Financial Statements
HHSC Contract No. #-00002-H
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
Baseline | n/a | Initial version Attachment B-1, Section 8 | ||||||
Revision | 1.1 | June 30, 2006 | Revised version of the Attachment B-1, Section 8, that includes provisions applicable to MCOs participating in the STAR+PLUS Program. | |||||
Section, Performance Evaluation, is modified to include STAR+PLUS Performance Improvement Goals. | ||||||||
Section 8.1.2, Covered Services, is modified to include Functionally Necessary Community Long-term Care Services for STAR+PLUS. | ||||||||
Section Value-Added Services, is modified to add language allowing for the HMO to distinguish between the Dual Eligible and non-Dual Eligible populations. | ||||||||
Section Case-by-Case Added Services, is modified to clarify for STAR+Plus members it is based on functionality. | ||||||||
Section 8.1.3, Access to Care, is modified to include STAR+PLUS Functional Necessity and 1915(c) Nursing Facility Waiver clarifications. | ||||||||
Section 8.1.4, Provider Network, is modified to include STAR+PLUS. | ||||||||
Section, Primary Care Providers, is modified to include STAR+PLUS | ||||||||
Section, Provider Reimbursement, is modified to include Functionally Necessary Long-term care services for STAR+PLUS. | ||||||||
Section, Provider Profiling, is modified to include STAR+PLUS. | ||||||||
Sections 8.1.12 and, Services for People with Special Health Care Needs, are modified to include STAR+PLUS. | ||||||||
Section 8.1.13, Service Management for Certain Populations, is modified to include STAR+PLUS. | ||||||||
Section 8.1.14, Disease Management, is modified to include STAR+PLUS. | ||||||||
Section 8.2, Additional Medicaid HMO Scope of Work, is modified to include STAR+PLUS. | ||||||||
Section 8.3, Additional STAR+PLUS Scope of Work, is added. | ||||||||
Revision | 1.2 | September 1, 2006 | Revised version of Attachment B-1, Section 8, that includes provisions applicable to MCOs participating in the STAR and CHIP Programs. | |||||
Section, Performance Evaluation, is modified to clarify that the HMOs goals are Service Area and Program specific; when the percentages for Goals 1 and 2 are to be negotiated; and when Goal 3 is to be negotiated. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
Section, Value-Added Services, is modified to add language allowing for the addition of two Value-added Services during the Transition Phase of the Contract and to clarify the effective dates for Value Added Services for the Transition Phase and the Operation Phase of the Contract. | ||||||||
Section, Access to Network Providers, is modified to delete references to Open Panels. | ||||||||
Section 8.1.4, Provider Network, is modified to clarify that Out-of- Network reimbursement arrangements with certain providers must be in writing. | ||||||||
Section, Member Materials, is modified to clarify the date that the member ID card and the member handbook are to be sent to members. | ||||||||
Section, Member Hotline, is modified to clarify the hotline performance requirements. | ||||||||
Section, Financial Reporting Requirements, is modified to clarify that the Bonus Incentive Plan refers to the Employee Bonus Incentive Plan. It has also been modified to clarify the reports and deliverable due dates and to change the name of the Claims Summary Lag Report and clarify that the report format has been moved to the Uniform Managed Care Manual. | ||||||||
Section, Claims Processing Requirements, is modified to revise the claims processing requirements and move many of the specifics to the Uniform Managed Care Manual. | ||||||||
Section 8.1.20, Reporting Requirements, is modified to clarify the reports and deliverable due dates. | ||||||||
Section, Reports, is modified to delete the Claims Data Specifications Report, amend the All Claims Summary Report, and add two new provider-related reports to the contract. | ||||||||
Section, Cooperation with Immunization Registry, is added to comply with legislation, SB 1188 sec. 6(e)(1), 79th Legislature, Regular Session, 2005. | ||||||||
Section, Case Management for Children and Pregnant Women, is added. | ||||||||
Section, Provider Complaints, is modified to include the 30- day resolution requirement. | ||||||||
Section, Non-Reimbursed Arrangements with Local Public Health Entities, is modified to update the requirements and delete the requirement for an MOU. | ||||||||
Section 8.2.11, Coordination with Other State Health and Human Services (HHS) Programs, is modified to update the requirements and delete the requirement for an MOU. | ||||||||
Section 8.4.2, CHIP Provider Complaint and Appeals, is modified to include the 30-day resolution requirement. | ||||||||
Revision | 1.3 | September 1, 2006 | Revised version of Attachment B-1, Section 8, that includes provisions applicable to MCOs participating in the CHIP Perinatal Program. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
Section, Performance Evaluation, is modified to clarify that HHSC will negotiate and implement Performance Improvement Goals for the first full State Fiscal Year following the CHIP Perinatal Operational Start Date | ||||||||
Section 8.1.2, Covered Services is amended to: (a) clarify that Fee For Service will pay the Hospital costs for CHIP Perinate Newborns; (b) add a reference to new Attachment B-2.2 concerning covered services; (c) add CHIP Perinate references where appropriate. | ||||||||
Section Case-by-Case Added Services, is modified to clarify that this does not apply to the CHIP Perinatal Program. | ||||||||
Section 8.1.3, Access to Care, is amended to include emergency services limitations. | ||||||||
Section, Access to Network Providers, is amended to include the Provider access standards for the CHIP Perinatal Program. | ||||||||
Section Primary Care Providers, is modified to clarify the development of the PCP networks between the CHIP Perinates and the CHIP Perinate Newborns. | ||||||||
Section Provider Manual, Materials and Training, modified to include the CHIP Perinatal Program | ||||||||
Section Termination of Provider Contracts modified to include the CHIP Perinatal Program. | ||||||||
Section Member Identification (ID) Card, modified to include the CHIP Perinatal Program. | ||||||||
Section Member Handbook, modified to include the CHIP Perinatal Program. | ||||||||
Section Provider Directory, modified to include the CHIP Perinatal Program. | ||||||||
Section Member Hotline, modified to include the CHIP Perinatal Program. | ||||||||
Section Member Education, modified to include the CHIP Perinatal Program. | ||||||||
Section Member Complaint and Appeal Process, modified to include the CHIP Perinatal Program. | ||||||||
Section, Provider Profiling, is modified to include the CHIP Perinatal Program. | ||||||||
Section 8.1.12, Services for People with Special Health Care Needs, modified to clarify between CHIP Perinatal Program and CHIP Perinatal Newborn. | ||||||||
Section 8.1.13, Service Management for Certain Populations, modified to clarify the CHIP Perinatal Program. | ||||||||
Section 8.1.15, Behavioral Health (BH) Network and Services, modified to clarify between CHIP Perinatal and Perinate members. | ||||||||
Section, Financial Reporting Requirements, modified to include the CHIP Perinatal Program. | ||||||||
Section, System-wide Functions, modified to include the CHIP Perinatal Program. | ||||||||
Section, Claims Processing Requirements, modified to include the CHIP Perinatal Program. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
Section 8.1.19, Fraud and Abuse, modified to include the CHIP Perinatal Program | ||||||||
Section, Provider Termination Report and Provider Network Capacity Report, is modified to include the CHIP Perinatal Program. | ||||||||
Section 8.5, Additional Scope of Work for CHIP Perinatal Program HMOs, is added to Attachment B-1. | ||||||||
Revision | 1.4 | September 1, 2006 | Contract amendment did not revise Attachment B-1, Section 8- Operations Phase Requirements. | |||||
Revision | 1.5 | January 1, 2007 | Revised version of the Attachment B-1, Section 8, that includes provisions applicable to MCOs participating in the STAR and STAR+PLUS Program. | |||||
Section 8.1.2 is modified to include a reference to STAR and STAR+PLUS covered services. | ||||||||
Section is modified to update the references to the Uniform Managed Care Manual for the Summary Report of Member Complaints and Appeals and the Summary Report of Provider Complaints. | ||||||||
Section is modified to require the Provider to coordinate with the Regional Health Authority. | ||||||||
Section 8.2.4 is amended to clarify cost settlements and encounter rates for Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs) and Rural Health Clinics (RHCs) for STAR and STAR+PLUS service areas. | ||||||||
Section is amended to clarify the timeframe for initial STAR+PLUS assessments. | ||||||||
Section 8.3.3 is amended to: (1) clarify the use of the DHS Form 2060; (2) require the HMO to complete the Individual Service Plan (ISP), Form 3671 for each Member receiving 1915(c) Nursing Facility Waiver Services; (3) require HMOs to complete Form 3652 and Form 3671annually at reassessment; (4) allow the HMOs to administer the Minimum Data Set for Home Care (MDS-HC) instrument for non- waiver STAR+PLUS Members over the course of the first year of operation; (5) allow HMOs to submit other supplemental assessment instruments. | ||||||||
Section 8.3.4 is modified to include the criteria for participation in 1915(c) nursing facility waiver services. | ||||||||
Section is amended to remove the six-month timeframe for Nursing Facility Cost Ceiling. Deletes provision stating DADS Commissioner may grant exceptions in individual cases. | ||||||||
Section 8.3.5 is amended to delete the requirement that HMOs use the Consumer Directed Services option for the delivery of Personal Attendant Services. The new language provides HMOs with three options for delivering these services. The options are described in the following new subsections:, Personal Attendant Services Delivery Option Self-Directed Model;, Personal Attendant Services Delivery Option Agency Model, Self-Directed; and, Personal Attendant Services Delivery Option Agency Model. | ||||||||
Section is modified to reflect the changes made by the HMO workgroup regarding enhanced payments for attendant care. The section also includes a reference to new Attachment B-7, which |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
contains the HMOs methodology for implementing and paying the enhanced payments. | ||||||||
Revision | 1.6 | February 1, 2007 | Revised version of the Attachment B-1, Section 8, that includes provisions applicable to MCOs participating in the STAR+PLUS and CHIP Perinatal Programs. | |||||
Section 8.1 is modified to clarify the Operational Start Date of the STAR+PLUS Program. | ||||||||
Section is modified to allow exceptions to hospital access standards on a case-by-case basis only for HMOs participating in the CHIP Perinatal Program. | ||||||||
Section 8.3.3 is modified to clarify when the 12-month period begins for the STAR+PLUS HMOs to complete the MDS-HC instruments for non-1915(c) Nursing Facility Waiver Members who are receiving Community-based Long-term Care Services. | ||||||||
Revision | 1.7 | July 1, 2007 | New Section is added to require the HMOs to pay for any additional readiness reviews beyond the original ones conducted before the Operational Start Date. | |||||
Section is modified to add a requirement that all HMOs must list Home Health Ancillary providers on their websites, with an indicator for Pediatric services. | ||||||||
Section is modified to remove the requirement that the Claims Lag Report separate claims by service categories. | ||||||||
Section 8.1.18 is modified to update the cross-references to sections of the contract addressing remedies and damages and to add cross- references to sections of the contract addressing Readiness Reviews. | ||||||||
Section is modified to require the HMO to make an electronic funds transfer payment process available when processing claims for Medically Necessary covered STAR+PLUS services. | ||||||||
Section 8.1.19 is modified to comply with a new federal law that requires entities that receive or make Medicaid payments of at least $5 million annually to educate employees, contractors and agents and to implement policies and procedures for detecting and preventing fraud, waste and abuse. Section is modified to require Provider Termination Reports for STAR+PLUS as required by the Dashboard. The amendment also requires Claims Summary Reports be submitted by claim type. | ||||||||
Section is modified to comply with the settlement agreement in the Alberto N. litigation. | ||||||||
Section is modified to remove references to the cost cap for 1915(c) Nursing Facility Waiver services. | ||||||||
Revision | 1.8 | September 1, 2007 | Section is modified to reflect legislative changes required by SB 10. | |||||
Section is modified to reflect legislative changes required by SB 10. | ||||||||
Section is modified to comply with the Frew litigation corrective action plans. | ||||||||
New Section is added to comply with the Frew litigation corrective action plans. | ||||||||
Section is modified to comply with the Frew litigation corrective action plans. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
Section 8.1.11 is modified to delete language included in error and to clarify the coverage for children in foster care. | ||||||||
Section 8.1.13 is added to comply with the Frew litigation corrective action plans. | ||||||||
Section is modified to reflect legislative changes required by SB 10. | ||||||||
Section is modified to comply with the Frew litigation corrective action plans by adding two new reports: Medicaid Medical Check-ups Report and Medicaid FWC Report. | ||||||||
Section is modified to comply with Frew litigation correction action plans. | ||||||||
New Section is added to comply with the Frew litigation correction action plans to enhance care for children of Migrant Farmworkers. | ||||||||
Section 8.2.4 is modified to clarify cost settlement requirements and encounter and payment reporting requirements for the Nueces Service Area and the STAR+PLUS Service Areas. | ||||||||
Section is amended to reflect the new fair hearings process for Medicaid Members that will be effective 9/1/07. | ||||||||
Section 8.2.11 is modified to comply with the Frew litigation corrective action plans. |
1 | Status should be represented as Baseline for initial issuances, Revision for changes to the Baseline version, and Cancellation for withdrawn versions | |
2 | Revisions should be numbered in accordance according to the version of the issuance and sequential numbering of the revision e.g., 1.2 refers to the first version of the document and the second revision. | |
3 | Brief description of the changes to the document made in the revision. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
Goal 1 | (STAR and CHIP) Improve Access to Primary Care Services for Members | ||
Goal 2 | (STAR and CHIP) Improve Access to Behavioral Health Services for Members, | ||
Goal 3 | (STAR Only) Improve Access to Clinically Appropriate Alternatives to Emergency Room Services Outside of Regular Office Hours (CHIP Only) Improve Current Member Understanding About the CHIP Benefit Renewal Processes |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
1. | previous coverage, if any, or the reason for termination of such coverage; | ||
2. | health status; | ||
3. | confinement in a health care facility; or | ||
4. | for any other reason. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
a. | Define and describe the proposed Value-added Service; | ||
b. | Specify the Service Areas and HMO Programs for the proposed Value-added Service; | ||
c. | Identify the category or group of mandatory Members eligible to receive the Value-added Service if it is a type of service that is not appropriate for all mandatory Members; | ||
d. | Note any limits or restrictions that apply to the Value-added Service; | ||
e. | Identify the Providers responsible for providing the Value-added Service; | ||
f. | Describe how the HMO will identify the Value-added Service in administrative (Encounter) data; | ||
g. | Propose how and when the HMO will notify Providers and mandatory Members about the availability of such Value-added Service; | ||
h. | Describe how a Member may obtain or access the Value-added Service; and | ||
i. | Include a statement that the HMO will provide such Value-added Service for at least 12 months from the September 1 effective date. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
1. | Emergency Services must be provided upon Member presentation at the service delivery site, including at non-network and out-of-area facilities; | ||
2. | Urgent care, including urgent specialty care, must be provided within 24 hours of request. | ||
3. | Routine primary care must be provided within 14 days of request; | ||
4. | Initial outpatient behavioral health visits must be provided within 14 days of request; | ||
5. | Routine specialty care referrals must be provided within 30 days of request; | ||
6. | Pre-natal care must be provided within 14 days of request, except for high-risk pregnancies or new Members in the third trimester, for whom an appointment must be offered within five days, or immediately, if an emergency exists; | ||
7. | Preventive health services for adults must be offered to a Member within 90 days of request; and | ||
8. | Preventive health services for children, including well-child check-ups should be offered to Members in accordance with the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) periodicity schedule. Please note that for Medicaid Members, HMOs should use the THSteps Program modifications to the AAP periodicity schedule. For newly enrolled Members under age 21, overdue or upcoming well-child checkups, including THSteps medical checkups, should be offered as soon as practicable, but in no case later than 14 days of enrollment for newborns, and no later than 60 days of enrollment for all other eligible child Members. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
1. | the Provider assumes all HMO PCP responsibilities for such Members in a specific age group under age 21, | ||
2. | the Provider has a history of practicing as a PCP for the specified age group as evidenced by the Providers primary care practice including an established patient population under age 20 and within the specified age range, and | ||
3. | the Provider has admitting privileges to a local hospital that includes admissions to pediatric units. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
1. | The office telephone is answered after-hours by an answering service, which meets language requirements of the Major Population Groups and which can contact the PCP or another designated medical practitioner. All calls answered by an answering service must be returned within 30 minutes; | ||
2. | The office telephone is answered after normal business hours by a recording in the language of each of the Major Population Groups served, directing the patient to call another number to reach the PCP or another provider designated by the PCP. Someone must be available to answer the designated providers telephone. Another recording is not acceptable; and | ||
3. | The office telephone is transferred after office hours to another location where someone will answer the telephone and be able to contact the PCP or another designated medical practitioner, who can return the call within 30 minutes. |
1. | The office telephone is only answered during office hours; | ||
2. | The office telephone is answered after-hours by a recording that tells patients to leave a message; | ||
3. | The office telephone is answered after-hours by a recording that directs patients to go to an Emergency Room for any services needed; and | ||
4. | Returning after-hours calls outside of 30 minutes. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
1. | Covered Services and the Providers responsibilities for providing and/or coordinating such services. Special emphasis must be placed on areas that vary from commercial coverage rules (e.g., Early Intervention services, therapies and DME/Medical Supplies); and for Medicaid, making referrals and coordination with Non-capitated Services; | ||
2. | Relevant requirements of the Contract; | ||
3. | The HMOs quality assurance and performance improvement program and the Providers role in such a program; and | ||
4. | The HMOs policies and procedures, especially regarding in-network and Out-of-Network referrals. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
1. | 99% of calls are answered by the fourth ring or an automated call pick-up system is used; | ||
2. | no more than one percent of incoming calls receive a busy signal; | ||
3. | the average hold time is 2 minutes or less; and | ||
4. | the call abandonment rate is 7% or less. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
1. | the Members name; | ||
2. | the Members Medicaid, CHIP or CHIP Perinatal Program number; | ||
3. | the effective date of the PCP assignment (excluding CHIP Perinates); | ||
4. | the PCPs name, address (optional for all products), and telephone number (excluding CHIP Perinates); | ||
5. | the name of the HMO; | ||
6. | the 24-hour, seven (7) day a week toll-free Member services telephone number and BH Hotline number operated by the HMO; and | ||
7. | any other critical elements identified in the Uniform Managed Care Manual. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
1. | Written in Major Population Group languages (which under this contract include only English and Spanish); | ||
2. | Culturally appropriate; | ||
3. | Written for understanding at the 6th grade reading level; and | ||
4. | Be geared to the health needs of the enrolled HMO Program population. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
1. | Knowledgeable about Covered Services; | ||
2. | Able to answer non-technical questions pertaining to the role of the PCP, as applicable; | ||
3. | Able to answer non-clinical questions pertaining to referrals or the process for receiving authorization for procedures or services; | ||
4. | Able to give information about Providers in a particular area; | ||
5. | Knowledgeable about Fraud, Abuse, and Waste and the requirements to report any conduct that, if substantiated, may constitute Fraud, Abuse, or Waste in the HMO Program; | ||
6. | Trained regarding Cultural Competency; | ||
7. | Trained regarding the process used to confirm the status of persons with Special Health Care Needs; | ||
8. | For Medicaid members, able to answer non-clinical questions pertaining to accessing Non-capitated Services. | ||
9. | For Medicaid Members, trained regarding: a) the emergency prescription process and what steps to take to immediately address problems when pharmacies do not provide a 72-hour supply of emergency medicines; and b) DME processes for obtaining services and how to address common problems. | ||
10. | For CHIP Members, able to give correct cost-sharing information relating to premiums, co-pays or deductibles, as applicable. (Cost-sharing does not apply to CHIP Perinates or CHIP Perinate Newborns.) |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
1. | 99% of calls are answered by the fourth ring or an automated call pick-up system; | ||
2. | no more than one percent (1%) of incoming calls receive a busy signal; | ||
3. | at least 80% of calls must be answered by toll-free line staff within 30 seconds measured from the time the call is placed in queue after selecting an option; and | ||
4. | the call abandonment rate is 7% or less. |
1. | How the HMO system operates, including the role of the PCP; | ||
2. | Covered Services, limitations and any Value-added Services offered by the HMO; | ||
3. | The value of screening and preventive care, and | ||
4. | How to obtain Covered Services, including: |
a. | Emergency Services; | ||
b. | Accessing OB/GYN and specialty care; | ||
c. | Behavioral Health Services; | ||
d. | Disease Management programs; | ||
e. | Service Coordination, treatment for pregnant women, Members with Special Health Care Needs, including Children with Special Health Care Needs; and other special populations; | ||
f. | Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) Services; | ||
g. | Screening and preventive services, including well-child care (THSteps medical checkups for Medicaid Members); | ||
h. | For CHIP Members, Member co-payments |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
i. | Suicide prevention; | ||
j. | Identification and health education related to Obesity; and | ||
k. | Obtaining 72 hour supplies of emergency prescriptions from pharmacies enrolled with HHSC as Medicaid providers. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
1. | Evaluate performance using objective quality indicators; | ||
2. | Foster data-driven decision-making; | ||
3. | Recognize that opportunities for improvement are unlimited; | ||
4. | Solicit Member and Provider input on performance and QAPI activities; | ||
5. | Support continuous ongoing measurement of clinical and non-clinical effectiveness and Member satisfaction; | ||
6. | Support programmatic improvements of clinical and non-clinical processes based on findings from on-going measurements; and | ||
7. | Support re-measurement of effectiveness and Member satisfaction, and continued development and implementation of improvement interventions as appropriate. |
1. | Is organization-wide, with clear lines of accountability within the organization; | ||
2. | Includes a set of functions, roles, and responsibilities for the oversight of QAPI activities that are clearly defined and assigned to appropriate individuals, including physicians, other clinicians, and non-clinicians; | ||
3. | Includes annual objectives and/or goals for planned projects or activities including clinical and non-clinical programs or initiatives and measurement activities; and | ||
4. | Evaluates the effectiveness of clinical and non-clinical initiatives. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
1. | Developing PCP and Provider-specific reports that include a multi-dimensional assessment of a PCP or Providers performance using clinical, administrative, and Member satisfaction indicators of care that are accurate, measurable, and relevant to the enrolled population; | ||
2. | Establishing PCP, Provider, group, Service Area or regional Benchmarks for areas profiled, where applicable, including STAR, STAR+PLUS, CHIP and CHIP Perinatal Program-specific Benchmarks, where appropriate; and | ||
3. | Providing feedback to individual PCPs and Providers regarding the results of their performance and the overall performance of the Provider Network. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
1. | Use the results of its Provider profiling activities to identify areas of improvement for individual PCPs and Providers, and/or groups of Providers; | ||
2. | Establish Provider-specific quality improvement goals for priority areas in which a Provider or Providers do not meet established HMO standards or improvement goals; | ||
3. | Develop and implement incentives, which may include financial and non-financial incentives, to motivate Providers to improve performance on profiled measures; and | ||
4. | At least annually, measure and report to HHSC on the Provider Network and individual Providers progress, or lack of progress, towards such improvement goals. |
1. | Procedures to evaluate the need for Medically Necessary Covered Services; | ||
2. | The clinical review criteria used, the information sources, the process used to review and approve the provision of Covered Services; | ||
3. | The method for periodically reviewing and amending the UM clinical review criteria; and | ||
4. | The staff position functionally responsible for the day-to-day management of the UM function. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
| Within three (3) business days after receipt of the request for authorization of services; | ||
| Within one (1) business day for concurrent hospitalization decisions; and | ||
| Within one (1) hour for post-stabilization or life-threatening conditions, except that for Emergency Medical Conditions and Emergency Behavioral Health Conditions, the HMO must not require prior authorization. |
1. | Consistent application of review criteria that are compatible with Members needs and situations; | ||
2. | Determinations to deny or limit services are made by physicians under the direction of the Medical Director; | ||
3. | Appropriate personnel are available to respond to utilization review inquiries 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, with a telephone system capable of accepting utilization review inquiries after normal business hours. The HMO must respond to calls within one business day; | ||
4. | Confidentiality of clinical information; and | ||
5. | Quality is not adversely impacted by financial and reimbursement-related processes and decisions. |
1. | Routinely assess the effectiveness and the efficiency of the UM Program; | ||
2. | Evaluate the appropriate use of medical technologies, including medical procedures, drugs and devices; | ||
3. | target areas of suspected inappropriate service utilization; | ||
4. | Detect over- and under-utilization; | ||
5. | Routinely generate Provider profiles regarding utilization patterns and compliance with utilization review criteria and policies; | ||
6. | Compare Member and Provider utilization with norms for comparable individuals; | ||
7. | Routinely monitor inpatient admissions, emergency room use, ancillary, and out-of-area services; | ||
8. | Ensure that when Members are receiving Behavioral Health Services from the local mental health authority that the HMO is using the same UM guidelines as those prescribed for use by Local Mental Health Authorities by MHMR which are published at:; and | ||
9. | Refer suspected cases of provider or Member Fraud, Abuse, or Waste to the Office of Inspector General (OIG) as required by Section 8.1.19. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
| A court order (Order) entered by a Court of Continuing Jurisdiction placing a child under the protective custody of TDFPS. | ||
| A TDFPS Service Plan entered by a Court of Continuing Jurisdiction placing a child under the protective custody of TDFPS. | ||
| A TDFPS Service Plan voluntarily entered into by the parents or person having legal custody of a Member and TDFPS. |
1. | Providing medical records to TDFPS; | ||
2. | Scheduling medical and Behavioral Health Services appointments within 14 days unless requested earlier by TDFPS; and | ||
3. | Recognition of abuse and neglect, and appropriate referral to TDFPS. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
1 | CSHCN is a term often used to refer to a services program for children with special health care needs administered by DSHS, and described in 25 TAC, Part 1, Section 38.1. Although children served through this program may also be served by Medicaid or CHIP, the reference to CSHCN in this Contract does not refer to children served through this program. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
1. | Participate in hospital discharge planning; | ||
2. | Participate in pre-admission hospital planning for non-emergency hospitalizations; | ||
3. | Develop specialty care and support service recommendations to be incorporated into the Service Plan; and | ||
4. | Provide information to the Member, or when applicable, the Members legal guardian concerning the specialty care recommendations. |
| Community Resource Coordination Groups (CRCGs); | ||
| Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) Program; |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
| Local school districts (Special Education); | ||
| Texas Department of Transportations Medical Transportation Program (MTP); | ||
| Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services (DARS) Blind Childrens Vocational Discovery and Development Program; | ||
| Texas Department of State Health (DSHS) services, including community mental health programs, the Title V Maternal and Child Health and Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN) Programs, and the Program for Amplification of Children of Texas (PACT); | ||
| Other state and local agencies and programs such as food stamps, and the Women, Infants, and Childrens (WIC) Program; | ||
| Civic and religious organizations and consumer and advocacy groups, such as United Cerebral Palsy, which also work on behalf of the MSHCN population. |
1. | High-cost catastrophic cases; | |
2. | Women with high-risk pregnancies (STAR and STAR+PLUS Programs only); | |
3. | Individuals with mental illness and co-occurring substance abuse; and | |
4. | FWC (STAR and STAR+PLUS Programs only). |
1. | Patient self-management education; |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
2. | Provider education; | |
3. | Evidence-based models and minimum standards of care; | |
4. | Standardized protocols and participation criteria; | |
5. | Physician-directed or physician-supervised care; | |
6. | Implementation of interventions that address the continuum of care; | |
7. | Mechanisms to modify or change interventions that are not proven effective; and | |
8. | Mechanisms to monitor the impact of the DM Program over time, including both the clinical and the financial impact. |
1. | Implement a system for Providers to request specific DM interventions; | |
2. | Give Providers information, including differences between recommended prevention and treatment and actual care received by Members enrolled in a DM Program, and information concerning such Members adherence to a service plan; and | |
3. | For Members enrolled in a DM Program, provide reports on changes in a Members health status to their PCP. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
1. | 99% of calls are answered by the fourth ring or an automated call pick-up system; | ||
2. | No incoming calls receive a busy signal; | ||
3. | At least 80% of calls must be answered by toll-free line staff within 30 seconds measured from the time the call is placed in queue after selecting an option; and | ||
4. | The call abandonment rate is 7% or less. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
1. | Maintain accounting records for each applicable HMO Program separate and apart from other corporate accounting records; | ||
2. | Maintain records for all claims payments, refunds and adjustment payments to providers, capitation payments, interest income and payments for administrative services or functions and must maintain separate records for medical and administrative fees, charges, and payments; | ||
3. | Maintain an accounting system that provides an audit trail containing sufficient financial documentation to allow for the reconciliation of billings, reports, and financial statements with all general ledger accounts; and | ||
4. | Within 60 days after Contract execution, submit an accounting policy manual that includes all proposed policies and procedures the HMO will follow during the duration of the Contract. Substantive modifications to the accounting policy manual must be approved by HHSC. |
1. | Cooperate with the State and federal governments in their evaluation, inspection, audit, and/or review of accounting records and any necessary supporting information; | ||
2. | Permit authorized representatives of the State and federal governments full access, during normal business hours, to the accounting records that the State and the Federal government determine are relevant to the Contract. Such access is guaranteed at all times during the performance and retention period of the Contract, and will include both announced and unannounced inspections, on-site audits, and the review, analysis, and reproduction of reports produced by the HMO; | ||
3. | Make copies of any accounting records or supporting documentation relevant to the Contract available to HHSC or its agents within ten (10) business days of receiving a |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
written request from HHSC for specified records or information. If such documentation is not made available as requested, the HMO agrees to reimburse HHSC for all costs, including, but not limited to, transportation, lodging, and subsistence for all State and federal representatives, or their agents, to carry out their inspection, audit, review, analysis, and reproduction functions at the location(s) of such accounting records; and |
4. | Pay any and all additional costs incurred by the State and federal government that are the result of the HMOs failure to provide the requested accounting records or financial information within ten (10) business days of receiving a written request from the State or federal government. |
1. | A list of all Affiliates, and | ||
2. | For HHSCs prior review and approval, a schedule of all transactions with Affiliates that, under the provisions of the Contract, will be allowable as expenses in the FSR Report for services provided to the HMO by the Affiliate. Those should include financial terms, a detailed description of the services to be provided, and an estimated amount that will be incurred by the HMO for such services during the Contract Period. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
1. | Enrollment/Eligibility Subsystem; | ||
2. | Provider Subsystem; | ||
3. | Encounter/Claims Processing Subsystem; | ||
4. | Financial Subsystem; | ||
5. | Utilization/Quality Improvement Subsystem; | ||
6. | Reporting Subsystem; | ||
7. | Interface Subsystem; and | ||
8. | TPR Subsystem, as applicable to each HMO Program. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
1. | A new plan is brought into the HMO Program; | ||
2. | An existing plan begins business in a new Service Area; | ||
3. | An existing plan changes location; | ||
4. | An existing plan changes its processing system, including changes in Material Subcontractors performing MIS or claims processing functions; and | ||
5. | An existing plan in one or two HHSC HMO Programs is initiating a Contract to participate in any additional HMO Programs. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
1. | Joint Interface Plan; | ||
2. | Disaster Recovery Plan; | ||
3. | Business Continuity Plan; | ||
4. | Risk Management Plan; and | ||
5. | Systems Quality Assurance Plan. |
1. | Process electronic data transmission or media to add, delete or modify membership records with accurate begin and end dates; | ||
2. | Track Covered Services received by Members through the system, and accurately and fully maintain those Covered Services as HIPAA-compliant Encounter transactions; | ||
3. | Transmit or transfer Encounter Data transactions on electronic media in the HIPAA format to the contractor designated by HHSC to receive the Encounter Data; | ||
4. | Maintain a history of changes and adjustments and audit trails for current and retroactive data; | ||
5. | Maintain procedures and processes for accumulating, archiving, and restoring data in the event of a system or subsystem failure; | ||
6. | Employ industry standard medical billing taxonomies (procedure codes, diagnosis codes) to describe services delivered and Encounter transactions produced; | ||
7. | Accommodate the coordination of benefits; | ||
8. | Produce standard Explanation of Benefits (EOBs); | ||
9. | Pay financial transactions to Providers in compliance with federal and state laws, rules and regulations; | ||
10. | Ensure that all financial transactions are auditable according to GAAP guidelines. | ||
11. | Relate and extract data elements to produce report formats (provided within the Uniform Managed Care Manual) or otherwise required by HHSC; | ||
12. | Ensure that written process and procedures manuals document and describe all manual and automated system procedures and processes for the MIS; | ||
13. | Maintain and cross-reference all Member-related information with the most current Medicaid, CHIP or CHIP Perinatal Program Provider number; and | ||
14. | Ensure that the MIS is able to integrate pharmacy data from HHSCs Drug Vendor file (available through the Virtual Private Network (VPN)) into the HMOs Member data. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
1. | Contain procedures designed to prevent and detect potential or suspected Abuse, Fraud and Waste in the administration and delivery of services under the Contract; | ||
2. | Contain a description of the HMOs procedures for educating and training personnel to prevent Fraud, Abuse, or Waste; | ||
3. | Include provisions for the confidential reporting of plan violations to the designated person within the HMOs organization and ensure that the identity of an individual reporting violations is protected from retaliation; | ||
4. | Include provisions for maintaining the confidentiality of any patient information relevant to an investigation of Fraud, Abuse, or Waste; | ||
5. | Provide for the investigation and follow-up of any allegations of Fraud, Abuse, or Waste and contain specific and detailed internal procedures for officers, directors, managers and employees for detecting, reporting, and investigating Fraud and Abuse compliance plan violations; | ||
6. | Require that confirmed violations be reported to the Office of Inspector General (OIG); and | ||
7. | Require any confirmed violations or confirmed or suspected Fraud, Abuse, or Waste under state or federal law be reported to OIG. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
1. | Establish written policies for all employees, managers, officers, contractors, subcontractors, and agents of the HMO, which provide detailed information about the False Claims Act, administrative remedies for false claims and statements, any state laws pertaining to civil or criminal penalties for false claims, and whistleblower protections under such laws, as described in Section 1902(a)(68)(A). | |
2. | Include as part of such written policies, detailed provisions regarding the HMOs policies and procedures for detecting and preventing fraud, waste, and abuse. | |
3. | Include in any employee handbook a specific discussion of the laws described in Section 1902(a)(68)(A), the rights of employees to be protected as whistleblowers, and the HMOs policies and procedures for detecting and preventing fraud, waste, and abuse. |
1. | All information required under the Contract, including but not limited to, the reporting requirements or other information related to the performance of its responsibilities hereunder as reasonably requested by the HHSC; and | |
2. | Any information in its possession sufficient to permit HHSC to comply with the Federal Balanced Budget Act of 1997 or other Federal or state laws, rules, and regulations. All information must be provided in accordance with the timelines, definitions, formats and instructions as specified by HHSC. Where practicable, HHSC may consult with HMOs to establish time frames and formats reasonably acceptable to both parties. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
Uniform Managed Care Manual, Chapter 5.4.2.
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
(1) | the total number of new Members under the age of 21 who are still enrolled with the HMO after 90 days; | ||
(2) | the number and percent of new Members under the age of 21 still enrolled with the HMO after 90 days who get medical check-ups within 90 days of enrollment into the HMO; | ||
(3) | the total number of Members under the age of 21 who have been enrolled continuously with the HMO for 90 days or more (excluding the new Members); and | ||
(4) | the number and percent of Members under the age of 21 who have been enrolled continuously for 90 days or more with the HMO (excluding the new Members) who get timely, age-appropriate medical check-ups. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
1. | More than 90 days after a Member enrolls in the HMOs Program, or | ||
2. | For more than nine (9) months in the case of a Member who, at the time of enrollment in the HMO, has been diagnosed with and receiving treatment for a terminal illness and remains enrolled in the HMO. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
1. | The HMO does not respond to a request for pre-approval within 1 hour; | ||
2. | The HMO cannot be contacted; or | ||
3. | The HMO representative and the treating physician cannot reach an agreement concerning the Members care and a Network physician is not available for consultation. In this situation, the HMO must give the treating physician the opportunity to consult with a Network physician and the treating physician may continue with care of the patient until an HMO physician is reached. The HMOs financial responsibility ends as follows: |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
the HMO physician with privileges at the treating hospital assumes responsibility for the Members care; the HMO physician assumes responsibility for the Members care through transfer; the HMO representative and the treating physician reach an agreement concerning the Members care; or the Member is discharged. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
1. | THSteps benefits, | ||
2. | The periodicity schedule for THSteps medical checkups and immunizations, | ||
3. | The required elements of THSteps medical checkups, | ||
4. | Providing or arranging for all required lab screening tests (including lead screening), and Comprehensive Care Program (CCP) services available under the THSteps program to Members under age 21 years. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
1. | Pregnancy planning and perinatal health promotion and education for reproductive- age women; | ||
2. | Perinatal risk assessment of non-pregnant women, pregnant and postpartum women, and infants up to one year of age; | ||
3. | Access to appropriate levels of care based on risk assessment, including emergency care; | ||
4. | Transfer and care of pregnant women, newborns, and infants to tertiary care facilities when necessary; | ||
5. | Availability and accessibility of OB/GYNs, anesthesiologists, and neonatologists capable of dealing with complicated perinatal problems; and | ||
6. | Availability and accessibility of appropriate outpatient and inpatient facilities capable of dealing with complicated perinatal problems. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
1. | THSteps dental (including orthodontia); | ||
2. | Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) case management/service coordination; | ||
3. | DSHS targeted case management; | ||
4. | DSHS mental health rehabilitation; | ||
5. | DSHS case management for Children and Pregnant Women; | ||
6. | Texas School Health and Related Services (SHARS); | ||
7. | Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services Blind Childrens Vocational Discovery and Development Program; | ||
8. | Tuberculosis services provided by DSHS-approved providers (directly observed therapy and contact investigation); | ||
9. | Vendor Drug Program (out-of-office drugs); | ||
10. | Texas Department of Transportation Medical Transportation; |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
11. | DADS hospice services (all Members are disenrolled from their health plan upon enrollment into hospice except STAR+PLUS members receiving 1915(c) Nursing Facility Waiver services that are not covered by the Hospice Program); | ||
12. | Audiology services and hearing aids for children (under age 21) (hearing screening services are provided through the THSteps Program and are capitated) through PACT (Program for Amplification for Children of Texas). | ||
13. | For STAR+PLUS, Inpatient Stays are Non-capitated Services. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
| Identification of community and statewide groups that work with FWC Members within the HMOs Service Areas; | |
| Participation of the community groups in assisting with the identification of FWC Members; | |
| Appropriate aggressive efforts to reach each identified FWC to provide timely medical checkups and follow up care if needed; |
| Methods to maintain accurate, current lists of all identified FWC Members; |
| Methods that the HMO and its Subcontractors will implement to maintain the confidentiality of information about the identity of FWC; and |
| Methods to provide accelerated services to FWC. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
However, the STP provider must:
1. | Agree to accept the HMOs Provider reimbursement rate for the provider type; and | ||
2. | Meet the standard credentialing requirements of the HMO, provided that lack of board certification or accreditation by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations (JCAHO) is not the sole grounds for exclusion from the Provider Network. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
1. | Date; | ||
2. | Identification of the individual filing the Complaint; | ||
3. | Identification of the individual recording the Complaint; | ||
4. | Nature of the Complaint; | ||
5. | Disposition of the Complaint (i.e., how the HMO resolved the Complaint); | ||
6. | Corrective action required; and | ||
7. | Date resolved. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
1) | Date notice is sent; | ||
2) | Effective date of the Action; | ||
3) | Date the Member or his or her representative requested the Appeal; | ||
4) | Date the Appeal was followed up in writing; | ||
5) | Identification of the individual filing; | ||
6) | Nature of the Appeal; and | ||
7) | Disposition of the Appeal, and notice of disposition to Member. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
1. | The Member or his or her representative files the Appeal timely as defined in this Contract: | ||
2. | The Appeal involves the termination, suspension, or reduction of a previously authorized course of treatment; | ||
3. | The services were ordered by an authorized provider; | ||
4. | The original period covered by the original authorization has not expired; and | ||
5. | The Member requests an extension of the benefits. |
1. | The Member withdraws the Appeal; | ||
2. | Ten (10) days pass after the HMO mails the notice resolving the Appeal against the Member, unless the Member, within the 10-day timeframe, has requested a Fair Hearing with continuation of benefits until a Fair Hearing decision can be reached; or | ||
3. | A state Fair Hearing officer issues a hearing decision adverse to the Member or the time period or service limits of a previously authorized service has been met. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
(1) | Transfer the Appeal to the timeframe for standard resolution, and | ||
(2) | Make a reasonable effort to give the Member prompt oral notice of the denial, and follow up within two (2) calendar days with a written notice. |
1. | The dates, types and amount of service requested; | ||
2. | The Action the HMO has taken or intends to take; | ||
3. | The reasons for the Action (If the Action taken is based upon a determination that the requested service is not medically necessary, the HMO must provide an explanation of the medical basis for the decision, application of policy or accepted standards of medical practice to the individuals medical circumstances, in its notice to the member.); | ||
4. | The Members right to access the HMOs Appeal process. | ||
5. | The procedures by which the Member may Appeal the HMOs Action; |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
6. | The circumstances under which expedited resolution is available and how to request it; | ||
7. | The circumstances under which a Member may continue to receive benefits pending resolution of the Appeal, how to request that benefits be continued, and the circumstances under which the Member may be required to pay the costs of these services; | ||
8. | The date the Action will be taken; | ||
9. | A reference to the HMO policies and procedures supporting the HMOs Action; | ||
10. | An address where written requests may be sent and a toll-free number that the Member can call to request the assistance of a Member representative, file an Appeal, or request a Fair Hearing; | ||
11. | An explanation that Members may represent themselves, or be represented by a provider, a friend, a relative, legal counsel or another spokesperson; | ||
12. | A statement that if the Member wants a Fair Hearing on the Action, the Member must make the request for a Fair Hearing within 90 days of the date on the notice or the right to request a hearing is waived; | ||
13. | A statement explaining that the HMO must make its decision within 30 days from the date the Appeal is received by the HMO, or 3 business days in the case of an Expedited Appeal; and | ||
14. | A statement explaining that the hearing officer must make a final decision within 90 days from the date a Fair Hearing is requested. |
1. | For termination, suspension, or reduction of previously authorized Medicaid-covered services, within the timeframes specified in 42 C.F.R.§§ 431.211, 431.213, and 431.214; | ||
2. | For denial of payment, at the time of any Action affecting the claim; | ||
3. | For standard service authorization decisions that deny or limit services, within the timeframe specified in 42 C.F.R.§ 438.210(d)(1); | ||
4. | If the HMO extends the timeframe in accordance with 42 C.F.R. §438.210(d)(1), it must: | ||
5. | give the Member written notice of the reason for the decision to extend the timeframe and inform the Member of the right to file an Appeal if he or she disagrees with that decision; and | ||
6. | issue and carry out its determination as expeditiously as the Members health condition requires and no later than the date the extension expires; | ||
7. | For service authorization decisions not reached within the timeframes specified in 42 C.F.R.§ 438.210(d) (which constitutes a denial and is thus an adverse Action), on the date that the timeframes expire; and |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
8. | For expedited service authorization decisions, within the timeframes specified in 42 C.F.R. 438.210(d). |
1. | The right to request a Fair Hearing; | ||
2. | How to request a Fair Hearing; | ||
3. | The circumstances under which the Member may continue to receive benefits pending a Fair Hearing; | ||
4. | How to request the continuation of benefits; | ||
5. | If the HMOs Action is upheld in a Fair Hearing, the Member may be liable for the cost of any services furnished to the Member while the Appeal is pending; and | ||
6. | Any other information required by 1 T.A.C. Chapter 357 that relates to a managed care organizations notice of disposition of an Appeal. |
1. | Their rights and responsibilities, | ||
2. | The Complaint process, | ||
3. | The Appeal process, | ||
4. | Covered Services available to them, including preventive services, and | ||
5. | Non-capitated Services available to them. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
1. | Describe the Behavioral Health Services indicated in detail in the Provider Procedures Manual and in the Texas Medicaid Bulletin, include the amount, duration, and scope of basic and Value-added Services, and the HMOs responsibility to provide these services; | ||
2. | Describe criteria, protocols, procedures and instrumentation for referral of Medicaid Members from and to the HMO and the LMHA; | ||
3. | Describe processes and procedures for referring Members with SPMI or SED to the LMHA for assessment and determination of eligibility for rehabilitation or targeted case management services; | ||
4. | Describe how the LMHA and the HMO will coordinate providing Behavioral Health Services to Members with SPMI or SED; | ||
5. | Establish clinical consultation procedures between the HMO and LMHA including consultation to effect referrals and on-going consultation regarding the Members progress; | ||
6. | Establish procedures to authorize release and exchange of clinical treatment records; | ||
7. | Establish procedures for coordination of assessment, intake/triage, utilization review/utilization management and care for persons with SPMI or SED; | ||
8. | Establish procedures for coordination of inpatient psychiatric services (including Court- ordered Commitment of Members under 21) in state psychiatric facilities within the LMHAs catchment area; | ||
9. | Establish procedures for coordination of emergency and urgent services to Members; | ||
10. | Establish procedures for coordination of care and transition of care for new Members who are receiving treatment through the LMHA; and | ||
11. | Establish that when Members are receiving Behavioral Health Services from the Local Mental Health Authority that the HMO is using the same UM guidelines as those prescribed for use by local mental health authorities by DSHS which are published at: |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
1. | Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) services; | ||
2. | Confidential HIV testing; | ||
3. | Immunizations; | ||
4. | Tuberculosis (TB) care; | ||
5. | Family Planning services; | ||
6. | THSteps medical checkups, and | ||
7. | Prenatal services. |
1. | Identify care managers who will be available to assist public health providers and PCPs in efficiently referring Members to the public health providers, specialists, and health-related service providers either within or outside the HMOs Network; and | ||
2. | Inform Members that confidential healthcare information will be provided to the PCP, and educate Members on how to better utilize their PCPs, public health providers, emergency departments, specialists, and health-related service providers. |
1. | Report to public health entities regarding communicable diseases and/or diseases that are preventable by immunization as defined by state law; | ||
2. | Notify the local Public Health Entity, as defined by state law, of communicable disease outbreaks involving Members; | ||
3. | Educate Members and Providers regarding WIC services available to Members; and | ||
4. | Coordinate with local public health entities that have a child lead program, or with DSHS regional staff when the local public health entity does not have a child lead program, for follow-up of suspected or confirmed cases of childhood lead exposure. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
1. | Require Providers to use the DSHS Bureau of Laboratories for specimens obtained as part of a THSteps medical checkup, including THSteps newborn screens, lead testing, and hemoglobin/hematocrit tests; | ||
2. | Notify Providers of the availability of vaccines through the Texas Vaccines for Children Program; | ||
3. | Work with HHSC and Providers to improve the reporting of immunizations to the statewide ImmTrac Registry; | ||
4. | Educate Providers and Members about the Department of State Health Services (DSHS) Case Management for Children and Pregnant Women (CPW) services available; | ||
5. | Coordinate services with CPW specifically in regard to an HMO Members health care needs that are identified by CPW and referred to the HMO; | ||
6. | Participate, to the extent practicable, in the community-based coalitions with the Medicaid-funded case management programs in the Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services (DARS), the Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS), and DSHS; | ||
7. | Cooperate with activities required of state and local public health authorities necessary to conduct the annual population and community based needs assessment; | ||
8. | Report all blood lead results, coordinate and follow-up of suspected or confirmed cases of childhood lead exposure with the Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program in DSHS; and | ||
9. | Coordinate with THSteps. |
1. | A Members right to self-determination in making health care decisions; | ||
2. | The Advance Directives Act, Chapter 166, Texas Health and Safety Code, which includes: |
a. | A Members right to execute an advance written directive to physicians and family or surrogates, or to make a non-written directive to administer, withhold or withdraw life-sustaining treatment in the event of a terminal or irreversible condition; |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
b. | A Members right to make written and non-written out-of-hospital do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders; | ||
c. | A Members right to execute a Medical Power of Attorney to appoint an agent to make health care decisions on the Members behalf if the Member becomes incompetent; and |
3. | The Declaration for Mental Health Treatment, Chapter 137, Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code, which includes: a Members right to execute a Declaration for Mental Health Treatment in a document making a declaration of preferences or instructions regarding mental health treatment. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
Service | Licensure and Certification Requirements | |
Personal Attendant Services | The Provider must be licensed by the Texas Department of Human Services as a Home and Community Support Services Agency. The level of licensure required depends on the type of service delivered. NOTE: For primary home care and client managed attendant care, the agency may have only the Personal Assistance Services level of licensure. | |
Day Activity and Health Services (DAHS) | The Provider must be licensed by the Texas Department of Human Services, Long Term Care Regulatory Division, as an adult day care provider. To provide DAHS, the Provider must provide the range of services required for DAHS. | | 1915(c) Nursing Facility Waiver Services Available to Members Who Qualify for 1915 (c) Nursing Facility Waiver Services |
Service | Licensure and Certification Requirements | |
Personal Attendant Services | The Provider must be licensed by the Texas Department of Human Services as a Home and Community Support Services Agency. The level of licensure required depends on the type of service delivered. For Primary Home Care and Client Managed Attendant Care, the agency may have only the Personal Assistance Services level of licensure. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
Service | Licensure and Certification Requirements | |
Assisted Living | The Provider must be licensed by the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services, Long Term Care Regulatory Division. The type of licensure determines what services may be provided. | |
Emergency Response Service Provider | Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS) Standards for Emergency Response Services at 40 T.A.C. §52.201(a), and be licensed by the Texas Board of Private Investigators and Private Security Agencies, unless exempt from licensure. | |
Adult Foster Home | TDSHS Provider standards for Adult Foster Care and TDSHS Rules at 40 T.A.C. §48.6032. Four bed homes also licensed under TDSHS Rules at 40 T.A.C. § ###-###-####. | |
DFPS licensure in accordance with 24-hour Care Licensing requirements found in T.A.C., Title 40, Part 19, Chapter 720. | ||
Home Delivered Meals | T.A.C., Title 40, Part 1, Chapter 55. | |
Physical Therapy | Licensed Physical Therapist through the Texas Board of Physical Therapy Examiners, Chapter 453. | |
Occupational Therapy | Licensed Occupational Therapist through the Texas Board of Occupational Therapy Examiners, Chapter 454. | |
Speech Therapy | Licensed Speech Therapist Through the Department of State Health Services. | |
Consumer Directed Services | Home and Community Support Services Agency (HCSSA) | |
Transition Assistance Services | No licensure or certification requirements. | |
Minor Home Modification | No licensure or certification requirements. | |
Adaptive Aids and Medicaid Equipment | No licensure or certification requirements. | |
Medical supplies | No licensure or certification requirements. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
1. | State/federal agencies (e.g., those agencies with jurisdiction over aging, public health, substance abuse, mental health/retardation, rehabilitation, developmental disabilities, income support, nutritional assistance, family support agencies, etc.); | ||
2. | social service agencies (e.g., Area Agencies on Aging, residential support agencies, independent living centers, supported employment agencies, etc.); | ||
3. | city and county agencies (e.g., welfare departments, housing programs, etc.); | ||
4. | civic and religious organizations; and | ||
5. | consumer groups, advocates, and councils (e.g., legal aid offices, consumer/family support groups, permanency planning, etc.). |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
1. | review of existing DADS long-term care services plans; | ||
2. | preparation of a transition plan that ensures continuous care under the Members existing Care Plan during the transfer into the HMOs Network while the HMO conducts an appropriate assessment and development of a new plan, if needed; | ||
3. | if durable medical equipment or supplies had been ordered prior to enrollment but have not been received by the time of enrollment, coordination and follow-through to ensure that the Member receives the necessary supportive equipment and supplies without undue delay; and | ||
4. | payment to the existing provider of service under the existing authorization until the HMO has completed the assessment and service plans and issued new authorizations. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
| the states treatment professionals determine that such placement is appropriate; | ||
| the affected persons do not oppose such treatment; and | ||
| the placement can be reasonably accommodated, taking into account the resources available to the state and the needs of others who are receiving state supported disability services. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
| For the 1915(c) Nursing Facility Waiver Members, the MDS-HC instrument must be completed in conjunction with the annual reassessment. The MDS-HC instrument must be completed annually at the time of reassessment for these Members. | ||
| For the non-1915(c) Nursing Facility Waiver Members that are receiving Community-based Long-term Care Services, the HMO must submit a schedule for HHSCs approval that provides a plan of how the MDS-HC instruments will be completed for these Members over a twelve-month period beginning on February 1, 2007. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
1. | those services are required for that individual to live in the most integrated setting appropriate to his or her needs; and | ||
2. | HHSC continues to comply with the cost-effectiveness requirements from the CMS. |
| at initial assessment; | ||
| at annual reassessment or annual contact with the STAR+PLUS Member; | ||
| at any time when a STAR+PLUS Member receiving PAS requests the information; and | ||
| in the Member Handbook. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
1. | Covered Services and the Providers responsibilities for providing such services to STAR+PLUS Members and billing the HMO for such services. The HMO must place special emphasis on Community Long-term Care Services and STAR+PLUS requirements, policies, and procedures that vary from Medicaid Fee-for-Service and commercial coverage rules, including payment policies and procedures. | ||
2. | Inpatient Stay hospital services and the authorization and billing of such services for STAR+PLUS Members. | ||
3. | Relevant requirements of the STAR+PLUS Contract, including the role of the Service Coordinator; | ||
4. | Processes for making referrals and coordinating Non-capitated Services; | ||
5. | The HMOs quality assurance and performance improvement program and the Providers role in such programs; and | ||
6. | The HMOs STAR+PLUS policies and procedures, including those relating to Network and Out-of-Network referrals. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
1. | Agree to accept the HMOs Provider reimbursement rate for the provider type; and | ||
2. | Meet the standard credentialing requirements of the HMO, provided that lack of board certification or accreditation by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations (JCAHO) is not the sole grounds for exclusion from the Provider Network. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-1 HHSC Joint Medicaid/CHIP HMO RFP, Section 8 | Version 1.8 | |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-4 Performance Improvement Goals | Version 1.8 | |
Baseline | n/a | Initial version Attachment B-4, Performance Improvement Goals. | ||||||
Revision | 1.1 | June 30, 2006 | Contract amendment to include STAR+PLUS Program. Revised Attachment B-4, Performance Improvement Goals Template, by adding Attachment B-4.1, FY2008 Performance Improvement Goals Template. No change to this Section. | |||||
Revision | 1.2 | September 1, 2006 | Revised version of Attachment B-4 that includes provisions applicable to MCOs participating in the STAR and CHIP Programs. | |||||
Updates the attachment to reflect the changes made in Attachment B-1, Section | ||||||||
Revision | 1.3 | September 1, 2006 | Contract amendment did not revise Attachment B-4, Performance Improvement Goals. | |||||
Revision | 1.4 | September 1, 2006 | Contract amended to include Attachment B-4 Performance Improvement Goals for SFY2007 and format change | |||||
Revision | 1.5 | January 1, 2007 | Contract amendment did not revise Attachment B-4, Performance Improvement Goals. | |||||
Revision | 1.6 | February 1, 2007 | Contract amendment did not revise Attachment B-4, Performance Improvement Goals. | |||||
Revision | 1.7 | July 1, 2007 | Contract amendment did not revise Attachment B-4, Performance Improvement Goals. | |||||
Revision | 1.8 | September 1, 2007 | Revised Attachment B-4, to replace FY2007 Performance Improvement Goals with newly negotiated FY2008 Performance Improvement Goals by Program and by Service Area. Attachment B-4.1, FY2008 Performance Improvement Goals Template, is deleted as duplicative. |
1 | Status should be represented as Baseline for initial issuances, Revision for changes to the Baseline version, and Cancellation for withdrawn versions | |
2 | Revisions should be numbered in accordance according to the version of the issuance and sequential numbering of the revisione.g., 1.2 refers to the first version of the document and the second revision. | |
3 | Brief description of the changes to the document made in the revision. |
1 of 13
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-4 Performance Improvement Goals | Version 1.8 | |
HMO Performance Improvement Goal Template
for State Fiscal Year 2008
A. | Health Plan Information |
HMO Program: CHIP
HMO Service Delivery Area: Dallas SDA
B. Overarching Goal | C. Sub Goals: | |||
Goal 1: | ||||
Improve Access to Primary Care Services for Members | | Increase PCPs providing after hours access by two percent (2%) over baseline. | ||
| Ninety percent (90%) of new PCPs will be credentialed, configured, and able to see members within 90 days of receipt of a clean and complete application. | |||
Goal 2: | ||||
Improve Access to Behavioral Health Services for Members | | 95% of members who deliver a baby will be sent information regarding postpartum depression. | ||
| Contact 90% of members discharged from a BH inpatient stay to remind them of the 7-day follow-up appointment. | |||
Goal 3: | ||||
Increase Utilization of New Member Medical Check-Ups within 90 days of Enrollment | | Increase the number of new members for well-child exams with their PCPs within 90 days of enrollment by 2% over baseline. | ||
| Contact 40% of new members who defaulted to a PCP to educate on medical home and well-child exam requirements. |
2 of 13
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-4 Performance Improvement Goals | Version 1.8 | |
HMO Performance Improvement Goal Template
for State Fiscal Year 2008
A. | Health Plan Information |
HMO Program: CHIP
HMO Service Delivery Area: Harris Core and Optional
B. Overarching Goal | C. Sub Goals: | |||
Goal 1: | ||||
Improve Access to Primary Care Services for Members | | Increase PCPs providing after hours access by two percent (2%) over baseline. | ||
| Ninety percent (90%) of new PCPs will be credentialed, configured, and able to see members within 90 days of receipt of a clean and complete application. | |||
Goal 2: | ||||
Improve Access to Behavioral Health Services for Members | | 95% of members who deliver a baby will be sent information regarding postpartum depression. | ||
| Contact 90% of members discharged from a BH inpatient stay to remind them of the 7-day follow-up appointment. | |||
Goal 3: | ||||
Increase Utilization of New Member Medical Check-Ups within 90 days of Enrollment | | Increase the number of new members for well-child exams with their PCPs within 90 days of enrollment by 2% over baseline. | ||
| Contact 40% of new members who defaulted to a PCP to educate on medical home and well-child exam requirements. |
3 of 13
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-4 Performance Improvement Goals | Version 1.8 | |
HMO Performance Improvement Goal Template
for State Fiscal Year 2008
A. | Health Plan Information |
HMO Program: CHIP
HMO Service Delivery Area: Nueces SDA
B. Overarching Goal | C. Sub Goals: | |||
Goal 1: | ||||
Improve Access to Primary Care Services for Members | | Increase PCPs providing after hours access by two percent (2%) over baseline. | ||
| Ninety percent (90%) of new PCPs will be credentialed, configured, and able to see members within 90 days of receipt of a clean and complete application. | |||
Goal 2: | ||||
Improve Access to Behavioral Health Services for Members | | 95% of members who deliver a baby will be sent information regarding postpartum depression. | ||
| Contact 90% of members discharged from a BH inpatient stay to remind them of the 7-day follow-up appointment. | |||
Goal 3: | ||||
Increase Utilization of New Member Medical Check-Ups within 90 days of Enrollment | | Increase the number of new members for well-child exams with their PCPs within 90 days of enrollment by 2% over baseline. | ||
| Contact 40% of new members who defaulted to a PCP to educate on medical home and well-child exam requirements. |
4 of 13
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-4 Performance Improvement Goals | Version 1.8 | |
HMO Performance Improvement Goal Template
for State Fiscal Year 2008
HMO Program: CHIP
HMO Service Delivery Area: Tarrant SDA
B. Overarching Goal | C. Sub Goals: | |||
Goal 1: | ||||
Improve Access to Primary Care Services for Members | | Increase PCPs providing after hours access by two percent (2%) over baseline. | ||
| Ninety percent (90%) of new PCPs will be credentialed, configured, and able to see members within 90 days of receipt of a clean and complete application. | |||
Goal 2: | ||||
Improve Access to Behavioral Health Services for Members | | 95% of members who deliver a baby will be sent information regarding postpartum depression. | ||
| Contact 90% of members discharged from a BH inpatient stay to remind them of the 7-day follow-up appointment. | |||
Goal 3: | ||||
Increase Utilization of New Member Medical Check-Ups within 90 days of Enrollment | | Increase the number of new members for well-child exams with their PCPs within 90 days of enrollment by 2% over baseline. | ||
| Contact 40% of new members who defaulted to a PCP to educate on medical home and well-child exam requirements. |
5 of 13
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-4 Performance Improvement Goals | Version 1.8 | |
HMO Performance Improvement Goal Template
for State Fiscal Year 2008
A. | Health Plan Information |
HMO Program: STAR
HMO Service Delivery Area: Dallas SDA
B. Overarching Goal | C. Sub Goals: | |||
Goal 1: | ||||
Improve Access to Primary Care Services for Members | | Increase PCPs providing after hours access by two percent (2%) over baseline. | ||
| Ninety percent (90%) of new PCPs will be credentialed, configured, and able to see members within 90 days of receipt of a clean and complete application. | |||
Goal 2: | ||||
Improve Access to Behavioral Health Services for Members | | 95% of members who deliver a baby will be sent information regarding postpartum depression. | ||
| Ensure that 100% of all new members are informed about how to access BH services. | |||
Goal 3: | ||||
Increase Utilization of New Member Medical Check-Ups within 90 days of Enrollment | | Increase the number of new members for well-child exams with their PCPs within 90 days of enrollment by 2% over baseline. | ||
| Contact 40% of new members who defaulted to a PCP to educate on medical home and well-child exam requirements. |
6 of 13
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-4 Performance Improvement Goals | Version 1.8 | |
HMO Performance Improvement Goal Template
for State Fiscal Year 2008
A. | Health Plan Information |
HMO Program: STAR
HMO Service Delivery Area: Harris SDA and Harris Expansion SDA
B. Overarching Goal | C. Sub Goals: | |||
Goal 1: | ||||
Improve Access to Primary Care Services for Members | | Increase PCPs providing after hours access by two percent (2%) over baseline. | ||
| Ninety percent (90%) of new PCPs will be credentialed, configured, and able to see members within 90 days of receipt of a clean and complete application. | |||
Goal 2: | ||||
Improve Access to Behavioral Health Services for Members | | 95% of members who deliver a baby will be sent information regarding postpartum depression. | ||
| Ensure that 100% of all new members are informed about how to access BH services. | |||
Goal 3: | ||||
Increase Utilization of New Member Medical Check-Ups within 90 days of Enrollment | | Increase the number of new members for well-child exams with their PCPs within 90 days of enrollment by 2% over baseline. | ||
| Contact 40% of new members who defaulted to a PCP to educate on medical home and well-child exam requirements. |
7 of 13
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-4 Performance Improvement Goals | Version 1.8 | |
HMO Performance Improvement Goal Template
for State Fiscal Year 2008
A. | Health Plan Information |
HMO Program: STAR
HMO Service Delivery Area: Nueces SDA
B. Overarching Goal | C. Sub Goals: | |||
Goal 1: | ||||
Improve Access to Primary Care Services for Members | | Increase PCPs providing after hours access by two percent (2%) over baseline. | ||
| Ninety percent (90%) of new PCPs will be credentialed, configured, and able to see members within 90 days of receipt of a clean and complete application. | |||
Goal 2: | ||||
Improve Access to Behavioral Health Services for Members | | 95% of members who deliver a baby will be sent information regarding postpartum depression. | ||
| Ensure that 100% of all new members are informed about how to access BH services. | |||
Goal 3: | ||||
Increase Utilization of New Member Medical Check-Ups within 90 days of Enrollment | | Increase the number of new members for well-child exams with their PCPs within 90 days of enrollment by 2% over baseline. | ||
| Contact 40% of new members who defaulted to a PCP to educate on medical home and well-child exam requirements. |
8 of 13
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-4 Performance Improvement Goals | Version 1.8 | |
HMO Performance Improvement Goal Template
for State Fiscal Year 2008
A. | Health Plan Information |
HMO Program: STAR
HMO Service Delivery Area: Tarrant SDA
B. Overarching Goal | C. Sub Goals: | |||
Goal 1: | ||||
Improve Access to Primary Care Services for Members | | Increase PCPs providing after hours access by two percent (2%) over baseline. | ||
| Ninety percent (90%) of new PCPs will be credentialed, configured, and able to see members within 90 days of receipt of a clean and complete application. | |||
Goal 2: | ||||
Improve Access to Behavioral Health Services for Members | | 95% of members who deliver a baby will be sent information regarding postpartum depression. | ||
| Ensure that 100% of all new members are informed about how to access BH services. | |||
Goal 3: | ||||
Increase Utilization of New Member Medical Check-Ups within 90 days of Enrollment | | Increase the number of new members for well-child exams with their PCPs within 90 days of enrollment by 2% over baseline. | ||
| Contact 40% of new members who defaulted to a PCP to educate on medical home and well-child exam requirements. |
9 of 13
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-4 Performance Improvement Goals | Version 1.8 | |
HMO Performance Improvement Goal Template
for State Fiscal Year 2008
A. | Health Plan Information |
HMO Program: STAR
HMO Service Delivery Area: Travis SDA
B. Overarching Goal | C. Sub Goals: | |||
Goal 1: | ||||
Improve Access to Primary Care Services for Members | | Increase PCPs providing after hours access by two percent (2%) over baseline. | ||
| Ninety percent (90%) of new PCPs will be credentialed, configured, and able to see members within 90 days of receipt of a clean and complete application. | |||
Goal 2: | ||||
Improve Access to Behavioral Health Services for Members | | 95% of members who deliver a baby will be sent information regarding postpartum depression. | ||
| Ensure that 100% of all new members are informed about how to access BH services. | |||
Goal 3: | ||||
Increase Utilization of New Member Medical Check-Ups within 90 days of Enrollment | | Increase the number of new members for well-child exams with their PCPs within 90 days of enrollment by 2% over baseline. | ||
| Contact 40% of new members who defaulted to a PCP to educate on medical home and well-child exam requirements. |
10 of 13
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-4 Performance Improvement Goals | Version 1.8 | |
HMO Performance Improvement Goal Template
for State Fiscal Year 2008
A. | Health Plan Information |
HMO Service Delivery Area: Bexar SDA
B. Overarching Goal | C. Sub Goals: | |||
Goal 1: | ||||
Improve Access to Primary Care Services for Members | | Increase PCPs providing after hours access by two percent (2%) over baseline. | ||
| Ninety percent (90%) of new PCPs will be credentialed, configured, and able to see members within 90 days of receipt of a clean and complete application. | |||
Goal 2: | ||||
Improve Access to Behavioral Health Services for Members | | 95% of members who deliver a baby will be sent information regarding postpartum depression. | ||
| Contact 90% of members discharged from a BH inpatient stay to remind them of the 7-day follow-up appointment. | |||
Goal 3: | ||||
Improve Member Understanding of Service Coordination | | 100% of STAR+PLUS members receiving LTSS will receive a personalized letter/training explaining service coordination. | ||
| 100% of all members NOT receiving Service Coordination are mailed an informational pamphlet. |
11 of 13
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-4 Performance Improvement Goals | Version 1.8 | |
HMO Performance Improvement Goal Template
for State Fiscal Year 2008
A. | Health Plan Information |
HMO Service Delivery Area: Harris SDA and Harris Expansion SDA
B. Overarching Goal | C. Sub Goals: | |||
Goal 1: | ||||
Improve Access to Primary Care Services for Members | | Increase PCPs providing after hours access by two percent (2%) over baseline. | ||
| Ninety percent (90%) of new PCPs will be credentialed, configured, and able to see members within 90 days of receipt of a clean and complete application. | |||
Goal 2: | ||||
Improve Access to Behavioral Health Services for Members | | 95% of members who deliver a baby will be sent information regarding postpartum depression. | ||
| Contact 90% of members discharged from a BH inpatient stay to remind them of the 7-day follow-up appointment. | |||
Goal 3: | ||||
Improve Member Understanding of Service Coordination | | 100% of STAR+PLUS members receiving LTSS will receive a personalized letter/training explaining service coordination. | ||
| 100% of all members NOT receiving Service Coordination are mailed an informational pamphlet. |
12 of 13
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-4 Performance Improvement Goals | Version 1.8 | |
HMO Performance Improvement Goal Template
for State Fiscal Year 2008
A. | Health Plan Information |
HMO Service Delivery Area: Travis SDA
B. Overarching Goal | C. Sub Goals: | |||
Goal 1: | ||||
Improve Access to Primary Care Services for Members | | Increase PCPs providing after hours access by two percent (2%) over baseline. | ||
| Ninety percent (90%) of new PCPs will be credentialed, configured, and able to see members within 90 days of receipt of a clean and complete application. | |||
Goal 2: | ||||
Improve Access to Behavioral Health Services for Members | | 95% of members who deliver a baby will be sent information regarding postpartum depression. | ||
| Contact 90% of members discharged from a BH inpatient stay to remind them of the 7-day follow-up appointment. | |||
Goal 3: | ||||
Improve Member Understanding of Service Coordination | | 100% of STAR+PLUS members receiving LTSS will receive a personalized letter/training explaining service coordination. | ||
| 100% of all members NOT receiving Service Coordination are mailed an informational pamphlet. |
13 of 13
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-5 Deliverables/Liquidated Damages Matrix | Version 1.8 | |
DOCUMENT | ||||||||
Baseline | n/a | Initial version of Attachment B-5, Deliverables/Liquidated Damage Matrix. | ||||||
Revision | 1.1 | June 30, 2006 | Contract amendment did not revise Attachment B-5, Deliverables/Liquidated Damage Matrix. | |||||
Revision | 1.2 | September 1, 2006 | Amended Attachment B-5, Deliverables/Liquidated Damages Matrix, to add a footnote clarifying the deliverable due dates. Also amended the provisions regarding Claims Processing Requirements and the Reporting Requirements for the Claims Summary Report. | |||||
Revision | 1.3 | September 1, 2006 | Amended Attachment B-5, Deliverables/Liquidated Damages Matrix, performance standard for Provider Directories for the CHIP Perinatal Program. | |||||
Revision | 1.4 | September 1, 2006 | Contract amendment did not revise Attachment B-5, Deliverables/Liquidated Damage Matrix. | |||||
Revision | 1.5 | January 1, 2007 | Contract amendment did not revise Attachment B-5, Deliverables/Liquidated Damage Matrix. | |||||
Revision | 1.6 | February 1, 2007 | Contract amendment did not revise Attachment B-5, Deliverables/Liquidated Damage Matrix. | |||||
Revision | 1.7 | July 1, 2007 | Amended Attachment B-5, Deliverables/Liquidated Damages Matrix, to add clarifications to the provisions addressing Claims Processing Requirements and the Reporting Requirements for the Claims Summary Report. |
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-5 Deliverables/Liquidated Damages Matrix | Version 1.8 | |
DOCUMENT | ||||||||
Revision | 1.8 | September 1, 2007 | Contract amendment did not revise Attachment B-5, Deliverables/Liquidated Damage Matrix. |
1 | Status should be represented as Baseline for initial issuances, Revision for changes to the Baseline version, and Cancellation for withdrawn versions | |
2 | Revisions should be numbered in accordance according to the version of the issuance and sequential numbering of the revisione.g., 1.2 refers to the first version of the document and the second revision. | |
3 | Brief description of the changes to the document made in the revision. |
1 | Derived from the Contract or HHSCs Uniform Managed Care Manual. | |
2 | Standard specified in the Contract. Note: Where the due date states 30 days, the HMO is to provide the deliverable by the last day of the month following the end of the reporting period. Where the due date states 45 days, the HMO is to provide the deliverable by the 15th day of the second month following the end of the reporting period. | |
3 | Period during which HHSC will evaluate service for purposes of tailored remedies. | |
4 | Measure against which HHSC will apply remedies. |
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Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-5 Deliverables/Liquidated Damages Matrix | Version 1.8 | |
Service/ | Measurement | Measurement | ||||||
Component1 | Performance Standard2 | Period3 | Assessment4 | Liquidated Damages | ||||
Contract Attachment B-1, RFP §7.3 Transition Phase Schedule | The HMO must be operational no later than the agreed upon Operations Start Date. HHSC, or its agent, will determine when the HMO is considered to be operational based on the requirements in Section 7 and 8 of Attachment B-1. | Operations Start Date | Each calendar day of non-compliance, per HMO Program, per Service Area (SA). | HHSC may assess up to $10,000 per calendar day for each day beyond the Operations Start date that the HMO is not operational until the day that the HMO is operational, including all systems. | ||||
Contract Attachment B-1, RFP §7.3.1 Transition Phase Tasks Contract Attachment B-1, RFP §8.1 General Scope |
Contract Attachment B-1 RFP § Systems Readiness Review | The HMO must submit to HHSC or to the designated Readiness Review Contractor the following plans for review, by December 14, 2005 for STAR and CHIP, and by July 31, 2006 for STAR+PLUS: | Transition Period | Each calendar day of non-compliance, per report, per HMO Program, and per SA. | HHSC may assess up to $1,000 per calendar day for each day a deliverable is late, inaccurate or incomplete. | ||||
Joint Interface Plan; | ||||||||
Disaster Recovery Plan; |
1 | Derived from the Contract or HHSCs Uniform Managed Care Manual. | |
2 | Standard specified in the Contract. Note: Where the due date states 30 days, the HMO is to provide the deliverable by the last day of the month following the end of the reporting period. Where the due date states 45 days, the HMO is to provide the deliverable by the 15th day of the second month following the end of the reporting period. | |
3 | Period during which HHSC will evaluate service for purposes of tailored remedies. | |
4 | Measure against which HHSC will apply remedies. |
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Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-5 Deliverables/Liquidated Damages Matrix | Version 1.8 | |
Service/ | Measurement | Measurement | ||||||
Component1 | Performance Standard2 | Period3 | Assessment4 | Liquidated Damages | ||||
Business Continuity Plan; | ||||||||
Risk Management Plan; and | ||||||||
Systems Quality Assurance Plan. |
Contract Attachment B-1 RFP § Operations Readiness | Final versions of the Provider Directory must be submitted to the Administrative Services Contractor no later than 95 days prior to the Operational Start Date for the CHIP, STAR, and STAR+PLUS HMOs, and no later than 30 days prior to the Operational Start Date for the CHIP Perinatal HMOs. | Transition Period | Each calendar day of non-compliance, per directory, per HMO Program and per SA. | HHSC may assess up to $1,000 per calendar day for each day the directory is late, inaccurate or incomplete. | ||||
Contract Attachment B-1 RFP §§ 6, 7, 8 and 9 Uniform Managed Care Manual | All reports and deliverables as specified in Sections 6, 7, 8 and 9 of Attachment B-1 must be submitted according to the timeframes and requirements stated in the Contract (including all attachments) and HHSCs Uniform Managed Care Manual. (Specific Reports or deliverables listed separately in this matrix are subject to the specified liquidated damages.) | Transition Period, Quarterly during Operations Period | Each calendar day of non-compliance, per HMO Program, per SA. | HHSC may assess up to $250 per calendar day if the report/deliverable is late, inaccurate, or incomplete. | ||||
Contract | The HMO may not engage in | Transition, | Per incident of non- | HHSC may assess up to $1,000 per |
1 | Derived from the Contract or HHSCs Uniform Managed Care Manual. | |
2 | Standard specified in the Contract. Note: Where the due date states 30 days, the HMO is to provide the deliverable by the last day of the month following the end of the reporting period. Where the due date states 45 days, the HMO is to provide the deliverable by the 15th day of the second month following the end of the reporting period. | |
3 | Period during which HHSC will evaluate service for purposes of tailored remedies. | |
4 | Measure against which HHSC will apply remedies. |
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Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-5 Deliverables/Liquidated Damages Matrix | Version 1.8 | |
Service/ | Measurement | Measurement | ||||||
Component1 | Performance Standard2 | Period3 | Assessment4 | Liquidated Damages | ||||
Attachment B-1 RFP §8.1.6 Marketing & Prohibited Practices Uniform Managed Care Manual | prohibited marketing practices. | Measured Quarterly during the Operations Period | compliance. | incident of non-compliance. | ||||
Contract Attachment B-1 RFP § Financial Reporting Requirements Uniform Managed Care Manual Chapter 5 | Financial Statistical Reports (FSR): For each SA, the HMO must file quarterly and annual FSRs. Quarterly reports are due no later than 30 days after the conclusion of each State Fiscal Quarter (SFQ). The first annual report is due no later than 120 days after the end of each Contract Year and the second annual report is due no later than 365 days after the end of each Contract Year. | Quarterly during the Operations Period | Per calendar day of non-compliance, per HMO Program, per SA. | HHSC may assess up to $1,000 per calendar day a quarterly or annual report is late, inaccurate or incomplete. | ||||
Contract Attachment B-1 RFP § Financial Reporting Requirements: | Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) Reports: The Medicaid HMO must submit, on an annual basis, preliminary and final DSH Reports. The Preliminary report is due no later than June 1st after each reporting year, and the | Measured during 4th Quarter of the Operations Period (6/1-8/31) | Per calendar day of non-compliance, per HMO Program, per SA. | HHSC may assess up to $1,000 per calendar day, per program, per service area, for each day the report is late, incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete. |
1 | Derived from the Contract or HHSCs Uniform Managed Care Manual. | |
2 | Standard specified in the Contract. Note: Where the due date states 30 days, the HMO is to provide the deliverable by the last day of the month following the end of the reporting period. Where the due date states 45 days, the HMO is to provide the deliverable by the 15th day of the second month following the end of the reporting period. | |
3 | Period during which HHSC will evaluate service for purposes of tailored remedies. | |
4 | Measure against which HHSC will apply remedies. |
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Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-5 Deliverables/Liquidated Damages Matrix | Version 1.8 | |
Service/ | Measurement | Measurement | ||||||
Component1 | Performance Standard2 | Period3 | Assessment4 | Liquidated Damages | ||||
Uniform Managed Care Manual Chapter 5 | final report is due no later than July 15th after each reporting year. This standard does not apply to CHIP HMOs. | |||||||
Contract Attachment B-1 RFP §8.1.18 Management Information System (MIS) Requirements | The HMOs MIS must be able to resume operations within 72 hours of employing its Disaster Recovery Plan. | Measured Quarterly during the Operations Period | Per calendar day of non-compliance, per HMO Program, per SA. | HHSC may assess up to $5,000 per calendar day of non-compliance | ||||
Contract Attachment B-1 RFP § Management Information System (MIS) Requirements: | The HMOs MIS system must meet all requirements in Section of Attachment B-1. | Measured Quarterly during the Operations Period | Per calendar day of non-compliance, per HMO Program, per SA. | HHSC may assess up to $5,000 per calendar day of non-compliance. | ||||
System-Wide Functions |
Contract Attachment B-1 RFP § Claims Processing Requirements | The HMO must adjudicate all provider Clean Claims within 30 days of receipt by the HMO.The HMO must pay providers interest at an 18% per annum, calculated daily for the full period in which the Clean | Measured Quarterly during the Operations Period | Per incident of non- compliance. | HHSC may assess up to $1,000 per claim if the HMO fails to timely pay interest. |
1 | Derived from the Contract or HHSCs Uniform Managed Care Manual. | |
2 | Standard specified in the Contract. Note: Where the due date states 30 days, the HMO is to provide the deliverable by the last day of the month following the end of the reporting period. Where the due date states 45 days, the HMO is to provide the deliverable by the 15th day of the second month following the end of the reporting period. | |
3 | Period during which HHSC will evaluate service for purposes of tailored remedies. | |
4 | Measure against which HHSC will apply remedies. |
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Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-5 Deliverables/Liquidated Damages Matrix | Version 1.8 | |
Service/ | Measurement | Measurement | ||||||
Component1 | Performance Standard2 | Period3 | Assessment4 | Liquidated Damages | ||||
Uniform Managed Care Manual Chapter 2 | Claim remains unadjudicated beyond the 30-day claims processing deadline. Interest owed the provider must be paid on the same date that the claim is adjudicated. |
Contract Attachment B-1 RFP § Claims Processing Requirements Uniform Managed Care Manual Chapter 2 | The HMO must comply with the claims processing requirements and standards as described in Section of Attachment B-1 and in Chapter 2 of the Uniform Managed Care Manual. | Measured Quarterly during the Operations Period | Per quarterly reporting period, per HMO Program, per Service Area, per claim type. | HHSC may assess liquidated damages of up to $5,000 for the first quarter that an HMOs Claims Performance percentages by claim type, by Program, and by service area, fall below the performance standards. HHSC may assess up to $25,000 per quarter for each additional quarter that the Claims Performance percentages by claim type, by Program, and by service area, fall below the performance standards. |
Contract Attachment B-1 RFP § Reporting Requirements Uniform Managed Care | Claims Summary Report: The HMO must submit quarterly, Claims Summary Reports to HHSC by HMO Program, by Service Area, and by claim type, by the 30th day following the reporting period unless otherwise specified. | Measured Quarterly during the Operations Period | Per calendar day of non-compliance, per HMO Program, per Service Area, per claim type. | HHSC may assess up to $1,000 per calendar day the report is late, inaccurate, or incomplete. |
1 | Derived from the Contract or HHSCs Uniform Managed Care Manual. | |
2 | Standard specified in the Contract. Note: Where the due date states 30 days, the HMO is to provide the deliverable by the last day of the month following the end of the reporting period. Where the due date states 45 days, the HMO is to provide the deliverable by the 15th day of the second month following the end of the reporting period. | |
3 | Period during which HHSC will evaluate service for purposes of tailored remedies. | |
4 | Measure against which HHSC will apply remedies. |
Page 7 of 10
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-5 Deliverables/Liquidated Damages Matrix | Version 1.8 | |
Service/ | Measurement | Measurement | ||||||
Component1 | Performance Standard2 | Period3 | Assessment4 | Liquidated Damages | ||||
Manual Chapters 2 and 5 | ||||||||
Contract Attachment B-1 RFP § Member Complaint and Appeal Process Contract Attachment B-1 RFP § Member Complaint Process Contract Attachment B-1 RFP §8.4.3 CHIP Member Complaint and Appeal Process | The HMO must resolve at least 98% of Member Complaints within 30 calendar days from the date the Complaint is received by the HMO. | Measured Quarterly during the Operations Period | Per reporting period, per HMO Program, per SA. | HHSC may assess up to $250 per reporting period if the HMO fails to meet the performance standard. |
Contract Attachment B-1 RFP §8.3.3 STAR+PLUS Assessment Instruments Uniform | The MDS-HC instrument must be completed and electronically submitted to HHSC in the specified format within 30 days of enrollment for every Member receiving Community-based Long-term Care Services, and then each year by the | Operations, Turnover | Per calendar day of non-compliance, per Service Area. | HHSC may assess up to $500 per calendar day per Service Area, for each day a report is late, inaccurate or incomplete. |
1 | Derived from the Contract or HHSCs Uniform Managed Care Manual. | |
2 | Standard specified in the Contract. Note: Where the due date states 30 days, the HMO is to provide the deliverable by the last day of the month following the end of the reporting period. Where the due date states 45 days, the HMO is to provide the deliverable by the 15th day of the second month following the end of the reporting period. | |
3 | Period during which HHSC will evaluate service for purposes of tailored remedies. | |
4 | Measure against which HHSC will apply remedies. |
Page 8 of 10
Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-5 Deliverables/Liquidated Damages Matrix | Version 1.8 | |
Service/ | Measurement | Measurement | ||||||
Component1 | Performance Standard2 | Period3 | Assessment4 | Liquidated Damages | ||||
Managed Care Manual | anniversary of the Members date of enrollment. | |||||||
Contract Attachment B-1 RFP § Member Complaint and Appeal Process Contract Attachment B-1 RFP § Medicaid Standard Member Appeal Process Contract Attachment B-1 RFP § 8.4.3 CHIP Member Complaint and Appeal Process | The HMO must resolve at least 98% of Member Appeals within 30 calendar days from the date the Appeal is filed with the HMO. | Measured Quarterly during the Operations Period | Per reporting period, per HMO Program, per SA. | HHSC may assess up to $500 per reporting period if the HMO fails to meet the performance standard. | ||||
Contract Attachment B-1 RFP §9.2 Transfer of Data | The HMO must transfer all data regarding the provision of Covered Services to Members to HHSC or a new HMO, at the sole discretion of HHSC and as directed by HHSC. All transferred data must comply with the Contract requirements, | Measured at Time of Transfer of Data and ongoing after the Transfer of Data until satisfactorily completed | Per incident of non-compliance (failure to provide data and/or failure to provide data in required format), per HMO Program, per SA. | HHSC may assess up to $10,000 per calendar day the data is late, inaccurate or incomplete. |
1 | Derived from the Contract or HHSCs Uniform Managed Care Manual. | |
2 | Standard specified in the Contract. Note: Where the due date states 30 days, the HMO is to provide the deliverable by the last day of the month following the end of the reporting period. Where the due date states 45 days, the HMO is to provide the deliverable by the 15th day of the second month following the end of the reporting period. | |
3 | Period during which HHSC will evaluate service for purposes of tailored remedies. | |
4 | Measure against which HHSC will apply remedies. |
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Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: Attachment B-5 Deliverables/Liquidated Damages Matrix | Version 1.8 | |
Service/ | Measurement | Measurement | ||||||
Component1 | Performance Standard2 | Period3 | Assessment4 | Liquidated Damages | ||||
including HIPAA. | ||||||||
Contract Attachment B-1 RFP §9.3 Turnover Services | Six months prior to the end of the contract period or any extension thereof, the HMO must propose a Turnover Plan covering the possible turnover of the records and information maintained to either the State (HHSC) or a successor HMO. | Measured at Six Months prior to the end of the contract period or any extension thereof and ongoing until satisfactorily completed | Each calendar day of non-compliance, per HMO Program, per SA. | HHSC may assess up to $1,000 per calendar day the Plan is late, inaccurate, or incomplete. | ||||
Contract Attachment B-1 RFP §9.4 Post-Turnover Services | The HMO must provide the State (HHSC) with a Turnover Results report documenting the completion and results of each step of the Turnover Plan 30 days after the Turnover of Operations. | Measured 30 days after the Turnover of Operations | Each calendar day of non-compliance, per HMO program, per SA. | HHSC may assess up to $250 per calendar day the report is late, inaccurate or incomplete. | ||||
Contract Attachment A HHSC Uniform Managed Care Contract Terms and Conditions, Section 4.08 Subcontractors | The HMO must notify HHSC in writing immediately upon making a decision to terminate a subcontract with a Material Subcontractor or upon receiving notification from the Material Subcontractor of its intent to terminate such subcontract. | Transition, Measured Quarterly during the Operations Period | Each calendar day of non-compliance, per HMO Program, per SA. | HHSC may assess up to $5,000 per calendar day of non-compliance. |
1 | Derived from the Contract or HHSCs Uniform Managed Care Manual. | |
2 | Standard specified in the Contract. Note: Where the due date states 30 days, the HMO is to provide the deliverable by the last day of the month following the end of the reporting period. Where the due date states 45 days, the HMO is to provide the deliverable by the 15th day of the second month following the end of the reporting period. | |
3 | Period during which HHSC will evaluate service for purposes of tailored remedies. | |
4 | Measure against which HHSC will apply remedies. |
Page 10 of 10

Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: HHSC Managed Care Contract | HHSC Contract No. #-00002-H | |
Part 2: Effective Date of Amendment: | Part 3: Contract Expiration Date: | Part 4: Operational Start Date: | ||
September 1, 2007 | August 31, 2008 | STAR and CHIP HMOs: September 1, 2006 | ||
STAR+PLUS HMOs: February 1, 2007 | ||||
CHIP Perinatal HMOs: January 1, 2007 |
HHSC: | HMO: | |
Cindy Jorgensen | Aileen McCormick | |
Director of Medicaid/CHIP Health Plan Operations | Amerigroup Texas, Inc. | |
11209 Metric Boulevard, Building H | 6700 West Loop South, Suite 200 | |
Austin, Texas 78758 | Bellaire, Texas 77401 | |
Phone: 512 ###-###-#### | Phone: 713 ###-###-#### | |
Fax: 512 ###-###-#### | Fax ###-###-#### | |
E-mail: ***@*** |
HHSC: | HMO: | |
General Counsel | Amerigroup Texas, Inc. | |
4900 North Lamar Boulevard, 4th Floor | 6700 West Loop South, Suite 200 | |
Austin, Texas 78751 | Bellaire, Texas 77401 | |
Fax: 512 ###-###-#### | Fax ###-###-#### |
Page 1 of 10

Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: HHSC Managed Care Contract | HHSC Contract No. #-00002-H | |
Service Areas: | o Bexar | o Lubbock | ||
þ Dallas | þ Nueces | |||
o El Paso | þ Tarrant | |||
þ Harris | þ Travis |
Service Areas: | þ Bexar | o Nueces | ||
þ Harris | þ Travis |
Core Service Areas: | o Bexar | þ Nueces | ||
þ Dallas | þ Tarrant | |||
o El Paso | o Travis | |||
þ Harris | o Webb | |||
o Lubbock | ||||
Optional Service Areas: | o Bexar | o Lubbock | ||
o El Paso | o Nueces | |||
o Harris | o Travis |
Page 2 of 10

Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: HHSC Managed Care Contract | HHSC Contract No. #-00002-H | |
Core Service Areas: | o Bexar | o Nueces | ||
o Dallas | þ Tarrant | |||
o El Paso | o Travis | |||
o Harris | o Webb | |||
o Lubbock | ||||
Optional Service Areas: | o Bexar | o Lubbock | ||
o El Paso | o Nueces | |||
o Harris | o Travis |
Rate Period 1 | ||||
Rate Cell | Capitation Rates | |||

Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: HHSC Managed Care Contract | HHSC Contract No. #-00002-H | |
Rate Period 2 | ||||
Rate Cell | Capitation Rates | |||
Rate Period 2 | ||||
Rate Cell | Capitation Rates | |||
Page 4 of 10

Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: HHSC Managed Care Contract | HHSC Contract No. #-00002-H | |
Rate Period 2 | ||||
Rate Cell | Capitation Rates | |||
Rate Period 2 | ||||
Rate Cell | Capitation Rates | |||
Page 5 of 10

Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: HHSC Managed Care Contract | HHSC Contract No. #-00002-H | |
Rate Period 2 | ||||
Rate Cell | Capitation Rates | |||
Rate Period 2 | ||||
Rate Cell | Capitation Rates | |||
Page 6 of 10

Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: HHSC Managed Care Contract | HHSC Contract No. #-00002-H | |
Rate Period 2 | ||||
Rate Cell | Capitation Rates | |||
Rate Period 1 | ||||
Rate Cell | Capitation Rates | |||
Page 7 of 10

Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: HHSC Managed Care Contract | HHSC Contract No. #-00002-H | |
Rate Period 2 | ||||
Rate Cell | Capitation Rates | |||
Page 8 of 10

Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: HHSC Managed Care Contract | HHSC Contract No. #-00002-H | |
Rate Period 2 | ||||
Rate Cell | Capitation Rates | |||
Page 9 of 10

Responsible Office: HHSC Office of General Counsel (OGC) | ||
Subject: HHSC Managed Care Contract | HHSC Contract No. #-00002-H | |
Texas Health and Human Services Commission | Amerigroup Texas, Inc. | |||||
/s/ Aileen McCormick | ||||||
Charles E. Bell, M.D. | By: Aileen McCormick | |||||
Deputy Executive Commissioner for Health Services | Title: President and CEO | |||||
Date: ____________ | Date: 8/21/07 |
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