Modification Addendum to the Business Manager Agreement between Fulton Technologies, Inc., and Vast Bank, N.A., executed March 17, 2022
Contract Categories:
Business Finance
- Modification Agreements
EX-10.6 7 fultonbusinessmanageradden.htm EX-10.6 Document

DocuSign Envelope ID: A42C0F3C-9D05-4223-B7E1-67A411449A11
Upon signature by both parties, the BusinessManager Agreement with Businesses and Professionals entered into as of the 16th day of March, 2022, by and between Vast Bank N.A. (the Financial Institution”) and Fulton Technologies Inc Dish Only (the “Business”) shall hereby be modified to provide the following:
Section 2.1.4 Assignment and Sale shall be deleted and replaced with the following:
The total outstanding Face Amount of Purchased Accounts by Financial Institution will never exceed $6,500,000.00, unless agreed to by Financial Institution which decision will be in Financial Institution’s Business Judgment.
This Modification Addendum shall be effective as of the 16th day of March, 2022.
All other terms and provisions of the BusinessManager Agreement with Businesses and Professionals shall remain in full force and effect.
Financial Institution Business

_Vice President _President
Title Title
3/17/2022 3/17/2022
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