcet or maintain perfection of ihl security interest in Collateral, and to chaiJ&e or coi"rect any error on any financing statement oi any other documc::nt neceasary for • proper placement of a}_ien oinny_ llateral which s 111 bjcct . 1 ¥ . J _ 1 Pement LANDLORD'S W AIVE 1 l . Upon request, Debtor shall fmnish to Lender, in a Conn and upon such temu 1 as are acecptable to Lender, a landlord's w Ŷ ivcr of all liens with respect to any Collateral covered by 1 hi Ŷ Agreement that is or may be located upon leucd pRDiiaes . RELATIONSHIP TO OTHER AGREEMENTS . Thi Ŷ Aarcement and the aecarity interest Ŷ (and pledges and aasigmnentl, as applicable) herein granted are in addition to (and not in substitution, novation or discharge of) any and all prior or contcmporaneoua aecurity apements, acc : urity intcrc : at, pledgea, ullignmcnts, mortpgc Ŷ , lien Ŷ , righta, titles, or other intercm in favor of Leodar or anigncd to Lender by others in .i onnection with the Obligations. All right Ŷ and remedies of I.ender in all such a are cumulative. TAXES, LIENS, ETC. The Debtor agrees to plj·all taxct, .Jeviear,judJments, asscsmnent Ŷ , and charges of any nature whatsOMI' • relating Collateral or to the Debtor' Ŷ bu1incs1. If the Del,tor fails to pay such t1xe1 or other charge Ŷ , the Lenclcr, at its sole dia«etion, may pay ·such "charges on behalf ofthe Dcbtor; - - .nd - .u IUD1I J!ffi11Je111cd"by Lender, includmg rcuonable attorney•• fecs; - c - ourt COila, .,_,a; - .nd · l<hargcs relating tbca;to, shall become a part of the Ohliption1 and lbalJ bc.PIYlbk...mi . dcmaud. . _ ENVIRONMENT AL HAZARDS. Debtor certifies that the Collateral has never bc:e:n, and 10 long u thi, Agreement continues to he: a lien on the Collateral, never will _ e '1.!.. v olation of; - jn,Y. loc Ŷ l, atate or federal environmcntlll lawa, 1tatute1 '?". tegl!lati. • or used t'if e generali;on, 1torage, manufacture, tramportation. disposal, treatment, relcaac or threatened release of any hazardoua sabatance Ŷ and Debtor will immediately notify Lender in writing . of any . - uscrtion by any party to the contmy . Debtor indemnifica and hold& Lender - and Lender . ' . 1 directors, offioen, employees, and agentl harmless from any liability or expense of whatsoever nature, mcluding Iea Ŷ onablc attorney Ŷ ' fees, incum : d directly o . r indirectly u a ruult of Debtor's involvement with haz Ŷ rdoua or enwomnc : ntally bamdul lllbstances u may be defined or regulated as auch unde . r any local, Ŷ tlt . eor federal law or regulation or otherwise : resulting from a breach oflhi 1 provuion oftbis Agreement PROTECTION OF COLLATERAL . Debtor aarce Ŷ that Lender may, at Lender's sole option, whether before or afte : r any event of default, and without prior notice to Debtor, t Ŷ ke the following action Ŷ to protect Lender's intmest in the Collatcral : (a) pay for the maintenance, preaervation, repair, improvement, or testing of the Collateral ; (b) pay any filing, recording, rcgiltrati . on, liceming . certification, or other fees and diargca - rclated - to 1 he Co tber - aelion to preacne and protect - thc - €ollatenl or Lender's rishts ami remc : dict 1111 der tlu 1 Ajremnent, a Ŷ Lender may deem ncceamy or appropriate from time to time . Debtor agrees th Ŷ t Lender i Ŷ not oblipteci and ha 1 no duty wha 1 loever to take 1 hc foregoing actiom . Debtor further agrees to reimburse Lender promptly upon demand for my payment made or any expemca inaurcd by Lender pursuant to tbi Ŷ authorization . Payments and lllJleruiltm'e . made by Lender under Ibis authoriz . ation llha 1 l constitute additional O I CGmpllmac 1,. - .U.C o202217H1711541tf • 2021.166.17,3 c - ,,Jal• ....,rityApeemozrtDlAOOI Pre,3 ar,



Obliptiom, shall be secured by this Agreement, and lbal 1 bear interest tbm - aon from the date incurred at the maximum ne : ofinfa'elt, including any default rate, if one i 1 provided, u set forth in the notes Ŷ ec : uredby this obligation . INJ'ORMATION AND REPORTING, The Debtor qree 11 to mpply to the Lender such financial and other infmmation coacemiDg its affairs and the atatu Ŷ of any of its aaaetB u the Lender, from time to time, may reucmably requc,t . Tiu, Debtor further agre . , 1 to permit the Lender, ita employees, and agent Ŷ , to have Ŷ cce Ŷ s to the Collateral for the purpose of impc : cting it, togedi . er with Ŷ II of the Dcbtor' 1 other phy Ŷ ical u Ŷ ets, if any, and to permit the Lender, from time to time, to verify Account Ŷ , if any, u well as to inspect, copy, and to ex Ŷ mino the boob, record Ŷ , and filea of the Debtor . DEFAULT. The OCClmellCe of any of the fallowing event Ŷ shall cDDStitute a default ofthia Agreement: (a) the non - payment, when due (whether by acceleration of maturity or otherwiae), of any amount payable on any of the or 1111)' extemion or renewal thereof; (b) the failure to perfmm any agreement of the Debtor contained herein or in any other apeement Debtor hu or may have with Lender; (c) the publication of any statement, representation, or warranty, whether written or oral, by the Debtor to the Lcndar, which at any time is unttue in any reapect u of the date made; (d) the condition that any Debtor becomes insolvent or unable to pay debts u they mature, or makes an a1Bignment for tho benefit of the Debtol"1 creditors, or convey Ŷ Ŷ ubstantially all of its usefl, or in the event of any proceedinp instituted by or again Ŷ t any Debtor alleging that MICh Debtor is insolvent or unable to pay debta II they mature (failure to pay being conclu Ŷ ivc: evide11ce of inability to pay); (e) Debtor maku application for appointment of a receiver or any other legal cuatodian, or in the event !hat a petition of any kind is filed under the Federal Bankruptcy Code by or against such Debtor and the resulting proceeding i• not discharged within thirty days after filing; (f) the eatry of any judgment against any Debtor, or the issue of any order of attachment, exocutioll, sequestration, clabn and delivery, or other order in the nature of a writ levied against the Collateral; (g) the death of any Debtor who hi a natural peraon, or of any partner of any Debtor that is a pertnfflhip; (h) the dissolution, liquidation, suspension of normal busmc11, termination of exiamnc:e, buaine Ŷ s failure, merger, or con1olidation or transfer of a IUbB1alltial part of the property of any Debtor which is a corporation, limited liability company, partnership, or other non - individual business elltity; (i) the Collateral or any part of the Collateral decline Ŷ in value in exc:eu of normal wear, tear, and depreciation or becomes, in the judgment of Lender, impaired, un1ati11factory, or insufficient in .charace:r or value, inc:luding but not limited to the filing of a c:ompeting - financing statement; breach of wllfflll1ty that the Debtor is the owne, of the Collateral free and clear of any enc:umbnmcea (other than those encumbranc:es clilclosed by Debtor or otherwise made known to Lender, and which were acceptable to Lender at the time); sale of the Collateral (except in the ordinary course - Of business) witaout Lender's express written consent; failure to keep the Collateml insured &&.provided herein; failure to allow Lender_ inspect the Collateral upon c_mand !!.reasonable time: fail1lre to make t payment of taxes on the llaten!;... losa, theft, mbstantial damage; - ordestructien okhe - Gellatenl hen Collateral includes inventory, IICCOUlltsiehattol - paper; 01"1m1Nmen· · failure of account debtors to pay their obligations in due course; or G) the Lender in good faith, believe Ŷ the Debtor's ability to repay the Debtor's indebtedness secured by4hia Agr=ment, any Collateral, or the Lcndcr's,ability to resort to any Collate,al, is or 1100D - will be impaired; being - = - of the vmy euence . REMEDY, Upon the occ : unmce of en nent of default, Lendor, at its option, shall be entitled to exm : i Ŷ e any one or moie of the remedies descn'bed in this Agreement, in all doc : umenta evidencing the Obligationa, in any other agreements executed by or delivered by Debtor for benefit of Lender, in any third - party security agreeme . pt, mortpge, pledge, or gu Ŷ ranty relating to the Obligations, in the Uniform mmmcial Code of the state of . The Debtor agrees that, whenever a default exists, all Obligations may (notwithstanding any provision in . any other agreement), at the sole option d discretion of the der and_with t demand or notice of any lcind, be de lared, and thereupon ate shall due and payable ; and the Lender may ex : ercise, - from time to time, ny rights and rem . ed : i . es, . including the right to . immediate pmsession of the Collateral, IJ!ilable to it under - applic:abl law. J).e.Debtor agrees, in the case of default, to .assemble, at its own expense., Q}! ._ _ Collateral at a convenient place acceptable to the Lcnder.The inall, in the event of any default. have 1ie right to tske pos ssion of incl " .... remove the Collateral, with or without proc:ess of law, and in doing so, may enter any premises whei - e the Collateral may be locae:d for suoh purpose. Debtor waives any right that Debtor may have, in such instance, to a judicial hearing prior to 111Ch retaking. The Lender lhall have the right to hold any property then in or upon said Collateral at the time of repo1session not covered by the security agreement until return is demanded in writing by Debtor.The Lender may sell, leue, or othenvise dispose of the Collateral, by public or privae: proceedings, for cuh or credit, without usumption of credit the Collateral is perishable or threatem to decline speedily in value or of a type customanly sold on a recognized market, Lender will send Debtor reuonable notice of the time and place of any public sale or of the time after which any private sale or other disposition will be made. notification of intended disposition of the Collateral by the Lender shall deemed to be reuonable and proper if sent United States mill:' postageprepaicl, electronic mail, faca.iaule, ovemight delivmy or othet. commerc1ally ..... l 1 !f/lDDBble means to tM . Debtor . 1 tl 1 = . ten ( 10 ) • - dtsposition, ap!I, addreHecl to the 0 $ 11 . tor eith .; r . ,J addres er'Q . Ul .. QI' ai any other address provided to Lender in writmg for the purpose of providing Dotice . Proceeds rec : eived by Lender from diaposition of the CDll'atm 1 may be apptted toward Lemh : r'I eXpebie's and o 1 t 1 et obttgadona fJr iru . eli order or manner D tender may elect . Debtor dial! be entitled to any lllllplWI if one re 1 ults after lawful applicatieltl·ofthe proc : eeds . lfthe proceeda from a lllle of the Collateral an, insuffic : ient td - extinguish the Obligation,, the parties obliga : !h .. , shall !,,le for a defim :. ncy, Lender shall have the right, wh er ! : fere _or after d 9 , 1 * to coll and receipt for, compound, compromise, and settle, and give releases, discharges, and aequittances with respect to, any and Ŷ 11 Ŷ mOUDts owed by any penon or entity with . r,espcct .. to the . CollateRI . Lender may remedy lllY default and may waive my default w . ithClllt W&Mng the default remedied and without waiving any other prior or subsequent default The righta and remedies of the Lender are cumulative, and the exercise of any one or more of the rights or remedies lha 1 l not be deemed an election of rights or remedies or a waiver of any other right or remedy . Upon or at Ŷ n . y time after the occunence of an Event of Default, Lender may request the appointment of such a receiver, who will be entitled to a reasonable &e for managing the Collateral . Such receiver will have the power to tab poaseuion, control and care of the Collamal and to collect all acc : ollllts re Ŷ ulting thc : n : from . Notwitbatanding the appointment of a rec : eiver, trustee or other cu Ŷ todian . Lender will be entitled to the possesaion and control of any cash, or other insttuments held by, or payable or deliverable under the terms of this Agreement to Lender . Should - bly eve that the Collateral Jtlriy have deteriorated_ value any reason, then Lender ma L cause a 1 ub eeq uent reappraiaal to bo completed for the benefit of Lendor, the cost of which shall be paid by Debtor . Lender aball not be limited in number of mbsequent reappraisals required, but in no eve 11 t will Debtor be required to pay for more than one subsequent reappraisal in any two - year period, except in the event of a default by Debtor or Borrower . C Camplllaoo Syo1alll, LLCl202277!.al71Ml>f - 202.l.lH.17.l c - .n.1 - s..mltyApalllll>lAOOI Pep4af5



EXERCISE OF LENDER'S RIGHTS . Any delay on the pan of the Lender in exercising any power, privilege, or right hemmder, or under any o 1 ber clocument executed by Debtor to the Lender in c : mmection herewith, shall not operate u a waiver thereo( and no iring)e or partial exercise thereof or any other power, privilege, or right lhall preclude other or : fbrthcr exercise thereof . The waiver by the Lender of my default of the Debtor shall not comtitute a waiver of rubaequent dc 1 imlt . CONTINUING AGREEMENT . Thi Ŷ i 1 a continuing agreement and the aec : urity interest (and pledge and u 1 igmncnt, as applicable) hereby granted and all of the terms and proviai 01111 ofthi Ŷ Agreement 1 hall be deemed a continuing agreement and shall remain in full force and effect until the Obligations are paid in full . In the event that Lender should take additional Col 1 atcnl, or enter into other security ti, mortgages, guarantee,, Uligmnmtl, or ailmlar documents with respect to the Obligation,, or should Lender enter into otber such agreemc :: nta with respect to other obligati . 01111 of Debtor, such agreementa shall not discharge this Agreement, which shall be construed u cumulative and continumg and not altcmative and exclusive . Any iattempu : d revocation or termination shall only be effective if explicitly confirmed in a aipecl writing i 1111 ed by Lender to such effect and shall in no way impair or affect any 1 nmaction 1 cnten,d into or rip 1 I created or 1 iabilitiea incurred or Irising prior to such revocation or tmnination, u to which this Agreement shall be truly operative until same are repaid and discharged in full . Unle 11 otherwise required by applicable law, Lender shall be under no obligation to iame a termination &tatement or similar document uni . ell Debtor reque Ŷ ta aame in writing, and providing further, that all Obligations have been iq,ai . d and dilcharged in full and there are no commitmelltl to make advanc : ea, incur any obligatiom . or otherwi&c give value . ABSENCE OF CONDfflONS OF LIABilJTY . This Agreement ia unconditional . Lender shall not be required to exbauat its remcdica against Debtor, other collateral, guarantors, or any third party, or pursue any other remedies within Lender's power before being entitled to exm : ile its remediea hereunder . Lender's rigbta to the CollateraJ . shall not be altffed by the lack of validity or enforceability ofthe ObligatiODB against Debtor, and this Agreement shall be fully enforceable irre 1 pectivc of any comrterclaim which the Debtor may uaert cm the underlying debt and notwithstanding any stay, modification, discharge, or extension of Debtor' • Obligation arising by virtue of Debtor's insolvency, bankruptcy, or reorganization, whether occurring with or without Lcndm's consent . I - I . NOTICES . Any notice or demand given by Lender to Debtor iD connection with th . ii Agreement, the Collateral . or the Obliptions, shall be deemed giver) and effcctr<e upon dep . Qllit in . !he Uni - . postage prepaid, el c l, facsimile, oy $ fnigh \ deliveiy . c ; ,th commercially rea&Ollllble mean, addressed to Debtor at the addre 11 designated at the beginning of this Agreement, or such other addresa 81 Debtor may provide to . Lenikr iD . lllriting : timnlimc to dbiifor such .. purposea . Actual notice fu Debw Jhall alwa be cffec 6 iie 1 ' 0 . . n : iiffi : i :. bow . rruch notice is given or received . WAIVERS . Debtor waives"ilotice "OfU'il . den" icceptance of 1 hii'" - greement . defemea based off : suretyship,ilnd tothei' 111 elifment permitted by· law, any defense arising as a relllllt of any election by Lender under the Bllllkruptcy Code or the Uniform Commercial Code . Debtor and any maker, endorser, guarantor, surety, third - party pledgor, and other party executing th . ii Agreement that ii liable in any capacity with respect to the Obligations hereby waive demand, notice of intention to accelc : ratc, notice of acceleration, notice of nonpayment . presentment, protest, notice of dishonor, and any other similar notice wbatloever . Debtor further waivca any defense arising by rcuon of a disability or other defeme of any · third party or by re&10J . \ of the cessation from ajly cause whatBoever of the liability of any third party.• . WAIVER OF' JURY TRIAL, All partiea _tdlds A mel 6 hereby knowingly and voluntarily i ¥ aJve, to the falleat . extent penl)Jtted J,y law, any right to trial by jury of any di 1 p 11 te . whether in - coatract, tort, or otbenriae, arialni : aut of, in coanedlon with, related to, - or Incidental to flle relad,in 1 WJ!,J!ltllblilhe · 1 ; ,etween tqpi , 1 ' 111 Agreement or any other lutrumat, 4 1111 ment or a ent ted ...:. !lr delivered In connection with this Ap - eement or the Related Documents . JOINT AND SEVERAL LIABILITY . The liability of all parties obligated in any 1 D 1111 DCr under th . ii Agreement ahall be joint and aeveral, to the extent of their respective obligations . SEVERABilJTY . Whenever possible, each provision ofthi Ŷ Agreement shall be interpreted in such manner as to be effective and valid \ Did . er applicable law ; but, in the event any provision ofthil Agreement shall be prohlbited by or invalid under applicable law, such provision shall be ineffective to the extmt of such proln'bitiOI) . or invalidity and shall be from the rat of this Agreement without invalidating the remainder of Ŷ uchprovision or the remainingprovi , ofthis,Ap : t . SURVIVAL. The rights and privileges o(the Lender hereunder shall inure to the benefits of iu IIUCCeuonl and assigns, and th.ii ent shall be binding mi"aff heirs, execiiton, admiU: - ton,aaii&iii, and 11UCCessoniofDebtor. . · - · - ---- - - . -- • - · ..... - • ASSIGNAiiILITY. Lender may assign , p l ge, or o erw11e iramfer this Agreement. or any o l ' 1ta rights and powers er 11 Agreement without notice, w:ith all or _any of the Obliplions, and in such event the ua.ignee shall have th11 same righti as if origiaaliY - named herein in place of Debtor may not.:assign this Apimnont or any benc::lit accruing to it hereunder without the exp;reu written COIIBID.t of - the Lender. . ATIORNEY'S F$E$. 9ST$.. SES. agrees to pay all ofLendcr'I co † tl..fces - ., exp •,n_g oµt of or lated, to the enforcement of this Agreement or the, relationship between the parties. Included in the fees that Lender may recover from Debtor are the re 110111 blc attorney', fees that Lender incun, including all fees incurred in the courae of representing Lender before, during . or after any lawsuit, arbitration, ·or othc : r proceeding and those incmred in appeala, whether the il 1111 e 1 arise out of contract, tort, bankruptcy, or any other area of law . Included in the coata and expenses which Lender may recover arc all court, altematm dispute reaolution or other . collection colts, and all expeDICI incidental to perfecting Lender's aecurity interests and lieu, preaerving the Collateral (including payment of taxe 1 and inlUfllDce), records searches, and cxpensea related to audits, inspection, and copying . All con and expenses Lender is entitled to recover shall accrue -- - in - terest at the highest rate set forth in any of the Related Documents. - - - - - GOVERNING LAW. Thia Agreement has been delivered in the State of Kentucky and Ŷ hall be CODlllued in accordance with the laws of that ,tate. C2Jl04.2021 lymm, LLC ll2022771 - 817164bf •2021,166,J7.J c - .i.J - laourilyApamentDJMOI Pap5Df6 ....w.compli - M)'nlDI,...,,



BEADINGS AND GENDER . The . beadinp precedina text in this Apement are for pDCm 1 convenience in identifying 111 bjcct matter, but have no limiting impact on the text which followa any partioular beading . All words 111 ed in this Agreement lhall be CODltrued to be of IUCh gender or number u the cirwmltances rcquile . COUNTERPARTS . Thia Agreement DlllY be executed by the partia ming my number of copies oftbe A,greement . All executed copiea taken together will be treated a 1 a 1 ingle Apemmit TIME IS OF THE : ESSENCE . Time ii oftbc N 1 tm 0 e in the pc : rfonmnce of all obliptiom of Debtor . INTERPRETATION AND CONSTRUCTION . Except as odlerwiae dcfinod in thi 1 Agreement, all tcnm he . rein shall have the mlllllinp provided by the Unifunn Commercial Code as it ha been adopt . ed in the of Kentucky . Any ambiguitiea between thi 1 Agreement llld any loan agreement excoutcd by the Debtor in conjunction with tbi 1 Agreement lhal 1 be raolved 111 mg the proviliona of the loen aar=nmt . to the cxtcnt neceaary to eliminate my llllch ambiguity . RELEASE OF' LIABILITY. Debtor releues Lender from any liability which might otherwise exist for any act or omiuion of Lender related to the collection of any debt aecured by thia Agreement or the di1p>11al of any Collateral. m:ept for the Lender'• willful mi1conduct. ORAL AGREEMENTS DISCLAIMEll. Thia Agreement represents the final agreement between the pmtiea and may not be con1radicmd by evidence of prior, contempon:neoua, or subseq_uc:nt oral agreements of the putie Ŷ . There are no unwritten oral agreementl between the parties. SIGNATURES. Thi• instrument may be 1iped in multiple countcrpartB, each of which shall c:omtitute an original and, taken toplher, abail comtitute a single agreement, and by electronic tranamisaion, which electronic signature, shall be considered orisinaJ executed coumerpartll. PROHIBITION OF OTHER LIENS. Gran.tor shall not volUDtarily create or otherwile permit to be orcatcd or filed against tbe collatcra.l any lien ( except my aecming indebtedness to Lender), or any statutoly or other lien or liens, charge or encumbrance of any nature, whether inferior - or;superior to the lien of this collateral." w#hout the prior written consent of - Should Bcmower aod/or Lender chooae to file a Title Work and Lien Statement, Borrowm - is requind to provide proof that the lien in favor of Lender. has been filed within 10 - business .days of clo1ing,Failurc. to do BO could result in an Event of Default 45 days after closing for the final , Title to be rccciwd by client in their own name and RBT???s lien to be - : - ., .' "":', - •. • - • :r J"• - ::, - : - .i""!' , ,Z • · --- By signing tlllt Agreement, Debtor aclmowledpsreadioi undentuuling, and ap - eefq to .U its provilloni and reeelpt of acopy hereo - f . :l"f • • L.C . •· - = - . - •. ., By: Tim E Evans Its: Manager LENDER: Republic Bank & Trust COlll}'llny • 4 . . - "J"i' - sz · .!. By: Its: -- - . ..,.......,... . ..,.._ .... . _ .......,_,.,_ ........ O I Caa,ptionoo II) - ., U.Cl2022'/'71 - t1WS411t 0 :I02l , 1'6.17,3 Cvnlrnmoill - l - .if¥ AplmMI DL4008 l'lphl5
