SCHLOTZSKYS INC Uncategorized Contracts & Agreements
9 Contracts & Agreements
- Final Plan of Liquidation (Filed With SEC on April 13, 2006)
- Change in Terms Agreement (Filed With SEC on March 30, 2004)
- Restructuring Agreement (Filed With SEC on March 30, 2004)
- Change in Terms Agreement (Filed With SEC on March 30, 2004)
- Change in Terms Agreement (Filed With SEC on March 30, 2004)
- PROMISSORYNOTE (Filed With SEC on November 14, 2003)
- EQUIPMENT FINANCE AGREEMENT (Filed With SEC on August 14, 2003)
- SECURITYAGREEMENT (Filed With SEC on May 15, 2003)
- I includes each borrower above, jointly and (Filed With SEC on May 15, 2003)