Common Stock Specimen
Exhibit 4.1
APPLIED OPI'OELECTRONICS, INC.CUSIP 03823U 10 2THIS CERTIFIES THATis the owner ofFULLY PAID AND NON-ASSESSABLE COMMON SHARES, $0.001 PAR VALUE, OF -------=========== APPLIED OPTOELECTRONICS, INC. =============----- lransferabfr on lhe books of lite Corporation by the Jwl.der he reof in person or by Atlomey 1tpon surrender of lhis certi{ica.te properly endo rned. This certi ficate is not. ual,id. un til. countersigned and ngi .ef.ered by the Transfer Agent and Regi,sfra r. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Corporation has caused this certi ficate to be signed by facsimile signatures of its duly authorized offreers .
HisCerti-fic:nte and the :!!h aies repr-rrted hereby are is..".l.led and ml have the rid r t-3. specified i n and be heki subject to all oi the pro vis ions of t he Mieles of lnco rpor,, tion ,,nd the Byl oi !-'.1i d Ccrporntion and arty amendments and restatements thereof , to 311 ot which the holder of this C ertificate, by acceptlncehe:reol, assents ill1d ag-ees to be boood. A -sta t ement at the rig-Its, prefefl:flces, privieg and r bict ions gra nted to or imposed 4)0 n the respective doss or serE'S of 1he Ccrpo at ions' cap itl l stcck and up:m 1he holders1hered as es tab, g 1ed by s..,id Artides of lncaporatim and Bylaws and a stammerrt of the number oi shares constit utilg each class or seres oi stock and lhe designa tion thereof, may be obtal"led by MY shllreho lder , upon req uest nnd without chn,ge, at the principal office of t he C« pom tion.Tog folowi1g a::l .,oons. whmuso:::I n 1m i nscrip1ia1 a1 1m ram of tM oortifical:e, sl\..,11 be construed as lhotq,1hE'y wwe Mitlm Olli in full aca,rcir,g to lppiClt:tlP l:!ws er , t lonsTEN aJl,,I - ,is lm.!!nts i'I CDmrTD'I TEN ENT - .IS !E'nan ts by M lretiPs JT TB-I - as joi'll len.Tlts lr'li"ih r;.;;tit of .survNor.;h4J ,n::I not .is laMnts n coovnonUTMA - Cuslocli!m (CustJ (Mira) tmwUniform Tr.insle-rs t o r,,-inor;;AdditiDIKII al::ttr.!-vi,-tions m., y also be uso:::I lho not n abave is l!:l'o1•- uakt e, r eceioed Pl.£A..q_ I t-SERT SOCIAl.. SECUFITY OR OTI-ER D TIFYt. G NU W.BE.R OF ASSGI\EEko ·eb._y,re/4 a,r,,&1z, a1d tm 1 •ttllL:o-(PLEASE: PRINTOR lY PB'JFITE: NAME D AOORESS NC WD I NG ZIP CO D E O:- AS9GNE:E:)Jlz1•e,s ff tk =/ital ,rt:oc/4 1•ef 1•e,se12ted &, tk wd-/2uv c'ogif'aue;a12dd:J ke/•eb._y t/v<elJocab/y, co m tdu w a /zd af f o t /lb. _At1.orrze5 to - tra fa /" th e,.satd.rtod O/V llt& boo/u ,r/'t:/u;,tutift;/ 1,,-nan zed eo o1•atio1v tuitif'ullf otue/0 !?f'oaht:icat:io;v t/V tke,fl'emise,r,0at:ed_ X X - - - TO.. nE.. AS-....1..-u< lHE CFlHE IN EWRl" "MJHOUl" IOffWD,!CfiENARlBIE'iJ"Cf! IN/ o-w«lE -SIGNATURE GU ARANTE ED