UNITED AIRLINES, INC. Uncategorized Contracts & Agreements
46 Contracts & Agreements
- Description of Benefits for Officers of United Airlines Holdings, Inc. and United Airlines, Inc (Filed With SEC on February 25, 2020)
- United Airlines Holdings, Inc. Profit Sharing Plan (amended and restated effective January 1, 2019) (Filed With SEC on February 25, 2020)
- Description of the Registrant's Securities Registered Pursuant to Section 12 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Filed With SEC on February 25, 2020)
- United Air Lines, Inc. Management Cash Direct & Cash Match Program (amended and restated effective January 1, 2016) (Filed With SEC on February 28, 2019)
- Exhibit 1.1EXECUTION VERSION (Filed With SEC on June 15, 2016)
- AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO INTERCREDITOR AGREEMENT (2012-2) (Filed With SEC on January 3, 2013)
- AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO INTERCREDITOR AGREEMENT (2012-1) (Filed With SEC on January 3, 2013)
- CONTINENTAL AIRLINES, INC. (Filed With SEC on October 9, 2012)
- CONFIDENTIAL:Subject to Restrictions on DisseminationSet Forth in Section7 of this Agreement (Filed With SEC on March 28, 2012)
- CONFIDENTIAL:Subject to Restrictions on DisseminationSet Forth in Section7 of this Agreement (Filed With SEC on December 6, 2010)
- FIRST AMENDMENT TO CONTINENTAL AIRLINES, INC. PROFIT SHARING PLAN (As adopted on February 17, 2010) (Filed With SEC on October 21, 2010)
- CONTINENTAL AIRLINES, INC. (Filed With SEC on August 20, 2010)
- ThirdAmendment to the Second Amended and Restated CapacityPurchase Agreement (Filed With SEC on February 17, 2010)
- SupplementalAgreement No. 18 to PurchaseAgreement No. 2061 between TheBoeing Company and ContinentalAirlines, Inc. Relatingto Boeing Model 777 Aircraft (Filed With SEC on February 17, 2010)
- SupplementalAgreement No. 53 to PurchaseAgreement No. 1951 Between TheBoeing Company and ContinentalAirlines, Inc. Relatingto Boeing Model 737 Aircraft (Filed With SEC on February 17, 2010)
- ExhibitA (Filed With SEC on February 17, 2010)
- CONTINENTALAIRLINES, INC. PROFITSHARING PLAN (Asadopted on February 17, 2010) CONTINENTALAIRLINES, INC. PROFITSHARING PLAN (Asadopted on February 17, 2010) ARTICLEI DEFINITIONS (Filed With SEC on February 17, 2010)
- CONTINENTALAIRLINES, INC. INCENTIVEPLAN 2010 (asamended and restated through February 17, 2010) 1.PURPOSE (Filed With SEC on February 17, 2010)
- Continental Airlines, Inc. (Filed With SEC on December 10, 2009)
- CONFIDENTIAL:Subject to Restrictions onDisseminationSet Forth in Section7 of this Agreement (Filed With SEC on November 12, 2009)
- INTERCREDITOR AGREEMENT (Filed With SEC on November 12, 2009)
- CONTINENTAL AIRLINES, INC. (Filed With SEC on November 12, 2009)
- SupplementalAgreement No. 17 to PurchaseAgreement No. 2061 between TheBoeing Company and ContinentalAirlines, Inc. Relatingto Boeing Model 777 Aircraft (Filed With SEC on October 21, 2009)
- SupplementalAgreement No. 52 to PurchaseAgreement No. 1951 Between TheBoeing Company and ContinentalAirlines, Inc. Relatingto Boeing Model 737 Aircraft (Filed With SEC on October 21, 2009)
- SupplementalAgreement No. 51 to PurchaseAgreement No. 1951 Between TheBoeing Company and ContinentalAirlines, Inc. Relatingto Boeing Model 737 Aircraft (Filed With SEC on October 21, 2009)
- SupplementalAgreement No. 50 to PurchaseAgreement No. 1951 Between TheBoeing Company and ContinentalAirlines, Inc. Relatingto Boeing Model 737 Aircraft (Filed With SEC on October 21, 2009)
- [CONTINENTALAIRLINES, INC. LETTERHEAD] (Filed With SEC on October 21, 2009)
- Continental Airlines, Inc. (Filed With SEC on August 10, 2009)
- SupplementalAgreement No. 16 to PurchaseAgreement No. 2061 between TheBoeing Company and ContinentalAirlines, Inc. Relatingto Boeing Model 777 Aircraft (Filed With SEC on July 21, 2009)
- SupplementalAgreement No. 15 to PurchaseAgreement No. 2061 between TheBoeing Company and ContinentalAirlines, Inc. Relatingto Boeing Model 777 Aircraft (Filed With SEC on July 21, 2009)
- SupplementalAgreement No. 49 to PurchaseAgreement No. 1951 Between TheBoeing Company and ContinentalAirlines, Inc. Relatingto Boeing Model 737 Aircraft (Filed With SEC on July 21, 2009)
- SupplementalAgreement No. 48 to PurchaseAgreement No. 1951 Between TheBoeing Company and ContinentalAirlines, Inc. Relatingto Boeing Model 737 Aircraft (Filed With SEC on July 21, 2009)
- DEPOSITAGREEMENT (ClassA) Dated asof July 1, 2009 between WELLSFARGO BANK NORTHWEST, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION as EscrowAgent and THE BANKOF NEW YORK MELLON asDepositary TABLE... (Filed With SEC on July 2, 2009)
- REVOLVINGCREDIT AGREEMENT (Filed With SEC on July 2, 2009)
- CONTINENTALAIRLINES, INC. $389,687,000 ContinentalAirlines Pass Through Certificates, Series2009-1A-O UNDERWRITINGAGREEMENT (Filed With SEC on July 2, 2009)
- Appendix 1 to Schedule3 (Filed With SEC on February 19, 2009)
- SupplementalAgreement No. 6 to PurchaseAgreement No. 2484 between TheBoeing Company and ContinentalAirlines, Inc. Relatingto Boeing Model 787 Aircraft (Filed With SEC on February 19, 2009)
- SupplementalAgreement No. 47 to PurchaseAgreement No. 1951 Between TheBoeing Company and ContinentalAirlines, Inc. Relatingto Boeing Model 737 Aircraft (Filed With SEC on February 19, 2009)